The Peacemaker Collection
Good stuff!
Shield guy is my favorite, he's just got a presence to him like Robocop or something.
While I would love to have that piece of art colored, it almost seems like a crime to cover up Brandon McKinneys awesome linework and pencils.
It's your call, obviously, but as long as you have the file you'll always have the original lines...
Love the top right one. I wish we could use Katanas/Ninja blades like that. So very awesome
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Gratzzz on the catches, Hybrid!! They are awesome!!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
I like them all. I really like Sands - love the action in that piece!
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
Parade of awesome. I sit on the curb and clap.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Thanks for the comments everyone!.
The first image of my character Cape was just finished recently by imagesbyalex. Alex did great work delivering exactly what I wanted with the awesome background and grat detail in the character. I think he just posted this commission over on Deviant art so drop him a line and let him know what you think.
Having a piece of art from Brandon McKinney (my first commission) was epic when you have someone who worked on the original City of Heroes comics draw your character.
xJoeDx did a fantastic job on the Sands piece. I sent character screenshots and told him what I wanted and he exceeded my expectations. I love the character but the Arachnos soldiers being buried in the sand and the look on the one's face are my favorite part of this piece.
Randy Kintz who did the two pieces of my character Wildcard (one of my favorite characters to play). Randy has a great style to his art. He makes it look easy by keeping his art simple and clean, but the results are amazing.
If anyone has recommendations of someone to color the Peacemaker by McKinney piece, let me know. I will probably have to wait until after the new year but I think you guys convinced me to have it colored.
Another great commission by the talented Brandon McKinney. This is my character Wildcard an technology energy/energy blaster. The concept of the character is that he is an unofficial member of the Peacemakers supergroup and leader of their Black Ops squad. The energy manipulated by his battle suit allows him to target and hold his own against the toughest supervillains. Brandon did an excellent job delivering everything I requested. I was feeling a little nostalgic and picked up some City of Heroes comics at my local comic shop when I got the message on Deviant art that Brandon would be open for commissions. I couldn't resist! Brandon's work is top quality and anyone looking for a great commission should hit him up.
Peace through strength. Good show!
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
No new art. Just posting some screenshots of my Statesman clone the ARCHETYPE. While it is a work in progress more information on this character can be found on his virtueverse page -
You have some really kool stuffz going on in your thread, HZ! Keep on sharing!!!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Here is the latest art of my character the Peacemaker. This is just the rough draft with colors to be added later. Art done by Brandon McKinney. More of Brandon's work can be found by clicking on the image. With the game sunsetting I commissioned Brandon for a piece of art of my character PEACEMAKER ressembling the cover art for Marvels The Ultimates #1 done by Bryan Hitch. I am very happy with the rough and cannot wait to see the final in color. Hopefully I will get the chance to post the final piece here on the forums before they are gone. For anyone who does not know who Brandon is he was the artist for the Blue King Studios run of City of Heroes comics and I highly recommend him for commissions. He is a busy artist doing storyboard art but if he has the time and you have the money and patience for a great piece of art definately look Brandon up and send him an email.
I may have to go back later and commission Brandon to silhouette Atlas Park in the background with the sunsetting. But for now I could only have him do the character. Really excited to see the final piece. If I can't post it here before the game is gone I will post the final image on twitter at @Peacemaker_Hero
My latest commission is from Alex Dai/imagesbyalex. It is of my character known as Cape. Cape started out as a villain and main antagonist of a mission architect story where the character having no superpowers and a hatred of heroes hunts and traps heroes for sport and collects their capes which he displays in his safe house known as the trophy room. Cape is the founder of the Collectors, an army of humans using tech based weaponry to defeat heroes. Cape is ultimately captured and reformed into a member of the Peacemakers Black Ops group and used for his knowledge of defeating heroes to take down the toughest villains. The left in the gold and black is the characters villain uniform and the right in the blue and black is his Peacemaker/hero battle suit.
Some old commissions I have previously posted here in the forums. Click on the art to go to the artist's deviant art sites and feel free to explore some of their other work.
Peacemaker by Brandon McKinney
Sands by xJoeDx
Wildcard by Randy Kintz