702 -
Dismiss (blaster)
Sarah Jenkins (defender)
Thrunge (scrapper)
Halo (either defender or troll)
Harps (scrapper)
Stand'ard (peacebringer)
Artillery Bombastic (tank or blaster)
Shining Torch (peacebringer)
Dismiss (blaster)
Sarah Jenkins (defender)
Thrunge (scrapper)
Halo (defender or troll)
Duckdee (defender)
Stand'ard (pb)
Shining Torch (pb)
Citadel or Manticore:
Sarah Jenkins
Meeting will be 20.15 BST with a 20.30 start. -
Yeah, was thinking of that, whether or not he'd be able to make it or not. Will he be around tomorrow night?
Sarah Jenkins
Artillery Bombastic (put the tank down as we may need one)
Hopefully Halo brings Man Down though so it's not essential.
Sarah Jenkins
Citadel or Manticore:
Sarah Jenkins
If you want to hop along for the task force powerlevelling ride, post which TF you are up for doing, name of toon and archetype.
Meeting will be 20.15 BST with a 20.30 start.
[/ QUOTE ] -
After doing Sister Psyche the other day, i've got the task force bug again.
So, i came up with a plan.
20.30 BST - Friday 2nd June - Moonfire lvl 23-28
20.30 BST - Saturday 3rd June - Hess - lvl 25-30
No idea what time - Saturday 3rd June - Citadel lvl 25-30
Sometime next week - Manticore lvl 30-35
Doing Citadel depends on levels gained in the first two. If we outlevel it by the time i finish Hess, i won't start it, but instead move on to Manticore - either way, the plan is to start one of them after Hess and finish it sometime on Sunday night.
Depending on levels again, another TF or 2 next week.
Currently in are
Sarah Jenkins
Sarah Jenkins
Citadel or Manticore:
Sarah Jenkins
If you want to hop along for the task force powerlevelling ride, post which TF you are up for doing, name of toon and archetype.
Meeting will be 20.15 BST with a 20.30 start. -
Gratzeroony again to the 3 of ya!
Virtually none - only damage it does is against robots - and it does knock their metal socks off.
It's really an aoe disorient. -
Very long recharge is an understatement.
Anyway, it's very nice to use before a nova, or in ur case blizzard as one way or another it will stop them going anywhere.
I respecced it out ages ago though as it just wasn't up quick enough. -
It felt so wrong killing the poor squishies again and again ......
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Yup, pick on the squishies seemed to be the majority tactic. Hence the 15 deaths for me (tank being the other 2!) in the second round.
For PB.
1. Get light form at 38.
2. Until then take plenty of blues around with you.
3. Hasten is a must and also means you can get SS
4. Find a pet kineticist and ignore 2 and 3.
5. There is no 5. -
Welcome to CoH and specifically to Union, BigNone! You'll find your tanking feet in no time!
On the subject of auras - i run lightning field 3 slotted with accuracy - it misses - alot. Using amplify and build up however hits, apart from that 5% chance - not that WS's have access to both of these.
The misses though are a useful indication that a stalker is close - and no, you cannot see them. But it does let you prepare for the hit that is to happen. -
I got my elec/ice up to 25 last night and had a jaunt in Sirens. It is really quite effective and i think could quite happily take on blasters and blappers alike! And it's very good in PvE too.
This leads me to firmly believe it's not all about /elec or /nrg where PvP is concerned. There are plenty of interesting and useful combos out there - you just have to work out how to use them effectively. -
Okton PM'd me and asked if i would take his place as he's not going to be able to make Thursday. I said yes.
Scape, i know it can be effective - but the way i play it just doesn't warrant being in my build. But i'm certainly up for an arena match.
And plight, sleeps would of course affect flight as well, was thinking more along the knockback and not having to 'get up'.
And i wouldn't stand around anyway, 2 melee hits and i'm off leaving a couple of ranged attacks as i go!
One other thing to note is that whilst energy secondary doesn't quite match up in terms of out and out damage, it does have some very very nice powers - and with boost range you truly can be a blaster rather than a blapper.
Elec/nrg is a very deadly combo. -
FYI, this is how I'd rate the potential of Blaster Primaries:
1. Fire/Ice (both are great, it's too hard to pick)
2. Electric (ok damage, hold, snipe and ranged nuke, decent secondary effect)
3. Sonic (ok damage, ranged stun, great secondary effect)
4. Energy (ok damage, snipe)
5. Assault Rifle (good damage, but has [censored] animation. It's just too slow for quick damage)
6. Archery (ugh, better play WoW instead if you want to use a bow)
[/ QUOTE ]I'd rank archery higher, it has 10% acc boost, the 3rd ST attack is long range, and the Tier 9 power is possibly the most useful of all blaster ones, especially after LBAoE boost (Transferrable buffs) in I7.
Oh, and /elec ftw!
[/ QUOTE ]
Tier 9 elec and sonic are both very good. The recharge isn't as quick but secondary effects are great. Sonic nuke will floor the resistance of pretty much anything and disorient bosses due to it's 3 part hit. Quick animation too for a nuke means you can use it in PvP. -
Can't really say what's best but I can say this...
Energy - Primary is great! Fast recharge on most, and some heavy damage. Eats up end but Stamina (when you finally get it) solves the problem.
Electricity - Secondary - Sucks! Other than Electic Fence to hold runners down while I smack them with Energy bolts I actually dumped all of my Elec powers in my first respec. Gimped!
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Gah - what are you on about!! Elec secondary has some of the best blaster secondary powers!
Havoc punch and charged brawl do huge damage.(more than the energy secondary energy punch and bonesmasher)
You have a melee hold.
Lightning field for pesky stalker 'outing', and combine with a good tank, kinetics defender (fulcrum shift ftw!) you have a massive endurance draining hp reducing aura.
There is lightning clap for those sticky situations when surrounded.
Power sink for when you run out of endurance
And of course build up.
Ignore thunderstrike tho as that IS pants.
[/ QUOTE ]ROFL at 1st quote here, i think blasters, melee heavy ones in particular, are not ur thing, i also think /elec rocks most ppls worlds from once side or the other
to kronosy, erm, TS has almost as much dmg as TF, a high chance to mag 2 stun target, mag 4 (bosses without uber resist) knockback to target and a very high chance to KB mag in an AoE, not to mention AoE splash dmg, so in a mob it actually does more than TF. combind with how safe elec as a total theme makes u, TS is not a risky power in many situations.
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AfAIk, TS has same damage as TF, but with 'added extras'. Point is tho, you can get hp, cb out in the same time as the activation of TS - which together, is more damage than TS or TF. Hence imo, TS is pants.
I'd avoid TS altogether, too slow for me.
Personal preference tho.
[/ QUOTE ]kronoswatch this series of events
charged brawl (acro off, depending on AT, this would be for squishy)
havoc punch - KB most likely, failing that, sleep
thunder strike - even if the KB happened before,the animation hits as they are springing up
dead person
anyone who isnt mezzed at the end of this is pretty tough (i7 melee ATs fair enough, but thasts another method)
there is also this method for none acro squishies with BFs
thunder strike - KB, total focus cannot do this
charged brawl
havoc punch
dead person
in the second one swap the order of havoc punch and thunder strike if u need to take acro off or 1st (note that sleep cuts thru acro with about 60% chance)
so, TS = pants, i think not, infact, its the very reason my 44 on onion is not as good as my 50 on deviant, stimulant has less to do with it, TS is what mashes things up for u, it ha the single most utility/damage/mez out of all the /elec powers
[/ QUOTE ]
I know that - i just have other powers that i'd rather take.
See if in between ur cb and hp, i hit you with screech, u don't get that chain going and lose ur aim and bu as by the time you've popped a b/f they have worn off.
I prefer to be more flexible in my approach, and i can always use my primaries god forbid!
Also doesn't work so well on a hovering squishy, with or w/o kb protection.
And as you say, come i7 things have changed a little. -
I really, really, liked the use of the word 'tanking' there, I thought I was the only one, sniff \o/
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You really, really need to team with me sometime
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You do just so you can laugh your socks off as Del lays face down time and time again! -
Great TF for anyone who hasn't done it before (nod in Shnyets direction).
Heaed it was a good team and very few deaths.
Forum teams FTW!
Gj! -
Can't really say what's best but I can say this...
Energy - Primary is great! Fast recharge on most, and some heavy damage. Eats up end but Stamina (when you finally get it) solves the problem.
Electricity - Secondary - Sucks! Other than Electic Fence to hold runners down while I smack them with Energy bolts I actually dumped all of my Elec powers in my first respec. Gimped!
[/ QUOTE ]
Gah - what are you on about!! Elec secondary has some of the best blaster secondary powers!
Havoc punch and charged brawl do huge damage.(more than the energy secondary energy punch and bonesmasher)
You have a melee hold.
Lightning field for pesky stalker 'outing', and combine with a good tank, kinetics defender (fulcrum shift ftw!) you have a massive endurance draining hp reducing aura.
There is lightning clap for those sticky situations when surrounded.
Power sink for when you run out of endurance
And of course build up.
Ignore thunderstrike tho as that IS pants.
[/ QUOTE ]ROFL at 1st quote here, i think blasters, melee heavy ones in particular, are not ur thing, i also think /elec rocks most ppls worlds from once side or the other
to kronosy, erm, TS has almost as much dmg as TF, a high chance to mag 2 stun target, mag 4 (bosses without uber resist) knockback to target and a very high chance to KB mag in an AoE, not to mention AoE splash dmg, so in a mob it actually does more than TF. combind with how safe elec as a total theme makes u, TS is not a risky power in many situations.
[/ QUOTE ]
AfAIk, TS has same damage as TF, but with 'added extras'. Point is tho, you can get hp, cb out in the same time as the activation of TS - which together, is more damage than TS or TF. Hence imo, TS is pants.
I'd avoid TS altogether, too slow for me.
Personal preference tho. -
Can't really say what's best but I can say this...
Energy - Primary is great! Fast recharge on most, and some heavy damage. Eats up end but Stamina (when you finally get it) solves the problem.
Electricity - Secondary - Sucks! Other than Electic Fence to hold runners down while I smack them with Energy bolts I actually dumped all of my Elec powers in my first respec. Gimped!
[/ QUOTE ]
Gah - what are you on about!! Elec secondary has some of the best blaster secondary powers!
Havoc punch and charged brawl do huge damage.(more than the energy secondary energy punch and bonesmasher)
You have a melee hold.
Lightning field for pesky stalker 'outing', and combine with a good tank, kinetics defender (fulcrum shift ftw!) you have a massive endurance draining hp reducing aura.
There is lightning clap for those sticky situations when surrounded.
Power sink for when you run out of endurance
And of course build up.
Ignore thunderstrike tho as that IS pants. -
I shall be testing a few things out tonight in RV regarding accuracy. Had 3 slotted accuracy and build up on my brute and tank, but only 2slotted on my scrapper last night and hit a fair amount with 3 slotted, not much with 2.
Gonna create a blaster and see how that goes with 2 and 3 acc, but i'm guessing aim+bu slotted with 2 or 3 tohit buffs should hit through anything barring the 5% chance to miss whether you slot 2 or 3 acc. -
Time to forget the test server and try levelling my scrapper.
Failing that i'll be there with either one of my blasters or pb - or all 3 (not at the same time though obviously)