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  1. Not quite sure if any of you remember FFM's arena duel against FG. A PB vs a AR/Fire, the AR/Fire won guys.... the AR/FIRE WON!! O.o
  2. Sonic!!!

    But seriously, I suggest giving Ice/Energy a go, the potential ST/DPS damage from that set is crazy! Would be nice and refreshing from the AoE madness of Fire/Fire.

    If that's too common for your liking, then try Ice/Elec or something similar.
  3. Jummy

    Come on...

    RARRR! Look out, dinosaurs!
  4. The Precision Rangers on Union, a all blaster SG, have had some pretty good teams with high level blastery. It's quite amusing when it gets too AV's.... who's tanking again?


  5. Jummy

    PvP - Villian

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Any primary and the secondary /Kin /Rad /Dark

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you missed Thermal?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Begone Globey you foul demon!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    which allowed an easy victory over Jum's blaster+emp team,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *shakes fist*

    May be worth noting it was a Fire/Therm Corr I was teamed with, not an Empath. Not really reading most of your discussion.
  7. The One and The Jum

    Frozen Arc
    King Jum

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Do you think you are sexy and it's wasted?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Goddammit yes, yes I do
  9. Jummy

    PvP and Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    Miss Cats Defenseur Rad/Psy Serveur

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh noes! Not more!
  10. We planning another meet up soon?

    I knew there was being planned but I don't know
  11. Jummy

    Freshly Squished


    7pm at Galaxy Arena on Test again?
  12. Don't join! It's a trap!

    I've been stuck in there for over a year!! And they still won't let me go!! :'(
  13. Well you're all exemped/SK'd to the same level, so no, you shouldn't feel any remorse!
  14. Was it if an enemy was held then the stalker has a greater increase in chance of a critical hit landing?

    If so, then a Dominator would make quite a sexy duo for a Stalker.
  15. Phil is stealing my knowledge!
  16. I take it you don't have a clue how Aid Self works then?
  17. I already had a stone tank which I reached 35 with called Jummy Bear, but he was too boring

    So he got deleteded.
  18. Jummy

    Inv/SS in PvP

    Of course it is you silly moo!
  19. Whatever time and date is ok for me, i'll make sure I get it off work every week so it won't be a problem.

    Ooooo and yay tanker! I can now appropriatley have a huge muscular titan called Jummy Bear!
  20. I'd certainly be interested in this if you'll let me.

    I'd be willing to play almost any AT if people have their heart set on something, but would like either the blaster/tanker role.
  21. Jummy

    Farmless RV

    I'd be so in for that. I want one to happen at the meet up!

    (And yus, don't farm!)
  22. Jummy

    Farmless RV

    Was there a 3 vs 3 fight? What happened with that?
  23. Not sure on these, but 2.75% on Manoveours (sp) and 1.25% on Stealth?