444 -
Quote:Another question to add to this, is dimension shift slottable with intangibility enhancements? I know that sonic cage (which I actually use with some regularity as a single insta boss removal) will NOT take intangibility enhancements... which makes me wonder, do intang enhancements actually do anything at all?Is dimension shift slottable for duration? I may be misremembering, but I thought all attribmods (effects) of dimension shift were Magnitude effects (meaning: slotting would increase magnitude, not duration).
*edit* I see one of the previous posts mentions seeing a change in detailed info about duration... so I assume the area shifts are enhanceable, any idea whether sonic cage (or detention field which I assume takes same rules) is unique? -
Oh god, bots/FF or Bots/traps... the game pretty much plays itself. The only godlike character I ever made (AV Solo, 8 man, didnt matter) that I actually quit before 50 due to boredom.
Regeneration, I'd suggest taking everything, lowest priority being resilience, but as Fire/ You may benefit from that extra mitigation (since the primary provides only death, no KB/KD) You could at least tug the res/def IO from it if you were trying to get a little defense.
You should never face any endurance problems, fire is very strong, recharge is your friend (since just about everything on regen is a click power), know when to use what powers (you'll figure it out), and Take MoG. Take MoG. Take it.
A nice deal with fire/regen is not having redraw issues that regen clicks cause with other sets.
Also, in the end, not taking pyre mastery could be a good idea, all the other AP sets provide some amount of secondary mitigation. However, whatever suits your theme, -
Quote:(Peers dubiously at the last post) What is this "theoretical time", and talk of figuring something out without experimentation...? This sounds suspiciously like witchcraft.Katten: I see no reason why this would have to be experimentally determined. The theoretical "pylon time" currently is quite close to measured pylon times, I think. Werner, BillZBubba and Arcanaville would have a better feel for that.
It only makes me more wary of this subject.
What I am saying would require this be experimentally determined for though is that AoE damage/time is very like to have even less reflection of actual in game experience than some other theories that are out there now.
Some problems I foresee are the interactions between various powers that people commonly use together to make their AoE's worthwhile. For example shield charge is going to scale proportionately with spawn size in terms of DPS due to Against All Odds, most people don't teleport in (not saturating AAO). Hot Feet might seem like it would be slower than double aura builds, however with controllers leveraging containment the damage becomes huge. Burn/Ignite require something to counter the fear effect and significant positioning to get full DPS. Radiation blasts irradiate reduces defense so much it all but assures the subsequent AoE's have MORE dps...
Also Having everyone in a spawn be hit is going to be a given likely, however many AoE's have greatly reduced or raised base accuracy so it will actually play a role in DPS.
I'm not saying it will be impossible, but there's much more at play in the AoE world than the 1v1.
So as it stands, like everything it's possible, but it is going to be a challenge. I'd not be surprised if someone here won't eventually crank it out though since this is the kind of thing that gets a few of us interested. -
If you use the Buckled Leather Color Scheme on the Buckled Leather texture, chest details appear with transparent edges (meaning you can see straight through your chest) At first I thought this was in ICON only, turns out it translates to in game.
I feel sorry for whoever's attempting to get this numbers...
Accuracy/rech/dam/range slotting priorities are a little more difficult to begin with, but I suppose in the end, it's going to be an average spawn death over time sort of calculation. I'd expect it to be possible to get a ranking of powers best for "3 targets" "5 Targets" "10 Targets" "16 Targets" "17+ Targets"
But due to so many more random factors using more enemies, (a huge number more random dice rolls) each powres gonna need to be tested a good many times to get a reliable average. Also each spawn contains different enemies, so somehow that'll need to be controlled to account for 'real' 8 man spawns having less lt's, but 2 bosses or, more lt's/minions but no bosses. (which will be very important since a boss in the mix is basically regular DPS rate after the rest are dead)
Then are the smaller spawns minions? lt's? bosses? mixtures? if radius is included does that mean cone size (which is enhanceable) included or should we pretend all enemies are stacked on eachother (herding position). Some AoE's are powerful at the center (Lightning Rod) but not so powerful towards the outer radius.
DPS is so easy because you can pick a single target that you know the stats of (like a pylon), and measure the time it takes to go down while seeing all the information played directly between you and that one target. This is gonna be all sorts of difficult. -
This seems oddly complicated, so I feel like I must be missing something but...
Defense debuffs subtract from your defense globally, every value will be reduced by the number of the defense debuff.
The only thing that will change that is having "defense debuff resistance" but again, DDR is global so it's really very simple. -
In the melee forums, "God Mode" in this game usually refers to a crashing defensive set tier 9 power. They will provide just about capped defense or resistance (or a combination in the case of MoG) and high end recovery... basically a long recharge invincibility click. There tend not to be downsides with the exception of a crash at the end so while the powers are up players refer to their state pretty much as "god mode".
I'd be happy with a badge of honor... (No Badge for "Save the World") What's a guy have to do to get some recognition around here.
I'm fine with the armor costs, it's a sign of someone who's played one of the more epic battles in this game (the ship raid) and really taken the battle to the rikti. I do think the LGTF and RWZ story arcs should be a little more rewarding, but without the merits no one would fight the mothership, and if no one fights the mothership, how're we going to quell the rikti population?
It's obvious the Vanguard stuffs incentive to do a semi hard to organize player event. It's rare enough an effort is rallied up as is. -
That Honour/Duel Pistols has to be the best powerset suggestion I've ever seen (laughs)
For someone specifically talking about ninja run as being key, I absolutely recommend leaving elude in. Having it takes you from being a fast runner, to being the BEST natural movement specialist this game has to offer.
The bonus is having a tool for dealing with Nem's and PvP. -
I actually forgot about traps as a defender set. Yes there are already screens of it being able to solo GM's, and it has the benefit of being very easy to softcap.
There was a whole thread earlier on when traps came out about the crazy power it could have, which doesn't surprise me, my old bots/traps was able to solo some AV/Hero's in his 30's-40's (SO's only) but then again, bots supplied a ton of damage and -regen... -
Until you have sets which include no loss end res, I'd seriously consider simply prioritizing your teammates as far as who gets bubbles and who doesn't. Once you're actually combat ready and have disruption field going (on top of dispersion and hot feet) basically your end bar has started the crawl towards zero. Bubble people who have trouble handling themselves, or bubble the people who can take a good deal of aggro if they're decent at managing it. (and relying on others staying in dispersion field range)
Remember, you're not a defender, first and foremost your job is control (and since you're fire, damage). In a choice between defensive bubbles and keeping disruption running... I'd pick the donuts.
Once you can handle the drain, then think about bubbling all your team every time.
Also, don't make the mistake of bubbling people with E/N/F/C shields when all there is, is S/L damage.
End game will be easier with management tools and slots to spare for either set end reduction or straight end reduction (two 50 IO's is just 10-15% shy of working as 3 SO's) You'll also be teaming with kins and rads more often since they're common hanging around endgame, so you will have support from them as well. -
My Sonic/Sonic is really quite relaxed, bubbles every 4 minutes, the -res toggle is a huge boon to the team and doesn't require maintenance at all. Heck, most people never play with a sonic in their entire playthrough so they often have no idea how their shields are helping, which means if you slack off and they faceplant they'll probably blame it on themselves (laughs).
As for the secondary, position, howl, tenderize boss, howl, continue tenderizing boss, howl some more.
Hardly any effort, and all the mobs are just going to melt away.
Problem with sonic is, that to take advantage of your primary you pretty much require a team. But that's not a problem right? -
Yep, however those without significant -regen need not attempt. Silverado I know at least has solo'd at least all the Hero GM's (excluding the crystal Titan) but including Lusca.
Unfortunately hers are always in a huge library of snapshots, rather than video, I'd like to see some video from someone as well. -
I teamed with one of those today (DM/Shield/Pyre) He was a powerhouse indeed, but seemed somehow unsatisfied (was asking about next alts). I think it was in a Teddybears song the quote
"I'm bored of being God" was said... I'm pretty sure that applies. -
1.) Gun Drone - Half a bars end drain, a spawns lifespan to activate, a visible aggro drawing pet in a set with 2 stealth powers and 2 stealth reliant powers, and only does AR Burst level damage, and flies too slowly to keep up with travel powers, and has a short lifespan... and a long recharge.
2.) Dimension Shift - I guess gravity has something to do with alternate dimensions? This must be an offshoot of the wormhole ability, maybe that one scifi where they wormhole through a blackhole... you know, instead of getting crushed. and then off of that time travel or string theory? (Also power is annoying since it still gives no visible sign of phase)
To replace, it's been suggested before, but gravity should have a power which draws enemies in, a reverse repel mechanic that is totally unique to gravity.
3.) Gravity holds in general - "Causes a single foe to be trapped in a misshapen gravity field, rendering him unable to take action" huh? Misshapen gravity field? how would... I'm confused.
(Suggestion for 3...) Make Gravity slam an opponent down, and keep them down for its holds, everyone has a knockdown animation, it shouldn't be too hard to make them stay down. It seems gravity to me should be the ultimate in mob positioning, things like area left, repel, an upwards or downwards version of telekinesis, a selectable area 'gravity well' power that draws enemies to it (even if you place it on the ceiling if you really wanted to get interesting.) -
QR (edits) Er Yea, definite mix up there, sonic/rad would be an awful choice for solo AV/GM's (if not corruptor, that might be a good choice too)
Ill/Rad controller has the potential to do all the above mentioned things. Following that a Rad/Sonic defender can as well, and there the -res is just astounding.
If I had the time or the patience to reroll characters that were made using the wrong combinations of those sets into one of either it's likely Rad/Sonic would be my attempt. -
As far as I understand, -res has no enhanceable form and never did, so it is unlikely that anything could effect that. (there simply is not statistic tying -res to enhances, unlike recharge and damage and all that.
Pure Speculation. -
QR "and mkae it so if we wish to IO, that farming isn't our only future"
sounds misleading, I mean that IO'ing has the most notable advantage of being an IO'd demi-god (which was what 'final builds' usual goal is) is that you can wipe 8 man farm spawns with more efficiency.
Since there is little reason to regularly play the more difficult content, the IO/build making skills are pretty much a waste of time outside of farming, and since farming comes back to better farming skills it leaves a rather wasted sickly feeling every time I get a character near reaching its final build
Of course that was IO's by design, I suppose 'roll a new alt' may be the true end game, but with that the case I'm just finally out of interest, 4-5 years replayabilities not bad.
There is probably only one thing that will really wind up serving to help me enjoy things at this point, and that's becoming a stronger leader. I've played the RO training day missions at release, those were a lot of fun. My fault would be not dragging enough unsuspecting victims along on the ride. So taking Thornies advice I'll MA hop again to see what exists.
So what has my original rant/suggestion devolved into? I suppose at this point two things.
1.) Moar EB's
2.) Randomly Eject 10% of the population in to the shard each day and make them like it.
So perhaps the OP was a little screwed up (as in misleading or ranty) but I'm no Icon around here, so I guess, deal with it. (laughs) I'm fine with where things have gone. -
Quote:They do have higher values, but it doesnt seem like it reflects their difficulty vs bosses. A level 54 EB takes maybe 6x the time to take down at much higher personal risk than a lone 54 boss, but only offers a tiny fraction more xp/inf.Wish granted!
(Though, IIRC, AVs which are downgraded to EBs have the same XP as a boss, in general; but true EBs do have higher XP values, and all EBs have a higher drop chance)
As for the purple rate... what is the difference? I saw a thread once that put the supposed average purple drop for 50 minions at 1/1500, I know bosses have a higher chance to drop rare salvage (15%ish) and held a rarer pool of recipes, but that was like the chance to get a rare obli vs a common one.
I am certain I cannot predict the drop rate an EB has for purples because there are too few EB's, the only mission with a significant EB number is the third mission in the Imperious Task Force, and an increase in purple drop rate from 1/1500 to 1/1300 or something like that would be almost imperceptible and again doesn't come anywhere close to justifying EB's difficulty or Rarity
I am rewarded by EB's mostly in FUN, and I don't see EB's enough. So I want more and I selfishly want the devs to make other people want more, and then to deliver. -
the "why would I go to FBZ?" is supposed to be the inner monologue of the average player. It would have been clearer had I used quotes.
However that's right, it's exactly where I would like to be, however it is just about impossible to get random people to group with you when they know they will be fighting at a slower pace and at higher risk of death with little compensation. (I hadn't seen how the new xp modifiers effected Rularuu/lanaruu, but it would have to be hugely favoring them to have it even remotely relate their difficulty.)
And that random people part is important, it's the sign on and play aspect of the game I'm aiming this at. I know it's much more likely to do this stuff within Coalitions, but even then most people become quiet when you mention the shard, and its a far lower percentage of the population, meaning a good deal of the time there's only going to be 1-3 players online in your server. -
I'm finally growing bored, and it's not for lack of AT's or Powers to use... this is why.
-( Reason/Background )-
All the characters on one of my servers are 30+ (the first page is all 50's finally) I've experienced a good bit of variety but it always comes to the same end, no matter how interesting I try to make things with IO's or badges, TF's or trial content.
The fact is, there's no challenge to be had anywhere, excepting maybe PvP which is just so convoluted that I can't understand where to start... however I still PvP decently so maybe there's something to say to that also.
We can create challenges for ourselves by purposely gimping ourselves (no insps, no temps) and fighting large team content solo. The problem with this however is that there is no significant reward to challenging yourself, or challenging your team as an alternative to farming. The additional problem to having to play this way is that you are encouraged to play on your own, or with folks who are basically hired farmers, rather than actually connecting to each team and enjoying eachothers powers.
-( Suggestion )-
There are two ideas I can think to combat this, make EB's have a higher chance to drop rares, and higher inf/xp. Up the merit drop of GM's to 4, they are interesting content and a few more merits never hurt anybody (it's still not competing with a TF due to spawn time) Make monsters drop one merit, as a semi effective way to fight for reward (just incentive).
<If doing this EB's have to be more varied, I fight Heavy Assault Suits in RWZ and have great fun, but that's the only EB that wonders, and one of the few outside the ITF, put these in difficult missions too as an option>
The other idea is one that at one time I KNOW you guys wanted to do, truly open Firebase Zulu. There was so much love put in to this zone, incredible landscapes, huge maps that are very explorable and varied, interesting TF's, and unique enemies that actually ARE difficult.
No one goes there however because, what's the point in fighting enemies that are far more difficult than your average foe when you can get the same reward at almost no risk from warriors or freaks or other farmable (S/L no area attack, no mez, no mez resistance enemies) especially since they actually combat the very common soft cap strategy.
For the good of this game, give the players incentive to play all the content this game has to offer. Make it worth our while, make it so our combined team powers and strategies get tested, and make it so if we wish to IO, that farming isn't our only future - boss fighting, stealth, and safety/control specialties would matter in the everyday end game.
None of this is at all hard to accomplish with what's already in game.
-( Exit )-
Letting my bill stop now, once that wears out I'll see you all once we Go Rogue. Hopefully there will be something to hold my attention that's more fun than hacking away at a pylon or a 54 RHAS in the night, because unlike the teams I'd prefer, here at least I see my opponent live for a moment, and unlike the game as it is meant to be.. there's risk.
Hit me up at @Katten if I'm online and you need some start up inf or advice on Freedom, helping people is always fun even if I don't get it right every time.