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  1. ((Ack! I didn't leave room for direct interaction in Ella’s intro post. So I am appending the following to help get things rolling))

    Doctor Tyler walked Ella to the meeting room after their session together.

    Alyssa smiled down at her young charge.

    “Here you are Ella. Now just be nice and I am sure you will get along fine”

    Ella’s all white eyes seemed extra large and slightly scared as she stared up at the Doctor. She nervously bite, her bottom lip and nodded meekly at the Doctor as she pushed the door open and entered.

    Ella was the first to arrive as she looked around the medium sized room that had several scattered chairs. There was a ‘Welcome Heroes’ message on the white board and someone had laid out some snacks on a small table.

    Ella was immediately drawn to the snack table where she selected an oversized cupcake with a ridiculous amount of blue frosting sitting on top of it. Taking the cupcake with her she took a seat in one of the oversized chairs clearly meant for huge heroes or extra dense people. The oversized chair made the small Ella look even smaller than she was as she sat cross legged in it.

    Ella spun the chair to face the windows. The odd thing was that she spun the chair without using any leverage or pushing her feet on the floor. Staring out the window she idly started to lick the frosting off of the cupcake. As she did, so faint highlights of blue started to appear in her usually all white hair, and the star burst pattern around her left eye became visible in a soft blue in contrast to her snow white skin.

    Ella heard the latch of the door open as someone entered but she didn’t turn. At first the room would look empty, however there would be a vague reflection of the sitting Ella in the window.

    ((Meeting is a generic meet and greet and not a focus group or support group))
  2. ((Clinical Ella:

    For those that have read Anti-hero 101, this is approximately 6 months after Ella escaped (was kidnapped) from the island. A lot has happened in that time, but I am not saying what.))

    [Portal Corp, Peregrine Island]

    Ella looked around in wonder and curiosity at all of the scientific equipment in the room. She absently started identifying the various components that she could see, somehow gleaning the knowledge of their specifications of this model or its predecessors. She allowed her mind to wander over the basic information but didn’t allow it to delve into more detail. When an emergency call had come in and taken priority over her transport. Ella and Karen (her security liaison) were shuffled off to the side.

    Ella looked up and smiled at Karen who was holding her hand. Karen was in plain clothes, as to not draw extra attention as they drove across Peregrine Island to the Portal Corp facility. She had a kind face in contrast to her professional eyes. She tried talking with Ella briefly but kept the subject very general, as she was ordered.

    Ella watched all of the activity. It was cool to watch all of the technicians moving around and working at the various stations in preparation for the incoming emergency. The medical team was set for arrival along with their crash-cart. Ella listened to the preliminary details coming over the radio and watched the response team prep for the arrival. The medical team was quite competent in Ella’s estimation.

    Some red lights flashed and there was a short blare of a siren just before the teleportation platform activated. The trauma victim arrived onto the platform coming from the hospital in Brickstown along with two EMTs. The medical team sprang into action as Ella casually observed. “Trauma victim” was an odd use of the term, since this was a hero that had gotten in over their head and therefore not a victim in the technical sense.

    This hero’s costume was shredded and bloody with only enough remaining for circumstances as they were misplaced modesty. Though the hero was healed of their main injuries, they seemed to be in considerable pain despite the amount of drugs already administered. Karen nudged Ella in a protective way to have her turn away. Ella knew it was a patronizing response to shield her young mind from bad things, but it was unnecessary. Ella had already seen and been through bad things. So Ella smiled up at Karen and allowed herself to be lead away from the scene.

    Ella and Karen passed the time in a comfortable waiting room. Ella colored in a coloring book, which was again patronizing but she did enjoy it, while Karen watched over her and wondered about all the special treatment for this girl. Sure, she was obviously metahuman with her snow white skin, and all white eyes and a few other peculiarities that showed if she touched on her powers, but Paragon was full of meta-types.

    Karen was only given the vaguest overview of subject Ella, and a longer list of do’s and don’ts by which to go. She wasn’t cleared for the full story or even the codeword assigned to the young girl.

    Also, Karen wondered about Ella’s behavior. Physically she appeared in her late teens, but here she was gleefully coloring in a coloring book. While at other times, she displayed a high degree of knowledge on various subjects. Karen had learned this earlier when she made a casual comment on the weather only to be hit with a slew of meteorological details that she couldn’t comprehend.

    Karen’s idle thoughts were interrupted when the intercom announced the transport system was ready for her and her charge. Ella smiled her innocent smile and packed up the coloring book and crayons, ready to follow Karen to the portal area.

    The portal was already spinning and energized. Ella knew what to expect from various science journals but never actually experienced portal travel before. Needless to say she was very excited and bounced on her heels accordingly.

    Everything was pre-prepped for their departure and all there was left to do was walk through the portal.

    Ella held tightly to Karen’s hand with her nervous anxiety as the pair stepped through.

    The travel was instantaneous, only the brain filled in lights and darkness to compensate for the awkward vertigo of the travel. The vertigo passed quicker for Ella than for Karen. Ella blinked at her new surroundings her brain coming to terms with the sudden changes.

    Immediately in front of Ella was a very handsome security captain. He was much older than Ella, but vaguely reminded her of someone else on which she had once had a crush. She made quick note of the uniform, militaristic enough to indicate he was security, though simple enough to be pleasant and not overbearing. Ella certainly liked what she saw, but that could be attributed more to hormones. She also made note of the various devices he had on his belt and sewn into the uniform. The name tag simply said ‘Captain Roberts’. Ella beamed her joyous if not flirtatious smile at him.

    Karen, who was all business, walked forward to meet Capt Roberts, towing Ella behind her by hand.

    “Officer Karen Dey handing over subject ‘Happy-Camper’” Ella giggled slightly at the temporary codeword Karen used for her.

    Credentials were checked and paperwork was exchanged and signed. A few minutes later Ella was holding the hand of Capt Roberts who led her through several security doors toward a small tram platform. She kept looking up at Capt Roberts and couldn’t help but smiling at the handsome older Captain. Though part of her mind still couldn’t help but notice the layout of the corridors they passed through her mind guessing at the security sensors and counter measures that must lay hidden behind the pleasant décor.

    They got to a small tram platform with a tram car already waiting.

    The tram whisked them through an underground tunnel for a few hundred meters, until it came out above the surface on the lush green grounds of the Clinic. Ella dropped Capt Roberts hand to go look out the window at all the lush green grass. He subtlety touched a button on his cuff, Ella guessed that he was using a sub-vocal communication system probably to notify others of their impending arrival, though she couldn’t hear the words.

    The tram slowed at an outdoor station though the tracks continued on directly into the main building.

    Ella looked out at the immaculately kept and beautiful grounds in awe. There were several heroes walking about the lush gardened paths some in street clothes, some in costumes. While many wore identical track suits with a color stripe to note if they were under magical or technological care.

    Of all the heroes a Cat-girl practicing tai-chi on the lawn was who captivated Ella’s attention, unconsciously causing her to take few steps toward the cat-girl. The cat-girl’s movements were fluid, graceful, and effortless. Ella was somewhat memorized by the display. Deep inside of her memories that were (forcibly) suppressed tugged at her conscious mind begging for remembrance. Ella knew why there were holes in her memories and mind; she knew who did it too. She just couldn’t remember what filled those holes, and if she tried too hard to bring back the memories, it hurt. It was part of the reason she was here.

    Capt. Roberts who waited patiently for what he considered a reasonable time motioned for Ella to come along.

    Still staring at the cat-girl Ella slowly shuffled over to Capt. Roberts and took his hand again. Ella broke her stare from the cat-girl to again smile up at the Captain. He led her over to a waiting golf-cart and they drove off along the path at a comfortable pace toward the long term housing building.

    Ella was again in awe of the beautiful grounds they passed as they approached the gleaming housing complex. As the pair entered Ella refocused on the interior. They passed a lounge and common area that looked comfortable and spacious. Again there were heroes here in costume and not, and some in wheelchairs. Many were gathered around a single hero that was telling a story about their adventures. There was a lot of back and forth as other heroes commented on their experiences, but everything seemed good natured and all involved seemed to enjoy their piece of whatever the overall story was.

    Ella tried to crane her neck to try to see who the main storyteller was but Capt. Roberts had already ushered her into the elevator and the door closed before she could get a good look at the story-telling hero. Ella looked at the lit 4 button on the elevator panel and read the basic instructions printed there. Her mind filled with details about an elevator manufacturing plant in Ohio: Who the plant manager was, annual cost of the plant, who were the line inspectors, the specifications of this particular elevator and other such irrelevant details to the moment. Ella glanced up to the max load sticker and frowned when she saw that it was lower than the actual rating she had in mind, but figured that someone had played it safe.

    A ding announced their arrival on the fourth floor, and a short trip down the hallway Captain Roberts stopped them at a door.

    “This will be your room Ella” he held out a keycard for Ella.

    Ella gleefully grabbed the card and swiped it on the reader, and was in the room as soon as the lock released. Ella’s smile broadened as soon as she entered. The room was spacious and the décor very pleasing, and there were two beds?

    Ella whirled around to face Captain Roberts “I get a roommate?”

    “It is possible Ella the option is there but it depends on your progress”

    Ella opened a random door and found an empty closet; the next door was a closet full of clothes that made Ella squeal with delight. The next door revealed the bathroom. Opening the armoire Ella’s delight soured but only slightly.

    There was no TV. Not only was there no TV, there was evidence that a TV had been installed and that it was recently removed on purpose.

    ((Note: Other rooms will have TVs, unless you don’t want them to.))

    Ella put on her happy face again to mask her discovery and then headed to the balcony. Ella stood at the railing gazing over the lake view. She also had a good view of the spa facility and she wondered idly who might be staying there.

    Captain Roberts came over to the balcony and called Ella back inside.

    “Come on in Ella I want to go over some security protocols concerning your stay here.”

    “Okayeee” Ella pushed herself away from the railing and bounced inside.

    The discussion lasted almost an hour. Captain Roberts wasn’t sure that Ella was listening at times had her repeat the instructions back to him twice to make sure she understood.

    At long last Captain Roberts stood “Your first appointment is tomorrow at 8 AM an orderly will meet you here to take you to Dr. Tyler’s office. You have a good evening Ella” Captain Roberts headed to the door.

    Ella followed him but stopped and leaned purposefully at the door frame as he headed out. “I will see you again Captain?” She asked playfully.

    “Certainly Ella” He smiled and headed off to administer his duties elsewhere.

    ------------One Month Later-------------

    “I want a roommate”

    Doctor Alyssa Tyler looked thoughtfully at the young girl weighting the request.

    “I have been good. I have followed ((most of)) the rules and upheld my end of the deal. I hate being alone and I want a roommate.”

    Dr. Tyler signed heavily “Well there are other considerations Ella…”

    “I don’t care. I want a roommate…pleeeeaaaseeee” Ella batted her large all white yet very expressive eyes.

    Dr. Tyler knew that Ella could be manipulative and behind the pleading eyes, there was a very smart and calculating persona.

    “I can’t make any promises Ella, but if we have the right candidate we will see. Now let’s get back to our session. Tell me more about the tree that attacked you in your dream….”

    ((Anyone can go ahead and start joining.

    Rooms are single or double occupancy and Lake or golf coarse view. (Specify in your intro)

    If anyone is interested in being Ella’s room-mate, I ask that you PM me first with concept because of Ella’s special circumstances.

    Doctor Alyssa Tyler is a closed NPC, she reports via dotted-line to the Head of Psychiatric Care, but serves the Clinic on a special assignment with the permission of the Director))
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    If a CoH LARP ever happened, I would probably stick a few styrofoam spines in my shirt near my wrists, and whack people on the head with them, shouting 'LUNGE!' at the top of my voice.

    When they mention that I wouldn't know how I would hit without rolling, I would say 'I got Tactics!'

    ...Yeah, I am a complete dork.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can I make a blaster that runs around yelling "HEAL" "HEAL" every time I aggro something?
  4. The Clinic, Overview.

    The Clinic was founded shortly after the Rikti War. It is primarily a long term care and assisted living facility for heroes injured during or since the war. Since it has opened its doors, it has expanded its offerings to include a full spa, catering to heroes not physically injured but needing a break from the rigors of Paragon City.

    The Clinic is located far outside of Paragon City in the picturesque wooded hills near Somerdale Lake. The vast park-like grounds have various nature trails, tennis and basketball courts, 9 hole golf course, and some recreational boating on the lake.

    Those not taking conventional travel methods can use a dedicated portal-gate located in Portal Corp on Peregine Island. Teleportation at the Clinic is very restricted. Attempts to teleport into the Clinic from outside the facility will redirect the ‘porter’ to a secured arrival station just outside the grounds. ((Much like some CoT/Council missions or Mayhem Missions)). There is no teleporting within the buildings of the facility, though if on the grounds you can teleport freely anywhere else on the grounds.

    The Clinic consists of several buildings. The main building, a large four story ‘T’ shaped building, is the hospital/treatment center and administrative area. The T shaped building is split into separate areas for different specialties including technology and cybernetics, magic and conventional surgery. Deep under the main building is the rehabilitation center for heroes to practice their powers in a safe controlled area.

    The next building is a four story building shaped like inversed parentheses )( joined in the middle. This building is the assisted living building with rooms along the inside curves of each parenthesis that feature a lake or golf course view. There are single and double rooms (You may specify in your intro post which occupancy and view). The rooms are furnished much like a decent hotel. Some contain unique furniture for large or extra dense patrons or for fire hazards, etc. The first floor contains the cafeteria (open all hours, though with a limited menu during late hours), common room with various activities available, meeting rooms and an expansive hall for large gatherings.

    The last building (detailed, other buildings might spring into existence as the RP progresses) is the extravagant and luxurious Spa. Connected to the Spa are a series of condos available for rental for heroes staying at the Spa. The Spa is decorated in classical Roma Italian architecture with columns, fountains and many marble statues of various heroes. The most prominent statue is of the famous arcane tank Crimson Warhawk, the founder of the Clinic. Crimson Warhawk is a large tank, wearing Egyptian style armor, depicted with a hawk head helmet and great feathered wings made of flames. He shown standing on a pile of fallen Rikti warriors.

    The Clinic: Rules (please read)

    This is an Open Role-play set to slower post rates. We are setting a maximum post rate of two in character post per day* . We encourage longer post that are more descriptive and collaboration though PM’s for joint post. Post limit is regardless of number of characters/NPC’s that you control.

    *Post limit may change dynamically based on how things go. Note that there is a GM exclusion to the two post limit, should it prove necessary

    This RP is not combat focused because combat is the primary cause of speed posting, accelerating a thread to the point it is difficult for some user to keep pace and/or participate.

    Standard RP rules:
    Be courteous to other participants
    No ‘God-moding’ or power-gaming (Should be easy with limited combat)

    Hero and Villain powersets allowed, though Masterminds are not preferred. (If you have a Mastermind concept that you feel will work, please PM me.)

    Although we are allowing Villain archtypes(Power-sets), the Clinic is a hero hospital. Villain types with outstanding warrants are sent to the much less hospitable Zig Infirmary. I like the villain powersets and want to open those to the Clinic, but the Clinic is not for known evil doers.

    Weapon wielding heroes will have additional security considerations, and generally will not be allowed to carry their weapons (Guns/swords/traps/grenades/etc…) while on the grounds. (Please PM me if you need special consideration for this)

    In-game power sets preferred. Please PM me, with any deviation concepts you would like to play.

    One ‘main’ long term resident character per participant.

    Participants may also rotate one or two, short term characters as Spa guest.

    NPC characters (Staffers or visitors) are unlimited, but unless specified are considered public. So please specify.

    Crimson Warhawk’s story:

    Crimson Warhawk was an experienced and extremely wealthy hero before the Rikti War. He was seriously injured toward the end of the war. Damage to his central nervous system had left his powers uncontrollable. No amount of healing magical or technological would fix his powers. He was a danger to the medical staff trying to help him and in chronic pain when his powers were nullified with a “glowie”*. He lived out his days heavily medicated until he succumbed to his injuries. Statesman himself spoke at the funeral. Crimson Warhawk left his enormous fortune to the Warhawk Foundation whose purpose was to create the Clinic.

    *Glowie: Power nullification bracelet that glows when active.

    NPC Cast:

    Closed NPC’s

    Director Gregory Henry is a small in frame but a brilliant and charismatic man. He doesn’t seem to have any powers, though some suspect that his great intellect is beyond human range. His background is in business and finance, and he has served on the boards of several prestigious hospitals before taking on his role here. Independently wealthy Mr. Henry has invested much of his personal wealth in the Clinic and has encouraged many prominent business men and active heroes to do the same.

    Security Captain, Jacob Roberts isn’t an extremely large man but has a fit athletic build and very serious eyes. Capt Roberts has handled Director Henry’s personal security for years and the two have a deep respect for each other. Capt Roberts had also served as a consultant to the Longbow training program.

    Open NPC’s:
    These NPCs are open for writers to claim and develop the personalities and characteristics. Below are some of the key staff members (You may tweak the job titles), though this is just a small list. If someone grabs a department head of a specialty that you have a concept for then you can always make a staff Doctor to support your concept.

    To start off, please only claim one department head. I’d rather not have a single writer control a block of department heads.

    Head of Psychiatric Care

    Head of Maintenance

    Head of Magical Medicine

    Head of Technological and Cybernetic Medicine

    Head of Mundane Medicine

    Power Training Center Coordinator

    Spa Manager

    If this RP seems to be your cup of tea think about your concept for a little while. Please don't start up until I put up my intro post (coming soonish). Once my intro post is up it will be open season to start.

    Feel free to PM me with comments suggestions or ideas.
  5. I usually type up the background in Word then paste it in-game. This of coarse is imediately followed by frustration when it doesnt fit and i try to edit it here and there to make it shorter.

    In the end you get a good setup that abruptly leaves you hanging or with no closure.
  6. About time! I am surprised I lasted as long as I did.
  7. This second betrayal was even worse after the debt she felt to her parents for saving her from the government experimental weapons program known only as "Weapon Y-1". Where she got total pwned and they grafted the claws to her body.
  8. I gotz me training in the super secret mega elite ultra-special forces but waz kicked out for Sally-slapping my CO
  9. to proof his w0rth as L0rdship in the Rogue Isles he had to sneek int0 parag0n city. Once there he made St@tesm@n cry with just a l00k.
  10. Name: Jessica Argyros
    AKA: Midnight Dragonfly
    Age: 17
    Thread: Antihero 101

    Jessica is 5’ 8 and has a somewhat athletic build. Her olive skin reflects her Greek heritage. Her very straight black hair hangs to her mid-back. Often she wears a green bandana.

    Jessica’s most distinctive feature is her eyes. The pupils of her eyes reflect light prismaticly like an insect’s though they reflect green the most. Under the right lighting you can see the iris, but for the most part her eyes appear entirely emerald. In public, she will hide her eyes behind sunglasses.

    Jessica dresses is the standard teen fashion often wearing low cut jeans. On her right hip just above the edge of her jeans is a small abstract tattoo of a dragonfly.

    Depending on the environment, Jessica is commonly accompanied by several dragonflies.

    Jessica can manifest the dual wings of a dragonfly made of psychic energy when she flies. She can suppress the visible signature of her wings if she chooses.
  11. I think you are still adding too much detail.

    It is enough to say that you are to meet a trusted contact at a warehouse and are ambushed. You can detect the ambush or not. Once you escape the warehouse there are more hostiles in the neighborhood.

    The scenarios should be utterly open for interpretation.

    Being the ambush could be just Skulls for lower level characters or Malta or your own fictional force for higher level characters.

    The object is to challenge yourself by adding whatever you need to make the situation difficult or challenging.

    People should also not be afraid to fail a situation if their character isnt suited for the purpose.
  12. I agree with Mecho on MasterMinds.

    The comic book style Masterminds aren't mere villains but more like arch villains. (Depending on the villain/writter/situation)

    On the boards I'd prefer that MMs keep their pets to the 6 limit. Too often then MMs summon/create/build an army of minions. This makes it impossible to balance a lone hero against.

    Unless the more minions the weaker they ALL should be. If you summon a room full of 50 minions a hero should be able to take down 20 or so with a well placed AoE and not be considered Godmoding
  13. My current favorite is Fly.

    Any new characters I am building with fly in mind, leaving the only question AS (Love it) or Hover.

    In CoV fly seemed semi required with all of the vertically chanllenged zones, I hated looking for land routes all the time with SS or not precisely knowing where or in what my next SJ will land me.

    CoH is more friendly for vertical travel than CoV IMHO.

    I love the poor stealth in SS.
  14. Name: Shane Brennan
    --No Hero Name as to date

    Thread: SuperHero 101

    Shane in Uniform

    Shane Casual

    Shane is seventeen and has your standard all-American looks with a dark tan. He is tall, standing at 6’ 2”. His eyes are storm grey, but have been known to glow white with lightning when upset and he is manifesting his powers. His hair is kept very short and is a bright blonde.

    When not in uniform he dresses as if he stepped out of ‘Abercrombie & Fitch’ catalogue. He also tends to dress in layers as he has been known to set his clothes on fire with his abilities. He doesn’t have any heroic costume yet.
  15. The Character Description Encyclopedia

    When characters are introduced they tend to have a decent description but as post and pages are added to a thread, characters are not re-described so new comers don’t get a good feel for your character.

    Here is a place to post a character description for reference.

    To make the thread searchable as possible:

    Post the character’s name and/or known alias as they appeared on the boards

    List thread or threads they exist in/had existed in

    Link if available

    Then text description

    Let’s keep comments to a minimum, though improvements to formatting are welcome.


    Name: Ella
    --No last name recorded.
    --AKA <undisclosed>

    Thread: Anti-Hero 101

    Ella in Flight

    Ella is a small (5’ 2) thin girl with long flowing all white hair that naturally curls and flawless snow white skin except the starburst pattern around her left eye. Ella appears to be 17-18 years old in physical maturity. (Mentally is a whole other story). Ella’s face and all white eyes are extremely expressive, as Ella is at the core an extremely emotional person.

    Ella’s finger and toe nails and the starburst pattern around her left eye change color depending on what Ella is wearing or touching. Her hair does the same to a lesser degree only picking up the highlights of that color.

    Ella releases a small amount of pheromone that isn’t strong enough to be mood altering but is always a smell that is associated with something pleasant to the one smelling it.

    Ella weighs less than the human average of a girl her size tipping the scale at 70-80 pounds a factor in this maybe that Ella’s tears (milky white) and blood do not obey gravity and tend to free float. She also has a unique bone structure that is stronger and lighter than normal human bones, though this hasn’t been discovered yet.

    Ella takes a lot of pride in her appearance and tries to dress nice whenever she can. Until recently, Ella had a problem with modesty that is she wasn’t and often ran (or flew) around in various states of undress.

    Most of Ella’s powers manifest with a golden glow. Be it her super strength or her energy auras. Even her heal other manifest with glowing golden bubbles that float toward the intended target. The strong glow forms a halo like aura around her head when she manifests her powers.

    Ella is currently having extreme personality shifts so at times she may be cold and confident, and at others weak and vulnerable.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    ok, ig uess, i dont see how it would matter much the fighting or not jsut like someone menmtioned before about Drow schools, they are brutal, but the thing is these are stil;lkids, Idont see howthey can be totally and utterly evil, they should still ebkids and liek havign fun, etc and should be able to get along and make allies, they will be manipulative adn such buit still, idk there would hafta regulations and restrictions on attiudes of chars

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you place too many controls the people are living under the boot of others (not fun), or in abject fear (also not fun).

    Villain personalities are volitle by nature either greed, distrust or pyschopathic they just don't get along in groups

    The concept of a school that is non heroic is taking place in Anti-Hero 101
  17. ((This reminds me of last years 'House of M' or was it this year))
  18. ((This thread still alive? or should it just be forgotten?))
  19. The boards ebbs and flows with traffic.

    Most weekends people are RL busy or in game. There are some weekends that are monster posting weekends that are difficult to keep up with (generally the weekend that I actual am RL busy :P )

    It is hard to tell which category a weekend will fall into. Depends if some key people are around to drive post and to some extent what is happening in a thread.

    Also holiday weekends tend to be slower too, mostly likely the RL thing again.

    Yes, I do find disappointment when the boards slow to a crawl. When I first started posting I would forego playing the game to post. Now I am balancing the two to get more game play in.

    My major disappointment is when people are posting like crazy in thread ABC and thread XYZ is not getting any attention.
  20. Okay this is a bump.

    I know my post tend to longer winded than most, but I do try to develop the character and the reading with higher level of descriptiveness. I happen to like detail and enjoy writing detail to support the story aspect of these threads. If I do end up with a short post generally I didn't spend enough time on it, or later I thought up a half dozen ways to modify it for detail/drama/story telling.

    What I don't know if you people out there who are in the threads I am in enjoy reading detail.

    I know I need to work on several areas of board writing. Combat and multiple dialogs being the biggest items followed closely by spelling, grammar and related items.

    Also I will occasionally try something I think is funny but don’t know if it received as funny or not. Maybe I have a weird sense of humor.

  21. Sienna immediately joined Magda in the inverted ceiling garden, and more giggling could be heard among the roses.

    Sienna was very impressed Sienna could do some basic manipulation with fairy sparkles but this garden was amazing. but all faires get different gifts.

    Finding Magda hidden in the roses Sienna playfully tagged her 'It' then fluttered off to hide herself.
  22. Sienna stood and stretch a little still hold her little piece of Burning's hood like a blanket on a cold morning.

    After a oversized yawn, she dropped the hood she had wrapped around herself then walked sleepily into the back of the hood.

    After a moment there was the sound of a door closing then running water followed by a flush. Then Sienna could be hear humming as water ran again.

    The humming ended and the sounds of teeth being brushed, and garggling were next. The door creaked open again and Sienna walked out refreshed.

    She had a trail of fairy sparkles stuck to her foot much like little sparkly rectangles of toilet paper that she dragged along then shook off her face reddened embarressed.

    She smiled at Burning, which would have been very difficult for him to see then she hugged his cheek and flew off.

    It was time to start making mischief again, cause thats what faires are brought up to do.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    "Mm, strawberries. You fond of them? They're my favorite food!"

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Sienna sat up, pulling the hood around like on a cold morning. She let out a large yawn, ended with a sneeze of fairy dust.

    Her eyes still half closed "Strawberries?"
  24. Sienna who was slipping down slightly pulled at the collar like she was wrestling for the sheets with a bed-hog.

    Burning's shoulder looked like there was a large glitter accident by this time.
  25. Sienna had grown tired with the power drop. She had been expending far more energy than she could have normally, but Magda's adrenal boost certainly helped till it was cut off.

    She laid down on Burning's shoulder and pulled his collar* over herself like a blanket. She snored little musical notes gently. Once powers were restored the notes took the shapes of little music notes made up of fairy sparkles until each faded in sight and sound.

    *Edge of his shirt or whatever is appropriate for his current apparell.