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  1. Cool, I get a chance to fix my older arcs and launch the new one today before the real madness begins.

    If only the free respec token came out tomorrow instead though.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    I did not know there was an "Empty" option, silly me!

    I may be trying to add more patrols and the like (because the real point of the arc is to see all the created critters and get funny dialogue for them), in which case, "Empty" might help a lot.
    You'll find Empty in the Enemy Groups list. Also you can use the Empty group as the group surrounding a Boss to make it spawn by itself and without bodyguards. However this is a bit bugged as it only works correctly if the default group for the mission is set to Empty as well.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
    Make sure you're going to:

    instead of

    The DNS redirect doesn't seem to be perfect and the latter will constantly log you out of the forums while the former does not. Well, at least this is what worked for me.
    Nope, I've been using the 1st url this entire time. Never used that 2nd one ever.

    Just got kicked out again. Windows 7, IE8 and Firefox.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Ahh, but I wanted to keep the separate group tags. If I wanted a mission with both Council and 5th Column, I might still want them to have their own existing group tags.
    From your original post it sounded that you wanted the exact opposite: to have three groups operating under the same name. Instead you want to keep them separate but in the same mission.

    To do this you just need to use hand-placed details likes Bosses, Battles, Patrols, Defendables, Destructibles, etc... When you specify a group for the map that is only the default group that fills spawns that you haven't overwritten with details.

    You can also use the Empty option on the map and then fill the spawn points by hand using the above method. That is what I do to avoid the common issue of Tech Lab maps becoming overcrowded with stacking enemy spawns.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
    Winner is announced:

    Geek lost to Stallone and Manliness.
    Hell Scott Pilgrim didn't even beat Inception, which is in it's 5th weekend now.

    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Please tell me in the wealth of reviews via critics and people here were you are getting that idea from? Hell, SP has a thread here with more posts in it and even on PU there is no Expendables thread while there is a SP one. Granted, being well written isn't the point of Expendables, but at least it's one thing I can say about SP that you can't for Expendables. Hell, even in the first review here the person described Expendables as being "....weird."
    Ok, so some people who play CoH are posting a lot about Scott Pilgrim. I'd still bet money that a lot more players went to see The Expendables and just aren't being so vocal about it, especially as people tend to post more to complain about a film than about how much they liked it. Personally, I don't think I'll be missing much if I never see Scott Pilgrim, the trailer didn't get my attention much either. On the other hand I probably would have seen The Expendables even if it didn't have such a star-studded cast, although that cast certainly closed the deal.
  6. Lazarus

    The Expendables

    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    That BFG is probably the most awesome shotgun ever, an AA12 - I first saw it on future weapons and was like holy crap! IIRC on the show, they said it was capable of 300 rounds a minute - AA12 trivia: The Iraqi's were so scrared of the AA12, they tried to have it banned from use.
    And Terry Crews put it to much better effect in this movie than Brody did in Predators (where it pretty much killed nothing!) I was just waiting for him to show up with it and knew what was coming when the guys got pinned down in that dead end tunnel.

    I was surprised to see the characters actually reloading their weapons as well. Sly was going through magazines like crazy, although he was still getting way too many shots out of those 1911's than you really could.

    I did wish there wasn't so much CGI though, some of it was so obviously fake and some just stupid like the visible laser beams in the cargo hold. If it weren't for that stuff this movie would look just like any 80's action film, which is what it feels like it's trying to invoke.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
    This is an overall improvement in being able to run MA arcs and actually get rewards out of it.
    Which is very much necessary if the Devs, and the authors as well, want anyone to actually play MA arcs.

    For every author who makes SG-only vanity arcs there are at least a hundred* who make arcs that they'd like everyone to play and enjoy. This change makes things much easier for them.

    *Ratio provided by Department of Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.
  8. The profanity filter is rather retarded. For example, I cannot use the word "facial" to mean "facial expression" because the editor assumes that I'm writing about something dirty.

    Edit: And yet that same word is allowed on the forums. Go figure.
  9. This snuck in with one of the previous patches, which do have some bits of GR content hidden within them but not activated yet.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Say I have three custom groups, <Custom Group A>, <Custom Group B>, and <Custom Group C>.

    1. Can I have both A and B show up as random spawns in the same map, without having their group name changed to <All Custom Groups>, so the A and B groups still look like themselves?

    2. Can I have ONLY A and B show up, but not C?

    Right now, I haven't found something other than <All Custom Groups>, so my dream of a map with various mobs formed from each of three custom groups is beyond me.
    You can merge groups together by using the Custom Group Editor. Select New for the group on the right and then select the group on the left to add critters from. Click the critters to add them to the group on the right. You can then select another group on the left and continue. When done, click Save As and the filename you enter will be the name of the new group. This way you can merge A and B into the same group and they will use the name of that group when you add them to the mission using that group.

    It's the same as the way to make a custom group using members from non-custom groups.

    If you don't want group C to show up except for in non-random spawns, then you should just add it specifically using boss and patrol details.
  11. Lazarus

    The Expendables

    This movie has so much testosterone that I walked in clean shaven and came out two hours later with a beard.
  12. People having multiple buffing/healing allies running around in missions is the reason we got the previous nerf and what this feature fixes while reversing the previous XP nerfs. Really if something like this should have been in AE from day one we would have had a lot less problems with exploiters ruining it for everyone else.

    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    I prefer the xp drop over this, if only because of the fact that it takes away quite a few powers from allies. If we had an option to turn on or off Designated Helper, I'd be happy.
    Once again, very few powers are actually disabled. The powers that are confirmed to be disabled on a non-DH are Heals, Debuffs (as in it's a power that just debuffs, not an attack with a small debuff in it), Buffs (like Fortitude, Recovery Aura, etc...), Defensive Auras (Dispersion Bubble, etc...), Damage Auras, Mezz Auras (Oppressive Gloom, etc...), Holds, Rain Attacks, and Controller Pets. The DH will use ALL of their powers.

    Here is some testing info from beta.

    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    Alright, finally finished my first test. For this I used an arc I have published on the beta server, so anyone else can go in and see for themselves. It has a total of 8 allies, 1 of which can heal/buff, 2 which can mezz, 2 which can debuff, and 1 which can summon. The arc is "Of Futures Past", the beta server ID is #226396, and this is all in the first mission.

    I'll list my findings in the order that I found the allies.
    Nagan Incinerator (Fire Control/Fire Assault LT) - 1st found; DH (Designated Helper); used all attacks and controls.
    Nagan Gunslinger (Dual Pistols/Willpower LT) - 2nd found; non-DH; Willpower toggles enabled before rescue and stayed on; never used swap-ammo.
    Nagan Archer (Archery/Trick Arrow LT) - 3rd found; non-DH; Didn't use her trick arrow powers at all; Don't remember seeing Stunning Shot used at any time either.
    Nagan Mentalist (Psionic Assault/Pain Domination Minion) - 4th found; non-DH; never healed but did use the immobilize power from Psi Assault often.
    Nagan Roboticist (Robotics/Willpower Minion) - 5th found; non-DH; Willpower toggles up and stayed up; DID SUMMON BATTLE DRONE.
    Nagan Duelist (Dual Blades/Energy Aura LT) - 6th found; non-DH; Energy Aura toggles up and stayed up; did see her use some Dual Blades Combos.
    Nagan Shockfist (Electric Melee/Electric Armor LT) - 7th found; non-DH, Electric Armor toggles up and stayed up.
    Nagan Specter (Assault Rifle/Ninjitsu Minion) - 8th found; non-DH; Ninjitsu toggles (including Hide) up before rescue and stayed up.
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    Running another test with mission 5 of my arc "Breaking the Barrier (And Putting It Back Together)".

    Iron Samurai (Katana/Invuln Boss) - 1st Rescued; DH; Had Invuln toggles running.
    Field Tech Suziku (Robotics/Willpower LT) - 2nd Rescued; non-DH; Had Willpower toggles running; summoned 2 Battle Drones and 1 Protector Bot as expected; Protector Bot never used Dispersion Bubble but did summon Seeker Drones; Suziku also used Photon Grenade regularly.
    Nagan Gravitist (Gravity/Kinetics) - 3rd Rescued; non-DH; used all Gravity Control powers that I had given her; never used any Kinetics.
    Nagan Psionicist (Psi Blast/Pain Dom Boss) - 4th Rescued; Used Psi Blasts; never used Pain powers.
    Nagan Archer (Archery/Trick Arrow LT) - 5th rescued; non-DH; only used Archery powers, no Trick Arrow.
    Longbow Nullifier - 6th Rescued; non-DH; acted like any other level 40+ Nullifier except that he never used the Sonic Grenade.

    Note: The Nagan Gravitist and Nagan Incinerator are controller/dominator LTs but they don't have holds. They do have Immobilize powers and knockback/knockup (Lift, Bonfire) and did use those regularly. I would have to run a test with an ally with hold powers to see if they use them, but since the Nagan Archer never used Ice Arrow when not a DH I figure that I already know the answer.
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    Ran another test, did mission 5 from "The Amulet of J'gara" twice.

    1st Test:
    Avatar of Initiative (Fire Blast/Fire Manip Boss) - 1st rescued; DH; acted as expected, didn't have any debuffs/buffs/heals anyway.
    Avatar of Balance (Gravity/Empathy Boss) - 2nd rescued; non-DH; didn't use any Empathy powers, didn't use her Hold.
    Avatar of Strength (Broadsword/Shield Boss) - 3rd rescued; non-DH; acted normally.

    I noticed during this run that my Claws/Pain Dom boss, the Pain Elemental, is suddenly casting Enforced Morale on her minion for the first time in ever. So for the second run I made a change.

    2nd Test:
    Avatar of Balance (Gravity/Pain Dom Boss) - 1st rescued; DH; used her hold, did cast Enforced Morale on use all regularly, never used the single-ally heal though.
    Avatar of Initiative (Fire Blast/Fire Manip Boss) - 2nd rescued; non-DH; acted as expected.
    Avatar of Strength (Broadsword/Shield Boss) - 3rd rescued; non-DH; acted normally.

    The only change I have to make to this mission is to make sure that the Avatar of Balance is always near the front door so that the player will certainly come across her first.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    there are a number of star systems in star trek that are supposed to be a given star in reality such as Vulcan...
    I think Vulcan is supposed to orbit 40 Erandi.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Used to like Megatokyo until it started getting too serious and relationshipy. Pretty much happened when the guy Largo is based on left it, I believe. I still kind of liked it, but I'm not all that keen on a straight relationship tale. That stuff was okay when it was still mixed in with a lot of humor and game references. I still have a "Does anyone here speak l33t? t-shirt, heh. That and the rent your own Godzilla bits were my favorites, I think.
    Plus it's had a lot of schedule slips lately. That combined with the increasing twistiness of the plot and I really don't know what the hell is going on anymore.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thug_Two View Post
    That wasn't an invasion. That was a bunch of drunken alien fratboys trying to out-macho each other. ("I'll go fight the aliens made of death fluid!" "Oh yeah? *I'll* do it without weapons!" "Oh yeah? Well *I'll* do it without weapons and NAKED!")

    And then we just have to assume they were too drunk to figure out a doorknob, and they made the crop circles while staggering around looking for the keys to their saucer.
    That is the best interpretation of Signs ever.

    Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
    The Martians from Mars Attacks! With music being your weakness, you think they would have noticed.
    True but it was one particular horrible singer that pretty much nobody still listens to anymore that turned out to be their weakness.

    Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
    Predators. Hmm humans have weapons that can hurt us now. Lets go see if I can dodge their automatic weapon as I try to slice them with my claws.
    That is the whole point of the Predator though and much of the time they do pull it off.

    Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
    of course, given how long they did manage to survive before they started dying, perhaps they WERE inoculated against most of earth's diseases, just not all of them. it only takes one germ to **** everything up. also, i give the martians in War of the Worlds a pass since it was written in 1898.
    In the original story it was explained that the Martians really had no concept of disease back on Mars. Apparently they had somehow wiped out pathogens so long ago that they forgot about it and didn't know how vulnerable they really were. They also didn't have proper digestive systems anymore and subsisted off of animal blood directly, so no gut bacteria either.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
    So very true. On the other hand, at least it did give us an ending, rather then just going on Hiatus and never returning like some Webcomics.
    Or pull a stunt like RPG World did, with the author just deciding he didn't want to do it anymore right when the story was hitting it's climax.

    I'll suggest a few:
    Buck Godot - Zap Gun for Hire
    Girl Genius
    Keychain of Creation

    Buck Godot and Girl Genius are both Phil Folio comics.

    Buck Godot is rather short and ended a long time ago (it's a print comic that is available online for free now) but the epic arc that it ended with is well worth the read. That arc starts here.
  17. Doppelgangers have been added to AE for issue 18. You'll find them in a new group called "Doppelgangers", where they can be used as Bosses, Allies, Hostages, and Escorts.

    Like with the i17 arcs, Doppelgangers will be bosses if you have bosses enabled in your difficulty settings. Otherwise they will be LTs.

    When you select the Doppelganger arc you will be presented with a different set of options then when you pick a regular group. One option is whether to have the Doppelganger have the same powers as you or random powers, the other options are for appearance.

    Appearance Options:
    • Shadow: the critter is all black
    • Reverse: The primary and secondary colors of your costume are switched.
    • Inverse: All colors are inverted (for example, Green is turned to Pink). That means skin tone as well as costume colors.
    • Black and White: Primary = Black, Secondary = White.
    • Angel: Angel Wings and Good Halo added to costume.
    • Demon: Demon Wings and Naughty Halo added to costume.
    • Ghost: Ghost/Reflection aura added to costume.

    The rest of the settings, text, and animation options are the same as with any detail.
  18. It got left out of the latest patch notes, but as of the 8/12 beta patch the old bug where the Middle and Back locations for glowies were reversed is finally fixed. Back now really means back and vice versa.

    While it will be annoying that a LOT of arcs will need to be fixed when i18 goes live, it will save us all a lot of annoyance in the future. I just wish it hadn't taken over a year for it to get fixed.

    I'm not going to list the maps that are confirmed to be working correctly now since that'd be a long list. Instead only post maps that are still bugged so that the Devs can deal with the ones that got missed.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Another interesting tidbit: any ally not set to "fight defensive" was, admittedly as of a few patches ago, correctly wandering, doing nothing, or running toward the door. Even if you lost them and reacquired them they didn't start to follow. Defensive allies were always following though.
    Also as of last night allies set to Passive and Do Nothing were actually doing nothing like they should be.

    Another thing: a Mastermind ally set to Aggressive will summon their henchmen right after being rescued, while one set to Defensive will wait until the first time they get into a fight to summon.
  20. Now that the NDA has been lifted we can talk about that fix for the allies issue that Dr. Aeon promised us a good while back.

    Introducing: the Designated Helper
    • We are removing the reduction to rewards based on the number of allied NPCs in a mission, since that had undesirable side effects and limited legitimate story telling options.
    • Instead, a team can only get assistance in the form of buffs and debuffs (and Autopowers) from a single ally in the mission. That ally becomes “The Designated Helper”.
    • There can only be one Designated Helper in a map.
    • If there are multiple candidates for Helper, the FIRST eligible ally the team encounters that uses its powers will become the Designated Helper.
    • In order for an entity to be a candidate for Designated Helper, the following rules need to be true:
      • The candidate must Follow the player:
        • Added via choosing an Advanced Mission Goal of:
          • Add an Ally
          • Add An Escort
          • NOTE: If the Author chooses “Release a Captive,” the Captive will not follow players and is not a candidate for Designated Helper.
        • The candidate must have the “Follow “ behavior set in the goal Settings
          • Ally: “Ally Behavior” is “Follow”
          • Escort: “Arrival Behavior” is “Follow”
      • The candidate must have its combat abilities set to:
        • Aggressive
        • Fight Defensive
      • The ally becomes the Designated Helper once it USES its powers, and Defensive allies only use powers defensively, so if the team meets an Aggressive ally before the Defensive ally uses its powers, the Defensive entity will NOT become the Designated Helper.
      • It is possible for the team to end up with a Designated Helper with no buff/debuff powers if the first candidate the player meets does not have Buff/Debuff powers but is set to Aggressive or Fight Defensive.
      • NOTE: Allies with combat abilities set to “Non Combat” or “Pacifist” will not be the Designated Helper.
    • No other allies in the map will use their buff/debuff abilities. They also won’t use any Autopowers, summon any pets or use location-based attacks (like Rain of Fire) or chaining attacks (like Chain Induction).
      • Including any friendly bosses, patrols, ambushes, etc.
      • Including any Designated Helper candidates after the first
    • If the author adds more than one buffing ally to the map, and sets those allies to follow the team, after the first ally they will not use their buffing powers. They will still follow the team so goals can be completed and will use offensive powers to attack enemies, but only one ally will use their non-offensive abilities. If the non-DH allies do not have offensive capabilities, they will not do anything other than follow, much like a non-combat escort/ally.

    The "Too Long, Didn't Read" Summary
    • The nerf on mission XP that used to be in place for friendlies even existing is gone. Allies and Escorts once again only steal XP by killstealing.
    • Passive Buffbots are effectively dead.
      • A critter set who is not set to Aggressive/Defensive will not use ANY Buff/Debuff/Heal powers or mezz/damage auras.
      • Also a critter with no attacks at all will not use any powers either.
    • The Designated Helper (DH) is the only ally/escort who will use ALL of their powers.
      • Only the DH can Heal, Buff, Debuff, use Holds, and run mezz/damage auras.
      • Non-DH allies/escorts are limited to Attacks, certain Stuns (those with less than 100% chance of working), and Immobilizes.
      • All critters will still use their personal Defense/Resistance toggles.
      • The above list is a bit incorrect. Non-DH critters can still summon Mastermind Pets but those pets will not cast buffs or debuffs.
    • To be the Designated Helper:
      • Only a critter set to Aggressive/Defensive can be a Designated Helper.
      • For a critter to become the Designated Helper, it has to be either the first Defensive critter you rescue who uses their powers (if you rescued more than one), or the first Aggressive critter you rescue (who becomes the Designated Helper right away).
  21. The Expendables for sure with its who's who of action stars cast.

    Scott Pilgrim looks like a rental at the most, even if I bother since I don't like that kid in it anyway.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ynaught View Post
    For the first mission in an AE arc, you get the same number of tickets as a mission end bonus as you collected. If you got say, 123 tickets to drop during the mission, you'll get an additional 123 for completing the mission, giving you 246 total. Completing the second mission is similar, but there is a bonus amount added to the end of mish ticket reward, I think it's an extra 5%.

    I believe that bonus percentage increases with the 3rd mission and again with the 4th and 5th, but don't quote me on that.
    Ticket Rewards

    The end of mission ticket bonus does have a modifier that increases for each mission of the arc.

    And as for the 1500 ticket cap, that is for the largest maps. Smaller maps have lower ticket caps. I don't have numbers on that though.
  23. This has happened to me on and off for years but it's gotten really frequent lately. Today the forums forgot that I was logged in 3 times in a one hour period. Gets old fast when it happens while in mid-post and of course in the process of logging back in the post has been lost.

    I've taken a look through the cookies that the forums use and can't spot anything obvious. Most of them are set to end when the session ends (ie when you close the browser) while the two login cookies have an expiration date set for a year from now.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    Saw an article in the Star Ledger (jersey newspaper) that basically said the same thing. Gamers all, almost universally, got Inception. Older folks/ non-gamers had a harder time of it.
    Your mileage may vary. My old man didn't have trouble following the story and he often gets lost in much simpler plots. Of course it might just be that Inception did real good job at holding his attention so much that his mind never wandered.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    However, generally speaking, there were changes (reductions) in how xp was awarded for custom enemies (to prevent players from creating and filling mishes with flightless melee enemies and then air-ganking them) and general "faction structure" (for example a faction composed entirely of bosses).
    Basically put: you can not make a custom enemy who gives more than 40% reward (XP and Inf and Tickets) if they do not have at least one ranged attack. This is required to prevent people from recreating the old Werewolf farms from years back where enemies didn't have ranged attacks so players would just hover out of reach and blast them from above.

    If you try to make a melee-oriented custom enemy and remove the ranged power, the reward will cap at 40% no matter what. Now it only requires 1 ranged power to get past that, from either the primary or secondary. An example is a Martial Arts/Dual Pistols enemy: you can take away the Shuriken from Martial Arts (which normally would drop the reward to 40%) but the presence of the ranged powers in Dual Pistols will still satisfy the "must have at least one ranged attack" requirement.

    There is an issue right now, and that is that it is fairly easy to hit 100% reward with a custom minion (and most lieutenants) without having to add an obscene number of powers (most canon minions/LTs only have 3-4 powers) but it's currently very hard to get 100% rewards on a custom boss, especially for a melee-oriented boss, without making them obscenely powerful. This is because the either values on the powers that determine the max reward are not adding up properly, or the 100% threshold is set too high, or both.

    Also there is no way to exceed 100% by making a custom harder than normal canon enemies. You can make a boss who is tougher than many archvillains but he still will not give more XP than a typical boss.

    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Known bugs that were corrected (iirc): certain standard (non-custom) enemies were awarding incorrect, inflated xp (Zig Prisoners and Rikti Comm Officers come to mind).
    It is possible for you to make a custom enemy group populated with non-custom enemies. The exploit was that people were filling these groups with enemies who either give abnormally high XP (like the Zig Prisoners) or enemies who have no attacks at all (like Cimeroran Surgeons). Rather than fixing the XP numbers or making it so you cannot make a group of just this kind of enemy the Devs chose to simply remove them from AE entirely, probably because it was much easier than the other option and they needed a fix right there and then.

    Then there were things that never should have been allowed in AE to begin with, like the Hamidon Mitos.