dodged and deflected attack ??




i currently play on the test server and i find my toons that rely on melee attack to miss a looooot.
for exemple a MA/nin stalker i miss 2/3 of my blow O_O

so is acc needed now?

moreover i use to see the "miss" mention when my attack failed, on test i saw "dodged" and "deflected " a lot.

what are those new miss statut? how does it work?



Accuracy has always been needed in PvP! I'd recommend two slotted all attacks with accuracy.



already done that why i ask for the 3 acc



I think it's the same as before, it just tells you why you missed. For example, I attacked a Stalker and it came up with "Eluded".......

So I ran.



elude is bloody overpowered it aint funny same for retsu (right one?) had full defiance + 6 tohits (tactics+drone) and not one of 6 snipes hit >.>



I have had my attacks "absorbed" by a scrapper I suspect used MoG.

The new terms and the fact you cant see opponents powers adds a certain amount of mystification to the PVP. I like it kinda..

Bridger has already posted about these, for instance "eluded" is intended to signify that the attack missed because the enemy had high defense, not because you had low accuracy.

Or something like that.



already done that why i ask for the 3 acc

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No. You asked if accuracy is needed now.

so is acc needed now?

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elude is bloody overpowered it aint funny

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Since when? Just backpedal until it crashes, and then the scrapper/stalker is toast.

had full defiance + 6 tohits (tactics+drone) and not one of 6 snipes hit >.>

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Well, for a start Defiance wouldn't make any difference at all, and you need more than the tohit buff from tactics and targetting drone to hit through elude. The only way to guarantee hitting through it is to powerboost Aim and Build-up, both of which provide more +tohit than tactics+drone.



Well I'm not entirely sure how it works but I was getting those a lot as well against a Ice/nrg tank with my domi and had powers slotted with 2 acc so was also quite baffled by it. Was told its just a new way to put that you 'miss' but still should it be that hard to hit a tank? Maybe he used insp. Don't know why else I couldn't seem to hit him as he was fighting someone else and i literally spammed him with holds or tried



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
The only way to guarantee hitting through it is to powerboost Aim and Build-up, both of which provide more +tohit than tactics+drone.

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i made realise that if bothside have gods mode (elude, personal, force field, etc) heroes seems to have a lot of tool to bosst their acc (aim+BU for blaster FA for tank/rava..)

i played a ninjutsu stalker on test against rava sr the fight was i miss all my attack andhe seems to hit me as when i don'thave restu on :/




Well, for a start Defiance wouldn't make any difference at all, and you need more than the tohit buff from tactics and targetting drone to hit through elude. The only way to guarantee hitting through it is to powerboost Aim and Build-up, both of which provide more +tohit than tactics+drone.

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Defiance does help a bit, but it is still a mystery as to how much tohit buff you get from full defiance. I'm guessing it's not a lot. Bit lame if you ask me.

Also, targeting drone and tactics doesn't even come close to the amount of tohit you get from just aim.... unslotted. Fully slotted TD+Tactics probably doesn't even give the amount of tohit you normally get from Build up. TD and Tactics, really took a big hit with ED.



I shall be testing a few things out tonight in RV regarding accuracy. Had 3 slotted accuracy and build up on my brute and tank, but only 2slotted on my scrapper last night and hit a fair amount with 3 slotted, not much with 2.
Gonna create a blaster and see how that goes with 2 and 3 acc, but i'm guessing aim+bu slotted with 2 or 3 tohit buffs should hit through anything barring the 5% chance to miss whether you slot 2 or 3 acc.