Animal MM Set

Agent White



Alright, I'm sure there have been a million versions of this, but I though I'd submit mine, what with the new Quadrupedal skeletons, and all. Feel free to comment.

Attack Animals (Hunting Rifle)

1: Single Shot: Ranged (Minor DMG[Lethal])

1: Attack Wolves: Summon 1-3 Wolves

2: Buckshot: Ranged[Cone] (Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockback)

6: Train Animal: Ranged (Train Animal Henchman)

8: Net Gun: Ranged[TAoE] (Foe Immobilize)

12: Big Cat: Summon 1-2 Bears

18: Pack of Wolves: Summon Wolf Pack (Calls Approx. 8 Wolves, Foe Fear)

26: Angry Gorilla: Summon Gorilla

32: Genetic Improvement: Ranged (Upgrade Animal Henchman)

Attack Wolf
Basic Powers:
+Bite: (Minor DMG[Lethal])
+Claw: (Minor DMG[Lethal])
Trained Powers
+Maul: (TP to Foe, Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockdown)
Upgrade Powers
+Savage Bite: (High DMG[Lethal])

Big Cat
Basic Powers
+Swipe: (Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Stun)
+Bite: (Moderate DMG[Lethal])
+Maul: (TP to Foe, Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockdown)
+Haymaker: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)
+Crush: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)

Angry Gorilla
+Punch: (Moderate DMG[Smashing])
+Haymaker: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)
+Hand Clap: (Foe Stun, Knockback)
+Hurl: (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockback. -Fly)
+Knockout Blow: (High DMG[Smashing], Knockup)
+Ground Pound (PBAoE Moderate DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockup)

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I'm not a big fan of the set ... that being said, you have no ranged powers for your pets.
wolf: pounce, Pet (self) TP to target, foe knock down.
bear: bee's nest, throws bee's nest at target <-- kidding couldn't think of one.
Gorilla: trow bolder or large tree limb.

I think the better pet sets would be
young pup: 1-3 small dogs
alpha female: 1-2 moderate size dogs
Alpha male: large dog. Less animation work for Devs



Lions! and Tigers! and Bears! (and gorillas!) I want



lol big cat: bears.

bears are not cats XD



The ability to summon little duplicates of me? That would bring a whole new level of awesome to the game. Thumbs up!

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Yeah I'd kind of prefer something like

3 minion power - Wolves
2 Minion power - Werewolves
1 Minion power - "Alpha" werewolf

for a beast summoning set



I'd rather see a beastmaster theme to an animal MM set than a "big game hunter" theme, which is what you've got with the rifle and such.

Ranged attacks could be like a boomerang, or a spear, or maybe even commanding a falcon to fly at your enemy from your hand like a real falconer.

I'd also like to see a temp. swarm power a la Gang War or Hell on Earth that summons a massive flock of birds or swarms of rats/small animals.

Also, having one animal across an entire set is lame. Vote no to all dogs/cats/whatever.

Tier 1: Wolves. Mostly melee with a sonic attack, ranged "howl"
tier 2: Big cats of some kind (prefer tigers but leopards, jaguars or whatever would be cool too) Basically scrappers.
Tier 3: Big bear. Can induce AoE stuns with stomps and roars that disorient/fear foes. Tankish.



Great set.

I would give the bears this power.

Primal Roar - Ranged (Cone), Foe Fear, -Recharge, -SPD

Description: This Bloodcurdling Roar evokes uncontrollable fear even in the most hardened of enemies, causing most foes to tremble helplessly in terror. The panic stricken foes that flee will find their movement and attack rates slowed.

** Since bears aren’t cats, perhaps rename the level 12 power to Summon Ursus (Ursus is the Genus for bears (Kodiak, Polar, Grizzly etc…)).