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I sent you my costume code for P E A C E M A K E R from the virtue server. I hope he makes the cut and I am really looking forward to seeing what these will be used for. Good luck!
After 7 years and 3 months of playing City of Heroes my signature character P E A C E M A K E R has reached level 50. He began as a martial arts/super reflexes scrapper on the Pinnacle. As new powers were added to the game he change to a martial arts/shield scrapper and finally a street justice/shield scrapper. He has been transferred from Pinnacle, to Virtue, to Exalted, before coming back home to the Virtue server. I am proud to say that he is my signature character and after years of casual game play has become my first level 50 hero. Thank you to everyone I have teamed with over the years that have made this possible and to team cupcake tonight for helping me make the final push from 49 to 50. I think now I will have to explore the Incarnate content over these last months (unless the Titan group can pull of a miracle and save the game).
I will hold off on putting on the thong song and tearing this place apart. Haha! Thank you Tony for all your efforts and also thank you to all involved in trying to save this game. Everything you guys are doing is greatly appreciated. I wish you nothing but success.
Thank you Zwillinger and to the other devs. This is my first and only MMO, my family and my home. Paragon City has been a big part of my life and I will never forget it. I will never forget this game and the characters I have created here. Ever since I was a kid I have been facinated by the genre of superheroes and comic books. I had grown up wishing I could be Superman or Captain America and this game allowed me to fulfill that fantasy. Thank you all and I wish everyone involved in this game success in the future.
i think of the event as something similar to the x-men's danger room. As a simulated holographic training exercise.
A good place for a memorial garden would be across the street from atlas having ms liberty facing the memorial. Have new players enter atlas in this area would be a good way to commemorate this game's history.
I like the commemorative garden idea. But to continue on with my museum idea...I would like to see 3d holograms of the characters instead of statues. I would love to see multiple holograms of Statesman through the years displaying his multiple costumes and would like to see holograms of the original freedom phalanx from the web of arachnos book. While statues are cool I think we need something new and different.
While a statue would be cool of both statesman and sister psych, I think a museum or one central building dedicated as a memorial would be even better. This space could commemorate things from game lore/history.
I remember my first comics being a superman origin vinyl record combo that had action comics #1 on the cover and i had a spiderman #1 and batman #1 comics and vinyl records. I remember having Detective comics 400 the first appearance of the Manbat that I got from my grandparents basement when i was really young. Captain America #230, February 1979 from the month I was born. Marvel Graphic novel #4 the first appearance of the New Mutants.
The only comics i still have are the Captain America and marvel graphic novel #4.
The x-men's x-cutioners song story line rekindled my interest in comics after years on hiatus. -
I would like to agree with the person who said irredeemable and invouruptible. Incorruptible maybe along your line Of interest. Irredeemable is the story of a worlds suPerman gone bad. Incorruptible is about the arch villain of this hero gone bad named max damage. Max becomes a hero and becomes more powerful the longer he stays awake but he suffers from sleep deprivation. It's a great story with ok art, but great read if you want something outside of marvel and DC.
Candy lebeaux's dress from smoke and mirrors arc for females. Kheldian sash for males.
I would love if they could bring the CCG generator back and make some kind of smart phone app. I want to be able to play anywhere, anytime from my iphone.
I would love to see someone recreate it with all the powersets.
Neo - Just google City of Heroes card game and you should be able to see all kinds of pictures of actual cards and player created cards. -
Very cool covers!
I have done comic covers for one of my old characters. Here is what I came up with.
And the next picture was meant to be a comic cover, but I seem to have misplaced the finished piece with the barcode, logo, and comic title.
No new art. Just posting some screenshots of my Statesman clone the ARCHETYPE. While it is a work in progress more information on this character can be found on his virtueverse page - http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/A_R_C_H_E_T_Y_P_E
Hey Alex,
Good to see you reviving your old sketch thread here on the forums!
He is a clone of the Statesman created by the Revanant Hero Project for the purpose of building an army of incarnates. While the clone has no superpowers he does have the potential to reach incarnate levels of power. The clone was taken into custody by the Peacemaker supergroup before Crey could unlock his full potential and create duplicates from this template.
Full bio can be found here http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/A_R_C_H_E_T_Y_P_E -
I got the Smallville complete series on dvd with all the gift cards i got from my family.
have a merry christmas and a happy new year. 2011 has brought us some great content for this game and I am really looking forward to what 2012 has to bring. Keep up the great work and we will see you next year.
My latest character A R C H E T Y P E (Street Justice/Invincibility Tanker). He is a clone of Statesman by Crey Industries' Revanant Hero Project. He is believed to be a failed attempt to create an incarnate level hero with a sample of Statesman's blood. The clone posesses no superpowers but is in peak physical condition and while not an Incarnate he still has the potential to ascend to incarnate levels and his DNA holds the key to the ascension of the Paragon Protectors created by Crey Industries. He is given his freedom from Crey by the Peacemakers supergroup and will serve as part of a mission architect story i am slowly working on. After the clone's first mission with the Peacemakers, his arm is disintegrated after the clone sacrificed himself to protect Ms, Liberty from assassination. His arm is replaced with a bionic prosthesis that grants him mild super strength. ARCHETYPE is given a powersuit and body armor from Statesman that resembles his own uniform. The clone understands that he is not Marcus Cole but someone else entirely, although he retains many of Marcus Cole's memories. Statesman gave him the name Cole Richter combining his last name with his wife's maiden name, also the last name of a former friend.
I really liked Statesman wish it wasn't him to die, but I will remain excited to see what the future holds. I really hope he gets a memorial in game for players to visit. I really need to get to work on these missions as I have only ran part 1. I play a Statesman clone on Exalted and Virtue called the A R C H E T Y P E who will now have to step up his game.
i kind of like the name Force. Crypt is probably my favorite of the 3 i like his look.
i really like the four five two piece by Mark Williams. Congrats on the new old piece by what appears to be a very distinguished artist. The article was a good read too, I enjoyed the are you a communist question.
I think Jason Todd is the only good thing about Red Hood and the Outlaws. If the comic had more Red Hood and no Outlaws I would keep up with this comic.
Durakken - Are you a fan of the old Wildstorm WildC.A.T.s? I see that Grifter and Voodoo got decent ratings and wondered what your thoughts are on the characters transition into the DCnU? I haven't read their comics but have thought about checking them out. -
Had my fun with the think tank costume piece and now the shiny newness is gone, so I have released the name Ectoplasm back into the name pool.