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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    <snip!>(Seriously, when are we getting male versions of the CoL masks?)
    I'd like to see CoL fully ported, or at least ported as well as possible. There are frustratingly few cross-dressing options.

    What? Heroic Transvestite is a perfectly valid character archetype!
  2. Kirsten

    SSA #2 Episode 2

    It's called Took A Level In BadPANCAKE. I think's it's a good thing. At least now her Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome can be put to good use, considering that she'll have Statesman's powers on top of her own.

    And GG,

    Squick. Funny, but squick.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    So...again I say: City of Casey Jones *and* Jason Voorhees.

    Wouldn't want the poor widdle willains to feel left out, would we?
    I don't need this baby-talk! I've got puppies to nuke!!

    But seriously, this kind of dismissal is what starts acidic thread arguments. Do we want that? No. Besides, playing as a villain can be legitimately fun!
  4. I had a thread on this a while back, and some people liked the idea, so I'v decided to start a new thread to prevent Necroposting:

    How would you react to the idea of player-made costume parts being submitted and given/sold to players?

    As I see it, the Pros are:
    *People could make the parts they've been begging for for years instead waiting for the devs to make them.
    *Artistic members of the community could actually see their ideas make it directly to the game.
    *It could help fill some gaps in existing themes. (Captain Fluffy: "Hey, where's my PANCAKIN' shoulder parrot?")

    *It'd be hard to coordinate: What file types? Maximum size? Maximum polygon count? Allowed textures/surface types? Baked-in colors? Model size?
    *With the volume of submissions, they'd probably need a single dedicated staffer to look through them all!
    *Possible IP issues?

    Overall, while I would love to see costume parts made by the community, I wonder if it would be practical? What do you guys think? (Both the idea, and its feasibility.)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Go into the tailor and hit the button that says "Hide UI". You won't get the character's name, but it works.

    (You'll have to paste this into image editing software and save it there.)
    Yeah, but that's a wee bit dicey. For example, I usually just get blank blackness. I usually have to use the "Snipping Tool" that ships with Windows, and that's a little iffy, too.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    This game also caters to the naughy side
    ...I am going to agree, and I am going to assume the innuendo there is unintentional.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    This. What part of a chainsaw-wielding maniac or hockey-stick-swinging pothead screams superhero?
    ...That ENTIRE SENTENCE screams "superhero". Especially if you count the 90s. While most people avoid it, it did happen, and we got some neat stuff.
  8. Kirsten

    SSA #2 Episode 2

    Haven't done redside, but blueside was, in the words of everybody's favorite tiger-blooded warlock Martian rock star, WINNING.
  9. I think they need more spikes. And we need chainsaw options for battleaxe, broadsword, Titan Weapons, and Claws. (Yes, the claw blades should be chainsaws.) and more "Rusted Metal" options for non-Katana.
  10. They should, in my opinion, fix AE, and after they do that, take the best AE arcs they can find and occasionally turn one into an official arc. It wouldn't have to be a major one, or even figure into the larger story, but it would mean an interesting new arc from time to time.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post

    Now all it needs is a reference to Samuraiko Movie Productions
    Call in Michelle from Marketing?
  12. I'm personally in favor of revamping the existing Shard completely, bringing Rulu-Shin into the Shard, making it "semi-Incarnate" (i.e., enemies go from 40 up to 54, and Incarnate shifts, work, but it's still suitable for lower-level characters, provided they avoid the really nasty stuff.), and adding the unused parts (e.g. Factory Cubes, Garden of Memories, the Repository, the Palace) as new zones, some Incarnate, some semi-Incarnate. And perhaps add some special swag (unique inspirations, special-origin enhancements, what have you) to the Shard. And open it to Villains. Seriously, why has Arachnos not tried to get ahold of some of that tasty Kora fruit? They're delicious!!

    That is, Quatrexin after it is completely and utterly overhauled.

    I don't really want anything to be a "template" for new content, because I like my content widely varied. I wanna see Gold, Silver, and Bronze age-style storylines (NOT Dork age. The 90's were a dark era for comics, indeed...) alongside modern (Aluminum-Era? Iron-Age? Diamond-Age? Postmodern-Age? Whatever...). If I was constricted to only one type of plot, I'd just lose my mind. If I want exactly one somewhat bland plotline over and over, I'll just play the original Neverwinter Nights 1 campaign repeatedly until my brain oozes out of my ears. And if that happens, fo to me what Randall Monroe requested should he ever join Klout. (i.e. kill me.)
  14. Well, I could see these being done as task forces, or as trials. Either way.
  15. Kirsten

    TwitchTV + PvP

    Only if they hire the guy who did the Pro Bending commentary on Legend of Korra.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    What does a native of the Rogue Isles sound like? Do the have some sort of French or mid European accent? Is it a mid Atlantic one? With their back ground it should not sound American.
    Probably would have some Franco-Anglican to it.

    Why in 8 years has there never been an election for mayor?
    Perhaps they have and it just never really came up?
  17. Blue Steel does not defeat enemies. He deletes them from the server.

    Blue Steel's shield does not protect him. It protects others from his glory.

    Blue Steel's only fear is that he will eventually run out of things to be more awesome than.

    The Rulu-Shin worship Rularuu. Rularuu worships Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris worships Bruce Lee. And Blue Steel is worshiped by Bruce Lee.

    If Blue Steel were defeated, it could only be by Blue Steel.

    Blue Steel does not have an Evil Twin, because morality is beneath him.

    Superman can take bullets. Bullets are too afraid of Blue Steel to strike him.

    The hottest stars burn blue in honor of Blue Steel.

    Blue Steel once had a kitten. He still misses little Battalion.

    Hamidon is what happens when Blue Steel sneezes.

    If Blue Steel and been involved in "Who Will Die?", the title would have been "EVERYBODY."

    Blue Steel kills others for your sins. Including you.

    Blue Steel uses impervium toilet paper. And it still breaks.

    If Blue Steel glares at you, you will forever pee blood. So will your descendants. And your ancestors. And your other-timeline equivalents.

    The Praetorian Blue Steel is the Primal Blue Steel.

    The Well of the Furies's true form can be found in Blue Steel's liquor cabinet.

    The "I Win Button" is just a crudely drawn picture of Blue Steel taped to a mini-bat.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    This. See also Origin of Powers arcs. (The contacts for which generally sit in list totally ignored.) i also generally don't explain enhancement slotting, inspiration trays or GM scaling in my character concept.

    To the extent i would acknowledge it in game i would probably go with the "holding back" explanation. Far more likely is to simply not pay or draw attention to it.
    I actually rather liked OoP, even if the writing was a bit...squiffy...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    This sounds like a Job for Moderator 09!!!
  20. Kirsten

    Man of Steel

    They should've gotten Matt Bomer.
  21. Plus, if they did something like this, villains would no longer need to always get folded into the heroes' team.


    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    Would Rogues & Vigilantes be able to use both sets of trials?
    No, just whatever side they happened to be on at the time. (If you're in the isles, you're doing it as a villain.)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Entropy_Aegis View Post
    I approve wholeheartedly, the game needs MOAR RULARUU.....all of my /Signed.
    I agree. The Shadow Shard is a really cool place with plenty of good "Eldritch Abomination" story potential, and it needs to be developed further, and it has plenty of conceivable ways that Incarnates could gain power outside the Well and break free from it.