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  1. Lazarillo

    I24 beta in Aug?

    IIRC, pretty much every Issue or Issue.5 hitting beta since i18 has accompanied, or near-accompanied and double XP weekend. So since we're about a week and a half away from one at this point, and since we've been getting so many announcements lately...I'd guess within the next two weeks is actually a pretty darned safe bet.
  2. Staff needs a regular, non-techy lance. Especially since the model is already in the game.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Emperor Cole is from Praetorian Earth; Reichsman is from Axis Earth; Battle Maiden is from War Earth; Statesman is from ...?
    The afterlife.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Did they say when I24 beta was gonna start?
    Based on precedent, I'd expect it some time very close to the next double XP weekend.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Money issues... Really? He took 8 years off to do absolutely nothing? Couldn't even keep up on company issues? How pathetic is this guy? And he's supposedly super paranoid and ready for any situation but he doesn't set up a trust fund for the orphange, just cuts a check every month? He doesn't have a hundred different hidden bank accounts?? And he goes so broke so fast the turn his ights off immediately? As any poor person in this country... Don't happen. Same with the impounding of vehicles. I mean seriously.
    The movie brings up the point that Bruce could've, rather easily, resisted being dropped the way he was, but instead, he deliberately chose to let things happen that way.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Dire Wolf needed to be something else. Something that isn't just Bigger Wolf. That's really my only complaint about the pet's appearances.
    Beast Mastery just needs more variety all around. It's just four wolves and two lions. I haven't purchased the set because it doesn't make me feel like a "beast master" it makes me feel like a guy with four wolves and two lions. The set should've taken a page from Demons and had ever single pet be at least a little different. Multiple dogs? Okay, but at least, like, make one a wolf, one a fox, etc. And as for the Dire Wolf...they should've at least let him follow the cats so it's a sabre-toothed tiger or the like. As it is, what variety we do get almost ends up seeming...out of place.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Also, what I said was brutally honest. We are not working on new AT's.
    So the new AT is done, and can be expected in i24, then?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Apart from it exactly matching what Alfred says he likes to imagine.

    The move doesn't provide any evidence that it's NOT Alfred's imagination, either.
    The movie doesn't provide any evidence it's not all a fast time delusion as Thomas Wayne dies from his gunshot wounds, either.
  9. I almost always take it these days. I didn't on non-Tanks in the pre-Inherent Fitness days, but now that I need a few extra powers that don't require slotting, I've found it useful both as filler and as a situational utility power. It's nice at low levels for the occasional pull that I need (in this case, especially Confront), and at high levels I've found even my Scrappers occasionally saving some squishier teammate from a random boss on occasion. And through the entire leveling experience, it's a great power for cancelling the utterly annoying utterly stupid tendency of the AI to run like mad for parts unknown. Granted, it shouldn't happen in the first place, but since it does, Taunt and Confront are a pretty good makeshift solution.
  10. Neat ideas, Adeon. The one thing I'd suggest would be that the original Dr. Q ends with an explanation of why illegal Shadow Shard portals are a bad idea when a bunch of Soldiers of Rularuu break out. I feel like that should be tied into it somehow. But otherwise, let's start a campaign to get you on the writing team!
  11. A neat idea, but not big on the trial approach, for a variety of reasons. Make it an Incarnate-style Shadow Shard revamp, along the lines of Dark Astoria with a solo/small team approach? That'd be much more intriguing...
  12. Lazarillo

    TwitchTV + PvP

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I don't pvp myself, but I would totally tune in for some kind of PVP match broadcast with informed commentary.
    Then you wouldn't want the Devs commenting.

    LOLPVPs aside, though, this could be neat.
  13. Isn't "carrying a baby" on the list of things that power-up Jackie Chan? Perhaps they should just make this an alternate animation for Focus Chi?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    I get your point... Manticore is nothing to write home about. But what I love about TFs is bringing a team together for a series of missions with an end goal in mind, and you're not having people leave after every mission and having to reform the team. It has a very different feel from any normal string of missions in that respect.
    I don't think it's too much to ask that that end goal is something more meaningful than "LOLHopkins".
  15. More than anything else, I'm amazed how...amazingly on-the-spot that Hamill impression is. If it hadn't said so, I totally would've believed it was the man himself.
  16. Null disables getting moved by the actual "Team Teleport" power, but he doesn't, as far as I know, let you ignore the teleports and/or prompts caused by an Incandescent Destiny, which is, I think the issue here. At the very least it's Incandescent, rather than Team Teleport, that I tend to see spammed during TPNs.
  17. Numina's TF needs to be revamped not just because it's gameplay is awful, but because its story is awful, and the gameplay is awful because of the awful story.

    "Go rescue kidnapped guy!...No, wait, not that kidnapped, not that one, wait, which one? I dunno. Go rescue that kidnapped guy so we can figure out which kidnapped guy we're supposed to rescue...Okay, it's that kidnapped guy but I have no freaking clue where who kidnapped him, so go beat people up until we figure out who actually kidnapped kidnapped guy...oh, but he was dead all along, not kidnapped, silly me, uh, go fight an AV, I guess."
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    Reduce Energy Transfer's damage, remove the self damage, give the old animation back
    Hell no. ET's the only power of its kind and I love it for what it is. I'd still like to see it sped up a bit, maybe not to what it was before (say, trade in Stun's current animation, and give Stun ET's old animation), and increase the self-damage to compensate it for the increased DPA.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
    And finally, Talia's character seemed somewhat under developed, such as her willingness to be blown up by her own bomb to achieve her father's goal of destroying Gotham. Why stay around to die there, sacrifcing not only yourself, but your entire organization effectively ending the LoS which had existed for centuries? None of that made any sense to me outside of total fanaticism. Very seldomly do leaders of fanatical organizations seek to achieve their goal while simultaneously destroying both themselves and their organization.
    This bugged me at first a lot as well, especially because they made a big deal about the fact that Talia's determination comes from the fact that she wants to remain alive. However, then I realized that the point was that she and Bruce had switched places. Both lost their parents, and became instruments of vengeance as a result, but Talia had given up on what would happen after that.

    Vengeance was literally everything to her, and she had no life after destroying Gotham. Bruce, on the other hand, learned, because of what she and Bane had done to him, that he had to had a life beyond that. It's a weird set up until you realize the way it makes them into a "same but different" setup.
  20. I would love to see this. Not just because it makes the mark less of a tedious slog, but also because it lets me feel like my characters come into their prime sooner. In the current game, I buy my last set of SOs at 27 and then start converting them to IOs as I level (to the point where, by the time I would replace the SOs at 32, I'm using nothing but IOs). However, that's started making the 20s pretty brutal on some of my characters. I have one who I broke down and got a bunch of store bought Attuneds so I wouldn't have to wait, and what a difference it makes!
  21. I'll also note that for all the complaints about it, too, I liked the way they did Bane's voice. It had an eeriness to it, that, coupled with Hardy's delivery of the lines, really made him stand out. It put him into the uncanny valley, as it were, set him apart from the "normal humans" without violating Nolan's "normal world".
  22. I have been counting down the days to this movie. Hell, I took off work tomorrow so I could go see the midnight showing without having to worry about getting up in the morning. I knew there was no way it could meet my expectations, let alone exceed them.

    But it did. IT TOTALLY DID. It was on the whole a great film from start to finish. Not perfect, but still great. I loved Bruce, and I'm glad Bale toned down the growling for this one. I think a lot of people will be disappointed with the "happy ending", but I thought it really fit.

    The twist with Miranda? Totally saw it coming. I'd been expecting Nolan to hit us with that ever since The Dark Knight pulled "Surprise! It's Two-Face!" and then didn't announce a certain villain for this film. But just because I realized what was going to happen, and the fakeout with the kid, doesn't mean I didn't really enjoy it.

    My one gripe, I'll admit, was that the way Bane was dealt with was kind of an anticlimax. There's the big revelation, and then suddenly he's this twisted-love teddy bear? Bah, I had a hard time with that scene. I didn't much care for him getting casually killed off there either. I suppose it's not a whole lot different compared to what happened with Ra's, but still. You-know-who could've been handled a little better at the end, too, but I was mostly content with Bane being the "main villain and her just sort of being the mastermind. I just wish Bane hadn't been so dependent on her for that last bit of characterization.
  23. These mafs make me kinda tingly.
  24. Matt Smith wears a bowler now?
    Those are cool.
  25. I am posting from my phone and so I have no special access to witty image macros. But please take my word for it when I say: I am wearing my happy Laz face.