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  1. Bad Idea: Putting a bunch of insps in a blender to make a tasty shake.

    Good Idea: Respecting Blue Steel.
  2. This seems pretty good to me. I'd especially like to see what the Epics Squids would get would look like!

  3. Bad idea: Convincing a lowbie that a useless item is uber.

    Good idea: Wearing pants.
  4. I got one:

    Kinetic Judgement:

    Melee Cone/Short Cone

    Good Stun, maybe Knockback. Damage is Energy/Smashing.

    Animation: Something in keeping with Kinetic Melee, Quick-moving hands and feet, flailing limbs and floppy passion, so on, so forth.
  5. /signed, but maybe make this an optional thing? Like "Check if you want this bit/Colors Linked using RGB/ColorWheel".
  6. I like the detail you put into this suggestion. It's well thought out and carefully written. It's an interesting idea, having Epic Sets instead of EATs. I had a suggestion like somewhat like that a while back.
  7. Kirsten

    Gravity Aromor

    Except for the fact that the electromagnetic field it generates would repel or attract small objects based on their composition, would ionize the air making it less heat-conductive, and would redirect radiation around the user like the Earth's electromagnetic field does. Electric armor does make sense.
  8. Kirsten

    Ancient Japan!

    Okay...Do you have anything to add? Or was that all? Not trying to be mean, it was an honest question.
  9. Bad idea: Running around the corner into a Kronos Class Titan.

    Good idea: Playing on Exalted.
  10. Ya know, I had a suggestion on this not too long
  11. Gonna use most of your set. "Battle Focus" was meant to be a "Power Boost" Clone.
  12. I guess you're right about MA...I couldn't really think of anything better, so I'll work on that.
    +SPD means +movement, not +Recharge.
    As for Transfusion, I'll change it for a different one.
  13. Alrighty. This here is the latest in a long list of suggestions I have put on this forum, the earliest of which can be found in my sig. Due to Maelstrom, Everyone has been begging for MA to be ported to Blaster seconds, and I have always wanted to see Kinetic and Gravity Manips. So here we go. Comments/Suggestions are welcome.

    Kinetic Manipulation:
    Blaster Secondary

    1: Inertia: Ranged (Foe Immob, -DMG, -SPD)

    2: Body Blow: Melee (Moderate DMG[Smashing/Energy], Foe Stun, -DMG)

    4: Accelerate: Click (Self +DMG, +ToHit, +SPD)

    10: Smashing Blow: Melee (High DMG[Smashing/Energy], Foe Stun, -DMG)

    16: Transferrence: Ranged (Foe -End, Self +End)

    20: Focused Burst: Ranged[Short] (High DMG[Smashing/Energy], Foe Knockdown, -


    28: Increase Efficieny: Click (Self +End)

    35: Repulse: Melee[PBAoE] (Foe Knockback)

    38: Concentrated Strike: Melee (Extreme DMG[Energy/Smashing], Foe -DMG, Stun)

    Gravity Manipulation:
    Blaster Secondary

    1: Crush: Ranged (Minor DMG[Smashing], Foe Immob, -Fly, -SPD)

    2: Lift: Melee (Moderate DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockup, -Fly)

    4: Graviton Field: Toggle[PBAoE] (Foe -SPD, -Fly, -Jump, -Recharge, -End)

    10: Graviton Wave: Melee[Cone] (Moderate DMG[Smashing], Foe Immob, -SPD, -Fly,


    16: Build Up: (Self +DMG, +ToHit)

    20: Throw: Ranged (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockback)

    28: Gravity Distortion: Melee (Moderate DoT[Smashing], Foe Hold, -Fly, -SPD)

    35: Reduce Weight: Click (Self +End, +SPD)

    38: Propel: Ranged (Extreme DMG[Smash], Foe Knockback)

    Martial Arts:
    Blaster Secondary
    *I yanked a couple of powers from Street Justice, for some variety. Please don't yell at me.*

    1: Bola Throw: Ranged (Foe Immobilize, Knockdown, -SPD)

    2: Storm Kick: Melee (Moderate DMG[Smashing])

    4: Cobra Strike: Melee (Minor DMG [Smashing], Foe Stun)

    10: Crocodile Sweep: Melee[Cone] (Moderate DMG[Smashing], Knockdown)

    16: Focus Chi: Click (Self +DMG, +ToHit)

    20: Spirit of the Jaguar: Toggle (Self +DEF, +Stealth, +Movement Speed)

    28: Smoke Bomb: PBAoE (Foe Stun, -To Hit)

    35: Eagle's Claw: Melee (Extreme DMG[Smashing], Foe Stun)

    38: Blinding Powder: Ranged Cone (Foe -To Hit, Confuse, -Perception)
  14. Kirsten

    Animal MM Set

    It was orginally supposed to be big cats. The original "Bear" name was a typo.
  15. Hmm... Could be interesting... I might play this.
  16. cool...I like it. I am wondering, however, what element you use before you get Elemental Selection? Is it just a random effect from the 4 with each attack? Some "omni-elemental energy"? Spam?

    Either way, /signed. Silly Vikings...
  17. Kirsten

    Animal MM Set

    Uhh. Hurl is ranged. I'll use your ranged for Wolf and Big Cat.
  18. Hm...Sounds interesting, but few people seem to use AE to start, and I don't think this would be very well-used.

    If it's any good, I'll sign it, but you may want to eleborate.
  19. Kirsten

    Animal MM Set

    Alright, I'm sure there have been a million versions of this, but I though I'd submit mine, what with the new Quadrupedal skeletons, and all. Feel free to comment.

    Attack Animals (Hunting Rifle)

    1: Single Shot: Ranged (Minor DMG[Lethal])

    1: Attack Wolves: Summon 1-3 Wolves

    2: Buckshot: Ranged[Cone] (Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockback)

    6: Train Animal: Ranged (Train Animal Henchman)

    8: Net Gun: Ranged[TAoE] (Foe Immobilize)

    12: Big Cat: Summon 1-2 Bears

    18: Pack of Wolves: Summon Wolf Pack (Calls Approx. 8 Wolves, Foe Fear)

    26: Angry Gorilla: Summon Gorilla

    32: Genetic Improvement: Ranged (Upgrade Animal Henchman)

    Attack Wolf
    Basic Powers:
    +Bite: (Minor DMG[Lethal])
    +Claw: (Minor DMG[Lethal])
    Trained Powers
    +Maul: (TP to Foe, Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockdown)
    Upgrade Powers
    +Savage Bite: (High DMG[Lethal])

    Big Cat
    Basic Powers
    +Swipe: (Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Stun)
    +Bite: (Moderate DMG[Lethal])
    +Maul: (TP to Foe, Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockdown)
    +Haymaker: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)
    +Crush: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)

    Angry Gorilla
    +Punch: (Moderate DMG[Smashing])
    +Haymaker: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)
    +Hand Clap: (Foe Stun, Knockback)
    +Hurl: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockback. -Fly)
    +Knockout Blow: (High DMG[Smashing], Knockup)
    +Ground Pound (PBAoE Moderate DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockup)
  20. Kirsten

    Morpher AT

    Originally Posted by Violet Sorceress View Post
    I'm fairly certain an elastic man type of powerset would not happen due to the intense development time and perceived interest being low. A beast mastermind or shape shifting set I can see as possible and there is obvious interest. People also ask a great deal for quadrupedal character avatars but that is most likely never going to happen due to animation needs. I think some limited animation time for a shape shifting set is possible and would sell in the market.
    I see your point on the "Elastic Man" thing, and I just threw that up there because it was what came to mind. I was thinking the exact same thing on the concept of an Animals MM Set, and I would totally jump at it.

    Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
    Animal mastery,
    I could see a standard melee set that a MM power and controler power. The MM power would be like gang war. "calling the pack" a pack of wolves (whatever you pick) would charge in to your aid. This power would cause fear. The controller would be ... instead of a normal tier 9 for melee, you'd have a pet ... a large wolf (whatever you pick).

    This is if they don't want to put in the time for a full morphing set.

    I like the morphing idea, but don't see it happening.
    I disagree. Like Violet said, there is a definite interest in that sort of thing, and the Dev team has established a very early precedent with the Squids, thus proving that the tech does exist to make such an AT. I'm sure the SCR may apply, but probably not on the level some of you are thinking.