1991 -
Quote:There's people in this thread (and previous threads) asking for exactly that. People complaining that not only do women not get chaps and baron jackets but men don't get skirts and shoulder kittens.No one is asking for all future costume sets and pieces to be identical for men and women.
I disagree that there must be 100% parity and think it would be a huge waste of developer resources to give men the wedding dress parts (for example) but it's dangerous to say "no one wants this" because some people DO and any decision the developers make will result in someone complaining about how unfair it is. -
Quote:They made some very positive changes to the Steampunk set and some changes to the Animal set. Which makes it disappointing that the response to this set is "Yeah, maybe but don't hold your breath". And perplexing because the same issues from the Steampunk set (mainly pretinting) occurred again in this set which makes you wonder what kind of notes they're keeping over there.That's not exactly true. They stopped and fixed the CoT costumes when we were in an uproar. They have gone back and made a multitude of changes to the Keyes Island trial thanks to our feedback as to reasons people did not want to run it.
On an ironic note, I figured some of the Saloon girl bits would work nicely with my character Prairie Blaze. But the sleeves don't work with jackets and the belt doesn't work with jackets (and is pretinted to the point of never matching the rest of the outfit anyway) so there really wasn't a single part usable for a girl from out on the plains.
Edit: I tried the ringlets but they made her look like a giant version of Nellie Oleson. -
On one hand, I like a lot of the new female pieces and the whole "costume equality" thing isn't a banner I care much about.
On the other hand, it's somewhat boggling that after this long the art team still hasn't taken the hint from the numerous complaints. But then, they're still giving us pre-tinted pieces as well so there ya go.
I imagine they must be selling or else they'd have some incentive to change their practices. -
It's only gotten worse since the costume selection itself has grown so much. At least the original set was somewhat self limiting and you could sometimes get an idea or two (that you would tweak into a real costume). Now it's a serious mish-mash.
The other problem being that it uses every slot so you always wind up with some weirdo with wings, a tail and an aura. -
Quote:Good thing I didn't say (and made this point before) that there was a "flaw" in their pricing, just that the logic of "It sells for this much on eBay under completely different circumstances" is flawed.The only "flaw" I see in Paragon Studios' pricing here is you thinking there is a flaw here.
I bet you'll win the next argument you make up in your mind as well. Have fun! -
Quote:If they gave it any particular weight, I'd think it was silly of them but it won't keep me up nights.You might not like that Paragon Studios probably considered how much these codes were going for on the third party market.
Quote:Then why bother to comment here about the situation one way or the other? -
I didn't say it was a "mistake" to price it at $6, I said you can't use previous eBay pricing as a guide for a "good" price.
I'm sure you wouldn't say $42,000 each is a good price for an unlimited reissued run of Action Comics #1 based on the original being valued at $350,000.
Personally, illusion-style "costumes" (I'm using a lot of quotes today) don't appeal to me at any price so I don't care if it's $6 or $60 or sixty cents. I never even bother using the temp ones from ToT events. -
Of course, people were willing to pay $50 because of their rarity and the ability to wow your team-mates with a semi-unique ability. Now that everyone and their dog can have the costume, that aspect goes out the window.
I don't think the eBay prices are a fair comparison to what's a good price when it's available in unlimited numbers. -
I don't mind paying for the occasional costume pack since I was buying boosters before. I am very much bothered by the fact that costumes are locked behind the tier system in some "VIP" level that I, as a VIP, can't access unless I drop a bunch of cash on tokens or wait a year or two. But then I was already turned off by the Incarnate-locked costumes and the whole thing has left a fairly sour taste in my mouth.
For what it's worth, I'm not saying anyone else needs to be bothered by it or whatever. Everyone can decide on their own what's worth it to them and what they think is acceptable. I'm personally letting my VIP subscription lapse once it's up because I don't feel like an actual "VIP" with the current set-up so much as just another person to pump for cash. -
The rail crossing sign looks just as silly to me because I have to think "Why is he just carrying around that sign everywhere?" I could see someone tearing it up as an impromptu weapon but lugging it around through an office building or Crey lab? Can't he afford a real weapon? Heck, at least sewer-shield sort of makes sense since a manhole cover would make a decent shield if you're (super)strong enough to heft it about. A rail crossing sign just looks impractical.
Quote:I believe it has some ramping damage mechanic where you build damage or effects based on previous hits. So essentially another combo based set, I assume.Why do they need a completely new set for that? Why not just offer bigger weapons as a selection within BS?
I do think the giant weapons, silly as they are, would look even worse without their own animations and just plunking them into Broad Sword. -
Paragon has finite time and finite resources both bought with consumer dollars. I see nothing wrong with giving my opinion of how they spend those resources. Which isn't to say they're required to listen to me or anything but I at least get a voice.
I feel the same. Plus, when I see a sword like that, my mind assumes it must be made of Nerf and it loses any impact.
They were pretty good about changing the Steampunk booster fairly dramatically and fixing bugs in other boosters (Martial Arts springs to mind) after launch. Have you actually made a post describing exactly what you see as the problems with the new pieces?
Quote:I think you're overstating the complexity of it. There's already a mechanism for characters with "invalid" powersets; if you're not a VIP and haven't bought Demon Summoning for instance, your Demon summoning characters from your previous paid-sub days are now locked. No drama about "POOF" or "How can they strip it?", it's just locked. The same thing would be appropriate for refunded points -- your StJ characters are no longer accessible in game.If you start allowing refunds of point transactions, you now have to figure out how to remove the item from every aspect of the user's account and refund the points. You also have to come up with logic for "breaking" scenarios, like "What if they have a StJ character they haven't deleted? Does the toon and everything on it just *POOF*? Is it locked? What if that slot is one they paid for? How can a player get in to strip items off the toon before deleting it? What happens if the player changes their mind later and buys it again?
Quote:So you believe that this game isn't inventoried and tagged to high heaven?
I'll just step around a corner since most people don't react well to someone laughing in their face.
Quote:Basically each and every one of these player options are a tick someplace in the player account. And every item in the game has its own unique ID#.
Quote:That doesn't mean that simply turning it back off is easy or straightforward.
Quote:There are people who'd abuse the refund period. -
Quote:The obvious solution here is for me to threaten to (poorly) draw your character unless you pay me not to. That way, no goods are being exchanged for the inf.Just to let you know, someone asked about doing this exact thing, paying INF for art and the rednames said it goes against the rules because by definition you are using physical currency (the art) for an in game item (the inf)
Not condemning at all just letting you know you might not want to be so blatant about it. -
Quote:So they're likely still getting paid for.Additionally, if refunding a power set merely locks characters with the set (instead of deleting them) then an account-seller could pad an account with one of every set for the price of one, and leave it up to the purchaser of the account to decide which ones to unlock.
These edge cases of people powerleveling a character up to 50 in three days and then permanently shelving them just to save a few dollars aren't very convincing to me but then I don't work for NCSoft anyway. -
Quote:Good point. Chrysler made cars for nearly a hundred years so it stands to reason their operators knew everything possible about what consumers wanted in a car and had nothing else to learn. Wait... Why am I speaking of them in the past tense again?You know, if Paragon Studios doesn't learn how to run their business from a bunch of random people on the internet, their games won't last for even a whole year.
Now, on the other hand, if they were to (somehow) make a game that lasted, let's say, 3 years - no, let's go crazy and double that - 6 years, then we might have to conclude that they're actually pretty good at making and running games, and don't really need business advice from misc forum posters.
But that's unpossible, so we'll never know. -
Quote:For free, how? If all you're getting back is the points, you can't use those points for anything else because then they won't be available for getting your power set back. NCSoft already has the cash money for those points so they're not losing anything by your scenario. And I honestly doubt it would be worth anyone's time to juggle several different purchases for any length of time.Let me put it this way. Say you have a grace period of 7 days. You buy a set, play it for five days, then return it. Character becomes locked. You go on vacation over the weekend, then come back and buy it again. Character unlocks. You play it for another five days, then return it again and take a break on the weekend. Come next week you buy the set again and then return it again at the end of the week.
That's not buying a set. That's renting a set. For free, might I add.
As for leveling to 50 in three days, people usually do that because they want to PLAY lvl 50s (iTrials, IOs, etc) not because they want to shelve the character. -
Quote:This makes no sense to me but maybe you can explain it better. NCSoft doesn't have to do "inventory" per se because they're working with digital goods that don't really exist. They don't sell you a box of Street Justice, you just get your account flagged at StJ enabled.It basically opens the door to revolving door purchases and no good way to account for it.
Big places like WalMart can do it with physical inventory because they can absorb the costs of the refunds and/or place items back on shelves.
With electronic media, it's a bit different.
NCSoft, I would assume, could tell you at any given moment how many accounts are StJ enabled so even if it was an issue, they could give you an accounting easily enough.
As for revolving purchases, provided you limit the refund period, I don't see an issue but I'll admit I'm shooting from the hip here. -
I can't see a problem with refunding points. Recently purchased items should show with a button to refund the points for 72 hours or so. Nearly everything can be refunded; costume parts just revert to gray spandex, characters with "illegal" sets are locked out except for deletion, etc. Only thing I could see an issue with are the one-time account change items like server moves or renames.
NCSoft still gets their money and the customer gets to select other items from the shop they'll be happier with (or save up for future purchases). If the customer wants to buy every item in the shop in sequence, returning each one to buy the next, who cares? It's not as though some poor wage slave at the customer service desk is handling it in person.
Frankly, I'm sort of baffled at how vehemently some people are opposed to a system for refunding points. Everyone gets what they wanted. -
I had originally save "The Brontosaur" for Street Justice but the set didn't really feel right for a huge guy like that. Luckily, I also had "The Ocelot" saved and created this Central American themed superhero:
My kinetics scrapper, Pronghorn, was of the speedster-ish flavor. Not all the powers fit perfectly but that can be said for pretty much every concept/powerset I have.
Quote:Oh, please. No, she's not "lucky". This isn't PS doing her a favor or a lucky break, it's a 100% calculated business move designed to drive revenue. One could as easily say that PS is "lucky" a returning customer is giving them ANY CHANCE AT ALL to sell their product to her after they failed to keep her the first time.Your friend is NOT PAYING. She's lucky she's getting ANY ACCESS AT ALL
Personally, I feel like PS was disingenuous on several fronts about this and, even as a VIP, I feel like I'm getting less than I used to with fewer options where it matters to me.