47 -
Maybe they're waiting for power customization in the hopes that the missile can be changed to a flying monkey and the emanation point can be her butt.
To save other people the trouble,
<ul type="square">[*]2.) Characters that do not wish to change sides are rewarded by becoming exemplary heroes or villains, and earning rewards not available any other way - possibly different or cut[/list]
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I hope that's cut. I'd prefer that the choice of whether a character switches sides or not was done based on character-based reasons, not what rewards they might or might not get a shot at.
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I think the idea here is that if you have a hero character, who's never going to 'go rogue' and become a villain, you could instead continue to do heroic things and eventually become an exemplary hero...at which point, you'd have access to rewards not available in other ways.
Whereas exemplary villains would just get shafted cause we hate them.
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Dude, you crack me up. -
The main question here seems to be why is something like Power Customization (however it is defined) more important to some people than general graphics improvements. To me I'd think they are equally important now, but to understand what's happened I think you have to review the timing of these suggestions.
People have been wanting Power Customization for probably as long as the game has been around. Five years ago, back when the graphics of this game were not so arguably "outdated" there was no need to work on graphics improvements. If we had somehow gotten Power Customization at some point in the past then we would not be in our current situation where people are still crying for it AND dealing with a game that now has a pressing need for graphics improvements at the same time.
One could argue, as you have, that general graphics improvements may be more useful to the average player than -any- kind of Power Customization at this point. But if the Devs had prioritized things differently we might have a game that already had one of these two things done instead of having to debate about which one we want now.
This is why I'm a bit more worried about the threat CO represents to CoX than you seem to be.
CO will have both arguably better looking graphics AND Power Customization at its launch...
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See, but you're assuming 'most' people really want graphics improvements. Personally, I could care less about graphics improvements - the game still looks fine to me. Judging by other posts I've seen, there are quite a few players who not only don't care, but fear that further upgrades to the engine would further degrade their play experience, and in some cases make the game unplayable on their machines.
I don't play this game hoping for it to look like Fallout 3 or Crysis or whatever - I play it because it allows me to engage in a super-hero fantasy world of partially my own creation. And this is where power customization comes in for so many - being able to create a thematic character and see them on the screen as we've imagined them.
I agree with others that gameplay improvements are more important to me than customization - seeing different types of missions, different objectives, things like that. But I'll gladly take customization if offered.
5 year old game graphics? Meh - upgrades there don't even hit my wish-list radar. -
...your avatar scares the hell out of me.
Well met!
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Right click and choose properties - get a load of the file name. -
And yet Nightcrawler, Jubilee, Cyclops, Flash, etc have proven themselves time and time again capable without the use of a secondary power. Granted I could just use a secondary, ignore it, and then move on with my life, but I still dont think it answers the question as to why. Perhaps this argument is fruitless.
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Or perhaps you're more or less ignoring the answers people are giving you.
All of the characters you mention do have a single power - but manipulate them in different ways. My elec/elec blaster has effectively a single power set, and the primary way he uses that power is as blasts, the secondary way he uses that power is as control or melee.
Flash has one "powerset" - but he uses it as travel, control, melee, blasts (when he spins his arma fast and buffets evildoes with windblasts), etc.
Jubilee has one "powerset" and primarily uses it as blasts, but also uses is secondarily as control and I believe sometimes melee.
Nightcrawler - melee/super-reflexes with teleportation as an ancillary power (which he chooses to use as a primary)
The only one in your list that really has only one "powerset" is Cyclops... maybe with leadership power pool.
I think you're looking for a different answer than what is being provided, though. -
I get the same thing - occasional crashes on load screens, but that is usually after a few hours of play.
I was on the test server this morning for a while without incident. (Mac OS X 10.5, MacBook Pro 2.2GHz, 4GB RAM) -
so just to clarify:
the devs have made a written promise to provide complete power customization on the 1st of next month
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troublemaker -
Ignore me - I'm just being snarky.
I know what you mean - I bought Monopoly and had some friends over, but then they all wanted me to play by the rules. I was all like, "I paid for this game, so we'll play the way I want to!"
The weird part is how bad they suck at Monopoly. I always win. -
40/mo to my brother for doing the dishes, and cleaning the apartment.
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then i go back to pizza delivery for round table while getting disability.
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you must be rich or are you brats that live off your parents.
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So you pay extra money because you don't want to clean your own place or do your own dishes. You pay this with money you receive at least in part from the taxpayers. And then you have the audacity to imply that other people here are spoiled in some way.
Wow. -
Here since day 1 but didn't actually start playing until day 3 (stupid video card sucking and having to buy a new one!)
We used to have family game nights all the time, and my wife's aunt and the aunt's roommate would attend. We'd all get laughing like crazy and invariably the roommate would laugh so hard she'd pee her pants (she's in her mid-30s). So one day we brough adult diapers as a joke - sure enough, she put them on to play... and laughed and peed but didn't have to change this time around.
Cut to a few weeks later and it turned out to be a very serious urinary tract issue that needed surgery and she should have had it checked out a long time ago. But it was funny at the time. -
So, are there any other invites going out? Or is the Mac closed beta pretty much full?
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Yes
Global Contact: Haven't had contact with anyone's globals in a while.
Level of Classification: Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Origin: Juice?
Super Rank & Super Group: I am super rank, but I haven't had time to shower - thanks for pointing it out.
I suck at these. -
I'm such a nerd I ignore the look and feel and immediately look under the hood. Kudos on discovering jQuery - it makes some of the new site features look very slick.
If we had any bakeries around Paragon, I would love to see "Baker".
Unlocks a pie throw temp power. -
Any chance of ever getting some custom TRAVEL powers? I know it would be at least as much work as the prestige sprints, and done right a lot more than that - but it would be tons less work than overhauling ALL the powersets, and would go a long way towards furthering character customization.
I can actually see this taking off a bit. There were numerous people who did animations and models for Freedom Force, and I think this game is way more popular than that ever was.
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The difference is that in FF, it was very likely your animation would be used (and by many). In COH, more likely than not, no one but you will see the animation, as its probably not going to be put into the game.
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Right - no guarantees. But it MIGHT be used - sometimes that's more than enough motivation, especially for artistic types. -
I can actually see this taking off a bit. There were numerous people who did animations and models for Freedom Force, and I think this game is way more popular than that ever was.
actuallly you dont run when you burn, you stop, drop and roll
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I was thinking the same thing. It would be great if villain AI allowed for a stop, drop and roll maneuver. Then you could just smack them on the ground.