550 -
In other words, same old crap when they do special invasions (such as when they spammed giant monsters for the 6th), making the game unplayable.
I just switched my Ill/Rad over to Musculature from Spiritual (since I'm perma-PA without it, anyways) today - yes, the pets are all affected. With a rare Musculature, the Phantom Army are getting an extra 25 points of damage on their swords attacks (only number I remember now 'cos I'm really tired :P), which isn't so bad.
Quote:Or they could do something sane and logical and code in a precaution that Guild Wars has: the cutscene only skips if *everyone* hits the skip button. Sure, some will whine and moan if they have to watch it every once in a while because of a new player or someone wandering off during the trial countdown, but odds are they'll be able to skip it more often than not.I thought of what'd happen if they add a skip button months ago; veterans would hit skip, then the "noob" with the long loading time who wanted to watch the cutscene would load in to being yelled at for not participating in the WarWorks phase with the League
Slower attacks generate more Fury per attack, I always figured.
Another big problem with Gun Drone is finding it enough extra slots to be even vaguely useful. 4 total, I think, for Call to Arms to get the global recharge: A/D/R, E/D/R, A/D, A/D. (I've been trying and it seems to come down to, for my AR/Dev, either Gun Drone or Ignite. Don't like either power much, but since I'm doing more TFs and stuff, I think Ignite wins the slot race...)
Quote:Of course, many people with a modicum of experience with the new launcher (*SPIT*) set it to exit immediately on game launch and thus never see the updates (unlike with the ol' cohupdater).Granted, but since that space is always where they post news items of that type, the folks who don't give it at least a cursory glance every time they log in really DON'T have anyone to blame but themselves. If it was there, they were notified. The size of the text is really irrelevant, since anyone with a modicum of experience with the new launcher should know where to look.
What they really need to do is use those info terminals scattered all around Paragon City (and add some for Praetoria and the Rogue Isles, of course) for news updates and have them flash obviously for a player 'til they read the latest update. -
Do Controller and Mastermind pets get the benefit of your Alpha? (other than the recharge in Spiritual, naturally; mainly considering working towards Musculature for my Ill/Rad for a bit of extra damage since he's perma without his current Spiritual)
Quote:*shrug* You invite someone already on a team (though I assumed it was only the team's leader) to your League, the entire team goes with them. WAI, I figured.Yes but this team wasn't looking to join a league. They were in the AE building in the RWZ about to run missions there. The League leader never invited any of them they just sort of showed up in our league and had to be individually removed. I am pretty sure that was not Working As Intended. LOL
Quote:Web Grenade also has a -recharge component (-50% for the Corr/MM/Blaster versions, -62.5% for the Defender version), which is damned useful and is applied even if the immobilization fails.Amazing as it might seem, webnade is INVALUABLE against tough bosses and AVs because of your stationary trapping style. They can be immobilized easier than other statuses. For instance we had a team of 3 at the end of a Manticore (long story). Without the trapper's webnade the AV would run all over. Webnade and then stick him with the poison gas trap!
Quote:Intended behaviour, last I heard, to invite full teams to a League.Here's a new one we reported just last night. Joined a league in the RWZ and the leader invited a player than had just left AE. Somehow all at once an entire team showed up in our league and as it turned out they were a team inside the AE building preparing to go in and do a Ma MISSION. The leader had to kick each member individually to get rid of them. ??? wonder how long it will take to track down what caused that and actually fix it. LOL
Don't forget to run the Weekly Strike Targets when they come up - the 4-6 Shards you get for breaking down a Notice definitely helps speed things up.
It needs to be changed to be as fast, durable, and effective as the ones Malta can summon. Until then, I'll never take it again. Not worth it.
Except, of course, that the costs of doing it the only other way (via collecting Incarnate Shards) are obscenely punitive at 2.5 million Inf and 10 Shards for 5 Threads (though once every 20 hours you can convert 10 Shards into 10 Threads for that 2.5 million Inf). Can't be arsed to do the math to see how much Inf and Shards you need to get to unlocking the current slots and filling them with Very Rares that way, but it's been posted elsewhere on the forum and it's *VERY* nasty.
Placate sends you into Hide, so it should suppress the aura.
Quote:A very silly thing to do. The only time you should default to Fire ammo is when teaming and not facing something that resists fire. When solo, you want standard ammo the vast majority of the time to keep critters off of you.2) Don't use Swap Ammo as it was intended
Instead of Aim, the devs attempted to make a set of toggles that switched between equally good modes. They failed. Treat Swap Ammo as a "suck" / "don't suck" button, because that's what it functionally is. Fire ammo all the time. -
"Stalker Offensive Toggle powers will now affect no targets while the Stalker is Hidden. As soon as the Stalker becomes unhidden, the toggle will begin to affect targets as normal. This means these toggles can be run while in Hide and they will not break the Hide state, because they will not hit anything until Hide is broken by some other event.
* Includes Dark Armor/Cloak of Fear, Dark Armor/Oppressive Gloom, and Energy Aura/Repulse."
From the Issue 18 patch notes. And a very welcome change. -
I think we all know that. Teeto K's 30% & 50% figures were about their over time effect rather than just the boost while they were up, from the looks of it.
Quote:Eh. The animations are fine. No mutation needed, at least for the spitting one - after all, that's exactly what the Maori used to do with their poison.Quote:Originally Posted by LewisiteSecond: All its animations suck unless your playing some kind of mutant. Bleh!
Second, for those not quite down with the whole "I spit at thee" thing, make something like green Sith lighting that they can spray their weird debuff whatever it is.