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    so ok...most of the devs are posting...but wheres recluse at??

    why isnt he posting anymore?

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    QFT. Where is he?

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    Zeb Cook (Lord Recluse) hasn't worked at Cryptic in a very long time. He's now working on Stargate Worlds. Sean Fish (Manticore) is also no longer at Cryptic.

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    Sedar Copur is the New Lord Recluse.

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    Ah okay, I thought they were referring to Zeb. :P I didn't think anyone took up the aliases of former people.

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    Yep. If you can find a post from Zeb, his alias has been changed to Old Lord Recluse or something. Sedar has posted once or twice I think. He did a Warcry Ask A Dev thingy not too long ago.

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    This of course, makes me look like a idiot, since I work at City of Heroes WarCry. :P

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    Epic fail.
  2. Fix Defense. Fix Geas. Fix the status resist "unique". Fix stealth IOs. (I have a higher opinion now than in Beta but I still think we'd be better without them.)
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, I think I know what happened...The horoscope writer obviously ticked off the Entities, and ya know how much paper people use around there? The shredding, and the buying of more paper, and the wasteful, that the trees finally snapped, and broke new ground to go after the city scoop. Lemur Lad took a picture of a super hero, in a not so good position, and is now being hunted by a sg full of fire.rads. Tundara, acting so innocent in this entire scheme actually sent out a angry mob of otters in chase of the city scoop. The rikti, seeing a large amount of creatures in one area, sent out many many rikti down to destroy all life, as usual. Thus they had to evacuate the building, to protect the lives of all in the building. I wont expect to see them alive again, for as you all know, nothing is more powerful then an angry mob of trees, fire.rads, rikti, AND tundara's mercenaries. The reason no one but me knows of this (except me, I was wearing a tin foil hat at that time, so I wasnt effected) Was because the otters have been harvesting thousands of bombs filled with sleeping gas. Lighthouse being the first to awaken from this gas, found the note. May the City Scoop writers not only be remembered for their writing, but for the sacrifice they made on this day.

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    I think we've found a new guest writer for the upcoming "Wall of Text" article.
  4. Except for people who like PvP, the PvE game has nothing to do with 'winning'.

    And about the comment about my sig; PWNZ isn't a PvP forum, it's just a forum where people of the mindset that tend to like PvP reside.
  5. Not including PvP is hardly an improvement analogous to using more efficient and/or reliable forms of producing light.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    *whispers* Harass him harder

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  7. In the same vein, since including PvP has been proven to work, obviously, it works.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Well done CS gang.

    I like the new Heroscopes and Villainscopes. Adding people's signs to them was a great idea.

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    *looks at suspiciously*

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    Who's that?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Can I compete with a plant/energy dominator? Probably not.

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  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Pohsyb must be let out of the box. I mean, you can't keep him in there forever, right? No seriously.

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    My box is toasty
    Why would I leave such a box?
    My box is wintry

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    psst, that was a haiku
  11. Yes.
    And for anyone who said No in this thread who hasn't even tried it, and/or only has ever gone to PvP zones for badges, and I know you're out there, I am slightly motivated to feel sorry for you and people that know you. Closed-minded viewpoints bring down human society.
  12. I found this great freeware defragger:
    Heard that it's better than the builtin windows one, and hey, it's free. Runs faster than the Windows one and tells me more about what it's doing. Works for me.
  13. Scenario 1:
    Stalker: I can kill this paragon protector elite by just ASing, placating and waiting for AS to be back up.

    PPE: *Cremate!*
    Stalker: *Placate*
    PPE: *Had incinerate queued up!*
    Stalker: *is unhidden by incinerate whose DoT lasts 8 more seconds*
    ((To clarify for those not experienced in Placate: Normally, Placate hides you for 10 seconds even if you are being affected by DoT for 8 of those. So had Incinerate not unhid me, I would be able to AS during those last two seconds at least.))
    PPE: *Oblivious*
    Stalker: *waits 10 seconds to hide after DoT finishes*
    PPE: *Remembers stalker is there after 6 seconds!*
    Stalker: *dies*

    Scenario 2:

    Villain: *Gets noticed by brute in warburg*

    Hero: *KO blow!*

    Villain: *Placate--*
    Hero: *Haymaker!*

    Villain: Whew, now he can't attack me, and he doesn't have Assault either. Maybe I can get an AS off.

    Hero: *Attacks anyway!*

    Villain: *dies*


    I've experienced both these scenarios many times in both PvE and PvP. This is on a Claws stalker, also. No effects there. Perhaps knockback from Focus/Shockwave counts, but I know it's happened without any KB whatsoever.

    EDIT: DoT/placate clarification
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    A powerset I'd like to see is nature/plant control. Vines, poisonous barb projectiles, giant plant creature summon, something along those lines.

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    Psst...Doms have this. Plant control/Thorny assault.
  15. Name: Black Wasps

    Motto: The Chosen Few

    Leaders: Grinnz, McGirk

    Player Type: Love challenges, duoing SFs, PvPing, duoing AVs and heroes. We love characters and teams that are able to own stuff.

    Playing Times: None specifically. Generally not during work/school hours.

    Roleplay: None.

    Membership Levels: Any.

    SG Colors: Black and Red.

    Other Information: (In case you didn't know) We're a villain group. We have a hero counterpart but atm this is just for my and McGirk's heroes. We have a VG uniform and a website just for the hell of it, use them if you like. We have a pretty stacked VG base, raid-ready (even though nobody raids), with all the porters, storage, a medbay, etc.

    Recruiting: Anyone who thinks they'll fit in, or anyone else, can join. We appreciate any prestige you can contribute, if you ever want anything out of storage or some components to use at the Supercollider, or infamy loans, just ask. If you want in, ask @TheGrinnz or @Hey It's McGirk ingame.
  16. Further commenting on what I've recently learned about tohit vs accuracy:
    You can't compare "DO-level" tohit with an accuracy DO. I'm going to use 50% as base accuracy as that is both PvP base accuracy and approximately the same as your accuracy against +2 or +3 foes (what I fight the most, and most tanks would).
    In an attack with base acc 1, say Fire Sword, against a foe with no defense:
    +15% Acc: 50%*(1+.15)=57.5%
    +15% Tohit: 50%+15%=65%
    Both: (50%+15%)*(1+.15)=74.75%
    In an attack with 1.2 base acc, like Greater Fire Sword:
    (50%+15%)*(1.2+.15)=87.75% chance.
    (Disclaimer: That last part I just explored recently so I may have done it wrong.)
    Fire sword against a foe with say 20% defense to melee/fire/lethal:
    +15% Acc: (50%-20%)*(1+.15)=34.5%
    +15% Tohit: (50%+15%-20%)=45%
    Both: (50%+15%-20%)*(1+.15)=51.75%
    GFS: (50%+15%-20%)*(1.2+.15)=60.75%
    Now, to show where Accuracy is more important, let's say you're fighting Mako. Let's say he has a defense of 100% (about what all of SR 3 slotted gives you, minus Hide).
    +15% Acc: (50%-100%) floored at 5%*(1+.15) = 5.75%
    +15% Tohit: (50%+15%-100%) floored at 5% = 5%
    Both: (50%+15%-100%) floored at 5%*(1+.15) = 5.75%
    GFS: (50%+15%-100%) floored at 5%*(1.2+.15) = 6.75%

    Generally speaking, the higher your tohit and the lower the enemy's defense, the more impact your Accuracy slotting has, as it is multiplied by the resulting Tohit amount, but the tohit floor changes things in the last case. (friggin mako)

    If I've done anything wrong please correct me, I'm trying to understand this stuff as well as I can
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    how can Hami kill PA's??

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    They're grey to him.

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    As much as that answer is funner, this is the actual one (AFAIK):
    Phantom Armies, Phase shift, Detention Field, etc all have the attribute Untouchable. Mag 3 for phase shift/dimension shift/black hole, mag 6-7.5 for detention field and the like, and mag 100 for PA (not like it matters). This is completely ignored by Hamidon and pals.
    These powers also can have other related attributes, such as Intangible (others can walk through them), -threatlevel (so pets/NPCs don't waste attacks; also +threatlevel for Phantom Army so they're effective decoys), OnlyAffectsSelf (self-explanatory), and Translucency (visual effect). Untouchable is the one Hami ignores and nothing else (AFAIK) does.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    I would ask if anyone has tried a range boosted snipe, but I don't think you can LOS more than a few yds beyond Moonbeam and Psionic Lance range anyway?

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    My Fire/Eng has three Centriole HOs (Dam/Range) in his Blazing Bolt, plus Boost Range. I can actually snipe things from farther away than I can see them rendered, by targeting them then moving away. I can LOS much farther than Moonbeam range though, on my years-old computer.

    While I haven't taken him into the STF yet, I'm pretty sure I could snipe the AVs from a very safe distance. The Blaster I saw sniping them was doing so from the very top of the ramp down into their area, then retreating to our position about 100 yds away.

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    All snipes except Moonbeam and Psionic Lance have a base 150' range. Moonbeam and Lance have 175'. With 3 range enhancements, 150'->234' and 175'->273'.
    The 150' snipes (only ones Blasters can get) with Boost Range and range enh gets to 324'. Not sure if Power Boost affects it but if it did, it would bring it to 432' (I think).
    Keep in mind the best snipes to pull with are the ones that don't do knockback. Extra damage (DoT) can be detrimental also. (not entirely sure on this, only one toon with a snipe.)
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    ....Makos defense is *roughly* between 75%, if you didn't have Fortitude on you, and 95%, if you did. ....

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    That looks strangely familiar ...

    Could it just be the equivalent of 6 slotted Elude ? = 72% Defense
    Or 6 slotted Elude + 6 slotted SR Toggles ? = 94% Defense

    If we want to assume they aren't cheating too bad ... then ... that would only leave the question of durations ? We do know NPCs cheat on their skills. But they also follow "some" rules ... so ... what if it's Perma Elude or Perma Elude with Toggles ?

    We've all fought elude level targets, Paragon Protectors. But has anyone before fought a Paragon Protector with 24k HP and the equivalent of Instant Healing (AV regen) and Elude ? Maybe we're just getting a taste of the (Elude + Instant Healing) effect.

    I think that might at least be a reasonable logic path to follow.

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    It's very likely that the slotted Elude+slotted Toggles is the correct assumption. Even while Elude isn't running he has a decent amount of defense.
    The only way I would like to see Mako changed is to dramatically increase Elude's recharge. Make it 10 minutes instead of 4 or 5 like it is now (assuming his elude lasts 3 of those minutes). With 3 slotted recharge and Quickness it would normally recharge in about 7:45.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    What matters is not direct numerical equality in PvP, but rather roughly equal opportunity for wins and losses. It matters less how badly you lose, as long as you have an equal chance to actually win.

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    Sorry to cut out most of this post, but this statement stood out to me. This shows exactly why I believe Stalkers and Blasters are, in fact, balanced. Whenever my stalker duels a blaster, 90% of the time one of us dies in the first five seconds. (If they are particularly skilled and I can time the placates right, we can stalemate for a long time.)
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    Hm. So a small yellow doesn't completely annihilate my SR's 30% defense.
    But two or three do...

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    um, yeah, if you didnt slot your defense at all

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    um, yeah, because SR is 19.5% defense unslotted, and I specifically said 30%. (Actually more for mine with Hide)
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    Pretty sure Arcanaville is responsible for the testing of those numbers.

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    I believe thats correct; I'd also seen those values, which is why I was comparing a medium yellow (18.75%) to triple slotted defender Tactics (~20%).

    And purples, which I know he tested (I think he used the demon spawning Infernal alter to get a statistically significant number of attacks in a short time) are actually;

    S - 12.5%
    M - 25%
    L - 33%

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    Hm. So a small yellow doesn't completely annihilate my SR's 30% defense.
    But two or three do...
  23. Good to know, I'll have to try to test them later.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Aim is a 50% (defender) or 62.5% (blaster) tohit buff.

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    37.5% for blasters.

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    BU is a 20% tohit buff (10% on blasters).

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    15% for blasters.

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    So the best buff you could get from one Tactics is 3 slotted on a defender, about 20%. Less than a small yellow.

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    Your value of yellows is a way too high. Try the following values:
    S - 7.5%
    M - 18.75%
    L - 37.5%

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    You're right on the first two. I was doing them from memory and had them wrong.
    On the last - Are you suggesting the 25%/33%/50% numbers given on the insps themselves are lying? They certainly buff tohit, not accuracy.