737 -
I was in hibernate and need to catch up, sorry.
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It's against forum rules. I suggest reading and not posting unless it's actually relevant to the current state of the game or some such. -
What the hell? Did you bother looking at the date of this OP?
05/26/05 12:36 PM
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This is like necroing at it's finest. -
Something about having my characters have the snot beat out of them just seems less appealing >.<
How hot would they look? Like Damsel in distress type of beat up, or completely had the sh*t kicked out of them beat up? -
I know you already made your picks Turbo but I'm just going to throw the screenies of mine up here just for the heck of it.
Allurea, Fire/fire blaster
Allurea costume 2
Allurea costume 3
Allurea costume 4
Candy Fireball, fire/ff controller
Ember Chill, fire/ice tank (cheesy name, I know)
Hexy Devil, fire/kin controller
Hexy Devil costume 2
Onella, Fire/fire tank
Fiery Kiss, fire/fiery dominator
Ok, you can all laugh now -
I'm an artist, and have had this happen to me. I would go back to old artwork and just copy them. Or copy other peoples artwork. You are drawing, but don't have the stress of *having* to be creative. After awhile it works itself out.
Of course, any health problems might throw this off, but this is what I do.
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That's not a bad idea. I might have to give that a shot. -
Forget about drawing for a moment. Give yourself a hard, honest look. are there any issues you're putting off dealing with? Anything nagging at you? Anything gnawing at the fringes of your mind? Any backlog of things that you're just not getting done?
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Nada. I literally have nothing to do. My time is completely free and I used to like spending that time drawing or painting. Neither of which I can seem to be bothered to do now even though a good part of me wants to. -
ok hex.. we talked during TOT. just draw one thing.
A SPORKjust focus on something silly like that.
Kinda like looking for something by not looking for it.
I'm not artist. but I know a rut when I see once.. but I always do something goofy when I need to break up my ruts.
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*points up*
When I say I can't draw, I mean nothing is happening when the pencil hits the paper.
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Spork, bug, teddybear, cheeseburger.. it doesn't matter what it is, it just ends up being a line or two before I just can't focus on it anymore and nothing happens. -
Oh, I have a whole slew of health issues I've been battling for about 6 years now. I'm not really sure they are the cause of this most recent lack of creativity, but they do factor into it. But I'm fairly use to dealing with them now.
It might sound silly, but I'm hoping I11 and it's new hair styles will provoke some creativity hehe. -
Here's the kicker. I've been in this proverbial rut since April. I've changed mediums a couple of times, I've tried an array of different things, still life, characters, animals, scenery and so on.
When I say I can't draw, I mean nothing is happening when the pencil hits the paper. I just completely go blank. I might be able to draw a bad stick figure right now if I tried. *sigh*
Thanks for the suggestions all. I am starting to feel like I've tried everything already though. Something will get it going again eventually I suppose. -
That really kind of just goes against what my post was about in the first place.
I can't seem to draw anything, I'm not sure how feeling like I have to do a really great job on something in some sort of time line would make it any better. -
To make a long story short, I can't draw. I don't mean I've injured myself again, I have been in this super rut for months now (I'm sure some of you know.) and every time I pick up a pencil.. well, nothing really happens. There are lines on paper, but they look more like my pencil barfed on the paper than anything else.
So, I'm begging and pleading with you all, anything that you do to get yourself out of one of those uncreative holes.. Please for the love of all things artsie tell me. I need to try something different and I'm completely out of ideas. -
Can't say I've ever had a problem with the abandoned sewer trial. Sorry to hear it caused you so much trouble.
Thanks for the lovely comments, guys & gals. It really means a lot.
A few things:
I've stealthily been in Toronto for (CLASSIFIED) months now, working across the web with Lighthouse and Ex Lib. I was in Austin for a year, but the north called me back. ("Winter is coming," so it has been said).
Some of the PM special requests I failed to answer, and I regret that. But I'm happy that I got to handle as many as I did.
I like to think (finally!) I did a good job of brining the Paragon Times back. Certainly there have been a lot more in recent months than in a long while (And I'm trying to write about the experience on my blog, for the curious).
And speaking of which, there will be a Paragon Times this week...
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Just watch out for those crazy Toronto Mayors and them calling in the military to clean the streets so that you can actually get to work on what should be a national snow day!
*is glad those crazy mayors are in Toronto and not the Niagara Region* -
Another great up and leaving us.
At least this one lives close and I can stal... er umm, follow your successes.. yes, that's what I meant. -
Also why the assumption that it has to be done in a rush?
Why not let them do it a little bit at a time?
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*squeals the breaks bringing thread to a halt*
Hold on a minute!
Why the rush? Not really a rush, but let me just throw this personal experience at you.
When a programmer (most of them that I know anyway) gets busy on a project and gets into a groove the last thing they usually do is stop working on that thing to do something else.
Why? Because it throws them off, they lose their flow and train of thought.
I myself get stuck glued to the screen when I get an idea for a new project, it's very hard to pull yourself away when the groove sets in.
Ok, back to your regular scheduled posting.
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Oh I agree.
But I'm guess that breaking stuff into schedules is exactly what happens in an MMO. I don't think its possible to work on just one thing with an MMO "issue" scheudle.
I think MMO progarammign is a little different than regular programming.
but ofcourse having no programming experience, or mmo development experience, or knowing what cryptic's spaghetti code looks like, all this is talking outta my A**
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Well going off of what BaB had said, they would get kind of consumed with working on PC and the issues wouldn't be rolling out. So while they likely have schedules for content, in the programming world, they don't quite work like you'd want them to. -
Also why the assumption that it has to be done in a rush?
Why not let them do it a little bit at a time?
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*squeals the breaks bringing thread to a halt*
Hold on a minute!
Why the rush? Not really a rush, but let me just throw this personal experience at you.
When a programmer (most of them that I know anyway) gets busy on a project and gets into a groove the last thing they usually do is stop working on that thing to do something else.
Why? Because it throws them off, they lose their flow and train of thought.
I myself get stuck glued to the screen when I get an idea for a new project, it's very hard to pull yourself away when the groove sets in.
Ok, back to your regular scheduled posting. -
I use it. *shrug* I know lots of other people who run the Shard TF's as well.
However, as things stand now, you can dial the difficulty up or down as the team requires. I have been on some TFs where we have started on Heroic and wound up dialing up to Unyielding or Invincible when we discovered that the team really clicked. Conversely, I have been on some where the difficulty was forgotten until we hit the first mission and it was quickly discovered we needed something less threatening, so the team leader went to dial it down. As things stand now, you have good flexibility with your difficulty level so long as everyone is aware of how it works.
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It could be an addition, instead of a replacement. If you were working with a team of people you often team with and you all know what you can handle, you could set it so that the entire tf is 'rugged' that way if one person DC's, you don't have to go back and reset the difficulty when the star goes to the next person. -
AND why can't the leader, when signing up for the TF at the contact, not select the difficulty level of the TF. This would solve the problems of leader DCing and people having different difficulty selections as well as people changing the difficulty of just the last mission for better drops.
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Ohhh I like that one, hadn't thought about that. -
... and of course I forgot to demorecord it. Bah.
But DAMN does it feel good!
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YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
*bakes congrats cake* -
I hear if you bribe them with foods not found in California they will come. But try finding a food not found in California.
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As a person who moved to Austin, TX from the Bay Area in CA I can tell you this: I didn't know what real barbeque was until I moved out here.
We should send them a teeny tiny box of Texas Barbeque and tell them they can't have more unless the come to Austin.
(Works both ways, though. No one out here can make really good Sourdough bread, either. Sure, they LABEL things Sourdough... but it's not. It's a mere facsimile.)
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SexyJay gave us a real Texas Style Barbecue not too long ago. Good stuff...I could feel my arteries hardening!
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By that do you mean getting stronger....or getting ready to shut down?
A "Meet & Greet" might be different, and there is at least a small chance I'd go to one locally. I hate travelling and dislike crowds -- not a great combination. Makes me a bit anti-social.
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*shudder* ick, crowds. I hear ya on that one. I need my personal space, take that away from me and you get one tripped out Hex.
Besides, EvilGeko and Angry-Citizen would kidnap me, lock me in a room and do horrible things to me.
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I wonder if they'd charge admission for that. I'd pay. -
If all participants are the same level (point 4), then the average is always the same (point 2) so they cant really work together;
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*boggles* o.O
They weren't meant to all work together. They are each individual ideas of different ways to change the way tf's work. You would not implement them all.
Fair enough, seemed a bit strange to mention it in that way here.
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What's strange about it? It's the way trials work currently. -
I'm just the person that put the suggestions/ideas for this all into one thread, they are NOT all my suggestions, so I can't speak for the people who came up with them.
Aren't these points mutually exclusive (not nessesarily a problem for suggestions)?
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Care to elaborate on why you think this?
I'm also of the impression that TF's do use reputation of the leader
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Let me help you with this. The word AND in this case means as well as. Which would make that be "Make the TF mob levels spawn according to team average as well as reputation setting". Not one or the other, but both. Yes reputation does affect the stature TF's currently, but team level does not. -
a recommendation for the team make up
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This is the only thing I have a problem with. Granted some teams may be worse than others, but alot of the time if you have a team wipe, it isn't because you had a bad team "make up" it's because someone pulled to much aggro. I've been on all kinds of teams. Some teams I just look at the team make up and groan. But guess what? We kicked some butt!
They key is whether or not each person on the team knows how to do their job. The only "necessaries" are usually a tank and a healer, although I've run some healerless tf's lately and we've done just fine.
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That's pretty much always the case. Good players can get through pretty much anything, however if you've never done the tf before it wouldn't hurt. But it was more in regards to the levels best suited for the tf.
ie. you would do better on the Posi tf if you were level 13 instead of 10.