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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    * Shadow Shard Maps show the location of each Jump Pad. A dotted line connects the Jump Pad with its end point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can't seem to get it to work

    [ QUOTE ]
    * A teleporter on Firebase Zulu takes players to any of the other three zones in the Shadow Shard (works both ways).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great! Clashes a bit with the zone, but a wonderful change. Still, why not expand the mole points instead?

    Also, it introduced a bug where taking the Vine back to FBZ from the Cascades drops you back in the wrong place.

    [ QUOTE ]
    * Dr. Scott Wachhorst, a prominent xenobiologist and Portal Corp. leader, willingly purchases Enhancements from players in Firebase Zulu.
    * A renegade Brute, Kallarn, purchases Enhancements with the hope that he might gain enough power to overthrow Ruladak. It can be found in the Cascades.
    * Slarrah, a Wisp who has been converted by Faathim the Kind relieves players of excess Enhancements in the Chantry.
    * Nameless Mystic. An interdimensional mystic feeds off the energy kicked off by the dreaded Lanaru. He happily accepts Enhancements. Found lurking near the Storm Palace.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't get them to buy anything off of me.


    Glowies are broken in missions (invisible). You can still click on them, but you just have to wave the cursor around to find them. This is a MUST-FIX issue for issue 5 IMHO. It is unacceptable for the glowies to be invisible (this is worse than the old Mole point graphics bugs that stuck around for 2 issues).


    There is no proper group for this, but it's most closely related to Shard changes (I guess).

    If you take the portal from PI to the RCS and then die in the RCS, you get sent back to the hospital in PI.
  2. Oh come on guys. Synapse is a high level Blaster, there is no way he isn't accustomed to being dead by this point. He's no doubt on a first name basis with everybody in every hospital in Paragon.
  3. Oh come on. Level 45s can't be too gray for you.

    Lowbie heros are getting cut down in front of your eyes, and yet you do nothing. Granted, only the really stupid heros died here, but stupid heroes are heroes too.

    Some of the heroes mistakenly even tried to save you, thinking you were in danger.

    Low level heros are oblivious to the dangers of these high level guys. Shouldn't you at least warn them off or something, even if you're not going to help.

    No, we all know that you're laughing inside of that tin can. Who else would be so sadistic as to send large groups of lowbies off to fight Vahz and CoT with barely a mention that they're all going to die?

    The biggest indignity of them all? You had to be saved by a Fire Blaster.
  4. The way I see it, PvP really brought to the forefront the weaknesses in some sets compared to others. The intention wasn't to change things due to PvP, but it was due to PvP that the need to balance came to the forefront.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    4>-Power Name: Howling Twilight
    -Power Description: A targeted ToHit AoE disorent and
    a PBAoE (Point Blank Area of Effect) revive. The revive
    effect will give more hit points to a team member based
    on the number of villans hit with the effect.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your information on Howling Twilight is out of date. It now rezzes evreybody in the AoE with full health and endurance. It has for awhile now actually. It is a fantastic combat rez as a result, especially since the enemies are momentarily disoriented (and aggroed on you) so your buddies can get their toggles up. It takes care not to be killed by all of the enemies you just aggored, but most of the time your recently rezzed teammates are more than willing to take some of the heat.
  6. 1. did you remember to enable /chatbeta 1 when you logged in? You have to do that EVERY time you log in.

    2. The syntax is /chan_join Victory Forum IIRC
    3. Make sure the newly created "Victory Forum" channel is attached to a tab. To do this, right click on a tab, like the "Bottom" tab if you still have it, and make sure Victory Forum is in the left list, not the right (if it's on the right, select it and hit the "add" button).
    4. Use the Tab button (next to the 1 2 3 4 for the extra windows) to choose "Victory Forum" to actually say something in the forum.
  7. Uh, isn't that obvious? When else are you going to use the powers? To grief newbies in Atlas who don't understand what 'unaffected' means?

    It's sort of a backup incase you have a bad pull.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    8. Be able to sell inspirations, and to buy higher tier inspirations, at 40+ the lowbie inspirations are just plain lame.

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    Why you would want the 20 influence from selling a Respite I'll never know...

    As for getting better inspriations, may I introduce you to Dr. Huxley at Mole Point Charley? She has a fruit basket waiting for you.
  9. I reccomend leaving Super Jump turned on when you use the geysers. Some of them seem to be aimed kinda badly (especially in FBZ!), and will shoot you just a few feet short of your goal. Be careful not to touch the keys until you are near the destination though, as any movements you make will override the geyser's speed boost.

    The first time you go in there, you'll fall down a LOT on the geysers, but once you get the hang of it you'll pretty much never fall down (basically, if you make it to the Cascades you have gotten the hang of it).

    There are some nice mobs in the Shard as well. It is a far better place to hunt Fakes than PI IMHO. There are groups with 2 Fakes in them on some islands.

    The TFs in the Shard are apparently real back breakers. The first one is like Positron's TF. Tons of missions and no AV at the end (although they do have a "click 4 things simultaniously" mission at the end, so you can't solo them like you can with Positron). Plan for 8-12 hours to finish a TF in the shard. Some can be done quicker, but it probably requires people who are familiar with the TF, which are hard to find.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Awwww.... poor widdle muffin. Did the Howwows Huwt You?

    Get a grip. The mission placement should be a challenge. Do you just want every contact to hand you a door mission, that happens to be a block away, that happens to have REALLY easy foes to kill, which gives you enough exp to get 10 levels per mission?

    People will complain about the stupidest things. Sure, I've had alts that have died in the Hollows... but my stupidity is to blame. I decide to shortcut through the red zone, and get my [censored] handed to me... lesson learned.

    Any time I've had a difficult-to-reach mission, I've merely taken my time, and taken safe routes... and I've never had a problem that way.

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    Actually the original theory behind the mission placements (as said by Statesman during an interview at one of the con's I beleive) was that it was intended for heros to street hunt on their way to and from missions. The placement of many missions especially at the lower levels are placed in areas that are nothing but purple cons to the hero preventing this form happening.

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    Not only that, but level 20+ (all the way to 50) continually get doors in KR, PP, Steel, and Skyway. What in the world is a level 44 player going to hunt in Kings Row on the way to the door?
  11. To be honest, I now have two low level characters that I built after issue 2. I've always though life was annoying before Travel Powers, but it's not like the Hollows have made that much difference. I'm pretty good at traveling now and neither character has ever died traveling (well, one did, but that was because I had him set to follow someone else and they jumped right in the middle of a pile of +8 Pumicites). Mobs in this game don't aggro that easily and once you figure out what the aggro range is, it's not hard to avoid getting their attention. I've never taken stealth on any of my characters either (well, the Dark defender does have Shadow Fall, and the Blaster has SS now...).

    IMHO, the biggest complaint is that it seems to take forever to get to level 14. Travel without travel powers is just painfully slow.
  12. Most tankers I talk to would be more than happy to lose the +RES component of UYS if it ment they could move with it on. It basically becomes Integration like that though, and that may be a bit too powerful for an already crazy powerful set.

    Even if it has a high endurance drain (like integration), that is balanced out by not having to run Acrobatics all of the time.
  13. The SK issue is a big one in my book. The fact is that people level up at different rates (or start at different times, run alts, etc...), so if you want to hunt in Faultline, Boomtown, etc... you're SOL unless you powerlevel your buddies up. It's a lot easier just to run them as SKs on your door missions instead. IMHO, you should be allowed in the zone if you are currently SKed up high enough to meet the level requirement (even if you have to do something clunky like zone before your mentor does).

    Once inside I see no reason to enforce this any further. You got in with your mentor so you should be fine, and if you try to run around without your mentor and get killed, well the nearest hospital is on the other side of the door.

    The only minor issue I see is that you may encourage a bit more Powerleveling by allowing low level types access to these zones, but in reality the streets are pretty good for powerleveling already and that won't really make that much of a difference.
  14. It probably doesn't help that almost everybody has a bad first experiance with Faultline. The first time most of us went in there was most likely the talk to Security Chief->Hunt 20 Vahz in Faultline that you got as soon as your level was high enough to actually enter the zone.

    Great, now I have to hunt Vahz who spawn in large groups at +1 to +6 my level solo because there's nobody else who wants to hunt in here. Oh boy, I can't wait to try attacking a group with 3 +1 Eids, 5 +1 Morts, and a bunch of +1 Abominations alone. I think I did what most people do for that mission, draw the aggro of a nearby mob and run like crazy for the police drones. Once the drones take out the eids and a few morts you can sort of muddle through the rest. It's still no picnic and certainly not a place I wanted to return to.
  15. The problem with Faultline is that you need a fairly big (4+) person group to hunt in there because the Clocks/Vahz both have fairly potent ranged attacks and come in big groups. The problem is that navigating Faultline is so treacherous that it is very hard to keep a big group together, especially if someone falls down the pit and everybody had to follow.

    I am pretty good at navigating around Faultline, but I'm a SJer so it's not too bad, but try finding 3 other SJers or Fliers around your level who want to street hunt in Faultline. Not gonna happen. The TPers that I've played with avoid Faultline like the plague because it is so easy to TP right into the middle of a pack of Vahz and die before you manage to click again. Once I neared the top of the level range, I did take a tour through Faultline just to see what it looked like. I even saw the door all the way in the bottom that may someday open up to that area behind the dam.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    B. - Obviously you haven't seen anyone with Perma-Elude, because the can get easily to 125% DEF or MORE.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not that the "or MORE" matters very much since the base-to-hit value is capped at 5%. Even if you have 1000% defense everything from Contaminated Thugs to Hamidon is going to hit you one time out of twenty.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Now that I think about it, though, I guess it would be kind of silly. How would the folks with Super Speed get up there? What if Super Jump was *just* short of the entrance? What if no one has Teleport Friend? What if no one has Fly?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Easy solution: Everybody on the mission gets a Wing Raider jetpack as a temporary power.

    I'd love to see a mobile sky raider airbase just wandering around a zone like the blimps. Maybe cover the top in Skyraider spawns and consider it a bone thrown to people who took fly even though it's way slow.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I soloed Dr. Vahz..................when i was 3 levels higher than him. And it was still hard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When I met up with Doc Vlaz I couldn't beat him alone. I burned an entire END bar plus an entire tray of Catch a Breaths and I was only able to get him down to about half HP. After that he healed faster than I could do damage. Lucky thing he hits like a little girl. My Crane Kicks were barely doing any damage at all though, even with Focus Chi up. I eventually had to go back and find a blaster willing to help me finish the job.
  19. Hmm, had another brainstorm. What do you guys think?

    Through some combination of munging the existing SR set, you free up two slots (this is not hard to do).

    1. Clear Purpose: Auto (toggle?): 50% resistance to enemy debuffs.
    Takes Enhance Damage Resistance enhancements to increase the effect.
    Animation: Your character goes in a Zen-like pose for a second (if it's a toggle) at startup.
    Recharge: Fast (if toggle)
    Description: Your purpose is clear, you do not let enemy attacks dissuade you from your cause.
    Slot: Later power slot (early debuffs don't really matter that much). Probably 7th or 8th.

    2. Second Wind: Click: Recover 40 END.
    Takes: Enhance Endurance Gain, Reduce Recharge time
    Animation: Your character wipes off his cheek with his fist and then holds his hand out in front of him, palm up, and waves his fingers inward a couple of times.
    Rechage: Slow (2 mins at least)
    Description: Your second wind kicks in and you are ready to fight even harder.
    Slot: Probably third or forth in the revised SR setup. This should be early to avoid being eclipsed by Stamina.

    I think these should fit fairly easily in the SR secondary without overpowering the set and without stepping on anyone elses's (tankers) toes. It doesn't necessarily bring SR up to the level of the other Scrapper secondaries defensively, but it at least gives them _something_ to hold over the other secondaires. We may die easy against tough opponents, but at least we can avoid debuffs unlike you guys! Also, as a MA/SR scrapper, I can say that anything that prevents my defense from being debuffed is very welcome, since that's how I die most of the time.
  20. Hmmm, combining the ranged attack toggle and passive (it seems to be the most popular way to free up slots for SR, even more than combining the autos and toggles together into amagamated powers that provide +10% auto and a +20% toggle.

    Anyway, here are my suggestions:
    1. Second Wind: Click, Self Heal (25%? 33%? 50%?) , +15 END, Long recharge (5 mins?) -- Your character gets his second wind and comes back from a near defeat to jump right back into the battle.

    2. Flow like Water: Auto, +15% damage resist. You flow with the punches and tend to only take damage in non-vital "hero" areas like the shoulder and thigh.

    If the devs go for combining the slots instead and free up 3 different slots, I have another idea that could work:

    3. Pressure Points: Toggle, 25% greater chance of landing critical hits on attacks. You concentrate on striking vital areas, dispatching foes with precision instead of brute force.
    I made this a toggle because as an auto it wouldn't be slotable, and that doesn't seem right.
    Alternatively, this toggle could give all of your attacks a MAG2 stun component, although if it does this it should be a click with a moderate to long recharge time and a short duration.
  21. Just be careful you don't back into the Skull Daddy that's half way up the fire escape after chasing the last hero and giving up. It's such an unfortunate way to die.

    Hunting the CoT in Kings Row was almost enough to convince me to take Hover, just to avoid climbing the stupid stairs only to find no CoT (or some annoying level 20 flying blaster wiping out the last of them just as I arrived...again.