



Is this a bug or not? Let's say you create an AE mission with 2 Allies in them. They are both set to follow and be aggressive. You rescue the first one, they do as expected, they follow and assist you by being aggressve. But if you rescue the second one, it only follows and does nothing else but follow you, it becomes very passive.

I've tried this by rescuing the second one then the first one. It's always the same, whichever you rescue first becomes aggressive and the second just follows no matter what settings you have on it.

So is this a bug or WAI?



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Read about the designated helper first.
Yes, read about that first and then if haven't figured out your problem come back and ask some more specific questions.



Yes, they are configured as helpers and not steal XP by using attack powers. Well this sucks!!!



Originally Posted by Marsha_Mallow View Post
Yes, they are configured as helpers and not steal XP by using attack powers. Well this sucks!!!
Well the Devs don't count buffbots as helpers. It was either this or the previous "solution" of having all allies on the map count as a XP deduction regardless of their function. The Designated Helper allows us to keep most of the XP while simultaneously killing off the farmers in a way that doesn't kill all the non-farming arcs.