491 -
Hi, just wondering if any of you use a Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 5000 (usb) with City of... and if you've had any problems with the scroll wheel. I got one today and for some reason it either works really, and i mean, really slowly, or not at all.. Also using it to click and rotate the camera doesn't work at all..
I tried all the usual stuff (installing the CD software, uninstalling the CD software), going into the mouse options, scroll wheel speed etc, assigning buttons.. Went into the game and re-assigned the buttons i wanted to use, but all to no avail. The scroll wheel works fine with things like IE, just not with the game. Any suggestions would be welcome. If i can't get it sorted out it'll be going back tomorrow. -
Warshade: I wave my tentacles in your general direction.
My Dwarf turned into a Dward?... It is annoying that no Dwarf emotes work whatsoever.. they used to!
*Turns monitor upside down*.. Um... *blink*
Creative is still missing though -
I just used my back button.. Access Denied...
Creative just vanished. I'd just put up part 2 of Shades of Humanity...
(Not really been in a writing mood.. so here's just a little bit more)
Shadowalker intruded upon Jennys thoughts; Perhaps if you tried to stop perceiving me as a darkness within you, then we might be able to work together better. I joined with you because I wanted to help, if Id wished you harm I could have left you to die. I choose to stay even though our identities did not merge, as it should have been. We all have a dark side; it is natures way of balance. Without the dark of night one cannot truly appreciate the dawning of a new day. We need each other.
Jenny sighed, Perhaps you are right. I am afraid of the dark, afraid that its my own inner darkness I see reflected back at me sometimes and not yours, and that terrifies me.
By letting you take over, or at least sharing our thoughts more, I may yet come to terms with being two souls within one body. I am afraid of change, of being devoured by the darkness and not being able to find my way back to the light. Afraid of losing my humanity
I have travelled galaxies, was once a Nictus of power and enjoyed the taking of life. But I have changed, realised that to survive I must find another way. Yet, I am what I am, I cannot help that. I would prefer not to force you to do things, but youre so timid and shy. I wont deny that there is a part of me that still enjoys conflict and pain
Jennys gaze wandered back to the pool. The light was starting to fade in this strange place, and she was tired and maybe just a little drunk still. There had been a man here earlier, or perhaps shed imagined it. He was, after all, supposed to be dead. A kind man with blue skin who seemed to know her name, and the name of the one she had sworn to protect. The aptly named Shadow had suggested she come here, and shed begun to wonder just whose side he was on anyway. -
Thanks for the gratz, Scarlet and Gemfire
But i thought the idea behind them was that you were sick and tired of being a faceless minion and that was the reason you were sneaking on to the Destined Ones list? That you wanted to be noticed...
Also, the hair.. She has none whatsoever, she's as bald as a boiled egg! Guys at least get a big collar to cover up their neck a little more, whereas girls necks seem to be alot longer so the baldness is much more noticeable -
So.. I finally got my first ever villain to level 50 last night *does happy dance*
Now, I usually make female characters as being a girl i find it a little odd making blokey ones (although i do have a couple). So, anyway, first of all i made a fantastic Widow.. loved her costume, managed to get her to level 8 in a really good team..
Then i thought i'd have a go at making an Arachnos Soldier.. I got as far as the costume screen before i ran screaming. The outfit for female Soldiers IMHO is horrible! I tried different combinations.. I kept staring at her head thinking, 'She's got no hair...' I tried different body types.. It just didn't seem to work..
Is it just me that thinks they look... wrong somehow? -
This is my first creative post... so be gentle
[u]Shades of Humanity - Part One[u]
It was so quiet and peaceful by the pool in Ouroboros, the light glinted off its surface making it glitter and sparkle in a way that mesmerised Jenny. As she lay gazing into the water, trailing her hand across the surface making tiny ripples, her long unbound hair was caught by a gentle breeze, which lifted a few strands in front of her eyes, momentarily obscuring her vision and breaking the spell. She sighed, and with delicate fingers gently brushed the offending strands of violet coloured hair back behind her ears.
It had been just over a year since shed felt this calm. Even the voice of Shadowalker, Jennys constant companion, was quiet in her mind. Their joining had been somewhat traumatic for the both of them. Jenny had been seriously ill at the time; the doctors and scientists working to keep her alive couldnt work out why her cells had begun to change on a molecular level, much less find a way to halt it. They conjectured that it might have had something to do with the attack that had happened the week previous to her falling ill.
Shed been walking home late from the University in Steel Canyon when a fight in the street had broken out between a meta-human wreathed in some kind of strange mist, and a Council soldier armed with some kind of energy weapon. Shed run and was cowered behind a nearby dumpster, hoping to stay un-noticed. She didnt see the ferocity of the fight, nor how the Council soldier was being ripped to shreds, although she could hear the awful sounds from both combatants and knew it must be bad. As she crouched, hiding, a sudden spray of crimson blood shot over the top of the dumpster, momentarily blinding her as it landed on her face. She jumped and almost let out a yelp, one hand moving to cover her mouth whilst the other wiped the blood from her eyes. Then the fighting had abruptly come to a halt. There was an eerie silence. As she peered nervously from her hiding place she saw what was left of the Council soldier lying in an ever growing pool of his own blood and gore, the strange weapon had vanished and there was no sign of the meta-human. Shakily shed gotten to her feet, after vomiting at the sight, and walked in a daze the rest of the way home. It was a week later shed collapsed whilst archiving some of the older books in the University Library.
The pain. She remembered the pain, and the vague hushed mumblings of the white-coated men and women, huddled around her bed, peering at her with concerned looks, the beeps and sounds of the machines surrounding her. Then another woman, this one with glowing eyes that seemed to radiate an otherworldly energy, a soothing voice that spoke gently of a race called Kheldians, and of reformed Nictus that required hosts to live, and of one called Shadowalker who wanted to help.
A year later and she was still coming to terms with that merging. The two separate personalities from Kheldian and human were supposed to have merged fully, making one new one, but that hadnt happened, something had gone wrong. Shadowstar, the otherworldly woman who had come to Jenny in the hospital, believed that whatever had caused the irreparable damage to Jennys cell structure had somehow prevented them from merging fully. Separation would mean Jennys death however, so Shadowalker had made the decision to stay.
Jennys mind snapped back to the present, all this musing on what had happened wasnt helping. She, they had to sort themselves out and soon. The fight in Pocket D last night had changed the uneasy balance that they both had within her body. Jenny, afraid of loosing her humanity clung to it as hard as she could, whereas Shadowalker saw it as a frailty and weakness. Both were still learning from each other, learning to work with each other, but at times of extreme stress or danger Shadowalker would take over, pushing Jenny into the background. It was becoming apparent that if she chose, she could be the more dominant personality. They needed to work something out, and soon, or the person they were trying to protect would get hurt, possibly killed.
To be continued... -
I suppose i'd better stick myself on here... Been roleplaying for about 20 years (AD&D, Call of Cthulhu etc), but new to online roleplay.
Global Name: @Kallandra
Server: Union - mainly hero side
Roleplay Characters:
Lyta Shadowalker (aka Jenny McKinnley)- A duo form Warshade who is trying to cling on to her humanity. Jenny is shy with a stutter when she's nervous, loves writing and can usually be found hanging around Pocket D or other places depending on what's going on.
Kallandra - Decided she hates being a hero and is out to murder as many Crey operatives as possible.
Kallandra Mortaana (Villains) - Evil Kallandra..
Type of Roleplay: Casual, In Missions, Pocket D and GG - Although am willing to roleplay anywhere. I love a good plot with intrigue
Contact: In game via /t or email, or PM through the forum.
Online: Usually most days from mid-day to whenever i get tired (which can end up being 3am in the morning).
Timezone: GMT -
Good Luck with the job hunting Col. Hope you manage to get back soon.
Gonna miss seeing you around in GGOOC -
I find i can log in, type 1 sentence, then get mapservered back out again.. rinse, repeat...
Think i'm gonna call it a night. -
Same here. I managed to get back in again after a couple of minutes, only for it to happen again.
I'd never heard of it, until one night i arrived at my weekly roleplay game to find the Good vs Evil box lurking on the table in front of me. The guy who's place we used to roleplay at told me he'd bought it for me (for a couple of quid from Wilko's) so i could join him online.. Thought i needed something to cheer me up... He'd been playing from EU Beta I believe.
Two years later, and 1 new computer, and i'm still playing, although my original mentor has disappeared. Hopefully if he ever returns he won't have to shout, "Heal! Heal! Heal damn you! Click the clicky! CLICKY!" -
Until a friend of mine actually plopped the CoH Good vs Evil box in front of me a couple of years ago, i'd never heard of it..
Hi all,
Unfortunately there are currently no plans to release this in Europe as an actual box. Producing a box run is an expensive process, and there are other factors involved that will become clear in time (no, not server mergers or anything like that).
It will, however, be available via the PlayNC store.
[/ QUOTE ]
I recently read an article here that talks about 12 recommendations by the Euopean Network and Information Security Agency, one of which is:
To the developers, they recommend that they create a balance between detection and prevention, to clearly specify what data is collected on players, to establish a (refundable) pay-per complaint system to weed out false complaints, to develop stringent user authentication, to create standards for working with governments and to offer CD software rather than just online acquisition. -
Civil services need a huge upgrade, methinks...
Y'know, OT but hey, things Id love to see if CoX ever got an engine update that could handle it;
Realistic traffic and pedestrians.
Cop cars heading to emergencies
Fire Engines/Ambulances, etc.
Y'know, proper city life. Suggested before, I know, so back OT.
More mission variety is good. /Signed there, certainly.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wouldn't it be good if we could follow cop cars with their sirens blazing, to find we end up at the location of a 'hidden' mission (well, obviously the police know where it is). The police car could appear as a blip on our map that we follow maybe, instead of having a mission marker pop up...
It'd also be good for roleplayers perhaps.. You're stood there talking and a police car goes blazing past.. quick everyone, follow that car! Someone somewhere is in trouble and they need our help... -
Happy Birthday Dr Mechano
Maybe someone will get you that Hello Sailor set you're after -
Windows XP doesn't use Direct X 10 (it's not compatible with XP and is a part of Vista), it uses Direct X 9.0c - as does City of Heroes/Villains.. So i'd make sure that you have Direct X 9 installed
Hmm.. The patcher worked fine all yesterday and last night, and now it doesn't want to play anymore :/
(Edit): After repeatedly re-starting it's now working -
Must... resist...
Have you tried taking the screenshots in daylight?
(sorry, couldn't resist..) -
I don't get the Talshak one. D:
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a play on words from the song Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from the film Mary Poppins