Which one sucks less ?
I know how you feel. But which sucks less is hard to answer
I play DCU(Free) on PS3 but it feels boring to play at lv30(cap) there. Had fun leveling and doing stuff for a while but now after getting one toon to 30 i don't feel like playing all the much, might be the fact they locked 95% of the costumes be hide Gear(Hate this the most) and 4.9% for the store and .1% is what you start with.
Champions(Sadly Lifer) is odd to me, don't know why but even when i see chat there flying off with non-stop chatter i feel alone there too. I like CO during Head start when Power Armor was Power Armor(On day one it became Bag Armor, seems a tad better now thou).
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
I will agree that getting up to level 30 on DCUO was more fun than doing the level 30 content.
I haven't played Champions Online enough to comment. Didn't seem anywhere near as addictive as CoH. I also didn't feel that either game has the social aspects that CoH has.
My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge
(622 Badges on my badge-guy)
number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3
both are "ok" i lean more toward DCUO, game looks fantastic, worlds are amazing.... but the game controls mainly the way you attack is BLEH.
If CoH had to be given a rating 1-10, its a 9.75 IMO.
DCUO would be a 6.75
CO would be a 3.0

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
I tried Champions and even though it seemed there were a lot of people around, it seemed...soulless. Maybe it was just me.
Character creation was nice. Tons of options.
I am, always have been, and most likely always will be a DC Comics fanboy. I grew up watching The Adventures of Superman with George Reeves on the small screen, the Superman films with Christopher Reeve on the big screen, the Batman television series with Adam West, the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman television series, and the Super Friends cartoon. Thus, I'm just going to be upfront and admit that I'm hugely biased.
I purchased a lifetime subscription to DC Universe Online the day SOE launched it, and don't regret it. More than any other MMOG, I feel at home playing it. Metropolis, Gotham City, the Justice League Watchtower... they're all meticulous and stunning. You feel like you're there. You can tell that SOE took a lot of time and effort into getting them right. The game is entirely voice acted, and mostly by the same voice actors that portrayed the various DC characters in the Batman, Superman, and Justice League animated series. SOE nailed the DC universe's atmosphere, IMO. The details of Metropolis and Gotham City and the voice acting draw you right in.
Playing DCUO makes you feel like a super-hero. Flying around Metropolis actually makes you feel like you're flying, especially once you kick into super-sonic speeds. Combat is much more visceral than City of Heroes as well, IMO. You can pick up a parked car and toss it at a bad guy. You can block and dodge. IMO, DC Universe Online is the best super-hero game out of CoH, CO, and DCUO.
I said best super-hero game, not best super-hero MMOG.
DCUO's achilles' heel is that it was ultimately designed for consoles, (specifically the PlayStation 3). The UI is horrible for the PC. The game is designed for the use of a game controller. Because of this, voice chat is a necessity. You can text chat, but it's clunky at best and very inefficient since you should be using a game controller while playing. So, IMO, DCUO is a bad MMOG.
I also have a lifetime subscription to Champions Online... which I do regret. Unlike DCUO, it has a decent UI, you can easily play via keyboard and mouse, text chat is easy, and it's fine as a MMOG. But it feels like a parody of a super-hero MMOG instead of a super-hero MMOG. Foxbat is a good example of this. The mission that transports you to the set of the "Anchorman" film is another. Also unlike DCUO, the game feels lifeless... plastic. The cartoony look doesn't help in that regard. What little life there is in the game feels like a parody of the silver age of comic books, thus my comment that it seems like a parody of a super-hero MMOG.
Take my opinion with a huge grain of salt. Both games are free to play now, so it doesn't hurt to give either a try.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Well on DCU i paid for a while so i got a toon to combat lvl 52 , the raids make me want to pull out my hair with all the ninja looting and waiting
the peeps who make that game must have never played an MMORPG b4
tanks- cant hold aggro and dont taunt , controllers that cant control mobs
ect, mabey im spoiled by our great game but.... im used to a few things like for instance here we dont have to stop a SF/TF cuz one person quits
I waited for two hours for a FOS ( fortrace of solitude ) raid, only to have
the healer get mad and quit because too many people wanted to play DPS
( I know it sounds like im speaking pig latin ) i wish i could find a place for COH refugees i play DCU on PS3 , my toon is also named Shango i tried to recreate my COH look as best i could with what they give he is a electric ,two hand weapon DPS if u play and see me ill try my best to help you get settled
and you will have fun lol till lvl 30 . Champions is a lost cause and at least DCU PVP is fun tho pointless
I played CO beta and for some time later... Was fun.
But I gave it another later, and the game controls and combat feels so damn bugged and clunky, I cant stand it.
Bought a Xbox pad and started to play DCUO, and the game is on other level.
Every villain, every part of the HUGE cities got history, their own place, their own cutscene, voice, minions... Everything is detailed.
DC got some of the best comic characters, specially villain gallery and they get advantage from that.
The combos are crazy fun, and travel powers too.
The only negative point is the character customization. But you unlock TONS of new costumes on the way, and its always a motivation to play.
Not sure if I stay long, but for the moment is fun as hell.
Just for the record, there will not ever be a game like COH for me...
Honestly, while DCUO is visually beautiful, I don't care for it.
Limited customizability.
The 3D traversal of anything but flight is nausea-inducing. Tried to do a version of my main with SS in there and the controls for running on the walls and ceiling are so bad that I had to shut the game down.
I'd go up a wall, hit a certain point and the game would turn me around. It ruined immersion because I was fighting the interface.
The chat system in DCUO is a friggin joke.
The fact that your two main powers start off bound to your mouse? Stupid with a capital "What The Hell Were You Thinking?"
The fact that it's ridiculously easy to wander into areas where stuff outlevels you by 20+ WITHOUT WARNING. That combined with the "hunt, hunt, hunt, hunt, instance" way the game's handled...
And messing around in the interface for the game, at all, COMPLETELY negates all movement in the game. So you have to stop dead just to talk with someone. Or check your inventory. Or look at your main map.
CO isn't as visually gorgeous, the layout is a study in obfuscation of utility, and you still have to spam an energy builder attack. But at least it handles in a predictable manner.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being "just like CoH", CO is a 7-7.5.
DCUO is a 2.
I've said it before. Both these other games have gone for "technical superiority", and completely ignored the things in CoH that ACTUALLY made the game work.
Honestly, while DCUO is visually beautiful, I don't care for it.
Limited customizability. The 3D traversal of anything but flight is nausea-inducing. Tried to do a version of my main with SS in there and the controls for running on the walls and ceiling are so bad that I had to shut the game down. I'd go up a wall, hit a certain point and the game would turn me around. It ruined immersion because I was fighting the interface. The chat system in DCUO is a friggin joke. The fact that your two main powers start off bound to your mouse? Stupid with a capital "What The Hell Were You Thinking?" The fact that it's ridiculously easy to wander into areas where stuff outlevels you by 20+ WITHOUT WARNING. That combined with the "hunt, hunt, hunt, hunt, instance" way the game's handled... And messing around in the interface for the game, at all, COMPLETELY negates all movement in the game. So you have to stop dead just to talk with someone. Or check your inventory. Or look at your main map. CO isn't as visually gorgeous, the layout is a study in obfuscation of utility, and you still have to spam an energy builder attack. But at least it handles in a predictable manner. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being "just like CoH", CO is a 7-7.5. DCUO is a 2. I've said it before. Both these other games have gone for "technical superiority", and completely ignored the things in CoH that ACTUALLY made the game work. |

IMHO, both games seem to cater more to solo play. I played CO before CoH and ended up with CoH because people actually talked to me and invited me to teams. In CO, people talk to argue about non-game stuff and you have to manually move the zone chat to another tab to cut out the nonsense. Also, players rarely team in CO because the rewards are better for solo, thus cutting down player reasons to team. Example:
Collect X items outdoors - only counts toward the one who picks up the item, not the team. Why team if you have to collect stuff individually anyway?
Mission holder lvl > 5 lvls to your lvl - reduced XP for you
Mission reward - 100% xp to holder, 30-50% xp to teammates unless teammate has the same mission
I haven't played DCU yet, but other CO mechanics turn me off enough to not recommend CO. For example, Bloodmoon is the equivalent of zombie apoc in CoH, but the zombies don't give any XP! And don't even bother trying to solo the Bloodmoon instance through the portal. No XP from killing mobs. XP is only rewarded if you finish, which is very difficult solo. Don't bother with the Dr. Destroyer factory. It is broken. In fact, before you do a big arc, check the CO Wiki to see if the arc is broken or not. It'll save you time and frustration. Stay away from Lemuria. Nice to visit, but not great for missions.
If you play CO, I highly recommend making another tab to monitor XP and rewards so you can tell if you getting good XP for your kills. I would even recommend completing quests instead of killing. A quest nets 10,000-20,000 XP while a kill is 100-300 XP. 10,000/100 = 100 kills. It is faster to skip mobs and complete a quest than street sweep.
You may also want to invest in ergonomic products to prevent carpal tunnel due to button spamming.
I've tried both on PC... DCUO when it first came out and CO just recently to see if it was worth anything...
DCUO was throwing $60 down the toilet... thankfully CO was a free trial.
DCUO gets a 10 for visuals, but a 2.5 maybe a 3 for game play. Movement was a nightmare. Torturous doesn't even begin to describe anything but running. Forced PvP - just no. It is SO easy to get lost in that game. I had to go to the space station and never was able to leave. Every character's power tree is the same.. just a different name/visual for the powers. I lasted about 2 weeks.
CO just plain sucks. Everything about it sucks. For me, it doesn't even rate a 2. Movement - awful, game play - awful, graphics - abysmal, missions - dreadful. I lasted 2 days.
I knew, going in, that neither game was CoX and I wasn't expecting them to be... but even knowing that, they're still horrid.
I went to The Secret World. Left the comic book/superhero world behind.
You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame
Omg. I am so sad boo. KIT. For all my boos. On_chill_mode@Yahoo.com
Love you Redd boo.
Honestly, while DCUO is visually beautiful, I don't care for it.
Limited customizability. The 3D traversal of anything but flight is nausea-inducing. Tried to do a version of my main with SS in there and the controls for running on the walls and ceiling are so bad that I had to shut the game down. I'd go up a wall, hit a certain point and the game would turn me around. It ruined immersion because I was fighting the interface. The chat system in DCUO is a friggin joke. The fact that your two main powers start off bound to your mouse? Stupid with a capital "What The Hell Were You Thinking?" The fact that it's ridiculously easy to wander into areas where stuff outlevels you by 20+ WITHOUT WARNING. That combined with the "hunt, hunt, hunt, hunt, instance" way the game's handled... And messing around in the interface for the game, at all, COMPLETELY negates all movement in the game. So you have to stop dead just to talk with someone. Or check your inventory. Or look at your main map. CO isn't as visually gorgeous, the layout is a study in obfuscation of utility, and you still have to spam an energy builder attack. But at least it handles in a predictable manner. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being "just like CoH", CO is a 7-7.5. DCUO is a 2. I've said it before. Both these other games have gone for "technical superiority", and completely ignored the things in CoH that ACTUALLY made the game work. |
I can't get into CO, no matter how much I try and try. If I had to pick one that "sucks less" I would have to go with CO, but not by much. I went back to STO.
On a scale of 1 - 10:
DCUO - 2.5
CO - 3.5
Neither worth my time, personally.
"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb
My Characters
As if you do not have enough opinions already..
From personal experience and of having played both games premium and free-to-play I would gladly compare the two for you.
DCUO is a very beautiful game and has some very neat features when it comes to how powers are used and travel powers interact within the game (running on water for example). CO is basic cell shading and is very hard to get used to at first, however once you get that out of the way it does look decent at best. If you want something pretty, go DCUO.
Customization hands down goes to CO, however this feature really only applies to those that pay for costume unlocks or pay the $15 a month to unlock more of the basic gear. DCUO on the other hand, although similar with the pay for unlocks, seems to supply more when it comes to costume unlock drops from enemies. If you want infinite customization, go CO.
Funds. With a free account for CO, an account can only go up to 250g (gold) which honestly is simply not enough to buy the best Legion gear. DCUO, I honestly did not have a problem when it came to buying in-game gear and Level 30 higher end gear for my character. Both can be debatable.
When it comes to powers CO supplies at least twelve or so different forms, however you may also choose Freeform (if you pay for it of course). Freeform is basically that powerset we always wanted, dat muthah regen blastah or whatever else you wanted to pair together. DCUO seemed very limited even with all of the 'weapon' choices (although CO has different forms as well if payed for such as blasting psi out of your hands or head). However unlike DCUO, CO did not seem to limit me to 8 power slots. In DCUO you had to choose your role, in CO I could mix and match depending on the fight without having to rearrange my tray. I prefer CO with its Freeform in this case. I will say however, although CO has multiple power sets to choose from, I have found most 'feel' the same.
PvP in CO is basically dead and is very FotM (although what isn't). If you aren't some sort of regen, you will most likely find yourself defeated. The most PvP action you will get would be in the main City Circle where the 40's hang around instanced dueling each other. I cannot say much for DCUO PvP currently.
Socialization in both games basically suck unless you have a friend from another source to join you. I could find teams a bit better in CO than DCUO however, if that means anything. However I was pretty much alone through 20+.
I cannot really say what is best, I would honestly just try both and uninstall what does not tickle your fancy in the long run.
If you love storylines and alien action, I would suggest SWtoR; the PvP is very fun and is not very fotm, customization is lacking but you can always create custom gear to help ease that, and it is soon going free-to-play. I have not played Secret World (gameplay didn't appeal to me) so I do not have anything on that. I have played LotRO as well, very fun game, however I am not sure on the way it handles for a complete free to play account as I was on a trial run before it switched to a free platform.
If you like shooters, I am currently playing APB (All Points Bulletin Reloaded). It has plenty of customization and a form of social platform if needed.
Either way good luck with finding another game!

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
DCU online or champions : IMO DCU is kewl until u get raid lvl ( after LVL 30 ) i just cant get into champion i dont know why. its prolly cuz i feel so alone on that game what do u think ?