MoD's Totally Evil Plan to be Evil!
You dastardly scoundrels! I won't pay on cent. But I shall attempt to twart your evil plan! Here I come!!! Prepare your selves you vile villians!
**note** I can play along this is what I love about this game heh..
[Secure Communication Blueside]
This level of villainy is unconscionable. It cannot be tolerated.
The villains of the Protector-verse have reached a new level of brazen villainy. This is not an isolated act, and it didn't happen overnight. It is part of a vast conspiracy that goes to the vilest depths of the criminal underworld. A few of us have been following this conspiracy for some time... we are only now seeing the beginning of what is to come. In the darkest corners of Paragon, names are whispered, plots are hatched, evil of the vilest kind grows in power. We cannot wait any longer.
No single one of us, not even the most powerful of our SGs alone is equipped for this type of threat. What I am proposing is a counter conspiracy of equal force, a secret alliance of the most powerful and daring heroes and SGs, to systematically dismantle this alliance of evil.
That is why I am sending a call out to the leaders of the most powerful SuperGroups on Protector. Beginning in January 2011, at a yet undetermined date and time, myself along with a few other conspirators will be recruiting for a secret initiative that will be known as the "Protector Vigilance Project". More details will follow, including date/time for our clandestine initial meeting where we will reveal the full details of what we are planning.
To the leaders of Protector's SGs, contact me via forum PM or in-game tell @etherfalcon to let me know if you have interest in joining the conspiracy.
Sic vis pacem, parabellum.
[This is purposefully vague, but I am serious about this, as in it will be seriously fun and drive some more interest and participation in unique server wide player events. If you're interested in what exactly we are proposing... contact me for details. This has the potential to be awesome...]

That reminds me. We couldn't fulfill your order from last week for sharks with laser beams mounted on their heads because they're on the endangered species list. That and Captain Mako threatened to sue for villain trademark infringement. However we do have some ill tempered mutated sea basses that might interest you.
If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.
That reminds me. We couldn't fulfill your order from last week for sharks with laser beams mounted on their heads because they're on the endangered species list. That and Captain Mako threatened to sue for villain trademark infringement. However we do have some ill tempered mutated sea basses that might interest you.

Delayed reaction
Pie I didn't know there was going to be pie! Sweet gimme some Cherry Pie! I can stomp on Evil's Boots after the Pie!
A wealthy benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous has paid the ransom in full for all 10 sceintists! In addition they paid extra as a request that MoD will not Kidnap the scientists again until after the new year.
So to all you people out there who want to get nukes, you are able to do so for the rest of 2010. However, now that this has shown to be a profitable venture, you can expect that it will most likely be repeated again in the very near future!
Good Luck to you all and Happy New Year!
I think you forgot to close the tag... </rp>
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
Bah who would pay these vile villians....
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
That does not sound very heroic....are you sure you are not talking about rouge villians or vigilante heroes?
Me, I prefer a nice light bronzer myself, but to each his own...

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
Heh Yeah alright you got me there..... Both of you.
The Ministry of Darkness, (Protector's most feared and evil villain group) has hatched an evil scheme! Agents of MoD have kidnapped ALL of the scientists in Warburg! This means that there will be no getting of nukes until our demands are met!
We have decided that we will ransom off each scientist for 200 million Inf each, or you can get a discounted price of 1.5 billion for 10! What a Steal! Other Deals may be made, but they also may involve having to beat one or more of us in an Arena Match!
So to all you people out there who have a need for a nuke, gather your Infamy and send an offline tell to either @Shining Magic or @Evil Chiller X! Mua ha ha ha ha ha!
**Note** We realize this might not make some people very happy, but please understand this is just an attempt to bring some actual villainy into the game for fun; and if something like this really makes you that mad, then you're taking this game WAY too seriously.
Have a Nice Day!