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  1. Jophiel

    Free the names!

    If the "risks" are CSR time to shoot out an email, accusations of potential nerd rage and some nebulous "There's always a risk" statements, consider me unimpressed at the supposed "harm".

    I'm also unimpressed because the size of the net directly affects the benefits. Including all expired trial accounts past 90 days, for instance, opens a larger pool. Raising the level bar for longer expired accounts opens a larger pool. Having done it before using weak half-measures and not seeing a great response is, again, not a good reason to avoid doing it again.

    All that said, someone(s) managed to grab some of my expired names last time. So however small that supposed pool was, you can't claim that no one benefited from it.
  2. Jophiel

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Once again though, you're assuming all the "good names" are taken by people who would be eligible to release their names.
    And if they're not? No harm, no foul. This isn't a good reason to not run a script.
  3. Jophiel

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Last time they did it datamining revealed that very few names actually got reclaimed.
    That's not really a reason not to do it though. "I can flip this switch and feed 1000 hungry people. Oops, turns out only 50 hungry people got fed... let's never flip that switch again."

    Really, it says to me that they should cast a wider net when purging names. All trials expired for longer than 90 days would be a good start. Then perhaps a scaling purge of level vs time expired such as "Under level 20, expired for 1+ years", "Under level 25 expired for 2+ years", etc.

    Blah, blah... "But I know a guy who knew a guy who was in the Congo saving orphans before going to war in the Middle East and then he had to train nuns in South Asia and he's only coming home next week and talks about playing his level 7 guy named FireGirl every day!" Something that has a few outlier cases shouldn't be a reason to avoid potentially benefiting a number of real, paying customers. I lost names in one of the purges because I wasn't subscribed at the time. You get over it remarkably quickly.

    Finally, because someone always brings it up, name purges only "take away" the name if someone else asks for it post-purge. If no one asks for "Purple Debblebopper", then it stays happily with its original owners should they ever return from their Orphan/War/Nun-training journey.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cable2006 View Post
    I cant seem to find the bustier in the chest area when I put on the Victorian Jackets for the female set and they arent even in the tops with skin either.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    So what do you call it when it's both?
    You get into long, boring "debates" about whether Batman would be Natural or Tech.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    They specifically addressed this during one of the Ustream chats. The problem is that by setting the costume the same color as the skin tones, people could start making heroes and villains that are completely naked.
    Golly no, not City of Smooth Barbie Dolls! What if America's youth was exposed to the same horrors you find in any five year old girl's toy box!?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    One of the big issues with "weapons as superpowers" is the question of whether it's the person or the weapon that really matters. Are you awesome because of your natural talent and trained skill, or are you awesome because your magic item makes anyone who holds it incredibly powerful?
    Do you wield the weapon, or does it wield you?
    That's just the difference between Natural and Tech origins. If I lose my gun, can I pick up any other gun and be just as (or close to) as effective? If so, I'm Natural. If I lose my gun, am I kind of out of luck because it was my hardware that did the "super" work? Then I'm tech.

    It's not just guns either. Am I super because of my awesome natural skill with a sword or am I super because my sword is magical and allows its wielder to do extraordinary things? It's not really a "big" issue, just one more thing to address in your concept if you're worried about that sort of thing.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    Superpowers makes you special, as does martial training, a gun makes you just like all the other men with guns.
    And walking out of a room full of Crey corpses with my revolvers still smoking from the barrels makes me friggin' awesome
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    What's yours look like?
    Less cluttered than THAT, you damn lunatic

  10. Ironically, when people complained about the Steampunk booster color palette being "Brown, Gray & Brown-Gray", we had several people telling us that it wouldn't be historically authentic to have (gasp!) colors in there because, I dunno, color hadn't been invented yet by the Victorian era or something.
  11. Heck, women get an entire section to themselves (Tops w/ skin) which includes detailed parts like the bridal tops, the "Plus" tops, etc plus all the tights detail options. If if you want to grumble about them being "sexy", it's a lot more options than male characters get.
  12. Not exactly the same character but, when I moved to Virtue, I couldn't keep the name Polish Princess for my original "main". I ultimately decided to retire her with her identity intact on her home server than rename her. I later went and made a Praetorian version of her as a Red blaster (not an option in 2004) rather than a Rad defender and gave her a new look:

    Edit: Actually, her original cape was the standard long cape with a red/white hourglass sort of pattern. The Valkyrie cape obviously came later.
  13. Corsets pretty much are the default top to a wedding dress.

    I don't know any real life Croatoa style witches though to ask them about it from their angle.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    which specifically steampunk options for a female top were we asking for that we wanted but didnt get?
    People wanted a long coat for females. Which is fine and understandable but people have also been asking for corset type pieces for years so to complain that we got one instead of the other (and this means the Devs didn't listen) is a little bizarre.
  15. Asking 2.5 bil for [Gladiator's Armor: +Res (Teleportation), +3Def (All).50]

    Drop me a PM here or global to @Jophiel (I'm likely to see the PM first)

    Edit: Sold!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    But not Hearts Plus.
  17. I, for one, see a disturbing trend that women got wedding tuxedos but men didn't get Hearts Plus.

    Actually, men only get the tux coat out of that pack where women get the tux coat, veil, two bridal tops, bridal skirts, two styles of shoes and three "Plus" style "w/ skin" sets. Kvetching about how terrible it is that we have Excess Plus aside, male characters got all sorts of cheated in the "parity in number of parts" department on that one.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KidCrisis View Post
    but when what we have to look at is the Wedding Pack, and the Magic Pack, and the Mutant Pack and now the Steampunk pack, it's hard not see a trend that's, at best, irritating and, at worst, a little disturbing.
    You mean when you start with the wedding pack (first booster), end with the Steampunk (most recent booster) and ignore the cyborg, martial arts, origins, beast and science boosters (and Going Rogue sets) and pick only the ones that fit your "trend"?

    There's nothing wrong with the Steampunk parts. The corsets are chest details. Detail a "real" chest piece with them instead of slapping them over bare skin and acting scandalized.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Genia View Post
    Skirts and Shorts - 15 options, including pleated and non-pleated varieties of each skirt. Including the Valkyrie and Witch skirts the latter of which, at the least, is definitely on the eyebrow raising end, as well as miniskirts.
    the Steampunk pack added, chiefly, a rather brassieresque shirt, two types of corset, and a very tiny bustle
    Some of these sound like the criticism of options that allow you to show skin or not show skin. Put tights/bottoms on under the skirt or a top under the corsets (they're located as chest details) and its a whole different piece. Criticizing the corsets as too revealing is like wearing the Valkyrie or Enforcer breastplate chest detail over Eden and saying that the breastplate is too sexy. The "bustle" is a belt; while there's people who wear the Valkyrie or Vanguard belt over Bikini2 as some sort of micro-micro mini skirt, I don't think it's their real purpose nor is it so with the steampunk belts.

    If you could only wear skirts over bare legs or corsets over bare torsos, I could see singling them out as overly "sexy" but, as components to costumes where you're in control over how much skin they show, I don't see the problem.
  20. Jophiel

    Base Teleporters

    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    Except Pocket D links to Praetoria. You can have two arguments to suppose against that, one is the meta-game aspect which is simply admitting it's a meta-solution and best not to think about it, or that DJ Zero is more intimidating than Primal Earth.
    Obviously he is or else we'd all be kung fu fighting in Pocket D.
  21. Jophiel

    Base Teleporters

    I suppose the developers could argue that, while Pocket D is friendly to being connected via private interdimensional portal, having the same thing to Praetoria is just inviting a bunch of Warwalkers to come in, rifle through your drawers, bust up your stuff and leave the refridgerator door open while you're not home.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    See, looking at this thread (and the one in the Screenshots and Fanart section) just highlights how male/huge characters get the short end of the stick with this pack.

    The female options are so versatile.

    The male/huge options are considerably more limited in scope.
    Zwil said that they're updating the booster to include sleeveless jackets and jackets without the baked in shirts/ties (among other updates). This will help a lot for giving males more options from the booster.
  23. Jophiel

    Base Teleporters

    Originally Posted by Cosmic_Herald View Post
    That would be more difficult to 'explain in game' per say. Having your teleporter now be able to transport you to another dimension is a bit of a stretch.
    Pocket D.