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  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    After attempting Whiteout solo on as a silver Night Avenger I now look fondly on the ambushes in CoH that used to be annoying.

    At least CoH tended to ambush you with minions and maybe a lt on normal difficulty. CO sends wave after wave villain+ and lesser types, without a pause. (So no health regen or re-stealthing to use the NA's schtick). The boss battle where one master villain became three master villains (and couldn't be targeted until aggro'd so no assassin's stike) was where I was thankful there are no nega-stars once you run out of normal stars. Stars are another thing I'm not entirely happy with. That mission is going to be sitting in my log for awhile.

    Not being able to easily find what things look like is yet another but that's an issue with the wiki.

    But it's that or nothing and for the $25 I've spent on it (NA, the account wide costume slots, a costume set and parts) I've got my claws stalker mostly existing and my staff tanker is now a scythe scrapper (heavy wizard's staff a> does not have a nob on the end and b> is more like giant's cancerous legbone, but the batwing scythe looks nice). If freeform slots weren't so outrageously expensive, $50, I'd have been hard pressed to resist buying one to make a more tanker version of the Devastator/heavy weapons, $5 is impulse money, $50 is not

    Okay, I think I've said it before.

    Whiteout is MASSIVELY bugged (and pretty much uncompletable as-is).
  3. We had a pair of mission teams a Sutter team and an ITF team.

    Great night all! Goodbye Champion!


    A Tanker Tuesday Steam group has been set up. We're looking into an event in CO.
    It won't be the same, but aggro just needs grabbing sometimes!

    Directions on how to join are at http://www.tankertuesday.com
  4. I'm kind of "meh". It's as if DC went to NDT and said "Find us a red star and we'll call it Krypton".

    That and my combined dissatisfaction with biannual reboots, as I said, makes it pretty damn hard to care.
  5. Honestly, while DCUO is visually beautiful, I don't care for it.
    Limited customizability.
    The 3D traversal of anything but flight is nausea-inducing. Tried to do a version of my main with SS in there and the controls for running on the walls and ceiling are so bad that I had to shut the game down.

    I'd go up a wall, hit a certain point and the game would turn me around. It ruined immersion because I was fighting the interface.

    The chat system in DCUO is a friggin joke.

    The fact that your two main powers start off bound to your mouse? Stupid with a capital "What The Hell Were You Thinking?"

    The fact that it's ridiculously easy to wander into areas where stuff outlevels you by 20+ WITHOUT WARNING. That combined with the "hunt, hunt, hunt, hunt, instance" way the game's handled...

    And messing around in the interface for the game, at all, COMPLETELY negates all movement in the game. So you have to stop dead just to talk with someone. Or check your inventory. Or look at your main map.

    CO isn't as visually gorgeous, the layout is a study in obfuscation of utility, and you still have to spam an energy builder attack. But at least it handles in a predictable manner.

    On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being "just like CoH", CO is a 7-7.5.
    DCUO is a 2.

    I've said it before. Both these other games have gone for "technical superiority", and completely ignored the things in CoH that ACTUALLY made the game work.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultraamann View Post
    Come on out to Champion for the very last Tanker Tuesday. Hopefully we'll have a great turnout, maybe see a lot of old faces come out to say goodbye to the longest running player event in the game.

    As always, 9PM est, Kings Row by the IP gate. Come on out and smash!
    Well. The very last Tanker Tuesday on Champion.

    There's still a couple after that.
  7. Depending on how many people you encounter, a single angry customer can cause an inordinate amount of damage.

    If you directly tell 8 people and are sufficient in motivating them, you have roughly a sphere of about 4000 people you can indirectly affect. If even 1% of them follow your lead, that's 40 people who won't do business with that company.

    Now multiply that by a few thousand angry customers.

    Yeah, there'll be some overlap in there. But the CoH community has the potential to inflict a LOT of financial damage on NCSoft.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Dude it's not just asian countries. I've met Americans that think Canada and Mexico are part of the US because they are (to use their own words) on the same map.

    I've also met Americans that think England, Britain, and the United Kingdom are seperate countries.
    Well, technically England, Britain and the UK are technically separate.

    England is a country that shares a border with Wales and Scotland. It comprises the central and southern portion Great Britain.

    Great Britain the country, varies by era, but generally includes all of the British Isles, including Northern Ireland. Great Britain, the geographic place, is generally just the Isle of Great Britain itself (which includes Scotland).

    The United Kingdom normally overlaps the country definition of Great Britain but can be used to refer to all territories which are remnants of the former British Empire and still under British control.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    I think we did admirably well, given the number of folks there. Sometimes, I want to put people on a short leash... I think you know what I mean.

    I'll be there Wednesday and certainly the 28th.
    Sorry! I was "that guy" Had a bind for Run and /team GO that I fat fingered as I was trying to take it off my tray that resulted in some death.

    *Breaks down sobbing in shame*

    ...Or not...
  10. Hyperstrike

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Pretty sure Black Pebble moved on to being a horse-carriage driver.
    He's a marketing guy. So he should be used to watching some (three letter word for a posterior region) dump (four letter word for feces) in his lap all day.

    Heck, the fact that a horse would be so direct about it should be a straightforward relief for him.

    Oh yeah. FPARN.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Ah. A monkey mastermind who has his minions stealing candy!

    The altitis is already running strong in this one!
  12. Okay. We came, we saw, and we're going to have to come back and whip some jello later.

    A few faux pas, the fact that we hadn't done this in a while, and the fact that we had people who had to bail due to how late we ran (Hami took a LONG time to spawn) we were unable to take him down.


    We're going to see if we can do this again after the RTR on Wednesday Night.

    Thank you again to everyone who came out. I'm sorry it didn't work this time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    In fact, given what I've been told and a revised analysis of the game's profitability based on that information, I work backwards and conclude about 50% - 60% of Paragon Studios was probably working on City of Heroes, and 40% - 50% was working or at least allocated to working on (various incarnations of) Project 2.

    This is something I have no specific knowledge of, but if I were on the management team before interacting with NCsoft, my strategy to investors might be something like this: the game is profitable if we keep just the part that supports the game. We know you can get your money back if we do just that. Give me one month to pitch you an original development concept the R&D wing of the company can produce, and if you don't like it we'll pair down to the costs associated with just supporting CoH. If you do like it, invest in that concept separately from your investment in CoH.

    That gives me the strongest position to convince investors to save the game, while also giving me a hail-mary shot to save the rest of the company that doesn't weaken my position to save the core game.
    This. Exactly.
  14. I'll be there with bells on!

    What? What was that?


    YES... I'll be wearing more than just bells... Yes I KNOW clothing hides a multitude of sins...

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    In case anyone knows - I'm working on backing up the forums, and I'm wondering if there's a way to increase the number of displayed posts per thread page without being logged in - through URL or something similar, perhaps?
    You have to have access to the back-end management for something like that.
  16. And on that note. Real World Hero has opened up for the season!

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    I am sure we will never know, but it would be interesting to know how much of a chilling effect CoX's closure will have on its players who move on to other venues, especially those who were only playing the one game [CoX]. It has made me really, really reluctant to invest time and especially, CASH in something that can get yanked out from under me tomorrow - which I would think would be a bad idea indeed for MMOs running real-world cash shops. How many are feeling a similar reluctance?

    We will never know.
    This is the thing CoH's closure has really shined a million-candle-power floodlight on.

    Granted, NCSoft has a penchant for killing MMOs. But the CoH closure really highlights how transient they can be. Even if they're still making decent cash.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Yep. Right now its the best superhero thing going and I'm gonna keep enjoying it as long as I can.
    Unfortunately this statement is true.

    Decided I'd been too harsh with DCUO. Gave it another try.

    It's still a gorgeous game. But has a lot of problems. Foremost being the absolute WORST chat system in the universe.

    Second being the playerbase, there's a few helpful players over there. But, on the whole, they could have dredged Freedom for the worst and dumbest and still gotten a nicer group of people.

    Open world hunts for everything. Oh, did I mention that it's also open-world? Where the enemies can jump from level 5 stuff to level 30 in a single block?

    So yeah. CO is still suffering MASSIVELY in comparison to CoH. But it is head and shoulders (and navel) above DCUO.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Since this thread seems to have some CO experts hanging out in it...

    Recreated my namesake blaster in CO and, in general, been having a good time. At level 20 started the Whiteout "arc" (or whatever). It's been fun so far (although the difficulty of the foes and the ambushes get frustrating at times), but I've run into a brick wall:

    That commander in mission #4 (the supervillain who you mostly defeat who then turns into three master villains, who then becomes a supervillain again with about 21,000 hit points). While I could go into a rant about game balance (21,000 hit points? At level 21? AND it's foe #5 of a series of rather difficult foes? *Really?*), I'm really interested in what my options are for getting past this encounter.

    Does CO have a "complete mission automatically" feature for if the mission is bugged or you can't get past it, like CoH does?

    If not, is there a particular consumable that would help here? Something that could make me practically invincible long enough to do 21,000 points of damage? Would summoning in as many pets as I can muster to attack him and then I just block all the time work?

    Any advice?
    Okay, I also tried Whiteout. It's essentially "premium" content.

    Advice. Don't. It's KNOWN buggy as hell.

    You probably didn't get far enough yet but there's other problems.

    In one of the sections, it's possible to knock enemies into geometry, getting them stuck there. They're able to shoot at you but you can't attack them. Worse, it's geometry right next to NPCs you have to rescue and the "rescue them" is a click with a timer. So if you get hit it gets interrupted.

    Another section has you going into buildings and going int different rooms. Every few times through, some of the doors will glitch so you can't click to open them.

    Also, the last mission has enemies essentially spamming perma-hold on you with ZERO recourse. So, at this point in time, Whiteout is utterly unable to be completed.

    Just open up your main map (hit M) and drop the mission.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Just to verify, I again set my default browser back to Firefox, loaded the game, logged in to Texas Justice and got the same message when opening the Paragon Market.

    Wonder if it happens on Beta?

    EDIT: Well, that's a bit odd. It's fine on Beta. Could it be due to how on Live it connects to the account server?
    Okay. Thanks for this info TJ. Was able to clear the problem by flipping back to IE.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I could only pop in for a minute at about 10:30 coz I had to take hubby to a chiropractor appointment. What's going on tomorrow?


    Pfft. Just hang him upside down by his feet for a couple hours.

    That'll stretch him out!
  22. Pretty much can't use it from any location on either of my accounts. I keep getting the following message:

    "The store session has timed out. Please use the home button to reload the store."

    Ze clicking home! It does nothing!

    I've already submitted a pair of GameAdvisor logs to NCSoft about it. Not figuring on much help. Not that I had a LOT of points racked up. But, what I did have was stuff I could use!
  23. Hyperstrike

    Horror Daycare


    Samara! Get out of there!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
    It was a great time and my tank (light blue Ice tank on the left) gained two levels!

    Thanks for posting the photo, Hyper!

    No problem. There's a few more of them, sans-UI here if you want a copy.

    Bottom of Page 2 and Page 3.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Sorry, just got power back from Hurricane Me last night. How's 9 PM Eastern/ 6 Pacific for people?

    And does anyone here know how they stitch characters together, as they did for this? Just because we can't all be there at once, doesn't mean we can't all be there.

    EDIT: found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNIlF...hannel&list=UL , now I just need to take a few minutes and actually learn it.

    Yeah. It looks hard until you do it a time or two. It's actually pretty easy.