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  1. Jagged

    Power Slide

    Originally Posted by Next_Player View Post
    Any chance we could see the Power Slide "sprint" power added to the Paragon Market?
    As someone that has bought one of the exclusive box sets purely to get this power can I say I FULLY SUPPORT this suggestion.

    I think it should change because there is no longer an official way to this power. Once upon a time you could buy the Collectors edition or EU Deluxe edition and use that to upgrade your account. But those codes can no longer be added to an existing account through the NCSoft account page and it can only be done through the good-will of Customer Support and I believe people that have tried recently have been told its not possible (I'd give citations but that breaks forum rules).
  2. Its there because of the Hero/Villain Merit and without the cool down people would farm them to death and flood the market with LotG Recharges or similar.

    However they are adding an Instant Alignment Change token. Which may solve your problem.
  3. Jagged

    RIP /buycoh

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Yes, yes, but their uni-beams fire love and happiness, not kinetic force
    And as well all know there is no defence against Love.

    Although there is some resistance
  4. Good question I am going with the concensus. Plus I don't think Greek mythological characters have a great track record when it comes to parenting. Mind you thats "mostly" abscentee fathers.

    *stern looks at Zeus*
  5. I take it this means the movies just getting an overseas release?

    I enjoyed it greatly. I am also old enough to remember the TV series with Alec Guinness. Didn't always understand what was going on but they sure were moody The film captures the same cold war feeling and Gary Oldman makes a great Smiley.

    Don't expect any car chases
  6. I am a little surprised and worried by the "heartbreaking" bit.

    Surprised because I thought they'd already left! And worried because I thought/hoped they were going to get a happy ending. They deserve a happy ending
  7. This bug effected me for the first time with this updated. /Bugged it on one of my characters. Curiously they weren't all effected. But 2 out of 3 so far. I am not planning on testing them all
  8. Jagged

    Old XP Machine

    Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    I've worked through the steps:

    1) Port 80 is allowed. But other machines work behind the same router so I don't see how that could be the problem.

    2) Tried completely disabling the firewall as well as specifically allowing NCAccess and NCLauncher

    3) Followed link for .Net, already had newer version installed. Followed links for MSXML, already installed.

    4) Followed the link for Discovering BITS service on XP, also already installed.

    No change
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    Portal 2. Develop the mind.
    Unfortunately Portal was one of the first casualties of the "Anything Dad likes is Uncool" onslaught

    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Uncharted 3 is a tight package of entertainment.
    Possibly a suitable present for me

    Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions. Purchases have been made.

    Hope you all find what you want in your Christmas stockings
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
    They could always set up Cole to be the new Statesman. Statesman's death could have a positive impact on Cole, putting him in a position to take on more of the Well's power to face the Coming Storm (with help from us, of course).
    I could see this. I keep saying the real reason Tyrant keeps attack Primal Earth is actually because he's in love with Statesman. He hides it behind a lot of bluff and anger but its obvious really. Typical boy! *tsk*
  11. I just wanted to add that there should be a personal CoX Hell reserved for people that set their title colour to be orange, red or purple.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The rewards and time-gating for the 2 paths can be adjusted until they're at the right balance for the Trials.
    I thought you said they were fun?

    I like the way your posts acknowledge the fact that its the rewards that keep these alive but cannot bring yourself to admit it.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    Does Statesman deserve this 'killing off'? I disagree.
    Yes. It serves the story best.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Honestly, I have no interest in addressing this particular topic with someone completely unqualified to discuss it. Its frankly offensive.

    And by "nice" I mean exactly the opposite of nice.
  15. I work for internal customers. I give reasonably reliable estimates of how long it will take to rigorously end-to-end test our developments. I've never once been granted the luxury. That's essentially a cost to consequence decision made by the senior executive and I wouldn't argue that they are wrong.

    However I have a close friend who works in silicon, where the consequences of bugs are very expensive. Consequently the biggest proportion of their development time is simulation and testing.

    I don't think we should feel too bad about our industry. At least, not until the machines take over and attempt to kill us all
  16. I'm going for Statesman or they use the Phase Tech so its different for each of us.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Aside from suggesting City of Heroes
    He does play and has a lvl 50 called Tactical Swordsman, who swords things tactically. However he is starting to reach that age where anything Dad likes is automatically uncool
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
    Has he played Torchlight yet? That's a great dungeon romp in a similar vein to Diablo.
    Yes indeed, great little game.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    By way of addressing this, I believe the way around the problem is the general principle of allowing players to become more powerful the longer a task lasts, rather than become less powerful through attrition.
    I have said elsewhere that I think the obvious solution of solo content is to have mission objective that allow us to gradually strip the enemy Incarnates of the Well's favour. Leading to the final showdown where we face them on an even footing.

    Its essentially the same as us getting more powerful as the task progresses.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    As easy as soloing the Hamidon
    Another creature that once required 30+ people to fight and now can be done with a normal team. Nothing about Hamidon that couldn't be solo'd
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But wouldn't that still be a frustrating "gimmick"?
    No. Confuse is one of the "soft" mez effects when it comes to soloing. Frustrating gimmicks are things like damage pulses because some idiot's pet has attacked the AV.

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Although talking about it as a solo option is pretty silly - there's not going to be a solo version of the Praetorian Trials - lore-wise, Tyrant and the loyalists are too powerful for a single hero to take on by themselves - and the Battalion are even more powerful than the loyalists
    Not at all. The in-game lore has more than enough room for them to be any suitable strength. I have already kicked Tyrant's butt once, solo. I will do so again. We just need a mission with some objective to make the Well desert Tyrant and then we can defeat him Incarnate to Incarnate. You see? Easy.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    He's quite confusing
    If we are talking about a solo version of the Underground, that's probably the thing that would need the least down scaling.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The Avatar of Hamidon might be a bit rough for some solo ATs and builds
    No more than any other AV scaled down to EB.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There's more to Trial AVs than their HP - that's what's caused problems for people who go into the Trials with the wrong mindset
    Everything other than the ridiculously hit points could be included in the solo content.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Another vote for Olivia d'Abo! She may have been 15 at the time, but I was 14 and very happy to see her on that screen.
    I was 17 at the time. Completely agree

    On a similar subject I remember feeling slightly guilty lusting after Jennifer Connelly in The Labyrinth because the Sunday magazine article described her as 13. But she was actually 16 and I was 19. Doesn't seem so wrong 25 years later She'd still run screaming though