Praetorian Surge on Union 5/11

Eric Nelson



I was fortunate to be a part of the first surge on Union today.
You should be a part of this....

Before I start, I want to give a shoutout to the Court of the Blood Countess. I had numerous drops and they were so accommodating.
These events should only be experienced from within an SG.
Thanks Team

Next, in my last few minutes of the surge I experienced this:

I call this "Video Card Capitulus" Yes, this is the picture. I did have sound though.

Then I experienced the loss of all of my powers and this:

I can't wait for this to hit the Freedom Server. Union was medium load and the lag was "noticeable."

In tonight's event, we fought Praetorians in Atlas, Peregrine Island, and Cap Au and St. Martials. Fun stuff. I must bring the heavy duty machine(quad extreme HP 8740) to the next one on Freedom. FYI



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Virtue's turn is in an hour and a half, it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.
Not very well.

The hill on Talos reminded me of the old Hami raids. Even stuff far away from events (but in the same zone) was affected.

I'm really tempted to log in to Freedom when they try their "greatest concurrent" just to see what it looks like when a server melts down while you're on it. I expect to not be able to move at all.



I was in Atlas Park before it started on Virtue, and the lag was unbelievable. Someone yelled that the actual event was happening in Atlas Park 2... that made a certain amount of sense, since AP1 was probably overrun with people waiting for the event to start. I decided to go to Talos instead. I rubberbanded my way to the train, waited for about three times the usual wait before it showed up, clicked on Talos, and... nothing. There was a massive crowd in front of the train and nobody was moving. The train stayed there and everyone was standing there for several minutes. Finally someone opened up an ouro portal and people began to vanish into it, so I clicked it and made my way to Talos via Ouro (which... I always thought it was impossible to activate/use another power after you've clicked on a destination via the train, but it worked).

The lag in Talos was very bad, but I was able to rubberband my way to some of the event locations and even hit a few things. I only DC'd twice.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



In other words, same old crap when they do special invasions (such as when they spammed giant monsters for the 6th), making the game unplayable.



I was lucky to be home to log into the Praetorian Surge on Union....and unlucky to try the same thing on Virtue.

The Union run was excellent! Great team/league, slight lag, but overall was a great experience. When the War Walkers were inside the City Hall building WITH all of the Praetorian AVs, it was a deathfest once you came in through the doors to City Hall (got some great screenshots though!). Once Avatea helped 'thin' the Praetorian ranks a bit, it was more manageable and fun.

Then there was Virtue...

The lagfest there was unbearable. I shifted toons from a hero in Talos, to a Villain in Cap; all the same. After about an hour, I couldn't take it anymore and had to log off. I could've gone to the ski chalet with some of my newer characters than hadn't picked up Winter Event badges etc, but the lagfest really fried me for the night.

I'm sorry to say that the hard work the OCR team tried to manage just wasn't the 'epic' or 'excitement' I was hoping for...for Virtue, that is; Union was a much more fun experience.

I truly hope whatever 'tech' is being/going to be used on Freedom on the 27th, actually works to diminish/alleviate the lagfests, but after seeing what happened on Virtue, I'm a bit sceptical.

I may show up for the other surges, but if the lag gets too much, I'm not going to kill my hours watching a power shoot off after 2-4 minutes of waiting per shot; not fun, nor is it desireable.

Kudos to the OCR team for trying; wish the tech was there to decimiate the lagfest though.

Additional note: also, if you are a league leader for said event (as this was while I was on Virtue), as a courtesy (aid to the team?), please try to refrain from jostling around your MMs from their teams (or new team leaders not the same level as the previous team leader) so much; each time I was 'moved' from my team (more than likely to get the teams reloaded to 8), all my pets died. I'd bring em back up and 3 seconds later, the leader(s) jostled my MM to another team (or give us a lower level team leader), thus killing my pets again. This happened 7 times in just one battle in the span of 10 minutes. I finally gave up trying to bring up my pets, which made my experience in the 'surge' all that more painful. Just a friendly piece of info to think of before League leaders/team leaders do mutiple jostlings of the team leaders, MMs, or other ATs with pets from team to team during the firefight. Set up the leagues as best possible early in, but try to keep the team leader levels the same (50s) and not toss the MMs from team to team during the firefight. Just an FYI to aid in a better experience for all. Thanks.



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
I was lucky to be home to log into the Praetorian Surge on Union....and unlucky to try the same thing on Virtue.

The Union run was excellent! Great team/league, slight lag, but overall was a great experience. When the War Walkers were inside the City Hall building WITH all of the Praetorian AVs, it was a deathfest once you came in through the doors to City Hall (got some great screenshots though!). Once Avatea helped 'thin' the Praetorian ranks a bit, it was more manageable and fun.

Then there was Virtue...

The lagfest there was unbearable. I shifted toons from a hero in Talos, to a Villain in Cap; all the same. After about an hour, I couldn't take it anymore and had to log off. I could've gone to the ski chalet with some of my newer characters than hadn't picked up Winter Event badges etc, but the lagfest really fried me for the night.

I'm sorry to say that the hard work the OCR team tried to manage just wasn't the 'epic' or 'excitement' I was hoping for...for Virtue, that is; Union was a much more fun experience.

I truly hope whatever 'tech' is being/going to be used on Freedom on the 27th, actually works to diminish/alleviate the lagfests, but after seeing what happened on Virtue, I'm a bit sceptical.

I may show up for the other surges, but if the lag gets too much, I'm not going to kill my hours watching a power shoot off after 2-4 minutes of waiting per shot; not fun, nor is it desireable.

Kudos to the OCR team for trying; wish the tech was there to decimiate the lagfest though.

Additional note: also, if you are a league leader for said event (as this was while I was on Virtue), as a courtesy (aid to the team?), please try to refrain from jostling around your MMs from their teams (or new team leaders not the same level as the previous team leader) so much; each time I was 'moved' from my team (more than likely to get the teams reloaded to 8), all my pets died. I'd bring em back up and 3 seconds later, the leader(s) jostled my MM to another team (or give us a lower level team leader), thus killing my pets again. This happened 7 times in just one battle in the span of 10 minutes. I finally gave up trying to bring up my pets, which made my experience in the 'surge' all that more painful. Just a friendly piece of info to think of before League leaders/team leaders do mutiple jostlings of the team leaders, MMs, or other ATs with pets from team to team during the firefight. Set up the leagues as best possible early in, but try to keep the team leader levels the same (50s) and not toss the MMs from team to team during the firefight. Just an FYI to aid in a better experience for all. Thanks.

It was interesting reading your comments about Union. I was on Union too and I had a different experience. I started in Cap and didn't leave because I knew the transit would be painful. We had lots Praetorians but few AVs. We did get Black Swan several times though. A lot left to go to other zones to be a part of the "Action" I stayed. Do you remember the broadcast about "Praetorians are getting enbankments because their aren't enough people people." I posted "Lol" right after that because I told my team to stay put but they all wanted to follow the ball." I noticed my SG teammates coming online and I dropped off and joined them. They were much more "experienced" and stayed in the zone until we were all told to go to St. Martials.

I do have a few questions about this event:

1. Did anyone tried to use acid grenades on the teleports?
2. What av's made appearances on Unions and Virtue? Were they the same as Union. What zone's were involved too.

About Union, I remember Black Swan, Maruader, Desdemona, Mother Mayhem, Neuron, Nightstar, Siege, Bobcat, Chimera but did Tyrant make a show?

About the Freedom Event, I will be bringing the high end machine to see if it makes a difference. It's a Quadcore with 32GB RAM and 2GB video card. I have to find a solution to the lag.



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Virtue's turn is in an hour and a half, it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.

How was it, Leandro?



My brother did this on Virtue, and I was impressed. In a bad way. He got to fire his attack powers ONCE, and they never recharged. He died, used a self rez. 4 minutes later he rose. This took more than 3 minutes to activate. He was unable to retoggle his armor before being defeated. He went to the hospital, and he couldn't move for 3 minutes in the rez chamber.

We had a stopwatch, we were timing. Numbers NOT pulled out of stinky hole.

After about 15 minutes of this crap he logged off Virtue in disgust.

My plan for the Invasion on Freedom? (where I spend almost all my game time)

Log each Character in that I am interested in the badge(s) for the event. Hope I don't crash. Log out ASAP, and go to Virtue and play my one of my "Freedom is down/Invite my brother into his SG" alts.

Dr Tanaka 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Cool MacCool 50 AR/Ice Blaster
Cold MacCool 50 ice/ice Blaster
Alura Darkstone 41 Brute Dark/Stone
Dr Akanat 40 Brute Stone/Stone
and many more



Originally Posted by Tonaka View Post
Log each Character in that I am interested in the badge(s) for the event.
The badge is account-wide, so you will only have to log one character in on the server in order to qualify.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



I'll see you guys on Freedom. That's the next event I'll do. I fully expect a server crash.



I happened to log in on Liberty when the event began. I switched out to a level 50, who happened to be in Atlas. It was laggy as I made my way to where the mobs were spawning, and then time just froze. I could chat and invite to my team with no problem, but could barely move and could hardly attack.

I switched out to a character that was in Talos and had better luck. For Freedom I will camp my character in the farthest corner of the most remote map (maybe Terra Volta for the heck of it) and see how I fare .