2387 -
Quote:I've been feeling the same way about a lot of the Tip missions I've been running into, especially in the late 20's/low 30's, back on Primal Earth. If I wanted to fight three bosses at once (1 boss summons 2 bosses as an ambush at 3/4 HP) then I would have cranked up my difficulty first.I have no objection to this level of difficulty being avaliable, if people want to crank it up; I just don't think that what we're seeing now should be the DEFAULT.
The problem is when you take away that choice and make everything harder.
This and the lack of many other things that Praetoria should have already had on launch is why I have yet to make a Praetorian since GR went live. Fortunately I have so many new things to do with so many existing toons in the meantime.
I already know from my long stint in beta that I'll have to roll a Brute in Praetoria if I don't want to be pulling my hair out every other mission. -
Flambeaux has sparked a different reaction from me.
Before i18 she was just a Mayhem mission hero who only showed up in levels 5-10 along with Polar Shift and No Mind, she had zero personality then. Which is why when Dr. Aeon gave the MA community his 2nd challenge, which included the rule for it to be set in the first 10 levels of the game, I decided to make a villainous arc where you get to do some mean things to Flambeaux and Polar Shift.
Now because of their blank slate nature I had to create some personalities for these two heroines. Ultimately the arc lost the contest and didn't get a Dev Choice, but imagine my surprise when I first played GR and got tip after tip with Flambeaux and saw how very much her personality resembles that which she had in my AE arc. Polar Shift isn't far off either in her tip appearances so far.
The arc is titled "Unfair Trade" and is still published if you want to see for yourselves. -
I one character I wanted to move still cannot get his name on my chosen server, so no move.
People keep talking about how a better search engine will make cleaning out the garbage unnecessary, but never have any good explanations for how this improved search will do so.
Allow us to search by specific date? That only works if you know when much of the farming stopped.
Allow us to specify actual level ranges? Only works if it ignores the 1-54 arcs.
Implementing just a better search without removing the dreck is like telling a person "You just need to find the needles in this haystack, here's a small magnet that might help." -
Quote:Circle of Thorns maps are pretty much as Temple of Doom as you can get.2) Which maps can I use that will start in a temple, or inside a temple building?
Quote:3) Which foes are best related and will fit more with a Kheldian theme?
Quote:4) On last nights quest I created a boss and minions, the boss was supposed to pop toward the end but he was the first foe we encounter, then after we killed him and continued on he was everywhere alongside his minions - once we killed everyone and found the artifact I expected a surprise attack but it never happened and instead the mission was finished. I'm not sure what I did wrong here?
As for surprise attacks, Ambushes cannot be used as end of mission criteria. You cannot make it required for you to kill an ambush.
What you could do instead is make the special boss spawn in the back room where you had your glowie and make him required to defeat. In the Boss detail settings you'll find an option to set when he will appear, choose when that glowie goal is completed.
Quote:5) The mission contact was supposed to be a good guy but instead the evil boss I made showed up as first contact?
It is possible to have friendlies inside the mission, the usual way is to use Allies, Escorts or Captives. You can set a boss to be friendly, but if he is not alone in that room he'll attack any enemies who happened to spawn close to his position and therefore say all his dialog before you get to meet him.
Quote:These are all probably rooky mistakes and laughable but any tips or suggestions will be appreciated. -
Quote:Your mileage may vary. I'm never fooled by recolored mobs myself and immediately just think "Oh, 5th Column wearing blue uniforms. How creative." /sarcasm_offNote that recoloring will work to add variety to dev created mobs. If you want to make Longbow more interesting, create a custom faction also called Longbow, and recolor a few Council lieutenants to fit with their color scheme and add variety to that class of spawn. I seldom if ever use dev created factions as is, and frequently resort to renaming and recoloring them.
Quote:I wonder if 2 minions/3 lieutenants/1 boss is just as good. Minions are supposed to be cannon fodder while LTs give you the option for more unique tactics with the likelihood they'll survive long enough to use them.
However don't just make 1 boss. That may be fine for solo on a short arc but in a longer arc (or with a team) seeing the same boss over and over gets old. 3 minions/2 LTs/1 Boss is a ratio, not the total number of enemies.
I feel the same, as it is there is little reason to even bother with EBs. They don't give much more XP than bosses (if any more at all) for the extra hitpoints they carry and they are still stupidly vulnerable to cheap tricks like knockback. An EB will hardly take a team much more time than a boss would have either, while at the same time annoying a soloer who has to do more work while not getting a much larger reward. -
We did have some Resistance maps in early beta, but there were taken out. I heard i19 is when we'll get them maps back as well as get the new groups.
Speech bubbles are bugged in general right now, often the lines are coming out of order. I noticed this when testing some changes on one of my AE arcs and then saw it happening often in tips and papers as well.
Dark Astoria has badly needed some love for years now.
Here's another idea that keeps coming up repeatedly in MA community discussions: remove the arc slot limit.
There are a lot of good authors out there who are simply strangled by the 8 arc slot limit and with the unlikelihood of reaching HoF or getting a Dev Choice they get stuck fast. In any content system much of the best stuff will be produced by a minority of the authors, so why are we putting such a limit on their output? Most of them have a lot more stories than arc slots, and it's often painful for us to have to retire old arcs (and throw away it's hard-earned ratings) if we ever want to put up a new story.
If the Devs want to continue to charge us for extra slots, so be it. Why is it that we can buy so many extra character slots but only 5 extra arc slots? I really doubt that AE arcs somehow require much more storage space on the servers than entire characters do.
I just know that I've had to throw away a lot of arc ideas because of "why write it if I can't publish it anyway?" It's also the reason I only write long and very long arcs, with so few slots publishing a short arc feels like I'm wasting that slot. -
I can think of a simple criteria that will clear out a lot of the really old crap. Many of the arcs were made back in issue 14, before the WIP/LFF/Final flags were added and as such all arcs were flagged as "Work in Progress" by default. Let's do a pass of all arcs published between the start of issue 14 and some time during issue 15 that are still flagged "Work in Progress" and send the authors an email that if they don't reflag their arc within X days it will be deleted from the system.
Those who really care about their arcs will fix them up and reflag them. Those who do not get their arcs deleted. Arcs do require some maintenance with every issue, the broken arcs and abandoned farms should not be considered immune to pruning if the authors cannot bother to take care of them.
Now some more advanced criteria will be needed for clearing out other arcs, but this would be a good start and clean out a massive percentage of them. -
I can think of a few things off the top of my head.
1) The Devs need to make players more aware of things like the patch that nerfed all XP just for friendlies being in the map is gone. How many people even know about the Designated Helper system and the XP being restored? That nerf was a huge blow to an already ailing part of the game.
2) How long has it been since we had ANY new Dev Choices? Are we even having an Architects Awards this year either?
3) The Devs need to look into revising the Hall of Fame requirements. Right now it is close to impossible to achieve that status despite having many arcs that could easily be worthy of the title but at the current rate of plays would take years to gain 1000 5-star ratings.
4) Revise the ratings system so that ratings below 5-stars are not so heavily weighted. Right now it is much easier to downrate an arc into oblivion than it is to promote it up towards Hall of Fame. Also on that note, change the rating system to require the player to complete a certain percentage of the arc before submitting a rating. That would kill a lot of ratings griefing if they cannot simply start the arc, quit, 1-star, and move on.
5) Clear the cruft! Farmers don't clean up after themselves and there are also a lot of old busted pre-issue 15 arcs just clogging up the search results. It doesn't encourage players to keep searching for interesting arcs when the random button gives them 10 farms in a row. -
Not me, but I haven't been keeping very close count lately.
I'm more surprised that I actually got some new ratings on GR's launch. -
Quote:To see manly men perform many great acts of manliness?Semi-serious question: is there any reason whatsoever a woman would want to see this movie? The testosterone in this thread's a bit over-powering at the moment.
Oh I know, there's that scene where Mickey Rourke's character tells a sad story and sheds some manly tears when only the audience can see his face. -
Quote:My only problem with Psi Mastery is that it looks like it has a huge "nerf me" bullseye on it just because of Indomitable Will.pfft,
Psy mastery,
Alternate MOB and DOMINATION for perma mez prot w/o the hassles of perma-dom.
Any numbers on Link Mind?
The numbers on Link Minds are low enough for it not to be imbalancing IMO. -
I still hate Warren Spector for ruining the Deus Ex franchise forever.
He does have one good point though: newer games are getting way too dependent on setpieces and scripted events. Singularity was a big offender where the entire game was on some very obvious rails and there is little point in replaying as you know everything will unfold the same way every time.
On the other hand I don't really want more sandbox games where the main quest is easily ignored and you can quickly get caught up in sidequest after sidequest, assuming that the game even gives you an hint as to where you should be going or trying to achieve. -
The Expendables did something that no other action film has managed to do in years: make me feel like a little kid again.
Quote:The only recurring theme I see here is that the Scott Pilgrim crowd insists that by liking that movie they are somehow much more smarter than those who preferred The Expendables. It's just another case of a group complaining about people not liking their favorite movie.Wait, let me get this straight. This seems to be a recurring theme for the Scott Pilgrim crowd here.
I've gone through a lot of Tech Labs today and have yet to see this new front door spawn in any of them. Haven't seen it in Warehouse, Office, Arachnos, 5th Column, or Oranbega maps either.
New Arc Published!
Arc ID: 440157
Arc Title: A Fistful of Suziku
Factions:Nemesis, Freakshow, Arachnos, Nagans
Morality: Heroic
Length: 5 Missions
Level Range: 40-54
Description: While investigating a Nemesis plot to create new automatons leads to you ending up with a mad duplicate of yourself running wild. Things get even worse when your contact ends up being run through the copier herself, and discovers a nasty side-effect of the process. (Follows arc #347029, "Breaking The Barrier (And Putting It Back Together)")
This arc has taken the slot previously occupied by "The St. Martial Shuffle", which has been retired. -
I'm quickly fixing up my arcs for issue 18.
Changes made to "The Curse of the Emerald Parakeet":
* Fixed the glowie locations in the 3rd mission.
Changes made to "The Amulet of J'gara":
* None Needed
Changes made to "All Consuming":
* Fixed glowie locations in missions 2, 3, and 4.
* Reduced spawn congestion in mission 3.
* Added one captive and two ally Legacy Chain to the back room.
Changes made to "Unfair Trade":
* Fixed glowie locations in mission 2 and 4.
Changes made to "Of Futures Past":
* Fixed glowie locations in missions 1 and 3.
* Fixed some ally locations in mission 1.
* Added a second type of Shocktrooper (Mace/Shield).
* Added capes to the Field Engineer and Ubermensh enemies.
Changes made to "Breaking the Barrier (And Putting it Back Together)":
* Fixed glowie locations in missions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Changes made to "The Portal Bandits":
* Fixed glowie locations in missions 2, 3, and 4.
Changes made to Nagan Hegemony group:
* Nagan Incinerator demoted from lieutenant to minion and changed to be purely offensive Fire Assault/Fire Melee.
* Nagan Botanist added to LTs (Plant Control/Dual Blades). -
Might as well fix them today since issue 18 is going live a day before Going Rogue is.