287 -
Hi Guys
Trying to plan my first Fire/Fire Brute. Does Fire like my Elec and my Dark brute have any KB/Mez protection in any of it's shields or do i need to go the Jumping way for acrobatics?
I'd rather Air Sup and fly as my travel power but don't want to end up on my behind all the time
Also do Healing Flames usually for a solo PvE player , manage to keep you alive ok or should i factor in Aid Self into build like my Leccy brute?
Cheers. -
There are no Epics for Khelds.
Sorry to burst the bubble
[/ QUOTE ]
Awww bum
Nothing happens then when i hit 41 other than choose from existing powers? , slots of course will always be welcome -
Hi guys
Finally after 18 months i got my PB to 40. Lining up on Epics now and i wondered if there is a "better" option for Khelds or any option for that matter?
We get to choose from the usual suspects?
Advice as usual muchly appreciated , been fun playing this guy again over the last few days. -
Bit late with my congratulations to all but none the less , gratz
and a big ty to Cap,Hammer etc for organising and leading.
Thanks to DD and other Boosters who helped the PA teams keep perma PA's going.
Roll on the next one. -
Please do Nightmarer if you don't mind.Any help appreciated.
Never had the fighting pool before either. A whole new load of options opening up with this toon -
Any slotting advice? 3 slot defence in available toggles or do i cap defence somewhere down the line? Hate wasting slots.
Ancilery pools would be Fitness and possibly Medicene pool then?
Really only play PvE so not bothered about PvP seetings.
Ta -
Hi guys
My first ever go at Claws and Super Reflexes , 2 sets which are totally new to me , not bad for 2 years of alting!
Any advice as to what powers suck in each set and which one's are "considered" too good to miss?
Got from 1 to 5 tonight so not far into either yet. Got to say Claws are real good fun after MA and Broad Sword , not so sure about SR over my usual Regen option yet.
Any words os wisdom as always greatly appreciated. -
All the best again , 3rd times a charm as they say
I'll have to look at my Ill/Rad powers again after reading all this. Never have had Decieve and i'm always short of options when i respec so there must be a whole lot oth other powers i've considered to be better.
Off the top of my head i could ditch group invis , but i do find this one more than useful. Choking Cloud , many slag it off but i always find it again a useful power. I have Recal friend , again useful with my mutate revive.
I like the sound of deceive but at the mo can't think what i could ditch that i wouldn't miss from my Primary or Secondary? -
Will try and make it though my PA dropper is filling up with HO's so may bring my Empath along instead , which i've been meaning to do for months now.
Hi Guys
Got my Bots to lvl 22 and i have Stamina/Health and Swift which i think i'm not needing. No Stamina problems just now (possibly because i have Stamina) and i'm thinking 3 new powers would be more benefical.
Avoiding toggles like Tactics and Maneuvers since i'm dropping Stamina i thought Stealth for the purpose of placeing traps would be a good idea? . I don't have Acid Morter just now , i have no idea what it does and wether it's a useful power or not? I'm also lacking Aid other and Aid Self just now which unfortunatly makes 4 powers i think i can really use.
I do have Web Grenade,Caltrops and Poison trappy thingie which is a real hoot just now.
Any advise appreciated as usual. -
Many Gratz once again Ordeal , well done MU.
Gratz Master Z , thanks for all your MM advice over the months.
Gratz NX , teamed a few times with you , nicely done
Was fun on my first night last night. Made almost 3 levels
, gonna take a while to catch up with you guys though.
I'm on most nights from 7-10ish and if not SG'ing on Defiant i'll pop over if i see a call go out. Work Saturdays so i'm used to not doing the usual weekend stuff like SF's and trials. -
Dark definatly. Got Dark with my Thugs and at lvl 38 it's great fun. Got Traps on my Bots MM and at 22 and am still waiting for a great Traps power to appear
Righto back on track. Got to lvl 6 this morning (on Union
) and try and get invite into SG sometime. Do you guys have a base or not bothering about presteige?
Sry guys no idea why i thought this was Defiant? , spent a few days lvling up before asking to join in as well
Loads of spare slots on Union so will start again -
Hi guys
I've rolled a Fire/Rad and trying to solo up but only at lvl 7 just now. It's mentioned earlier you don't mind Lk'ing up but is this too much of an Lk to ask for.
I realise joining in this late any team space will go to regulars but if space available could i join in?
If not i may reroll this toon as it's my last one of Defiant, though i must say i'm enjoying the Firey experience so far
Cheers -
Sirens Song probably won't be *that* useful to you in large teams simply because it's a group sleep (with a fairly long animation time). Screech, however, is fab, and does a very nice (single target) disorient.
I'd try and grab build up from your ice secondary as well if you haven't taken it already...
[/ QUOTE ]
Cheers Psygon. I forgot to add i took Build up as my lvl 24 power , couldn't decide between that or Amplify.
My bad with Sirens Call not sure why that popped in my headand Screech it will be with maybe Amplify and 28?
Some Sonic power advice please.
Just got my first Blaster , Sonic/Ice to 24 over the xp weekend.As the Ice Powers with the exception of Ice Patch and CE are not up to much i've mainly gone for my Sonic primaries.
I've also got Hasten , Fitness pool with Stamina and CJ and SJ as my travel power.
My next power choice at 26 is either going to be Sirens Call (i think it's called) or Screech ? I mainly team in large teams with this toon and don't solo a lot and don't PvP at all.
Any words of advice appreciated. Really enjoying the Sonic experience in fact so much so i might make a Sonic Defender next