So Yeah, Here There Everywhere




So about the time Going Rogue came out, I moved out of my old place and moved into my new house... I started playing less and less of the game and have pretty much disappeared. I got busy at work, and getting situated at my new house and just didn't have time for the game anymore.

This week has marked me coming back to the game with a fury. I miss this game. I miss this community. While I guess I needed the short break I am happy to be back. I have been paying for the game, and I haven't been playing with the exception of once a month doing the day-job shuffle.

So here I am. I am back. I will never leave you again. I promise for reals this time.



I hear ya OD. This has been a most awful year for me for various reasons and I'm glad to be back and seeing the chatter and teaming with both new and familiar names.

However, unlike OD who promises to be here forever, I might leave on occasion but I'll always come back.



Glad your both back, I can relate work has been insane this month and last month. Has not gotten any better I know my once a week is great but I wish I had more time to be here as often as I used to. Welcome back to the both of you.



Protector is a little island of ... wait I can't say "sanity" because that is TOTALLY wrong.

But it certainly is my home away from reality, and that's what counts.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Overdose! Whoop! welcome back!