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  1. Thanks again for everyone who helped me with Lord Recluse last night. I couldn't beat him solo for anything. And he didn't last 2 min with everyone. I've really been bummed out when it comes to CoH lately. Last night really cheered me up.

    Thank you thank you everyone who help *double licks*

  2. Awww bye ocho! I'd give you good luck licks but I know you're allergic ;P

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
    Bah who would pay these vile villians....
    Yeah! We should beat them with sticks!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jessie View Post
    Screw the scientists... how much for just the pie?

    5 hours late on that joke Ms. Jessica! =p

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shining_Magic View Post
    You can buy 10 Scientists, for the discounted price of 1.5 billion! Easy as pie!
    How much for just the pie?


    Protector <3s pie.
  6. Overdose! Whoop! welcome back!
  7. Any renewed interest in this?

  8. fire/rad kult had no problem with him - Trapdoor made 1 clone before I held him. Then it was debuff and Imp time. probably wasn't even 3 min. I've heard tanks are tough to beat him with

    Kult is still stuck red side but I could assist someone in need with her there.

  9. Kult666

    More Raids?

    Moar is always better!

  10. are these the red side versions? I guess I could look that up but I have the lazyface.

    If these are the redside versions I am 1000% in

    EDIT - oh yeah tomorrow school and work be canceled. anyone available to do these tomorrow during the day? that might be easy?

    -Kult of the lazyface
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    Not taking sides here, and hopefully not adding fuel to any ongoing virtual fires, but...

    This event was listed in the Protector Activity Calendar (http://lnk.in/procal) for about 10 days now, with a link to this thread and a brief overview of dates / times / prizes.

    There are a half-dozen people involved in trying to keep this tool current and relevant.
    Oh its my own fault I had midterrrrms and junk going on. Typically checking the forums goes out the window first. not trying to place blame with my post. I blame myself

  12. Wow I didnt even know this was happening Oh well ! Hey a Mean Girl won so that makes me happy!! whoop! and charlie! gratz to the winners!

  13. Kult666

    Hey All

    aww kyo *hugs* very sad to hear! My thoughts are with you

    I R organ donor and I hassle people i know who aren't. Its such a simple thing to do and could help so many people!

  14. Happy birthday! *licks*

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    there are enough costume pieces added and don't need to be anymore until pvp gets fixed. srsly every booster pack to come out has been costume/theme dominated (the most recent being entirely emotes) its not hard to figure out that time should be split where it is due.

    and a massive overhaul of an integral part of an MMO(which is what pvp needs, not just bug fixes) that affect probably about an equivalent size community as the RP and hardcore badger community (as well as affecting those who badge/rp in pvp zones). it'd be nice to get some acknowledgement, literally *anything*, before they talk about more costumes/useless rp stuff/animated tails 2.0
    You are forgetting that a lot of this is handled by DIFFERENT teams/devs. David has nothing to do with game mechanics or how PvP balancing. He's part of the art team. The look of zones, npc design etc fall in that category. He can design new and pretty things for us that do not have any impact on people that would be working on what to do with PvP. Even emotes would be handled by an animation team but not the powers that are behind any of the animations. Meanwhile the teams that have some control over the changes to pvp are the people that would assume would be working to give us the new powersets, and the npc "action" that we got in going rogue. I'd say they've had their hands full.
    (i might be slightly off on the last point ...but for sure those working on costume parts are VERY far removed from PvP)

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JaxomDad View Post
    Via twitter just now: @CoH_OCR: What could this image mean? Find out at the #CoH panel at Pax Prime tomorrow morning! http://bit.ly/dei3MM

    I hope it means the comic is ciming back, but I guess it could be a new LFG system...
    Someone asking for a team and there like a bazillion (i counted!) people standing around....it can only mean SERVER MERGER!

    *runs and hides* ;p

  17. Kult666

    Time Cards

    Best Buy always seems to be the most consistent here. Heck most of the GameStop like places have little or no PC games. I dont think it would hurt to ask (esp if its a store you frequent) your EB Games to order a couple for you.

    Maybe a 'mom and pop' type gaming store that could have some still lurking around.

    Also be sure to look for NCSoft Time cards (that work for all games) and not let your brain just process CoH time card. I think when I saw them at Best Buy they were next to Aion and not under the "N" section.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tangled_Skein View Post
    So I'm back to the world of City of Heroes. I started playing back in 2004 and played for a couple of years. I have the customary lvl 50 blaster, and a few alts. I started a Praetorian Tanker and just got back to Paragon. Can anyone recommend a mellow, but thriving Supergroup that is recruiting on Protector? The server seems very quiet
    Female characters are always welcome in Mean Girls ..we are active but relaxed. contact me in game - @kult666

  19. Kult666

    Forgotten about?

    who's this anyways?

    hehe =P

    *licks* hope you had a good bay!

  20. yay! *birthday licks*

  21. yay new peoples!

    you'll love it here!

    kult !
  22. Kult666


