PvP and Server
I'd say Union because thats the server i'm on lol. Siren's Call and Warburg usually have people in between 7pm and 11pm GMT sometimes into the early hours lol. The arena is fairly random and theres no set time but there is occasionly PvP between SGs and groups of friends. The test server has PvP on Monday nights and the odd competition. See the other threads in the PvP section.
I'd say Union because thats the server i'm on lol.
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Not singling you out but most peoples posts follow this format when someone asks what server is best. Isnt there a server transfer thing on the way? Could transfer your characters from the french server.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Yeah both have a fair few pvpers around, though I find that the onion pvpers seem to be a bit more "serious" and less talkative than the defiant ones. Certainly sirens call on onion is busier than defiants SC at 8pm.
Union has a bigger population atm so yes the zones are busier than Defiants.
Personally I mostly play on Defiant and for the most part duels, 2 vs 2s and to some extent 3 vs 3s are fairly easy to come by using the arena channel.
All PvP requests seems to dissappear in the massive arenaspam on Union.
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Oddly enough, playing on both servers almost daily, I'd say defiant has more pvp than union... but it's scarce on both anyway
I guess pvp is quiet dead on both.
Miss Cats Defenseur Rad/Psy Serveur
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Oh noes! Not more!
Hi there,
Which UK server for lots of PVP? because french server are empty....
thanks for your answer