
Birmingham Player Meet 2010 - Grand Organizer
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  1. Post removed by Kall as found the missing bits!
  2. Kallandra


    *Hides in the corner*

    It's taken me ages to find this section..
  3. When i clicked on 'weapons' to preview them, my character looked like he was having some kind of fit.. just stood there twitching like mad.. :S
  4. (Deleted by Kallandra as sorted issue out)
  5. Have you tried the Exit TF? in your Team window? If you're not too far into the arc it might be an idea, but if you're a ways in then it's probably best to do as Prof_Radburn says and petition for a GM to help.

    Good luck and Welcome to the Forums!
  6. Kallandra

    Unwelcome return

    Kallandra stormed out of her apartment almost tripping over an already open blood red box, which looked to have been haphazardly thrown on to her doorstep. She was about to kick it to one side, when she noticed that it contained a rather dodgy looking sandwich, which appeared to have a faint glow about it, and there was a card. She bent down to retrieve the card, “From your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist, signed Dr E M”

    She glanced at the faintly glowing sandwich again.. "Hmmm, why would Dr Mechano be sending me an already opened packed lunch, in a blood red box?", she mused, and also, why did the sandwich look suspiciously like one of Dr Neurocide’s? Was Dr Mechano trying to poison her on purpose, or had Dr Neurocide been lurking outside her apartment looking for Spruk again. She shrugged.. Time to phone Spruk and find out if he knew anything about blood red boxes and what should have been inside..
  7. Kallandra


    Something like this would have been handy when i accidentally logged out sitting on a pool table in Pocket D.. when i logged back in again my character was stuck on the table, it refused to let go, and of course TP doesn't work in Pocket D. The /stuck command didn't work, I don't have self destuct either.. I was beginning to fear that my character would become a permanent pool table ornament. Luckily a GM came to my rescue and moved me off it.
  8. The party had found their way to some ruins.. I was playing my halfling thief. We discovered some unpleasant chaps hiding and they were quickly subdued and tied. I was left to 'guard' them whilst the rest of the party went to explore. Whilst they were gone i was attacked by a flaming hell hound.. The thoughts that quickly flitted through my head went along the lines of: Empty the waterskin over it to put out the flames! Free the prisoners and use them as a distraction! Play fetch perhaps.. it looks like a dog after all.. albeit one that's on fire.

    I freed the prisoners, who promptly legged it out of the ruins, leaving me with a hungry looking beasty that possibly thought of me as a tasty snack. I did the only thing i could do... I threw the crowbar at it and shouted "FETCH!".. Unfortunately due to 2 critical failures in a row i failed my animal handling, and throwing, promptly impaling the things leg with the crowbar. It bled to death in a couple of rounds.

    The party, on returning, refused to believe i had killed the creature myself.
  9. Kallandra shall be there (unless i still have this awful migraine from hell).. If i can't make it, could Spruk be a dear and take notes for me? :P
  10. Need more trees to make a more varied woodland scene

    I've recently started my own SG, and i wanted it to look a bit like walking into a wood, or the depths of Perez. This is my first ever attempt at building a base, but.. there's hardly any trees to choose from!
  11. *Ksssh* This is Wheeler One to Limping Ferret, there's a bomb in the cake, repeat, a bomb in the cake *Kssshh* :P

    Happy Birthday Beet
  12. Any time except Monday nights for me.. Although i'll be away next weekend.
  13. Kallandra is always looking for new and interesting ways to create some amusement for herself.. If it involves hurting others or learning new skills she's all up for that. IC she's hanging around alot with Sarah/Tomb, but works part time for Erebus Industries who are a very small organisation dealing with 'aquisition and distribution'..
  14. *Raises hand*

    Hi, my name's Kallandra and i'm a CoH/V RP addict on Union who should probably use the old Martini advert slogan from the 1970's in all my character bio's (Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere). I've been playing the game for just under 2 years, and RPing only for the past few months in game. I find Paragon and the Isles much like reading a set of darn good books that i just can't put down. I've still yet to do all the story arcs on both sides!

    I'm also a little crazy, but i'm told it helps.. Not going anywhere!
  15. Creys folly Has An Overhaul Soon
  16. Kallandra

    New i14 bugs

    [ QUOTE ]
    Leader is unable to select other peoples' missions
    Experienced this today after the latest patch. The only way the leader was able to select other peoples' missions is to actually pass the star to the person with said mission. On the other hand, the leader is able to select their own mission even if the team is not in the same zone... which may or may not be a bug.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup.. had this problem too.. very annoying it is! Instead of playing 'pass the star' we just followed each other to missions and entered anyway.
  17. I have to agree... they look so odd on my tiny character, it's like all of a sudden her feet are several sizes too big, or she's wearing someone elses boots..
  18. Kallandra

    MA RP

    [ QUOTE ]
    Kallie, if you stand around, saying nothing, how are things supposed to work? You showed with Kallandra, Lea remembered her and greeted. Why not come over and interact? Instead you took her to the side and stood there watching the group interact with your friend.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kall was actually stood talking with Lady Grey IC, so was a bit busy to pop over and say hi, she'd not seen her for over a year. Kall did acknowledge Lea's greeting. Plus i'd got so many OOC tells going on i didn't know whether i was coming or going. I'm not that good at multi-tasking . I might try again at some point.
  19. Kallandra

    MA RP

    [ QUOTE ]
    The thing is, people turn up with new characters. Who have absolutely no inquisitive nature about them or anything interesting to say.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've turned up a few times with my little inquisitive fairy character, she was running around everyone, flying around a few people, peeking around the corner and even asked for a cookie when someone had pulled out a box of them and was giving them out.. She was completely ignored by everyone there, so she left as she got bored. I was expecting at least a "Hey, look at that little thing whizzing around." or something.. I was trying to attract attention.. I guess she was invisible.

    I even brought a friend of mine to GG so they could see what it was like.. It kinda felt like we were the new kids on the estate and the local school kids that hang out on the street corner just didn't want to know because we weren't 'one of them'..
  20. I love the witches outfit! And the long pirate coat... hmmm.. pirates

    Definately gonna have to get.
  21. Kallandra

    Issue 14 bug:

    Has anyone else noticed that their SG now has ALL the badges, for both hero side and villain side?
  22. So far i've got 3 Day Job Accolades on one of my toons, and not one of them has given me a temp power..

    Scientist - says i get charges of sleep gas - no temp power

    Alchemist - Vitalize power? - nothing at all.

    Physician - Revive Ally? - nothing at all

    Vanguard Day Job - expires in 1:38:38 of in game time.
    Intern Day Job - expires in 1:29:41 of in game time.
    Midnighter - expires in 1:04:23 of in game time.
    Care Giver - expires in 4:44 of in game time.
    Clubber - expires in 1:53:08 of in game time.
  23. Kallandra

    Mouse Issues

    After trying all kinds of things i finally took the mouse back and got a Logitech LX8 Cordless Laser Mouse, which works fine. The only thing that a friend of mine can think of is that the compatibility issues with the Microsoft mouse might have something to do with the 'soft scroll' wheel (ie it doesn't click when you roll it, unlike other mice).