Kheldians For A Noob




OK, never really given my PB or WS much of a run out and they are both sitting around the level 15 mark so thought I'd pop in here for advice.

First off, I don't like the nova form. I've pretty much decided I will be going human/dwarf form and ignoring nova altogether. Will also be going for a team build rather than a solo one.

That in mind, are there any dwarf/human builds out there and any play tips in general? (too lazy to go through working one out myself )

Would also be nice if it had a PvP edge to it.



For PB.
1. Get light form at 38.
2. Until then take plenty of blues around with you.
3. Hasten is a must and also means you can get SS
4. Find a pet kineticist and ignore 2 and 3.
5. There is no 5.



Well check the thread below for WS in PvP, it's the outsider really cos PBs are much better suited to PvP.

Team, WS > PB
but PvP, PB > WS

so if u want one that Teams AND PvP i dont know what to tell ya

If you're avoiding Nova form, id suggest using ur WS. Stygian circle will mean u wont need Stamina. PB gets Conserve Power but this just doesnt compare to Stygian.
(Khelds get auto-stamina in their forms, Nova having a faster recovery rate that Dwarf)

PB's in human form are like Blappers with shields and heals.
WS' in human form are like Controllers with Blasts.

Have fun!

Shnyet AWAY



My PB is Dwarf/Human as I tried nova and found it dull, boo to the +45% damage four attacks is just not enogh for me. I stay in human most of the time and with the 3 shields, 2 heals and Light Form for those ugly times he survives very well. I have a nice attack chain but defo leave out the first power in the primary (its a pathetic blast with little damage).

I would say have ago of as much of the human stuff as poss with a view to respec but the above powers make up your core staying power. Photon seekers rock but are stupid so effective agaist a group of 5/6 at close range, or if there is only one target standing such as an AV. Dawn strike is all the fun of nova/inferno but not quite as strong so build up is a must and I don't like using it without at least a couple of reds, fellow kinetics or fort etc.

Incandesent strike is your highest damage single person attack, its melee but again with a red or two and build up you can 1 shot alot of quantum minions

I use Dwarf if there is no tank on the team, or if the human form heals are on recharge I make use of the dwarf heal.

From a PvP point of view it can be tricky, you are most effective in Light Form but only 3 mins of fun with that before you need to be running so not so good in longer 1 v 1 battles, but in a big rucus it works a treat, I tend to venture round in Dwarf so as not to fall victim to a random doms hold etc, but forget killing anything in dwarf, you really need a swift build up>IC followed by a few blasts to do the job.

Also as soon as you get Dwarf sort the bind for it out, so the bottom power tray moves across to Dwarf powers and you change all at the touch of a button

Hope that helps alittle, as I say take whatever sounds cool and keep whatever suits you sir



(Khelds get auto-stamina in their forms, Nova having a faster recovery rate that Dwarf)

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Is that right? I thought the built in End recovery of the forms just about matched the toggle usage of the form itself? Nova just seems better as the powers are fairly End light. I've not tested this tho although I've been meaning to as technically using Conserve Energy should result in Dwarf having the best recovery (as the toggle costs more in the first place).



Well you can slot for Endurance Modification aswell as EndCost, so could theoretically boost it past Stamina's point of End recovery....



Just had a look at the hero planner for the figures. Both forms seem to use the same End (if the hero planner can be trusted). A three slotted Stamina gives 0.988, six slotting the forms (3 endmod and 3 endred) only gives a 0.364 boost.

back to the original question, the AoE human blasts are weak and probably best avoided unless you want to go with an AoE build. May want to consider going for the leaping pool to get Acrobatics too.



Acording to hero planner for WS dwarf if you have 3 res and are left with 3 slots to sort end 2 end mod and 1 end red is optimum

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



For PB.
1. Get light form at 38.
2. Until then take plenty of blues around with you.
3. Hasten is a must and also means you can get SS
4. Find a pet kineticist and ignore 2 and 3.
5. There is no 5.

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Im fairly certain 5 should read: get stamina.

But Im still futilely trying to make my PB appealing to me, so my words don't weigh much.



Yes, built-in end recovery matches the cost of the toggle, you get extra by slotting it but still not near Stamina levels.



I actually tested it as I was curious. Human form recovery from zero to full end was about 60 seconds for me. Nova and dwarf was about 55 seconds. Very little to choose from.

Curiously, conserve energy seemed to make little to no difference on the recovery rate when in nova or dwarf....




Curiously, conserve energy seemed to make little to no difference on the recovery rate when in nova or dwarf....

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Well conserve just halves the endurance cost of any powers you use, and if the Form EndMod negates the toggle cost maybe they didnt even write a cost into the formula.

Hmmmmmm, iv always wondered whether it affected toggles or not..........

Shnyet AWAY



I thought it did affect toggles (works on Q flight) but it would seem not in this case. Makes me wonder if endrec in the form actually help at all too? So many things to test, so little time...




Curiously, conserve energy seemed to make little to no difference on the recovery rate when in nova or dwarf....

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Well conserve just halves the endurance cost of any powers you use, and if the Form EndMod negates the toggle cost maybe they didnt even write a cost into the formula.

Hmmmmmm, iv always wondered whether it affected toggles or not..........

Shnyet AWAY

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Conserve energy DOES affect toggles. While it doesnt change your recovery speed when youre doing nothing, it should allow for good end recovery while running shields, fighting or doing something like that etc. AT least it does with my blaster.



only thing i can say is if youre unsure of Khelds, DONT go all human :P

Babel Horror - L-50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Dactylic Antithesis - L-50 Human Warshade