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  1. It's times like that where I'm glad I took hover and can float over the sea of robots.
  2. I've already rolled up an Ill/Sonic troller. It was a close match between that and a Mind/Sonic, but Ill just fit the theme a little bit better.
  3. That was for Champs Online Voodoo. $200 and you get a lifetime sub to the game. They ran out of them last weekend though.
  4. In fact the post that got him permabanned has been recorded for posterity:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster

    How about.... I dunno. Being able to turn off all the damn random
    massive glowing from toggles and temp powers so I can actually SEE my

    That's been a pet peeve of mine since day one. The amount of
    customization for costumes is incredible in this game. Then they make so
    it's near impossible for you or anyone to actually see your character.

    <----- doesn't recall every character glowing 24-7 when using powers in
    anything other then Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Z sucks.
    It was in response to posts about how the new (at the time) Mayhem/Safeguard auras would stick around for 2 or 3 days of in-game time and could not be turned off.
  5. He complained that a lot of the work you put into a character in the costume designer would be wasted when the character turned on their toggles and were covered in auras or even had their character model changed (Granite armor for instance).
  6. How has this thread survived for this long? The original poster was banned many months ago.
  7. I'm pretty sure we'll be running next week as well. I suspect several people will get to 49, but not quite to 50 this week. Usually there's one week of "let the slackers get to 50" before the next Isos starts.
  8. What I'd like to see is the ability to unlock a "null power", basically an auto power that does nothing but can take any IO set. You could slot it up for set bonuses or for global procs (like the LoTG +7.5% recharge, or +PSI res, or whatnot).
  9. Kong_Fuu


    The way CO handles levelups sounds interesting, with players getting the ability to add their own Procs to powers and level up powers individually. That said, I've only heard generalities about it, it may be as restricted as the Slot/IO system CoH already has, which would be disappointing.

    I've also heard that CO is far less focused on "classes", with characters being able to semi-specialize in anything (like grabbing a random heal to help out with teaming) at the expense of just losing a few percentage off of your blasts. Dunno if this is true. Apparently a side effect is that it's very solo friendly, with no characters getting stuck in the "painful to solo" category, but also never really encourages teaming at all. The same complaint was leveled at CoH back in the day though (especially from ex-Everquest players that aren't having fun unless the game is randomly punishing them), and it didn't really hurt the game.
  10. Kong_Fuu


    Is it one of those open betas where you have to buy the game before they let you in the beta? CO is doing that, which is a red flag to me since it suggests that they think the beta might turn off potential customers.
  11. Kong_Fuu


    Suckerpunch has more or less retired from the CoH community, so the planner is not likely to be updated soon.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Once again, you've missed the OBVIOUS solution: Disable In-Game E-Mail For Trial Accounts.

    If a Trial Account can't send me e-mail, I no longer have to worry about setting who can and can't send it to me. K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple, Silly.
    Didn't the devs do that months ago?
  13. Why not just pick up a stealth power or even one of the many stealth IOs? That way not only will your costume be "ethereal" but you'll also have similar in-game effects.
  14. I'm not convinced that having pets zone with you is going to cut down on summoning that much. Pets are going to be taking a lot of aggro when legging it between missions, and if even one of them dies you'll have to go through the summon and buff dance again. Should be welcome news to AE folks though.
  15. See, I've actually been impressed at how well the MM does in Isos. OTOH, I prefer letting the pets take the alpha, just because they're expendible and let the team blast away the mobs while they're busy killing my pets.

    I am leaning towards some sort of buffer for the next Isos, just because we've been a little light on buffs lately. I'm really not sure what though. I have a 50 of everything heroside and I'm not really sure what I'd want to do.
  16. Not too bad tonight. Managed to run 3 nearly full teams (everybody was up to 7 or 8 right?). Even on team hardmode (lots of stalkers, doms, veats--not much support) we managed to pull out a level and 3/4 or so. Even finished off Black Scorp's second to last arc, the one with the infamous mole machines.

    At the current rate, I'm guessing the leading edge folks will hit 50 in two weeks, and the bulk of the remainder in three. We're definatly going to beat I16 out the door.
  17. Kong_Fuu

    New forums!

    Well, you could always format it up nicely in Excel or something, then take a screenshot and post the screenshot in your post. :P
  18. Kong_Fuu

    The Tally

    I only had half of Sunday, but that was enough time to get my Crab Spider from 38 to 47, which means he can start being IOed out. It also means I completely missed the FF Mayhem. :/
  19. Kong_Fuu

    New forums!

    It looks like I'm not the only one who had their avatar rejected by the new board software and had to reinstall it. I really don't like the grey block background thing they put on it though.
  20. I find the idea of skipping over to Virtue because Victory is too full to be amusing.
  21. I wonder if the new boards will allow images in the posts?

    Worth a shot I guess:
  22. I'm sadly going to miss this meeting thanks to travel. Have fun guys, don't hit 50 next week and force me to play the rest of the levels solo.
  23. Kong_Fuu

    Screenshot fail

    There is no default key for a UI screenshot AFAIK. You have to enable the UI with /screenshotui 1 before hitting printscreen. You can set up your own key to do that if you want, but there's nothing there by default.
  24. I don't suppose there is an option for turning off auras entirely for people who really don't like the effects of their toggles on their costume?
  25. On team Hamster it seemed like people were all sitting at 100% health most of the time, except when they would suddenly faceplant.

    The total death count was pretty low though.

    Also: I hate the animation for Enforced Morale. It takes about 5 days to finish which makes it a real pain to toss on the squishies every couple of minutes. It's also worthless for breaking most stuns because by the time it takes effect the stun has worn off anyway. The only thing it's useful on are Malta Stun Grenades for the most part.