3171 -
My objection to the zero end recovery is more based on the (lack of) fun factor. why do so many people take Stamina? You can get by without it, but most people would rather consentrate on the action rather than endurance micromanagement.
Endurance micromanagement is not FUN.
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I agree wholeheartedly. -
Are we talking about an event for solo/duels or are we talking about teams or small teams? Duels tend to favour builds more than skill.
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In team fights the gap between skilled/non-skilled and good build/bad build is even bigger imo...But since vets rarely play with bad builds its difficult to see. Personally Im not that interested about losing in numbers in excess of 50-0.
3vP was nice since it mixed the teams enough to not allow power-teams. -
I thought the SS buff was that KO Blow changed from a clobber like power to a high damage power.
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Yeep. Can someone help us out here? I said my memory was cloudy about this.
Did I get the two confused?
Now you say it it does ring a bell.
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I think its both. i think it has been for as long as ive been here. War maces clobber however..is just clobber. However i havent been here as long as you so i just shut up.
ps. i apologize typos im typing temporarily with weird keyboard. -
I doubt -recovery will survive long in testing.
Devs don't play like real people, they only turn on the shields they absolutly need.
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You're right about the way the devs play the game but I have a bad feeling about this. Castles attitude was too smug. "well, we could do this (-35) instead.."
I think this is in to stay. I just don't for the life of me understand why they would want to do it.
I don't see the net gain and I dont see why they would want to mimimise our playing experience when SS isn't overbalanced in the first place.
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0 recovery for 10 seconds is inhumanly bad and utterly stupid compared to what we have had before. Can the devs stop and think once in a while? -
3vP was good cos it had little to do with Skll but the luck of the draw. Maybe something along them lines but played through alot quicker
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3vP was ok, although it might have irritated those who were serious about winning. -
(ii) You would encourage the first idiot to act the same way the next time because they know their behaviour winds you up and that they are going to get a response out of you.
(iii) You would effectively be showing any onlooking newbies that "namecalling and poor behaviour = PvP".
In order to gain respect, you need to do something that proves you are worthy of that respect.
Acting like an [censored] "just because other people are" does not foster respect, but contempt.
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/e clap -
I will do if i'm on, PvP is dead mate.People still bumming over purple recipes.
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PvP has been dead for years :/ -
We thinking big server SG match? Or pentads?
cause if it's the latter you should just announce Vindicate the winners now
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I doubt we can get a good team for defiant, let alone get to choose ATs... Besides...I thought everybody had moved to Union already..
I would represent defiant but team pvp just doesnt get me excited... Plus I havent played for ages -
Posting instead of essay writing - yey!
I recently started an Emp/Rad (emp for the healing, rad for the soloing) defender and I have to say its my fave AT so far, the problem is I dont exactly feel like a healer at the minute. Granted I'm only level 10.
I used to play a priest on WoW and I had a whole array of spells and tricks to keep people alive, with this guy I seem to have 2 powers that are really all thats needed - heal Other and Healing Aura. Looking at the list of powers in Emp I dont really see anything amazing either.
Is it just a case of being too low, or are there other power pools I should be looking at?
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Thats because you are not a healer, you are an empath. And other people will point out whats the deal with keeping people alive.. Empaths are extremely good at it. -
If Xanthus has a defender that he would like to challenge me with in the Arena I will be more than willing to accept that challenge
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Ok sure, I've got a defender. He's on Defiant though, along with the majority of my characters. Can you use the test server? I'm free pretty much most nights except thursdays and saturdays, assuming that I can use my housemates PC as mine is currently broken.
When I said "you", I wasn't directing the comment at you specifically; more at the people who are prone to whine after they get killed in a PvP zone in a way that they think is "unfair". I suppose I could have phrased myself a little better.
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Sure, Hopefully we can arrange a PvP defender fight on the test-server then, I'd prefer weekends if possible so perhaps a Sunday.
...and no problem about the wording of the statement.
Apologies if you felt i took it too literally.
One weekend then!
@mother's Love
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I bet 10 inf on Xanthus -
<ul type="square"> [*]You can play City of Heroes/Villains how ever you want to [/list]
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Not true, you have to adhere to the code of conduct and EULA. -
I honestly dont unerstand the mentality of someone who repeatidly kills someone who either cant or wont fight back.
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Its the one getting killed who is bringing it on him/herself. Nobody else. Its not the killers fault you dont know how or dont want to fight back. Purposefully not fighting back is very impolite in my eyes.
Somebody coming to PVP standing like a snowman there chatting BS without a care in the world is waving a very large red flag in front of me. Act like its a PVP zone is all Im asking. Coming there to do somethign else is either simply stupid or purposeful disrespecting of the PVPers.
I dont go to a bank IRL, make a fire and start barbecuing weenies for crying out loud. It may have consequences. -
Ok guys and gals im not sure about the rest of you but im game for a bit of pvp on the 1st of jan (new years day) in warburg, bloody bay or in sirens i was thinking about 8pm when most ppl will have less of a hangover so theirs no excuses due to having a hangoverif ur game for this plz post which you would prefer (warburg, bloody bay or sirens) and keep an eye on this post as it will be decided nearer the time.
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Sigh...I assume union. -
Hey hey,
New to CoX, big PvP fan (though I understand this isn't a hardcore PvP game). Anyways, a quick question: is a Tanker viable at all in PvP? I like being the tough guy and winning through endurance. Is this in any way possible in CoX PvP?
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Well some powersets are... problem that you will only do enough damage with certain secondaries, mainly energy melee and superstrength... As most everybody doing pvp has a selfheal etc so you need to overcome that...
Tankers can be useful in team pvp as tauntbots though, but personally thats not my cup of tea.
also, welcome to the forums. -
Making some toon bad in teams for any reason is not a very bright idea from devs if you ask me. On the other hand, I dont think stalkers are that bad in teams.
Stalkers solo easy, they should team hard.
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Not a design philosophy that has any place in a MMO, IMO.
Anyway, brutes can solo at least as quickly as stalkers, and they are also good in teams.
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Agreed, but nevertheless thats straight from the Dev's mouth. By design, they wanted some ATs to shine in teams.
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can you link? -
its nice to be back, so i can post on teh forums.
Stalkers are uber in pvp?? has the game changed that much in 4 months? last time i checked, i used to hunt stalkers for a past-time, and to this day i dont think one has taken down my regen.
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Don't worry, nothing has changed. Do you mean you didnt get these kind of threads when you were last playing? Like I said, nothing has changed. -
Build Up/Aim seem to give a buff too?
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/e facepalm
Anyway I was fighting in sirens last night, and the bonuses are nice and make kiting with ranged attacks noticeably more effective. Im still unsure which defiance I would rather have though, (as now Im forced to run and heal rather than go for the killing blow and then heal) but I guess I have to make do with this. -
Wow a known bug which no one knows about except SweetChilli. I've not heard that one before. Much. This week.
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dammit LOL I almost choked! -
very nice though not all MM powersets get shadowfall..
There is a known bug/exploit that others can use if people do not use hide in a zone.
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wat -
It doesnt realyl work that well. The bots still drop after the teleport and get separated from the main group. They also aggro NPCS when they scurry back to the MM. All in all movement in pvp zones with a MM is still extremely stupid. Im tilted toward group fly now, Im afraid. I thought Grp TP would cut it but it really doesnt.
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I'd not ever touch Group Fly due to all the -fly powers heroside pre-30, and Group TP's very endurance heavy... but I've found TP-Self to be quite workable as a MM. To avoid NPC aggro you just need to slot at least one range into your teleport (to ensure that the Bots respawn each time rather than try to run after you).
Putting all henchmen on Passive (or GOTO/Defensive) before you Teleport also helps if you get sidetracked.
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Been there done that. If you order bots to stay, teleport, they autoport to you, they RUN BACK TO THE SPOT THEY WERE IN ORIGINALLY to aggro more NPCs. Great stuff.
Grp tp works marginally better, really.
Only good thing to say about grp TP is that it isnt as end intensive as people think. It does have stupidly short range. Maximally slotted its about same range as unslotted teleport. -
Can you stack the damage buffs if you manage to fire another power within the 7.5s limitation (getting the apropriate buff for that power as well)
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Yep. Double "Fire Blast" buff FTW!
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I think ive gotten 3 buffs stacked on average on live servers so far. Pretty damn weak. -
I'd really like to know if there's any secret to traveling with bots on PvP zones.
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Taking it slow in Bodyguard mode (the "turtle"), or using "Teleport". Teleport Self works almost as well as Team Teleport, since Bots respawn next to you when you "jump" far away.
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It doesnt realyl work that well. The bots still drop after the teleport and get separated from the main group. They also aggro NPCS when they scurry back to the MM. All in all movement in pvp zones with a MM is still extremely stupid. Im tilted toward group fly now, Im afraid. I thought Grp TP would cut it but it really doesnt.
If you are taking grp teleport, there is no reason NOT to take tp foe though. Its still a weapon.