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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kadmon View Post
    This wasn't hate. I legitimately want this for Android, and again legitimately don't like Apple. I would absolutely love to use this app.
    Agreed. I think this app is PANCAKING brilliant, but I despise the Apple Corporation and their iGarbage. And their phones are like glass!
  2. I had my own idea on a Psi Support set that's a bit less focused than this.


    When I compare them, I see that mine is a bit more "buff-ish" than yours.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    He's talking about the minor INF sink from buying SOs every 5 levels.
    Oh, those? I used to just beat up mooks for those.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    So, he's trying to emanitize the eschaton?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Well, why else would he be able to break his time-tether, and why would he be able to consistently trump and fool his enemies unless he knew the full extent of their potential by being the one who provides it!? He's just been doing the whole "villainous mastermind" schtick to spur more heroes to live up to their potentials, thus increasing his power by increasing their legends!! It's a foolproof theory!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
    Considering you can find recipes and salvage that can sell for millions, the idea that spending maybe 5-6 million total to slot your character from 1-50 as an inf sink is pretty silly. It's such a slight inf sink it might as well not even be there, and really only affects super-new players.
    I have been spending much more than 5-6 million to slot my lvl 50 blaster. Try more in the billions. I have funded this largely through selling rare recipes obtained through merit fishing.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TClauss View Post
    - Ability to preview, costume pieces, auras, and etc from the shop prior to buying. (not really a returning player thing, I think it would just be cool)
    You can already preview from the Costume Editor without having to buy first.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    Nemesis. Thats all. I want to know everything about Nemesis, especially how it relates to time/dimension hopping.

    And I want to know just how excessively bad *** he is, and how he managed to be so bad *** without support from the Well......
  9. Samuel_Tow, you are the kind of complainer that should be the normal kind: You state your problems with the writing clearly, concisely, and without vitriol or condescension (at least compared to others...) and you are willing to admit where things have improved. I also strongly agree with your feelings on the Well and Ascendants. I do not like the idea of any cosmic being choosing my destiny. Reality is MATH, PANCAKE it! Not silly puddles jerking people around! There is not fate, and if there is, it isn't handed out by some moistened PANCAKE with a sword! If I claimed I was an emperor because some watery tart lobbed a scimitar at me, why, they'd put me away...(rants about the violence and oppression inherent in the system.)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    ver·bal i·ro·ny/vûrʹ-bəl ˈīrənē/
    The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    Is Cracked an Internet site? Yes.
    Does their writeup of the inherent ridiculousness of the "hipster culture" function as a great beacon of hope in an otherwise daunting sea of douchebags? Yes.

    Definition of HIPSTER

    : a person who is unusually aware of and interested in new and unconventional patterns (as in jazz or fashion)

    Origin of HIPSTER

    First Known Use: 1940
    Modern definition of HIPSTER:

    As above, excepting that they also tend to be arrogant and belittling toward those who do not share their interests.

    "Man, Fred is such a PANCAKING hipster! I asked him who The Antlers were, and he just smirked and drank his PANCAKING Starbuck coffee. What a PANCAKING PANCAKER."
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    It requires someone to be the keeper of continuity, or alternatively for everyone to be.
    So...a professional Fanwanker? (It's a perfectly valid term, and any connotations you're attaching to it are your own PANCAKE fault.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    just a quick note to speak up for those like myself who, while acknowledging that a lot of the story/lore stuff in the game stinks on hot ice, mostly don't care provided it stays out of the way of what I log in for- plenty of flashy, mindless superheroic head busting.

    Sounds good to me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
    Silly question. Would it be possible to tie cosmetic effects to enhancements like this again in the future, if they were less intrusive? Especially the existing damage procs, cause I'd like some visual cue they went off, but even if it was just a cosmetic thing, would be possibly neat.
    Shut up and take my Paragon Points/Inf!!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
    I'm throwing my money and Paragon Points at the screen but nothing is happening!
    Try this.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Once several years back he was absolutely positive I was on drugs.
    +1 internets, dearest polymath.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by .Viridian. View Post
    So personally, I welcome constructive criticism. Sometimes people can get... passionate about the storylines, certainly, but isn't that a good thing? Besides, I already knew I’d need to have thick skin if I wanted to succeed in this industry.
    Great to see you have such a good attitude about this, Green. One thing I'd like to say while you're here is that I wish people had slightly more options in conversations, like instead of just "Say something", you could have "Say something snarky", "Say something Serious", "Say something pious", what have you. It may not make everything magical, but it would go a long way toward better immersion in conversations.
  18. Is there an SCR for VBulletin software? If not, I nominate Texas Justice.
  19. Okay, I got to thinking, "Villains hate helping others. They only got involved in the Incarnate fracas for their own skins...How can heroes and villains get their own, more different incarnate experiences to reflect this?"

    My answer: Give heroes and villains their own separate versions of small iTrials!! The trials would be accessible as usual, through the TUT, but it would work more like the DfB/DiB, allowing only one-side teams in, as opposed to being co-op. The idea is that the two sides of each of the events are happening concurrently, (I.E. Trope Man beats his own reflection [see below] while Emperor Evulz is pounding Uuralur.) or in close procession (Trope Man disables the Factory Cubes, and then Evulz steals Chularn's weaponry.)

    *Hero: With the defeat of Tyrant and the Praetorian Hamidon, the Incarnate Heroes of Paragon City finds themselves dealing with a new threat: The actions of Darrin Wade may have stirred Rularuu. The heroes must disable the dreaded Factory Cubes of Chularn, and defeat the Slave Lord. This task has been complicated by the rituals of the Rulu-Shin, which have awoken extra power from within Rularuu and empowered Chularn and his minions. Can the heroes of Paragon defeat this new menace before they wipe out humanity long before Battalion arrives? Hopefully.
    *Villain: Those goody-goodies from Paragon have gotten word that Chularn, that blowhard slaver from the Twil-er, Shadow Shard, is mobilizing his minions to make more weapons. While those suckers have them occupied, you can take advantage of things and get ahold of some sweet SWAG (Stuff Wickedly and Awesomely Griefed). Get in there before everybody else gets the good stuff! Just watch out for Chularn...those Rulu-Schmucks have managed to give him extra Mojo.

    *Hero: After the assault on the Factory Cubes and the defeat of Chularn the Slave Lord, Rularuu's fragments have decided to take advantage of the natural features of the Shadow Shard; Namely, Uuralur the Mirror has perfected the reflection of Well-Empowered foes. These enemies may not have the full punch of their originals, but Uuralur plans to resolve this by forcibly absorbing the originals by any means, including killing them. If he succeeds, then Rularuu could gain enough power to escape the shard!

    *Villain: Fresh off the Factory Cube gig, you found a...mysterious benefactor, willing to give you massive sums of moolah, on one condition: You have to get him a mirror from Uuralur's Garden. You'll have to fight the creep and take that mirror from his cold, ontologically inert hands, but boy will it be worth it to see Recluse's eyes bug out when you buy the Isles from under him. Be warned, though, if you're not careful, you might find yourself on the wrong side of the mirror.

    *Hero: Kuularth the Scavenger has long been more of a nuisance compared to the other Aspects of Rularuu, until now: His Natterlings have found a small stash of Well-infused artifacts, undetected due to the fracas with Uuralur. Kuularth were to unlock their secrets, it could mean that Rularuu could regain control of the Shard, or worse yet, escape! You must enter the Repository and retrieve the artifacts, but beware: The Natterlings have fed upon some of the Incarnate Energy the artifacts contain, and there are strange, deadly, and previously unknown species living in the nest of Kuularth. While Kuularth is for some reason absent, he maintains telekinetic control over many constructs made up of the refuse in his abode.

    *Villain: Your "benefactor" was very pleased with the *ahem* "quality merchandise" you "retrieved" for him. He's given you a shot at a "special source" of "high-end supplies" hidden in the Repository. Now get out of this storm of euphemisms and nab those artifacts while the Boy/Girl Scouts are busy with the Natterlings. And if that Kuularth moron shows up? Bash his cosmic face in!

    *Combined (sorry, guys!): "You have battled my Aspects at my very feet, stolen from my prison domain, and killed my underlings. Did you not think I would notice? I am Rularuu, devourer of more worlds than any of your mortal polymaths could ever comprehend, and I will kill you." Rularuu's ultimatum rang through the Shadow Shard as the entire reality rocked wildly: Rularuu has awakened, and he is not to be trifled with. He will attack you with all of his aspects, but if you can defeat them (and rescue his rebellious essence Faathim,) you will be forced to face Rularuu, with the stakes being the fate of reality. Prometheus has remained silent, except for one message: Before I can remove his power, you must destroy his body. Regardless of if he would destroy Earth, the Battalion would have no problems chowing down on Rularuu's Well-gorged form.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    If I believed that anybody actually suffered more than a couple of seconds of ennui over my opinions about the game, I might try to regulate my expression of those opinions slightly more than I already do.

    This sort of thread is spitting into the wind. You did make your feelings known and those feelings are noted.

    You should note, though, that the loudest complainers are also willing to hand out compliments when they are deserved. Yes, even Venture, oblique as some of those compliments might be.
    ...I have never run into a positive comment from Venture. It could just be because I'm not active enough on the fora...
  21. King's Row should honestly be extended down as an alternate starting zone for Noir-Type heroes, or at least reintroduced as a valid early low-level area for such.
  22. MOAR AoE Setz! Pleez?? /em Puppyeyes
  23. While I usually avoid making jokes such as these, I thought this would probably illustrate Venture's point of view here. I apologize for any inaccuracies, as this was meant more for humor and to lighten the tone of the thread:

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
    As has been shown here, the few you have aimed this at will do nothing but complain about things.
    Why? Because they believe that /their/ opinion is so vastly superior to everyone else.
    And they will argue endlessly to prove a point...
    Ah! So you'll see Venture's "Moff's Law" and raise him one Krahulik-Holkins Postulate?

    EDIT: I just realized the irony of us arguing over when, where, and why we should/shouldn't be arguing.