117 -
I think the benefits of the Server Merge are being a bit overstated. To alot of us EU peeps I think it's a case of 'WOULD LIKE' rather than 'MUST HAVE'.
And count me amongst the number that would forgoe a Server list merge if it meant losing my Global name.
To be brutally honest I think only a small minority of people will really enjoy the benefits that a Server list merge will bring.
Beta Testing...... I don't really care much for it. I know some people do but honestly there doesn't seem to be many people that I know EU side that really get fussed about participating. Those that do generally just want the gossip on what to expect and to see it first. I've just always loved the 'surprise' of experiencing new content when it first goes live. So I think the Beta testing perks will be for the minority.
11 MOAR Servers!
As has been frequently addressed here in previous posts alot of us haven't even filled the servers we call home. Defiant in my case. I've filled about 27 of the 30 slots there and I've always been more concerned about having more slots on THAT server, rather than another potential 330 slots on the US servers. I'm not saying that it's not a good thing, but it's not a priority to me. Indeed all it REALLY provides me with is extra places to 'archive' old unused level 50's that I don't play so often so that I can free up slots on Defiant.
Sure I might dabble on the other servers, just as I dabble on Union from time to time. But home is Defiant and it probably always will be.
I suspect many people feel the same.
Quote:Really don't agree much with this comment. I don't know ANY players that create soloable toons because they can't get teams. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I don't think it's the majority. I know populations are lowish but I've never had teaming issues. Maybe it's because I was lucky enough to find a good SG. Maybe it's because I actively pursue teamage. I've known people in the past complain they don't get teams and when I've asked them if they 'ASKED' if any teams were available they somewhat bashfully said they didn't ask.[*]No more solo only option! It is well known on the EU servers that the majority of players likes to create a character that can solo due to the low population. Now if we want to create a brand new support only character, i can make a character on one of your busiest servers and enjoy an entirely new aspect of the game!
I think it's nice that we can go and try out the new servers and possibly make new friends. But honestly it's not a matter of life or death to me. I'm happy with the server I'm on. I'm happy with the friends I have.
While server list merge is a nice concept and all, all it's really doing for what I suspect IS the majority of EU players is create a situation that's actually just pi**ing them off. -
To illustrate the issue just take me and Snow.
We've known each other pretty much since we both started playing in game.
He's alway's referred to me as Knightingale.
To me he's always been Snow.
Now both of these names stand a VERY good chance I'd say of being usurped by NA counterparts.
So in a few months time we'll no longer be those two identities. And that sucks. And chances are we'll never know who it was that grabbed OUR names and whether or not they even play anymore. All we'll know is that suddenly we'll both need to change out names in game.
The EU communituy is relatively small yes. BUT we're massively close knit. There's a bunch of players simply in the Echelon SG I play with who have names that could easily exist on the US servers.
Shock, Phobos, Knight Errant..... and more besides. Yes the people with bizarro names might get through unscathed, but anyone who has a more 'ordinary' global name will probably have a counterpart stateside.
Potentially in a few months time we're all going to have to go by different names.
So In a few months time Snowy and I may very well be '@Slushy' and '@Chaffinch'
or something equally rubbish. -
Well I don't post on these forums that often but sometimes something crops up that just means I HAVE to voice my opinion.
And I'm pretty riled up right now.
GRRRRRRRRR (<-- See how riled I am!)
I've spent an inordinate amount of money on this game over the years.
I've spent an inordinate amount of time in this game over the years.
Bar one day where I forgot my bank card had expired and my account had lapsed I have been playing this game for 72 odd months concurrently with no breaks.
I've ALWAYS been known as Knightingale, even before the whole Global name thing came along.
Since Global names were established I've always been @Knightingale.
I have a huge friends list with a load of people who know me as Knightingale.
When I log into the game and come into chat channels it's always "Hey Knighty", "Hi Gale", "How's you tongith Knightingale".
Like other people that name has carried over to other games and other forms of Internet identity.
It's my online identity. It's somethign I'm proud of and have spent years cultivating. ESPECIALLY in a game to which I've loyally been subscribed to for over 6 years and spent a small fortune on.
And now..... now I'm being told that within a few months that identity COULD be lost to someone who fits any of the following criteria.
a) has been playing US side for 7 plus years continuously.
b) has been a player at sometime in the past on the US servers but might now no longer be active.
c) has at some point dabbled very briefly in CoH on the US side and happened to have the same Global as me
d) has had a trial account US side wth the same Global as me and then decided against actually playing the game any longer because it wasn't to their liking
only after these 4 groups of people have been checked..... will I get the Global handle I've had for 6 plus years.
Now Group a) I'm not too concerned about. They were here first so technically I'm the usurper of the name. And as they're still playing they're entitled to it. I'd be miffed but ultimately I understand.
The other 3 groups should, as far as I'm concerned, forfeit the name. They no longer PAY for the privilege of having that name. I DO.
THAT is fair.
i've never really thought of the EU side of the operation as being the second-class citizens of the CoH family. I've always just puttered around, been pleased with the content and all the new issues and the like. I've bought all the packs and expansions etc so that I continue to fund this game the best way I can because I don't want it to end. I've always said that I'll be logged in when they finally turn the servers off, I won't go willingly into the night.
But now it does appear that for the first time I see us as being the ignored outspoken MINORITY.
A case of, "Well yes the EU guys will complain, but what the hey, there's not too many of them and it'll all blow over."
I wish I could say that this would drive me from the game, that my outrage would fuel my convictions and I'd say toodle-pip and thanks for the fun. But I know that I'll still be here playing my favourite game and hanging out with my friends and exploring the wonderful new content that's coming down the pipeline.....
And yes frankly it will all blow over and will be mostly forgotten in the months to come.
But right now I'm pi**ed!
Honestly, rethink this please. Give some weight to the Veterans. The ones who've been around a LONG time and paid in time and money to EARN those names. Your current plan, while it might technically cause less problems to you is just downright unfair and badly thought out.
My tuppenth, I assume you'll ignore it, after all I am from the EU........ -
Dunno what your techy guys did, but I seem to be loading in again. YAY!
Fingers crossed!
Quote:Thanks Avatea.I've asked for our tech team to look into it, I'll keep you posted asap.
We seem to be dropping off Defiant one by one here. Everytime I talk to friends who play it seems that another one has been kicked and can't get back on.
I was looking forward to my friday night TF too. -
Adding my name to the growing list.
Similar story, just started the MoITF, mapservered...... kablooey.
Disconnected and now can't get back in.
Just the client trying to connect over and over again...... -
I think that's a tough question.
I'd LOVE to have a toon with a place in CoH Canon and Folklore.
However if it was REALLY to mean something to me it would really have to be my Signature toon, Knightingale, and I just don't think I could bear not to be able to play her anymore.
I could put up any one of my other 50's, and I'd do that without hesitation, but if I wanted one toon to be remembered in game it would be the one I really wouldn't want to sacrifice.
Not sure what I'd do.
Maybe. -
The Femme Fatales (51) is a heroside SG, the Fallen Femmes (54) are their redside nemesises!!!!
The 2nd Echelon (87) are blueside too. They're the expansion SG to 'The Echelon' (7)
Blaze of the Immortals (71) is a Hero SG too
Hope those help -
Quote:I really think this should have been....The Hitchhikers guide to the Bacon
What is the answer to llife, the universe and bacon? 42.
Lunkwill: Do you...
Deep Thought: Have an answer for you? Yes. But you're not going to like it.
Fook: Please tell us. We must know!
Deep Thought: Okay. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is...
[wild cheers from audience, then silence]
Deep Thought: Bacon. -
Does it stack? (If you know what I mean)
If I had a team of 8 likewise powered teammates and we all used Phalanx Fighting what does that do? -
I have a toon called 'Knight Arrow' who is an archer from medieval times.
I kinda based him on tales of Errol Flynn. He's what you get if you cross Errol Flynn's Robin Hood, with Errol Flynn in real life (but without the darker stuff!).
So he's a hedonistic womanizing drunkard who just happens to be amazing with a bow and arrow. And he knows it. He has a strange set of archaic gentlemanly morals, but he's also supremely egotistical and self confidant to the max. So much so that one day whilst drunken seducing a Nun he found himself magically transported to the modern day by a being of light who he swears was God himself.
He has no idea what he's really doing here in the modern day, but by God he's going to take advantage of all the wonderful possibilities. He will flirt with anything in a skirt regardless of whether that person is even human, and he is convinced utterly that they find him devastatingly attractive in return.
Needless to say he's the only toon I have that I roleplay with from time to time. -
Sounds like you like the Melee sets rather than anything else, have you tried making a Peacebringer?
I found them to be suitably scrappy.
As for the concept, well you could just take your concept as stands to the next level.
I'm all about the character with my toons and when I made Knightingale and got her to 50. When I read that when you get to 50 you unlock the Kheldians and I read that they merge with a human host I jumped to the conclusion that it was level 50 heroes they merged with.
Now this may sound mad as a trumpet but in my head I couldn't match up the fact that I could play Knightingale AND a kheldian merged with Knightingale. So I put in a backstory where Gale was cloned twice and one was merged with a WS and another with a PB to make Knight.Shade and Knight.Bringer.
So I got to carry on the concpet going forwards into a different AT but with the same character. If you see my meaning. (Does that make sense?)
You could also try Energy Blasters, but spec them for Blapper duty. I have an Energy/Energy blaster who I love to use in melee combat with all the up close powers. Loads of fun.
I'd also recommend percevering with a toon for a while past just level 14. Alot of powerset's I find really don't come into their own till much later. I hated Stalkers till I got one into 30's and suddenly it all clicked. Same with my Tank strangely.
Controllers I've always loved, but I do find them hard work early on, but the mayhem they can unleash later is pure joy.
Dunno if any of that helps. -
I tend to prefer where possible to play a toon of appropriate level. If someone puts a shout out that they need someone on a team I'll see if I can find a toon of that level to play with. I've got so many alts that I'm bound to have someone at the right level.
However I also love playing my 50's and now that I can cover a broad spectrum of the AT range with them I'm more than happy to grab one that's appropriate when the need arises, whether I'm Exemped or not.
Sure it's nice to have all your powers, and there sometimes is that bit of a shock when you go looking for something that is now greyed out, but on the whole I'm just happy to help.
It is rare to be honest though that I do exemp them down though, simply because (as I said) with my altitis I usually have an appropriate toon at the right level range anyhoooo and would rather use those times to help AND further a toon of my own at the same time. -
Quote:Now, if you've rolled a character as THE pet class in the game, and don't take your pet summoning powers (thereby not allowing you Bodyguard), then either you're far below average (playing the pet class without any pets), or you really know what you're doing and are trying to challenge yourself (playing the pet class without any pets
The latter TYVM!!!!
I've rolled a Thugs MM toon for a concept group that I'm playing sporadically with The Echelon SG, and I am deliberately seeing how long I can go without the temptation of pets.
That said, I do have a second build on that toon that does have the pets, just incase I ever use it with a PUG, as I figure it wouldn't be very fair to expect a PUG to understand the sheer brilliance inherent in the petless MasterMind!
But in general play I get by on my wits, my extensive use of Power Pools (cause let's face it you run out of Primaries very quickly if you don't take pets!) and my trusty dual pistols!
I totally recommend it. Open your minds to the possibilities!!!!!!
And just for posterity....
Myth: Spawning the entire map on the 3rd ITF mission will reduce your lag.
Fact: Didn't work for us!
*shrug* -
I play as both, oddly I'm male and my signature toon is Female.
of my 50's thus far it's 4 for the boys and 6 for the girls.
But it's all in the concept for me.
Some toon concepts just seem to be one way or the other. Or sometimes it's in the name.
For example, Knightingale (my signature toon) started life as a Huge Male character called 'White Knight' when I created him. He was a big suit of armour wearing battlefield healer who'd been thrown forwards in time from Medieval times..... However these were the days before name checking was available and after carefully creating him I found the name 'The White Knight' was not available.
So I did some googling and decided to go with Nightingale, as in Florence Nightingale, but with a 'K' in the front to signify where the toon started. But Knightingale sounded wrong for a Male toon and so the sex was changed to female. And then the whole medieval Knight schtick didn't fit so the origin changed too to her being a mutant.
My Rad Corruptor F411-OUT was meant to have inherited his radiation based powers after being a firefighter based at Chernobyl. This seemed to dictate in my head that the character should be male and hence it was so.
The reason that the girls are so heavily favoured in my 50's stable is simply to do with my Khelds. Both Knight.Shade and Knight.Bringer were Khelds merged with clones of Knightingale, and hence had to be the same as her. (In my head it's my way of justifying all three of them being able to run around Paragon at the same time). -
All very valid cases put forth so far....
However I have always felt that the secret to good gameplay with a toon is to do the unexpected!!!!!
Thus, I have a Thugs/Trick Arrow mastermind as part of an undercover Longbow concept group I play with the Echelon. In order to make the toon new and refreshing to play I decided that the pets were utterly unnecessary and surplus to requirements.
If this is the road you would like to take also and try and level your MM to level 50 sans pets, then I have some useful tips.
The trick arrow powerset is great when you are a Longbow inspired toon and you get a real kick out of standing on boxes or containers and shouting 'TWANG!' at the top of your lungs everytime you fire an arrow off. It's a great feeling deep down until your girlfriend comes to investigate what the devil you're doing.
Also take all the dual pistols powers because they look awesomely cool. Remember to always jump around alot during combat whilst toting your pistols. Sure it makes no difference to your defensive stats but again it looks very cool. The best thing about this is that you max out all the powers you can take from your primary pool by about level 12!!!! So you can now concentrate on picking up Power Pool powers! Bonus!!!
Thus far I've taken the Concealment pool, and made great use of the 'Grant Invisibility' power. Another fave is to take the Speed pool. Flurry is fabulous and has a minor disorient which will be almost totally useless at higher levels, and just wait till you get to level 20 and you can get whirlwind.
Yes yes yes you now have some fancy cossie change emotes, but why settle for those when you can use a complex keybind to tie cossie changes to the whirlwind power? Wonder Woman eat your heart out!!!!
Leadership pool is a must. Especially Vengeance.... although I've not mastered the art of triggering it on myself after I've died...... still working on that tricky conundrum and I'll let you know when I've figured it out.
Now some people scoff and say 'Pah! A Mastermind without pets, why that's like a Tanker without shields.'
To be honest they're probably right, but the last team I played with could not deny my usefulness in dispensing Grant Invisibility to get past the Scrapyarder mobs at the door. No ordinary MasterMind could have done that!!!
One word of note. PUG's don't really understand the beauty of the petless MM, so you may have to do a smidgen of re-education.
Hope that helps! -
I'm LOVING my little Knightingale.
Thanks Everso muchly! -
These are amazing!!!!
Is there a backlog ? Or can I have one of Knightingale ?
Pretty please!!!! -
Made me laugh so hard I had to come post to say Thanks Coin.
Happy New Year to you and anyone else reading this thread! -
Oooooooooooooo so you can!
I've added them all in. Ta muchly. -
Blimey there's a bunch of mine missing. Knightingale is on there though
(She's Empath/Psi/Power just to confirm)
Can you add when you're next doing it.....
Rogue Elevenex - Blaster NRG/NRG/Force
Lady Rogue - Scrapper MA/Regen/Body
Mr Infinity - Tanker Invuln/NRG/NRG
Miss Infinity - Controller Ice/Storm/Ice
And did you know Primary and Secondary are spelt wrong? Or is that on purpose? (May have been mentioned before but I'll be buggered if I'm gonna wade through 30 odd pages to see!)
Oh and her indoors has a level 50 also not on the list.
Lady Ebony - Blaster NRG/NRG/Force
think that's the lot...... hehe -
Welcome aboard the good ship Defiant.
I've played a bunch of MMO's over the years, but this one is the only one that's kept me buzzin' for such a long time. 27 months and counting. The reason ?
The community here rocks!!!
Here's hoping you stick around for a while too. See you in Atlas Park! -
Here's another 4 that are missing from the list.
Rogue Elevenex - Nrg/Nrg Blaster (Force Mastery)
Lady Rogue - Martial Arts/Regen Scrapper (Energy Mastery)
Lady Ebony - Nrg/Nrg Blaster (Force Mastery)
Mr Infinity - Invuln/Nrg Tanker (Energy Mastery)
Been a busy bunny since last looking at this thread! hehe