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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm, if people are going to throw Hami-Os around for this, I might as well progress my arc up a bit then.

    If anyone still wants this to happen after Kronos has finished his, I'll offer mine up at the same rate I suppose.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wasn't even bothered about the HOs tbh. (though any spare ones are obviously welcome! )
    Would just be fun to have the villains there too as i've already done the arc with a previous toon
  2. I've just started the arc with Sunrod, first mission is up. Will post when i get to the 9th or pm you if you like.
  3. For human only pb
    1 blue inspiration
    Shining shield
    Quantum shield
    Thermal shield
    Light form
    Wonder where the hell you are or where you are going
    Photon Seekers
    IS, RS, Solar Flare, Gleaming blast, eye beams (can't remember what they're called of the top of my head), rinse repeat until the chaos is gone
    Boom, no end, no health as LF goes
    Pop the blue, conserve power, essence boost, self heal and away you go again - well, when LF and Photon Seekers have recharged anyway.
  4. They do stack yes, if pve is anything to go by. Stun for /nrg is 100% i believe, won't stun bosses but this combined with other stuns should be enough to stun in pvp. I know i'll be respeccing it in and taking out nrg punch asap.

    On my sonic/electric, i already have 2 stuns and 2 holds, specifically taken anyway for pvp but work just as well in pve for stunning or holding bosses.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    ...Been a while in siren's call yesterday, there defiance is serious useless. There are no 'mobs' that do a tiny 5% damage or miss you, each and everyone is using their most attacking power. Like a stalker its 90% hp instant hit wich hardly trigger defiance yet, after then he slaps u another 20-30% power.. but you ran out of HP already.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Defiance = 1-2 shotting squishies. Was at full defiance in Sirens yesterday after a stalker AS'd me. Luckily or perhaps skillfully! i managed to get the return hit in first - turned round, Bonesmasher - Energy Punch = dead stalker - Tab to next target, power blast, power bolt = dead mastermind. Was a very nice move and wouldn't have been able to do it without defiance.

    Just take a look at TG's stalker hunter to find out what defiance can do.
  6. Kronos_EU


    Damn it Jum, you just keep staying ahead of me!
  7. I'm up for the second respec with Kronos X....1 bar needed to get to 38.
    Might bring Sunrod for the others though (1 bar from 40 currently)
  8. Grats Double...hadn't realised you'd dinged 50, or is this another one that's gone from 1-50 in the last few days!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    "Yeah, bring on that non sense, just as long as it's sensible enough.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Nice one!

    We now have:

    1. Kronos X
    2. Stainless Steel
    3. Deluge
    4. Halo
    5. Tank - possibly Artist of Shredding
    6. Controller - Cathy Wheel
    7. Controller - Blue Note
    8. Defender - Kaya X

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funny Halo that you write down all the AT's with the participating characters, except for the blasters. As if...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Except i'm going to be on as a peacebringer!
  10. Kronos_EU

    Thunderous Blast

    I also slot 1acc/3dmg. Don't bother with recharge as i generally need the slots elsewhere.
    What i have noticed with both the sonic nuke and nrg nuke, if i don't slot the 1 acc, a few enemies are missed. 1 acc and i might miss 1 enemy, that being the boss ususally. The accuracy may be high on it's own, but i did find i got better results with 1 acc slotted.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Based on the description "boosts all secondair effects of powers", defence of CJ (imm/def), hover (fly/def) should be boosted too, though weird aid self is boosted too while the healing is the primairy effect of the power (secondair is confuse resist?). But for the epic shields, they dont have a primairy and secondairy effect except i would say FoN and Hibernate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hover speed is definitely boosted, as is flight speed. It makes taking hover and fly worthwhile.
    Always wondered about epic shields. Never tried testing it as i use powerboost as often as possible, but can't say i've noticed a difference so may not boost epic shield resistances.
  12. I don't have dwarf no. Pure human. All shields, not quite fully slotted for fire/cold resistance (need a respec), plus i should hopefully level and will pick up light form at 38. Keeping the aggro is a problem although with solar flare it tends to congregate on my anyhow (when they mobs get back up that is.)
  13. RE: Powerboost, how can you not use it every chance you get? It's great to use before a nova. For elec primary you effectively double endurance drain, double the 2.5% hover defense to 5%. And if you think about having hover, stealth and cj with defense slotted then you're talking in the region of 20% defense when powerboost is activated. That isn't that bad at all...especially for a squishy. Not to mention epic shields being boosted too.
  14. I'm amazed that so many just do not think powerboost is a useful power to take. Considering the amount of secondary buffs it affects this is one power from energy secondary that is a must have.
    Boost range is handy, but not essential - nice to pick up at 49 if you've got room. Good to go straight out of the box.
    Conserver power i'd say is essential too. When fighting AVs unless you've gone 2 end redx in each power, you'll run out of end quite quickly.
    Stun i haven't tried, but with elec primary, you've got enough control that this is probably not needed.
    Power thrust is great to have on auto. I slot this fully, damage isn't brilliant but it does enough for a finishing punch, and knockback is great.
    Energy punch, bonesmasher and total focus are pretty much your staples. You may be able to get away without energy punch if you don't have the room.
  15. Can't believe i've outlevlled this with Sunrod.
    I can bring Kronos X...pb, if you don't mind swapping a blaster for a pb.
  16. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    Prolly be on for a bit tonight.
    Was anyone in the 8 kinetics too?
  17. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    I'm thinking of changing toons. Still a brute but gone for Energy Melee/Stone...and i'm really quite liking it.
    I'll try and add some levels in the next couple of weeks...i think Ms Charlotte is going to be on the back burner (quite appropriate really). So if anyone is on when i'm around, can you invite 'The' Bricks Hithouse to the crazy 8.
  18. Reply to thread as a whole.

    At least other archetypes if running away can be followed...making it a little bit of fun...kiss me chase me etc! Stalkers placate is the most annoying aspect. It's not as if when standing toe to toe they don't have survivability. Access to shields and defenses that other ATs like blasters don't have until higher levels, and even then pretty pants ones, makes stalkers far more durable than most squishies.
  19. Grats Unity, another 50 for Cosmic Justice!
  20. Kronos_EU

    Toggle Dropping

    Not sure about anyone else, but after ED i've found holds to be much more effective, so much so that blasters can't rely only on their primary blasts and pretty much have to have other powers with status effects...i.e. detoggles on punches, ranged holds for those that don't have them in their primaries etc etc.
  21. Kronos_EU

    The Crazy Eight

    I'll be around at some point. Not sure when though as i'm off on a couple of outings this weekend.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    ...perhaps Controllers....are tougher to play...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have to be kidding right. Find a squishy, spam holds till said squishy is out of breakfrees, attack. V difficult.