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  1. is wormhole as strong as tp foe? i mean is it hum.. usable in pvp?
  2. i would add a point to Silver_Weasel list

    18)make a portal from hospital to the 3 circle area in siren for vilains.
    i don't know for heroes but (it seems taht they have less unfriendly mob to cross near there base) for vilains taht don't necesseraly have travel power comming from bas to the center of the map (where the fun is most of the time) is a pain. a lot of tsoo, skyraiders and warrior mobs.

    ps: i wil never understand why heores find stalker to be so uber when they have a temp power they can buy at siren that do +perc (thing that we vilains lack)
  3. good question
    answer someone?
  4. pa de ma faute si des gens ont l'esprit mal percé
  5. i leech on this thread to ask a question about the -slow component of grav power.

    how strong is it? how much time does it wear? (usefull to slot my control in slow?)

    is the slow as strong or stronger than the ice one? i mean it does not appear in grav power descriptions so...
  6. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    Je REVE de voir ça! Vous avez de la place ??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    bin c'est sur union et c'est le mercredi soir a partir de 8 heure. pour le moment on est level 11 (suite a un crash de union on a predu une séance)

    dis moi si ca t'interesse et je verrais si jepeux t'introduire.
  7. en le moment critique c'est les level 25 a 32.
    ou chais pas on se lasse mais generamelent avec le pet on reprend gout ^^ donc pour ca je dirait... prendre le pool furtivité bcp d'inspi et ninjater a fond pour que ca soit douloureux le moins longtemps possible.

    sinon un bon moyen c'est comme moi de faire partie d'une troupe qui ne joue que des domis.
    c'est incoryable ce que ca va vite O_o
  8. Ken_Titus

    best PVP build ?

    [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />

    What do you think the best pvp build is ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    any heroes build.
  9. hum level 11 for some, we got kicked of the game and union was down right after
  10. seems it's dead for tonight sniff
  11. Ken_Titus

    domi and pvp

    lol harsh answer ^^
  12. Ken_Titus

    domi and pvp

    what did the several try of buff really did on dominator in PvP?
    are they a little more competitive?

    another question did some domi succeded in build a reputation in PvP ?
    is their known name?

    what you heroes find more in domi powers?
  13. oui mais bon a partir de la on donne pas de cape ni de collant.
    je suis assez d'accord avec ce que dit kittie.
    on fait pas un jeu de superheros par hasard.
    je veux dire c'est pas comme si avant on faisait pas une etudes de marché et tout pour se dire "hum tiens donc mais quelle univers on pourrait-on bien faire pour notre MMo? oh les comix et lefilms de superheros ca revient en ce moment bon bin on va faire ca".

    je veux dire le jeu emploi les codes (heroes/vilains) de cet univers pour attirer les joueurs mais par contre ils devraient venir pour jouer Joe le pauvre?

    donc oui ok les noms je suis d'accord mais les costumes.. franchement.. c'est comme si un rappeur attaquait un autre pour porter une casquette quoi ..
    surtout que bin enetant tatillons on trouvera TOUJOURS un air de ressemblance avec un superhero existant faut pas se leurré on a pas tous l'imagination d'un stan lee.
  14. for primary i hesit between fire and grav but and yes it would be for a try in PvP map ^^'
  15. i wonder wich one between these secondary sets are the most damaging.

    what are the pro and cons of the two ?
  16. it is the greatest pbl of MA stalker IMO
    if you want to pvp at siren you will miss some hum strong attack as you lake the very good AoE scrapper got. so you will have only crane kick wich hum is not that damaging in a stalker "hand"
  17. you will almost never stun a tank or a scrapper in PvP (specially all those regen)

    but it's good for the blast/def/contro and some kheld
  18. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    remember to check timezones ken titus )

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    hum... euh... ok then (don't laugh...) when you said 6.30 7.00
    it mean what time for me? (france)
    by the way i will be here at 8.00 pm (france time) tonight still with burning queen, keep me my place ^^
  19. personnaly when i will switch i will had take the time to reach the level of the original team
  20. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    to bring the power more in line with Blast power sets' short range, high damage attacks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hum... could sound right if the damage were upped as blaster short range attaque hit way harder.

    i find this change to be hum...not necesseraly a good thing.
    i mean the interest of spine was his long range impal to compensate the lack of burst damage(NRJ) or the lack of a "out of hide critik" attaque.

    i suggest too to reduce the animation time by half as the range.

    blasters seems to be the winner of the i8
  21. personally i play a fire/fire but could change for a grav/fire....

    by the way... they nerfed my iiiimps!
  22. lonely. i'm myster lonely ... ^^

    youhou mates
    mercy waits you -_-'