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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Something to keep in mind when reading articles such as this. Yea though we link to it in the forums and on Facebook, the target audience for "gaming media articles" isn't always the active Community. Media outlets such as ZAM!, MMORPG.com or Massively give us a platform to reach a much broader range of readers who might be lapsed/former players of CoH or have never even picked up the game before.
    I agree with this. I view articles/interviews like this one as "Not meant for me". I have no problem with using articles like this to reach out to potentially new customers.

    Though it's a bit odd to post a link to it on our forums. That's almost asking for this kind of response.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    I think it would be less of a system programming issue and more of an art issue. That said, have the artists work at removing the war walls or have the artists work on Moonbase.
    Yeah, I would rather see CoH's art team work on bringing us cool new zones. Plus, I like the War Walls. It's one of the things that makes CoH unique and they keep Paragon City from being another generic city.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Why edit out the reference to alligator costume parts?
    Huh. They did remove the part about alligator costume pieces and the possibility of it going into a reptile/dinosaur pack. It's odd that they would remove it, but they probably don't want to get our hopes up in case something changes down the road.
  4. The new Intrepid Informer dev article mentioned multiple beaks for the eagle head. I wonder if that means different eagle beaks or beaks from different bird species. So maybe if an eagle isn't your bird of choice, you can pick a different beak.
  5. I wonder if the pattern for future boosters/packs will go 1.) Animal related - 2.) Something else... and then repeat. So we get this Animal Pack then the next one is a Steampunk Pack or something and after that will be the Reptile Pack and on and on.

    I can imagine a lot of other options for animal-related packs like an African Animal Pack (that has elephant and rhino heads in it).
  6. I love the idea of these regular articles! It's fun to see "behind the curtain" and get an idea of how we get the stuff the Devs give us.

    Also, you tease us with a reptile/dinosaur pack! It would perfectly fit a character I have that's slowing turning into a dinosaur. I look forward to seeing it in the future!
  7. http://www.industrygamers.com/releases/23912/

    In addition to physical upgrades including new heads, body patterns, tails and customisable manes and teeth...
    I like the idea of customisable parts to the new heads. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I would guess that each head has a few options you can change around.
  8. Yeah, I wouldn't expect it immediately. I'd wait until they post the live patch notes, at the very least.
  9. I think it's supposed to be announced in the Message of the Day in game.
  10. This Producer Letter, War Witch's Massively.com interview and the pic of the new eagle head and legs have succeeded in greatly increasing my excitement for CoH. I have loved this game for over 6 years and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    Thanks for all you do for us, devs!
  11. This is great! When they announced that the Winter Event would only be two week, I complained that it was too short. So I'm very happy to get more time to ski and collect rewards on my newer characters (all I had time for was to get them the Jingle Jetpack).

    Thank you for doing this, Paragon!
  12. I agree that the Winter Event is too short this year. I don't like feeling rushed to complete everything on the characters I want. Another week or two (at least) would be preferable.
  13. Nice! I should be done shovelling all this snow we're getting by the time the servers come back up. So then I'll make myself some hot chocolate and spend the afternoon playing with I19... and then I'll probably have to shovel again.
  14. I have many characters in the 1-30 range that have never taken Fitness, so they'll just put a couple enhancements in there and be good to go.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Just shush....bloody char transfer is being lame, because I had to delete the Alpha on test due to, even though he didnt have the slot from I18 test, Ramiel still refused to talk to him.

    *Punts PC*
    Yeah, there's was something odd going on with the 50s that have been on the test servers since the I18 beta not being able to access Ramiel. I had to transfer my 50s again to do that arc too.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Spider-Man died after One More Day
    And he was beaten pretty severely before that with odd stories like the Spider-Totem, Iron Spidey, the bad unmasking idea, etc.
  17. Thank God! I hated his Wonder Woman direction (and new costume) and thought his Superman run has been pretty boring. Hopefully when the new writers finish his stories, the books will move on and tell interesting stories again.

    As for Earth One, I haven't read it yet but it makes sense DC would speed up the production on something that popular. Sounds like a smart move.
  18. Well, as long as they don't remove the stuff I liked from the story I think I'll be fine with it.
  19. There's only one day left to vote for the new leader of the Legion, so if you haven't voted yet there's still time!

    Also, it looks like the results might be surprising. DC Nation tweeted this today:

    According to editorial if the current leader in the http://www.legionelection.com wins they'll need to "totally change their plans!"
    I'm hoping for one of the odder/funner members like Gates or Quislet. But it would also be interesting to see how Levitz would have to explain Earth-Man winning when most of the team hate him.
  20. Dawn Treader is my favorite Narnia book so I'm very excited to see this movie. I was worried that they'd cut out some or the more fantastical elements of the story, like the Dufflepuds, but from the various previews it looks like they're staying faithful. Can't wait!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
    Oh gear gawd...

    What is going through marketing's mind to come up with this load a BS.

    I mean seriously? This... This...
    I can't even begin to type what I think of this 'cause I'd get mod-smacked into next week.


    Thank you for the time...
    Why get so upset about something fun like this?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    I believe that's "Random Player Character Guy."
    Him again? No fair! He always gets to be in the official CoH pictures.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    Do you just seriously make stuff up like that?! xD
    Players who were at the Meet & Greet over the weekend reported the devs saying that. They're trying to shoot for around the 16th, but if they can't make it they'll wait until after their Thanksgiving break.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    No, it'll be Rock. The one power that can defeat the invading Scissors People.
    But what if they've teamed up with the Paper Ninjas? Then we're doomed! Doooooooooomed!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    Is Mother's hospital located in the BAF or is it in a seperate location?
    It's not in the current BAF. I'd bet it'll be part of the next Praetoria zone.