2387 -
Quote:Ouch! You should have just posted it as a link instead of it as an image. As least then the browser can control the size if it's in a separate tab/window.This might break the forum, but what the heck. It's both funny and insightful...two great tastes that taste great together.
Quote:yeah. its so stupidly absurdest, that it sticks with you. she really has no powers, just talks in a stilted fake german accent and has the mustache and a vaguely reminiscent haircut. its like a lot of the show, it makes so little sense that its hysterical. -
Quote:That's the best part of the whole commercial.I wish I could shrink a giraffe !
Solo I'm more willing to take the gamble on new arcs, even random ones.
If I'm leading a team and trying to show them good stuff in AE then I'll always fall back on my short-list of proven arcs. -
Quote:Which will only last as long as you are still around. If you ever die it won't be long before people find reasons to turn on each other again. The Ozymandias Plan is doomed from the beginning.Perhaps being a Superman class villain wouldn't be the end all bad thing we are making it out to be. After all, if you can become the thing that Humanity hates, then Humanity will have to join together to defeat you! Perhaps your villainy will spark a golden age of peace in the world.
Hey, it was good enough for Patrick Stewart. -
Quote:Depending on where the grammatical errors are I may be likely to leave them in, especially if it's Nagan dialog. Remember that Suzi and company are not native English speakers and bound to say weird things from time to time.I noticed a couple of typos, and a few sentences with awkward wording – that’s to be expected in a relatively new arc. I’ve mentioned them above where I noticed them.
Quote:The Arachnos dialog, while funny, seemed a little out of place. Yes, the arc’s got a tongue in cheek tone, but Arachnos was a little too tongue in cheek for my taste (insert standard disclaimer about all my feedback in inherently subjective and this isn’t a suggestion to change anything, just an honest mention of my impressions). Oddly, though, Dr. Aeon seemed right on the money to me, though.- You should have noticed that oddly all the Arachnos (aside from the Technician) were only Bane and Crab spiders. No Mu, Fortunatas, Widows, etc..
- You should have noticed that their enemy group was "Arachnos Impostors".
- You should have noticed that until Aeon is freed, none of the Arachnos are hostile to Nemesis. However some of the battles that spawn after he is freed occur out of sight and you might not have seen the dialog from Arachnos saying things like "Accepting new programming...FOR DR. AEON!!" and the Nemesis troops going "oh crap."
- Dr. Aeon's unaware text while he is captured is "Nemesis Automatons? In my base? IMPOSSIBLE!" for a very good reason.
- All of the weird Arachnos dialog is lifted word for word from a Black Scorpion mission where you visit an Arachnos base and all the Bane Spiders are actually Automatons.
Yep, Dr. Aeon was so wrapped up in his project that he never noticed that his minions had been replaced by androids. Typical mad scientist.
Quote:In the interest of “you wanted feedback, so if it crossed my mind, I’ll mention it” – putting Suziku through the duplicator didn’t really strike me as vital to the story (although without it, the title doesn’t make any sense). Of course, it sure did make the story that much funnier – I mentioned Suziku is a very well done character, right? So no way it should be removed from the story, but anything that would give a stronger justification wouldn’t hurt. I want to make it clear that this is very much an “in passing” suggestion. Don’t waste time trying to think of ways to give the Suziku copies a stronger reason to exist in the story. All I’m saying is that if something pops into your head that would have that effect, it makes an already great arc even better.
Oh yeah, and Nemesis did get some parts in the meantime while the Suzi Squad was getting the Duplicator back up and running. I thought it had been clearly stated between missions 3 and 4 that Suzi had removed enough parts that it crippled the machine and Nemesis only discovered this after mission 3, which is why the pay Aeon a visit in mission 4. You each need parts but you need different parts to complete the machine, plus Suzi needs the plans to figure out how to reverse the machine. Unfortunately the briefings are already very packed with info and at the character limits, so it's hard to fit in any extra clarification.
Quote:Although a “Nagan” arc, it makes very little use of the Nagans as foes, instead focusing on the Nemesis Army, Arachnos, and the Freakshow. It’s really, IMO, a great decision. The Nagans are a very well designed custom group, are challenging, and if you really want to face off against them, you’ve got two other arcs to choose from (really three, if you count their cameo in ‘McGuffin.’ And there may be more.). So it’s a nice change of pace to have a Nagan arc where they’re a part of the story (always a plus, given how well-written they are) but they’re not your foes.- They are the main antagonists in "The Portal Bandits".
- They appear in one mission as allies in "Of Futures Past", which is a gaiden arc running parallel to "The Portal Bandits".
- They are initially antagonists and then later allies in "Breaking the Barrier (And Putting it Back Together)".
- They play a mostly supporting role in "A Fistful of Suziku".
- They were the final antagonists in "A Show of Hands" but that arc has since been unpublished and it's slot given over to "A Fistful of Suziku".
Because we all know that throughout history nobody in anywhere but America has had evil ambitions.
Quote:Stop stealing my ideas!I kinda like the anti-hero role >.> sure I'll go beat up the villains in the world, but I'll come back home and give the President a Stone Cold Stunner, drink some beer, flip him off, and drunkenly roll out of the White House and go beat up more bad guys, wash, rinse, repeat
Changes made to "A Fistful of Suziku":
* Overhauled mission 4, I was never quite happy with that mission.
** Removed Critical Mass.
** Removed the Missing Component glowies.
** Changed Arachnos Automatons to be only Bane and Crab spiders.
** Added some Nemesis.
** Dr. Aeon now sends ambushes at you throughout the mission.
** Added the option to call in 2 allies for backup against Nemesis troops and Dr. Aeon.
* Duplicate in mission 5 no longer has random powers. It was sometimes leading to fights that were no fun at all.
* Added Nemesis ambush at 1/4 Duplicate health in mission 5. -
I will say that I'm pleased to see the Aeon Challenge advertised in the email about this Reactivation Weekend. If I recall the last two challenges didn't even get that much promotion.
Why aren't Electric Control and Kinetic Attack in that list? What's the big hold-up with those two sets when we managed to get Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning the day they each went live?
Well when you look at the two missions that he appears in, only in the Winter one is he an EB all the time. In the Valentines one he goes LT -> Boss -> EB.
So if you consider that he is not at the same power level all of the time then taking a Fiend (boss) and naming him Snaptooth is not really much of a stretch as there is already precedent for it. -
Think about these things:- You don't have to unpublish an arc to make major changes. Yes it is annoying to do major edits to live arcs but I have done serious overhauls to several of my arcs while they were still published, even going as far as adding/deleting entire missions in the process.
- Nowhere does it say (and feel free to prove me wrong) that Aeon's challenge requires the submission to be a new arc written and published after his announcement.
- If you don't win then you'll just regret throwing away all those ratings.
I'm surprised that "Unfair Trade" (#373846) is still missing from this list. If you didn't like the original incarnation it's gone through a lot of improvements since then.
Well the Devs don't count buffbots as helpers. It was either this or the previous "solution" of having all allies on the map count as a XP deduction regardless of their function. The Designated Helper allows us to keep most of the XP while simultaneously killing off the farmers in a way that doesn't kill all the non-farming arcs.
Quote:Yes, read about that first and then if haven't figured out your problem come back and ask some more specific questions.Read about the designated helper first.
Oh thanks, and I had actually managed to forget that they were rebooting Spider-Man already.
I thought you were further along. Did you skip past "The Amulet of J'gara" (Lvl 25-30)?
Quote:The actual estimates for this planet range from 1.1 to 1.7Gs. Remember that gravity is not merely a function of respective masses, but also of distance. The density of the planet is going to have a big effect on the gravity; that is why our Moon as 1/6 the gravity of the Earth, it is 1/4 the diameter of the Earth but has only 1/81 of the mass.Well since they say this new planet is 3x or 4x as massive as Earth if a human-like critter did evolve there they'd be used to a much higher gravity environment than Earth's. My guess is if they were to come to Earth at the very least they could hop around pretty high the same way we can when we go to the Moon. Maybe not exactly Super Jump, but certainly more super than us.
Also the planet's surface temperature is estimated to be around 244 Kelvin, or about -29 Celsius. Even in the twilight band it's gonna be a snowball world and the temperature differential between the light and dark sides will cause continuous strong winds.
Quote:Then you just need some tech to make a brake so you don't have to start decelerating half way there
Quote:Okay this virus talk always gets my goat. It usually indicates the person doesn't understand biology or nature in general. Humans are not like a virus. Virus need other cells to reproduce and can't reproduce on their own. That’s it. That’s the only difference between a virus and EVERYTHING else. We behave no different than any other organism. Given the chance, every other creature from a gorilla to the most simple e.coli will use up all the resources it can get its hands, paws, claws, tentacles, pseduopods or flagella on. -
Changes made to "Unfair Trade":
* Extra clues about Polar Shift and Flambeaux added to mission 2.
* Redesigned mission 4: changed Krylov from an escort to a simple rescue, changed primary objective to destroying the lab equipment as well as wiping out the data so that Longbow cannot use it as evidence, removed ambushes from mission, rewrote dialog for Polar Shift and Flambeaux.
* Rewrote arc description.
* Completely rewrote arc souvenir. -
Quote:That facepalming avatar couldn't be more appropriate than it is right now.That's because you're anti-SG and anti-base Sam, trust me, you're not the norm.
You choose not to use a game system? That's fine. However look at the thread title.
As you said, you've been here years. If you'd chosen to, you could have learned about them easily. You're a smart guy. However you chosing not to use it for reasons of your own doesn't detract a whit from their usefulness. Just puts this on the list of things you're willfully ignorant of. -
Basically "Complex Mechanics" means that the mission is more complicated than your average pre-Going Rogue mission. If you missions consist of single objectives like "Get the glowie" or "Defeat McBossName" like a paper mission would then you don't have complex mechanics.
If you have objectives that change midway through the mission then you probably qualify for Complex Mechanics. An example of this would be your typical "trap" mission, where you get to the objective in an empty map only to have to trigger a bunch of enemies between you and the door or another objective further inside the map (and a bunch of enemies between you and it).
Chained glowies would also be another example. Something like "Get Spellbook" leads to "3 Spell Components to Collect" which then leads to "Place Items in Cauldron" and then finally "Speak the Incantation at the Altar" would very much so count. However these sort of things can get annoying if they go on for too long, so using it more than once in a single arc can be tiring.