23 -
Quote:I'm very sad by this choice. I took literal Months doing some of my archs. fixing them over and over. To balance critters, allies, etc, for good stories. Some archs literally take hours like a TF. With Hundreds of Custom Creations for Costumes and all. And This nerf has ruined my hope of getting 5 stars. people are rating them low because of low xp. thinking it's my fault. The other day a lvl 54 av that took us about 10 mins to kill gave me 10k in xp. I was Super Annoyed. I don't like the regular content that much. And the Io's are getting so expensive I can hardly pvp against all the players who did get to farm up cash for good toons. So what do you want me to do? It's hard to pvp, as if many people even do that, and now Ae is dead. If I do another freaking RWZ mission. Or Maria Jenkins arch. done to DEATH!! And No I don't want to do COV content. I don't like robbing banks and doing evil stuff. I got COV cuz we needed it for bases. And I got Rogue for Pistols. Tho that MM set is real cute looking. Anyway, I been on this game for years off and on. And I love it. The ONLY MMO I've ever played. But I'm going to have to rethink this choice if I dont' get my AE back. Hell, even when you pick game critters, they still give silly xp. Why is it a red cap that does the same thing in AE that it does in regular game doesn't give the same xp? that makes no sense at all.Hey everyone,
We wanted to take a moment to address issues that have come up regarding the latest patch that has been released. We certainly understand a lot of your concerns and we want to do our best to alleviate them.
The change that has been implemented is a temporary change to combat a long standing exploit. This was a stopgap fix that we had to put out until we could come up with a more permanent solution. We certainly do not want to leave your arcs in a state where using them in non-exploitive ways results in little to no experience being gained.
Myself, pohsyb, Television, War Witch, along with everyone else here involved in the operations of Mission Architect, are doing everything we can to arrive at a solution that we can all agree on.
We currently plan to implement a solution in issue 17 or soon thereafter (and I mean actual soon and not Soon™) . We can't go into detail about what exactly is planned, but it will alleviate the current issue that many of you are having, which is finding your normal arcs are rewarding little experience.
Anyone who has a normal story arc that is drastically affected by this change should not go about overhauling your work. We are going to make sure that this upcoming fix will stop exploitive behavior within Architect while also allowing you all to be as creative as you want within the system - without extremely negative consequences.
Dr. Aeon -
I don't play those toons you say are ganking toons. And I find it a bit unfair for you to suggest that people who don't like the new pvp are gankers. I'm anything but. And freedom is the exception to the rule as you guys are the most popular server. So pardon me if I do not share your views on the new PVP.
Dual builds. I was trying to compare the benefits of the electric mastery shield on my cold defender versus the invuln shield on the power mastery in my alt build. OMG. 15 mins to switch between builds was so freaking annoying. It took me an hour to do an analysis.
And then on top of that, I nearly broke my toon with regular io's and like maybe 3 sets ios on the first build. You telling me I gotta do repeated boring lvl 50 content over and over to get money for a new set? At least have the set benefits transfer from the main build to the 2ndary. And to prevent cheating, if a person makes the same set on the other build, It doesn't stack.
I am an alt person myself. That is what keeps the fun of the game. If I have to spend too much time to work on dual sets, that slows down the fun.
Suggestions for Dual Builds
1. Allow a person the choice to pick which set benefits are universal.
2. Give us the monetary value of our enhances on the 2nd build in influence. A separate influence pool. so say you spent 100 million on enhances at wents for your first build, you should get that amount in influence on your 2nd build's influence pool.
3. Leveling up at the trainer is fine. Some people think it's slow but, If you want a lvl 20 version and a lvl 50 version, that is the best way to do it. You can't stop lvling in a respec like fashion. You have to go all the way up. Some people want a low version of their toon and a high version.
4. I say no to people who want to be able to choose entirely different sets. Why Alt then?
5. You guys gotta fix the power switch/alt time. 15 mins is a bummer. Sometimes you just wanna check which build could use a repec or what it needs at wents. I personally say it should be as easy as a costume change with a 1 min delay. And a screen that prevents you from attacking while in transition. That way you can't have massive amounts of power available during PVE missions or PVP. Or a nice only affecting self would do. Kinda like the PFF or RAGE drop period. Also, switching Mid mission or while a mission is selected should be unavailable. If you didn't get stealth on a build, you shouldn't be able mid mission, to switch and get to the end boss. Tuff luck. Fight it out. Or start the mission over and switch to your stealth build.
My two cents. -
Dev's will you guys delete this damn thread already!!!!!!!!
This thread has turned into a ugly and thoughful and lengthy and harmful and uplifting quilt of craziness. If anything good comes from this thread, I hope people realize that anyone can do what ever they want in PvP but ,the person doing what ever they want has to realize that we are entitled to not like you or your actions for doing such said actions if they interfere with our fun. Even if the devs think it's ok for you to do it.
I also hope the Dev's read this forum and realize how craptastic the arena can be at times and fix it. I know you guys(DEV'S) don't like making up stuff just for no one to use.
To the Mighty Miss of Super Strength, you are so much better than holding a grudge. To the Roman religious one, You are so much better than greifing. This Thread is over. Do not post any more to it. 6,000 views for a harmless thread about how to beat getting knocked over a building is too much. -
The person who sets up the arena matches has the ability to kick anyone out who they don't want in it? I don't think could kick CK out of one of my matches but others would be free to do so. I am deeply saddened by this entire thread. We have no real halfway point and people on both sides are as inflamed as ever and I'm still stuck with buddies on both sides mad at each other. This is not the spirit of COH!!! We must fix this. I may not be the most eloquent poster on here but damn it I"m still a hero at heart and this has got to cease!!!!!!! Someone come up with a solution please.
I"m tired of this thread. I'm going to work with fly and dinah and whom ever else will help me and start a perpetual FC in the arena. For all lvls. Geez.
But I hope that he, and you, recognize that this game should not revolve around anyone's specific ideals of how a zone should be like. Because it's not, has never been that way, and should never be that way.
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i just got home from work so im not sure if this was covered or not. but you just shot yourself in the foot there machete. Thats exactly what is happening. except its the peoples whose idea of fight club is being imposed on the zone. and anyone who doesn't agree with those ideals is being labelled an [censored], a griefer and a ganker
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I did make note of this too. Saying that one of the new pvper's came to the zone not knowing what FC was. When he did what he was supposed to do( by game design) and helped a hero out whom he thought was being attacked by a villian, he got called a bunch of names over broadcast. I apologized over the broadcast and said that he was new to SC to which one of my very best freinds in the game called me a liar. That is the ugliness of FC right there. On the other hand, fight club can be fun when one side is too lopsided. It's no fun when there are 50 heroes and 8 villians. FC balances that out. I digress, CK you have won. I will only do FC in the arena and Warburg any villian I see in SC is fair game. -
Just to make things clear here -
If someone attacks you in a PvP zone and you are having an RP event (like FC) that is NOT harassment.
If you are in a PvP zone you can attack another player repeatedly.
However - you cannot trash talk someone using vulgar words, racial slurs, sexual slurs or other UA violating actions. That IS harassment and can be actioned against by the GMs.
You could also be actioned for exploiting in a PvP zone - for example - by hanging out as a villain in a hero hospital to gank heroes as they respawn. This is not as designed and may be actioned.
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"gasp" My thread got a response from a red name?!!! I made it to the big time baby!!!!!! -
I read both of your posts FF...
Im hardly petitioning for peace...not remotely my point..if something is upsetting you or others that much in game...then of course stand up and speak out!...Its the way its being done that I have issue with...and the fact that some of the people complaining decide what side of the fence they are on based on whats popular and whos involved rather than a true sense of right and wrong, or that something is only wrong when it begins to effect them...
My thoughts both yesterday and today are primarily directed at the people on these forums who clearly know better and have actually defended tooth and nail other people who have done similar things in game simply because they were "friends"...
I happen to think YOUR heart is in the right place however I disagree with your methods...
if you find my posts High and Mighty...Ill take that as a compliment because I do at least TRY to take the higher road ( I often fail miserably) Words are a very mighty weapon when used properly..Which is why Im disheartened to see the type of posts I have seen yesterday and today by people who I believe know better...
Again I do feel you as an individual are trying to accomplish something positive...I thought your post yesterday was a heartfelt plea that got turned into something ugly...I just disagree with your methods of trying to accomplish your goal...
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It saddens me that My pals don't get along. And this can translated in the pve world. I have seen people leave a team becuz they just can't stand a person. This is just not what heroes would do.
I understand completely how CK feels. I used to hate FC. hated it hated it hated it. It ruinded the whole mood of SC. So what did I do about it? I joined them.
And occasion if I feel like Whooping some [censored] on top of the FC building I do it. I just do it for the kill and fun. I don't take FF and Hami punch every villian I see. That is no fun to fight someone who cannot defend themselves.
I want every one to enmasse Forgive Cath for his past actions and understand where he is coming from while at the same time asking him to stop with his behavior or alter it so that he doen't ruin every one's night. I have taken Force Master many nights and picked on a brute or corrupter or two while they were spectating at FC. You dont' see a whole forum of upset people at FM. Why? becuz I do it with respec for the game and the people behind the toons as well as not engaging the entire FC. -
I have to say I'm sorry that the people involved in this took NOTHING away from the fact the thread was deleted yesterday...
You have people chiming in about this just because they "can"...with no real investment in the situation...You have blackballed someone because you don't like they way they play...
This person pissed of the wrong people...plain and simple...The whole thing wreaks of cliques and hypocrasy...
You have it right from CJ's own PM....or perhaps some posters think they know better than CJ?
As I said yestersay when "Community" starts to equal mob mentality we have taken a seriously wrong turn...
I don't know this person at all....Maybe I would think hes a jerk, although Hes done nothing on the Forums so far that I find as reprehensible as the so called "good guys"...
He's not being Heroic enough for you??.. and adhereing to how you and your friends think a zone should be?....
There are "behaviors" in the game that I find unheroic and disturbing...While I may post frustrations and thoughts on the subject...I generally try to keep it from becoming a manhunt and keep it along the lines of what postive steps can we make???....
What positive steps have you taken to resolve this?
Maybe hes earned a poor reputation amongst a few people....who of us hasn't? I'm not defending his actions in the zone or his attitude..I don't know him...but THIS is wrong any way you slice it..
While people are screaming "petition him" like "Off with his head"....I wonder why Tribal Axe is the only one to have investigated objectively??...or maybe others have and just didnt like the answer?
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Excuse me but you haven't read any of my post from yesterday or today. Shame on you for reading what you want to. Yesterday I was perplexed becuz he's my buddy but my other buddies dont' like him. And rightly so. And today I offer solulutions to our problems. While at the same time appealing to him for peace. You are the one that sounds a bit high and mighty. Looking down on others for how they feel. It is every person's right to express thier like or dislike for any person's actions. I will not petition CK cuz I understand where he is coming from. FC can ruin SC. But i got over it and learned to like FC. he can do the same or got warburg and fight. No one FC's there for real any way just all out war. -
I have to say I'm sorry that the people involved in this took NOTHING away from the fact the thread was deleted yesterday...
You have people chiming in about this just because they "can"...with no real investment in the situation...You have blackballed someone because you don't like they way they play...
This person pissed of the wrong people...plain and simple...The whole thing wreaks of cliques and hypocrasy...
You have it right from CJ's own PM....or perhaps some Celebrites think they know better than CJ?
As I said yestersay when "Community" starts to equal mob mentality we have taken a seriously wrong turn...
I don't know this person at all....Maybe I would think hes a jerk, although Hes done nothing on the Forums so far that I find as reprehensible as the so called "good guys"...
He's not being Heroic enough for you??.. and adhereing to how you and your friends think a zone should be?....
There are "behaviors" in the game that I find unheroic and disturbing...While I may post frustrations and thoughts on teh subject...I generally try to keep it from becoming a manhunt and keep it along the lines of what postive steps can we make???....
What positive steps have you taken to resolve this?
Maybe hes earned a poor reputation amongst a few people....who of us hasn't? I'm not defending his actions in the zone or his attitude..I don't know him...but THIS is wrong any way you slice it..
While people are screaming "petition him" like "Off with his head"....I wonder why Tribal Axe is the only one to have investigated objectively??...or maybe others have and just didnt like the answer?
Excuse me but you haven't read any of my post from yesterday or today. Shame on you for reading what you want to. Yesterday I was perplexed becuz he's my buddy but my other buddies dont' like him. And rightly so. And today I offer solulutions to our problems. While at the same time appealing to him for peace. You are the one that sounds a bit high and mighty. Looking down on others for how they feel. It is every person's right to express thier like or dislike for any person's actions. I will not petition CK cuz I understand where he is coming from. FC can ruin SC. But i got over and learned to like FC. he can do the same or got war and fight. No one FC's there for real.
[/ QUOTE ] -
TO be honest, I had a new freind who was new to pvp come with me the day we had the big siren's event. It was a blast. Later on he joined me while I was already in SC. FC was going on and he didn't understand it. he saw heroes and villians and he went to town on the villians. Every one yelled at him and called him a newb and ganker. When I tried to explain that he was new my own freind said over the broadcast that I was a liar.
He since then has quit pvping and I hardly ever even see him on Coh any more. We in honesty have to be fair and work FC and SC in the way it was meant to be. Maybe we all come up with a day or days that are strictly Fc and other days are 1v1 at your own risk. I just want peace between all of us on Champion. Cath is a good guy and are most of you,( stalkers not included), and I think that we can have a peace-able solution. So instead of us attacking him, let's come up with ways to either make it fun for us all or ways to get around his griefing.
I already gave two solutions, Get phase shift for your villian so when you see him coming you hit the panic button, or move the fc near the villian drones and tp him into them as soon as you see that cloud coming. Villians could as well just have me phase them if someone spots him. No biggie. i just want his behavior to be more freindly.
Before this post gets deleted you know you can go to arena, do last man standing and have people watch, its the same thing pretty much, without people interrupting. or you could do a big free for all and have everyone stand around in the match till its their turn to fight. if you're tired of getting your stuff busted up the easiest thing to do is make it invite only.
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It is a huge hassle to set up matches. Sorry.
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Honestly, its no more of a hassle to go to a PvP zone, and jump up onto a building. Setting it up takes seconds. Its much more controlled, and you can get 64 players in there at one time.
It is by far the simplest fix for what is bothering the FCers so much, but nobody is willing to go out of their way to ensure it. Instead, everyone else is just supposed to conform to what the FCers want.
I see two options:
A) deal with it, and dont complain about it if people like C Knight come along.
B) Do the sensible thing, and make it an arena FFA, which is much better for restricting powers, level, and keeping away from the bounty system that gets interupted everytime someone is standing around watching a match.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just love the way HVND can make sure they plug arena every change they get. Arena is so suck tastic I cannot begin to tell you. THe zones are rediculous. who the hell wants to fight In an office building. I did an arena match last night and it was just crappy. It took me forever to figure out how to even work the arena thing. And then To add to it, The lvls don't match up. IN the zones, every one is the same lvl. It means my troller can have fun with Dinah's tank and Scribe's blaster. All on one team. We can't do that in arena. The lvls are too far apart. What we need is an instanced version of the pvp zone with all it's rules and mentoring/exemplaring within the arena, that you can pick if you choose to do so. This gives us fight club, and leave's regular siren's for ath and all those who want mayhem ( me included on occasion) or we can just hold fight club close to the villains base. kill all the npcs and have it there. I dare say CK will get tp'd into drones so often he won't mess with FC any more. Just have two or three tper's on stand by ready to drop him into the drones. bam Fc born again.
[/ QUOTE ]
Great way to start off a post, singling out the SG i play in...Hats off to you.
First of all, in Large Arena matches..you generally get the bigger maps...there is a City Map that has some very cool buildings. You can say "who wants to fight in an office map" when all your doing is a fighting on a 20x15 foot square. Puhlease. Don't try and tell me that the lanscape is that important for you to have fun with your friends.
You can set the level however you want. you can set the limit at 30.. The auto exemp feature may not say you are a lvl 30 (if you are a 28) but the enemy still cons orange. If you are a bunch of high level toons, you can basically auto exemp yourselves to whatever lvl. You can say thats not fair for lowbies, but it isnt any less fair than a lvl 50 with Hami enhancements fighting against a level 22 hero with a handfull of SO's in SC
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HVND is one of my favorite sg's. Fly and Xaviur taught me some things about pvping. No disrespect was intended. It was just a little jking around about how you all pub arena every chance you get. And I have done arena and will prolly be there tonight.
But right now, we are talking about a person's behavior that upset's a lot of people. I just think that The original CK sold his account. that is what had to have happened. I just can't see someone with so many fifties being so mean. It takes time to get to fifty once. Hell he's got two or three high lvl toons. In that time you kinda get to care about the people you play with. And try to keep a good rep with them. This is not the original CK. -
Before this post gets deleted you know you can go to arena, do last man standing and have people watch, its the same thing pretty much, without people interrupting. or you could do a big free for all and have everyone stand around in the match till its their turn to fight. if you're tired of getting your stuff busted up the easiest thing to do is make it invite only.
[/ QUOTE ]
It is a huge hassle to set up matches. Sorry.
[/ QUOTE ]
Honestly, its no more of a hassle to go to a PvP zone, and jump up onto a building. Setting it up takes seconds. Its much more controlled, and you can get 64 players in there at one time.
It is by far the simplest fix for what is bothering the FCers so much, but nobody is willing to go out of their way to ensure it. Instead, everyone else is just supposed to conform to what the FCers want.
I see two options:
A) deal with it, and dont complain about it if people like C Knight come along.
B) Do the sensible thing, and make it an arena FFA, which is much better for restricting powers, level, and keeping away from the bounty system that gets interupted everytime someone is standing around watching a match.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just love the way HVND can make sure they plug arena every change they get. Arena is so suck tastic I cannot begin to tell you. THe zones are rediculous. who the hell wants to fight In an office building. I did an arena match last night and it was just crappy. It took me forever to figure out how to even work the arena thing. And then To add to it, The lvls don't match up. IN the zones, every one is the same lvl. It means my troller can have fun with Dinah's tank and Scribe's blaster. All on one team. We can't do that in arena. The lvls are too far apart. What we need is an instanced version of the pvp zone with all it's rules and mentoring/exemplaring within the arena, that you can pick if you choose to do so. This gives us fight club, and leave's regular siren's for ath and all those who want mayhem ( me included on occasion) or we can just hold fight club close to the villains base. kill all the npcs and have it there. I dare say CK will get tp'd into drones so often he won't mess with FC any more. Just have two or three tper's on stand by ready to drop him into the drones. bam Fc born again.
This is rediculous Cath. I for one do not like FC all the time either. It ruins siren's when I just wanna go kill. But you know what? it is selfish of me to ruin the enjoyment of the greater just for my own personal Gratification. If I want to kill something, I send a tell to some lonely vill on top of fc. Or I wait till someone is flying around in the zone and wham, grav hold to know them out of the sky. If you don't like FC then Go fight in warburg or bb. they don't do FC as much in those zones. It's usually free for alls. Let me ask you a few questions.
1. do you admit that you are ruining fun for people who are interested in FC?
2. do you enjoy fighting someone who does not want to fight you?
3. do you realize most of the villians in FC have heroes too? You might wonder why you get debt on your next mish when that tanker didn't taunt that boss off of you. Oops it was that little corrupter you knocked over into the NPC's.
4. Is there any way to form a comprimise so that you get your pvp and people get thier fight club? -
Those are all decent points, some of which I agree.
But lest we forget when you pushed Lady Myrtle off the roof, than shoved her into NPC's and laughed about it on broadcast?
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My point I was making earlier. Youare not pvping CK!!! You are harrasing other people. I"m the first to attack someone on Fc if I feel like it. But I make sure it's one person, away from the crowds, not in the middle of a 1v1 or match. That is pvp. YOu running in and knocking all the Baddies down ruins the fun for those of us who want to FC. I mean I love the mass mayhem of pvp as well but sometimes people don't want that. They want the relaxed feeling of watching and commenting and jumping in for the next FC match. The arena does not provide that. Would you rather every one went to warburg. Most of us who are building pvp toons are entering our 30's any way. Will you then harrass the newb players who have been in BB who are now almost ready for SC?I can tell you I've been in BB and those villians are not to be messed with. They are a new generation ready for pvp and prolly will wear poor cath's hide out without a team to assist him. In warburg you will have a hard time getting a team and any team that has you on it will get whiped repeatedly by an entire zone. Is that what you want? I think that If you want to pvp, just pick a kill and go after it. All the harrassment is rediculous. I dont' find it fun to fight with someone who does not want to fight me. Did someone steal CK's password? Did the original Ck sell his account. I just cannot believe the guy I been teaming with with Female Fury since her 20's is this same guy in PVP. I just won't believe it. And NBH is one of the nicest most active new sg's around. I can't believe you are repping them like this. You should quit your sg before Champion takes it wrath out on the entire sg. I can happen. Imagine those powerful sg's making sure that no one team with any NBH member until you are expelled from your sg. If you continue to harrass, I'll have a villian confuse me and put you in a detention field. With all the holds I can stack on it you could be stuck in one spot for a very vey long time. And BF's do not work. -
it is an open PvP zone and FC is not a sactioned event
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Thats exactly my point
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But knight it would be differnt if you were pvping. Meaning attacking one target to kill it and then the next. That is what I do. Even when I attack someone standing watching pvp. You are not doing that. You are harrassing others if all you do is run in and make everyone fall off the building. I love you and you are a very cool player in pve but come on, you are not pvping. And that is the truth of the matter. Now stop it before I have someone confuse Dinah Might and Female Fury and open up a can of whoop [censored] you will never recover from.
Sorry about the spelling, Boss walked up as I was posting
Villians, when you see a hurricain troller or fender coming, call me and I'll phase shift you. The other thing is to to get phase shift for yourself. It will certainly help you in PvP anyway and you can watch a match on FC in peace.