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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Rule #1: The Doctor lies!
    god I hope moffet didnt start a new rules meme
  2. in my town its reg and 3d but we have some pretty big cinemas where I live
  3. Head_Kracker

    Eureka no more

    Ok I can live with that, and or Carisma Carpenter..... sooo hot
  4. Well lets me just say that I dont want a crashless inferno if they reduce the damage. As a fire/em legacy blaster I've tweaked my end costs and recovey thru Io's, that the loss of damage would not make up for the panic button and Alpha I occasionally use it for. There is something to be said for being able to go into a large group of NPC's and nuking while knowing that only the bosses are going to survive, and even then said bosses are going to be less a quarter of their health. You know this is cause my secondary effect is, you know more damage anyway.

    Other than that if they do this on a case by case basis. I actually wouldnt have a problem with something like electric not having a crash in thunderous blast nor in blizzard. My problem would arise in the PBAOE nukes that need to be big so that anyting else is either dead or severly hurting since if the crash was lessened to a extent, your still in the middle of a not quite dead group of angry NPC's. Maybe if they added a 5 to 10 second mag 4 unenhanceable stun effect to all PBAOE nukes so that your not sitting there starkers while they are ripping you to shreds.
  5. Head_Kracker

    Eureka no more

    Ah you Sharah Michell Geller fanbois.....I swear.
  6. I think its best to veiw the potter novels as the litterary equivelnt of popcorn flix. They are not horrible by any means and they do have some very interesting stories to tell thru the many charectors in them. As kids to teen novels that you can enjoy with your family and friends, they succeed very well.

    Twilight on the other hand is just female porn like romance novels are. Shallow and tasteless with a what of today's ideals of what young women think they want in the dark and mysterious stranger. Nevermind that he such a jerk to the main protagonist female.
  7. ooookaaay, I cant get out of the tutorial cause my account that I've had for 6 years wont open the store nor can I create any charectors with anything cept basic tights. It seems to think my beta vip account is a trial account. Which I understand is a known issue but still irks me.
  8. Head_Kracker

    Eureka no more

    I kinda wonder if they will do a buffy and blow the town up in the last season?
    Be even more ironic that Jack Carter HAS to blow up the town to save the town kinda dealy.
  9. I belive its a corilarry to murphys law as applied to time travel.
  10. that and they played the "batman is always prepaired" card tooo heavely the first season, tho the music mister episode reall made me smile
  11. oh I got that as well but my point still stands that its a show litterally to make toys from with a decent amount of humor thrown in. Not a bad thing just a thing.
  12. Waaaaaiit a tic this show actually has continuity ???? I thought this was a show based off toys that had decent tounge in cheek humor and wanted to showcase many of the underdog marvel charactors alongside the more mainstream ones, so that they could expand the toylines with more interesting charactor toys? No im actually not knocking this show. I just realize that this is the boys version of my little ponies, without all the meme's the other show has thrown in
  13. He did once, then they brought him back. Then he left in one of the thrid to last episodes.
  14. mew know what mew means when mew get thru this sentence
  15. soooo no changes??? or not worth anyones time?
  16. Well after 7 years of playing im getting around to my second tank ever. I thought I might as well go with a more offencive tanker this time since in/dark build was great but very very safe.


    I was really wondering if I got this right, and in the right order.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    The person above me has probably not seen Sean of the Dead. Please forgive him.
    I have and I still say getting one fedexed in time would be a bother
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    Clearly no Brit's joining in with this conversation, as everyone knows the correct weapons are the Cricket Bat and Old 80's Vinyl Albums for long distance throwing.*

    *Survival is in no way guaranteed.
    well on the vinyl...yeah right......

    Cricket bat I can see but arent those a little to hefty to lug around that much?
    That and as you pointed out a good chunk of us are american, would be much easier to get a baseball bat that a cricket bat over here. I mean come on, I'd have to probably special order the thing, and you know the one thing in the world that would stop fedex 2 day would HAVE to be a zombie apocolypse. No thanks ill just break into the closest sports shop and grab a bat thank you.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Because anyone who uses a baseball or a katana is not long for this world.

    They're fine for OH **** weapons, but should not by any stretch of the imagination, be your main defense.

    Guns are pretty much a given. But they probably don't want to be seen to be encouraging the...less reality-based...members of our society.
    tell that to these folks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highschool_of_the_Dead
    oh and might be a touch NSFW
  20. huh says nothing about baseball bats nor guns.....let alone samuri sword....is not the complete kit
  21. intro looked interesting, but something seemed off on wolverines charector design. Cant put my finger on it. Thankfully since this is japan and depending on when its shown over there we might actually see wolverine ripping something to shreds thats NOT just a couple tin can bots the writers throw in so wolvie looks like he not a idiot.....like the american woverine and the xmen.
  22. Head_Kracker

    Sgu 3/14

    yeah lotta tactical plotholes in the writing of this series
    gonna need a ATV malp to get thru them all
  23. Head_Kracker

    Sgu 3/14

    Personally Id have put them on pallets and pallet jacks at the ready, so that when you DO open up the 9th cheveron you could get all the supplies thru quickly and orderly. With food/water at the beginging of the line, and then the pertainent equipment. Suspension of disbelife and all I guess.
  24. Question is this worldwide or only in the uk?