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  1. I go into the creator, click printscreen and ctrl V in paint shop and nothing comes up :/
  2. my printscrn button doesn't seem to be working :P

    I can take screenshots outside of the creation screen but not inside..am I missing something?
  3. I thought print screen didn't work on character select screen...or is that why I don't remember what program I used, cause i didn't use any
  4. I'm building another reference for my new character and I forgot which screen catpture program I used on the character select screen.

    what program would you recommend?
  5. more or less

    I started playing with a blaster, IRL I'm an EMT but the close I get to starting medic school the more I get into playing my emp, it's to the point now that AutoPulse is replacing Volt as my main.
  6. that looks brilliant....except that not techbanded.

    that's techbot...still nice though
  7. Socializer 80%
    Explorer 73%
    Achiever 33%
    Killer 13%
  8. I've been trying to come up with a costume for an armoured character using only the Tech-banded pieces, since they are not seen that often.

    after trying I relaize WHY they are not seen that often, they are very hard to work with since there is no pattern for them and all the pieces don't match up well.

    my challenge is this. Make the tech banded set look nice using the colours black/bright blue/white.

    I have all the booster packs + vet rewards up to shoulder capes
  9. if I can save up enough before oct and there are still tickets available I'd love to go. but I'll prolly be in paramedic school, so prolly no :P

    one day I will attend a hero-can dammit >
  10. I know that I just mean I'm only going to use those arc, I'm not taking other contacts, the middle will be filled with other mission, mostly teaming and AE
  11. that's what I wanted to know

    I'm using only those arcs for character...well plus the invention teacher, the AE teacher, montague, and that levl 30 tech enhancment guy
  12. I can't seem to find a list of zone story arcs on paragon wiki.

    I know for sure about the hollows and the other revamped zone who's name I can't think of atm

    what other ones are there?

    edit: faultline that's the other one
  13. JGHopkins

    need name help

    NM I got it

  14. JGHopkins

    need name help

    does anyone here have the chathandle @spellbinder...if you do pleeease PM me
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
    Perhaps they should rename the Justice forum to the GreenFlame forum, where every [censored] single thread is a random discussion by GreenFlame about Greenflame' likes and GreenFlame's dislikes.
    geez calm down. he's jus trying to get know the forum members better, he's asking about everyones likes.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    I don't really see how that concept limits you at all, though maybe that's just me.

    Power armour+nanites= ANYTHING, if my comics, video game and movie experience teach me right.
    geez dude lighten up O.o

    I've made my decision

    empathy/ some electrical blasts with teleportation/leadership/fitness/
  17. wow I'm the only one with a fantasy build O.O

    I feel like a nerd now :P
  18. your right I like the white glove one better
  19. JGHopkins

    need name help

    this is the characters story

    The suit was built as an experiment to help aid Paragon City EMS in helping heroes and Civilians. My character is a paramedic who was asked to participate in the trial. during the first test run a criminal (possibly a terrorist) decided to blow up the building. the suit protected my character but everyone else involved in the experiment was killed. The project was scrapped since all prototypes were thought destroyed.

    It heals/buff by realeasing small specialized nanites, which nanites are released depends on the effect needed, from healing damaged heroes to increasing the abilities of one to aid them better.

    The electricity comes from the suits built in defibrillator, by charging the energy instead of just releasing it he can send small blasts of electricity, he can also release one massive blast but the suit needs to recharge for a short time after that.

    The teleportation is is built in to help remove heroes and citizens from dangerous situations, the suits user can move himself via the cities teleportation system.

    the leadership and fitness comes from my characters natural charisma and fitness from working in the EMS field in a difficult city. I.E. knife and gun club

    ATM his name is Medic-001 after the suits designation but I don't really like that name.
    I was gonna check to see if M.E.D.I.C. was available but I can't think of what the acronym means :P

    this is his costume