Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I think those are very good suggestions!
  2. Grey Pilgrim

    Argh / Yay

    Eh, like I said earlier, the costume change emotes all require animation and graphics work. The flying disc isn't really out of whack with that, and it's certainly not out of whack with the work that had to go into the New Year's Pack powers. I hate to keep going back to that, but it, costume emotes, and the costume packs are base line that are easy to compare to. They're also the points players seem to go with more easily. Things like this frisbee power, the vanity pets, and even that Party Pack that came out around Going Rogue are all getting hit on as being over-priced for what they are.

    I really don't know what to make of it. Sure, the system is new and the devs are still kind of seeing what people will roll with, but it really is like they are throwing a dart at a dart board for some of these, rather than comparing to the stuff they already have in place.

    MG, you're one of those "gotta have it now" people, which means you are going to pay more. I actually feel like I'm getting more out of this new system than I was before, and I'm not paying anymore. I'd love to have the money to maybe get a few more things or not have the frisbee be in the "probably not" territory, but I have to justify paying for a sub every month with my finances and what makes sense for me to pay for a gaming hobby (and supporting this game for about 5-6 years is a big investment). Anyway, the new system does make for an interesting look at economics and psychology!

    Ran the new trial, Drowning in Blood, last night. It was okay, but I would have liked a little more depth to it than the DFB trial. It's building off the Shivan stuff in Galaxy Park, but it doesn't really go anywhere with it. I read all the text from the Commander, and I still wasn't able to get much out of it, or even why that Shivan at the end splits. It's good fun other than that, and another good source for a buff into your 30s. Also good for working on your Tank defeat badge.

    If anyone runs it, you get one badge for completing, but if you want the badge for collecting four meteor shards, you MUST talk to the scientist right at the start (he's standing somewhat near the commander and uses the tech aura thing that is used for heal self and aid other). We couldn't find him anywhere after that.

    Once you talk to him, anyone in your group can click on a meteor to get a fragment. Each phase of the trial has one, for four in total, and they are marked on your map (the last is not noticeable and way off to the side from the big Shivan).

    Hopefully they'll have a fix for the "defeat both big shivans within 30 seconds of each other" bug soon. Masque and I petitioned last night, but I don't know if we'll get it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    Its not like I don't often complain about the cost of stuff. I find too much to be over priced on the market. This I don't.

    I think under 300 is about right for getting the impulse buy market. You don't get to decide my points. It does fit under the allowance which is much nicer than not fitting under it.

    Compare with purely fluff powers? I think you are cherry picking to choose costume change animations (non powers) as the comparison point. Compare with the temp costume powers, the vanity pets, the detoggling vanity travel powers.

    But you're right about that you don't NEED it.
    I'm all for pargon having things you don't need for purchase. Over priced and dont need is much better than over priced and need.
    Your list of fluff powers are pretty much all the ones that drew/draw the most flack for being over-priced, by the way. They're not a good comparison point at all. Not sure how I'm cherry-picking either, when a costume change emote does have an animation and graphics time price tag associated with it.

    Vanity travel powers are going to have added costs just for being travel powers as well--that's going to put them in a higher price point just for affecting gameplay a little more.

    Oh, and the New Year's Pack I pointed out earlier? I looked it up to remind myself of its exact cost, and it was 160 points for 3 emotes, an aura, and a costume change emote. Yeah... fair amount of stuff for all of 160 points. If you're interested in the stuff (which holds true for the frisbee as well), you'll get as much if not more use out of them for a smaller amount of points.

    Not even sure what to make of "you don't get to decide my points." I wasn't telling you how to spend your money/points, which is also why I said prices for items on the market aren't even necessarily a matter of the monthly stipend. It's a matter of what price makes sense in the system the devs have set up (and players are willing to go with), and this price point does neither.

    Undoubtedly people have bought this at the price point, but that doesn't mean it's something many players will like or are willing to do, and doesn't change the easily comparable fact that the Frisbee power is out of whack with the price point for other similar options out there. Spend how you want to spend, but don't tell me that this is a reasonable price, either.
  4. Grey Pilgrim

    Argh / Yay

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    If something's under 400 points and I have some interest, it's usually a no-brainer for me.

    Why would you pay for it, GP? 150? 100?
    ...I think I already said that it should be on par with the costume change emotes. So in the 100-120 range, can't recall their exact price off the top of my head. 150 even isn't bad. 250 is egregious and out of whack with the baselines they already have in the market.

    But keep throwing points and money at 'em, MG, they love you for it. I really am just teasing with that. How you spend is how you want to spend, but I'm never going to agree that some things like the frisbee power isn't too expensive in comparison to other things. As a baseline, I did throw out points for the New Year's pack. That was 160 points (160!) for an aura, costume change emote, and THREE different emotes. Yes, the animation for each of the fireworks emotes is the same (with a different effect), but you can't deny that pack had way more than a frisbee throwing power and was CHEAPER.

    For the rest, I actually wouldn't mind seeing Dilemma Diabolique being a little tougher. I don't want more gimmicks, I just think some parts of it could be more challenging. Like the... healing node thingies in the final phase. Making them have higher HPs or even lt. status wouldn't be a bad idea. It was pretty easy for 3 characters to drop them all with enough time to go and hit Diabolique between their being respawned. I'd actually say the Avatar or whatever phase earlier is tougher.

    But that is from my own, albeit limited experience. I'm sure whenever I run it without MP at the helm, it'll be more of a challenge.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    I also don't think its badly over priced. Fits in under the allowance nicely, works on every character.
    Really? The point isn't if it "fits into the allowance" at all. The issue is that it's drastically higher priced than other, purely fluff powers. I certainly would put the frisbee power on par with costume change animations. You don't NEED them, and they're just kind of fun. And they also required separate animation work. None of them are priced anywhere close to the frisbee power. They're half the price.

    The devs have an artificially created market with artificially created prices and values. They can throw whatever numbers they want in there, based on what customers seem willing to pay, sure enough. But the system has certain baselines already, and the price of the frisbee is completely out of whack with those.
  6. Grey Pilgrim

    Argh / Yay

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Yay for the Flying Disc!
    Yay for the flying disc, boo for the cost. I won't be surprised if you bought it already, MG, but that thing is way overpriced. It's a lot higher than costume change emotes, for instance, which is basically where I would put it at value for a player.

    I hate it, too, as I love ultimate frisbee and try to frisbee golf a little as well. I'd pick up this power for kicks and how well it was implemented, but the cost means it's on the "maybe but probably never" list for me.

    Anyway, other stuff. Yay for Darkness Control/Domination, argh for those powers being so tinted. Any other set with energy type powers (fire, rad, etc.) does not have nearly as much tinting. Heck, I was able to make Dark Armor look like water, something you can't do with Dark Control (unless you want oil in them there waters). Still, the set is pretty fun so far. Possess looks freaky and looks much better than other confuse powers. Yay for that.
  7. Zwill came on at one point and was having a throwing disc party in Atlas on the Victory server. I felt bad talking about how it was over-priced then, since it was just a fun "whee, let's have fun!" event that he was doing, but it really does bug me that this was over-priced by so much. It's a GREAT idea, great animation, and the temp power pass on is a great execution on and already great idea. It's a shame that the price is ruining what is otherwise a good (great? did I say that enough? ) thing.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    And lasts an ice age.
    Yes, your hyperbole is so true! It's completely out of whack compared to other nukes and doesn't get the job done like they do, at all!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    The flying disc is cool and a fun mini-game for players, but 250 points seems a bit much. especially since, unless they fixed things in beta, there's a chance you can permanently lose it.
    And I recall people thinking it was too high in the feedback thread to go to 100 points for this (or 120, which is a costume change power). I'd be okay with either of those figures. 250 is exorbitant, and I say that as someone that loves Ultimate Frisbee and thinks the animations are awesome (and I love that it gives a recievee a temp power to throw it back).

    I'm basically who this power was made for, and I'm dubious if I'll ever get it at this price. How much was the fireworks holiday set? Something like the same price or a little higher (I'd check if they gave us receipts like they should for our purchases)? You got tons more for that set.

    I don't know if they're throwing a dart at a price board or what, but it's getting silly for those fluff powers. At least try to balance your new stuff with what the old stuff costs, or take feedback into account. 250 points for this does neither.
  10. It's still goofy. I didn't even get my transfer on the 1st like I used to... not sure what that even means. Reward token is late in the month, but I forgot to keep track of the date I got it last month, so I'm not sure if it's about the same or not.
  11. The continuing rewards issues are my biggest pet peeves.

    Lesser on my list is the almost complete focus on new stuff! the devs have, rather than adding or tweaking old things that this game has. So many systems have been sitting around in need of some attention, and the same could go for alternate animations, etc. Heck, I found out that the Celestial set had a a bow and actual mace planned for it (rather than the weird axe/mace combo weapon), but somehow there wasn't time for those. The art for them looks amazing and they should have found time. I'd rather that than a pilgrim and firefighter hat, any day (or having those or similar items delayed more).

    I'd love them to go back and add them, but pfft, like that's going to happen with the above pet peeve of mine in place.

    Oh, last but not least, the habit of overpricing things in the market. I've fully adjusted to the 400 points for costume sets, 800 points for a powerset, but some of their "just for fun!" things are ridiculous. I love Ultimate Frisbee and got a kick out of them adding that power, but 250 points for a purely fluff power (even if it's animated amazingly well) is just silly. You can still see comments where people thought 100 points was too much when I suggested that (or 120, which I think is even with a costume change emote), and they went and doubled that. Seriously, they'd get people buying this stuff more if it made any sense at the price they put it at. And considering how many dog and other four-legged rigs we have in game, the pets and travel powers that use these are pushing it, too.
  12. Just as an FYI, a poster in the open beta process for Dual Pistols broke down the animation for Executioner's Shot, and there's really not anything that can be sped up or trimmed out that doesn't drastically affect the look of the animation. And if you start taking out parts of the animation (a pistol spin, etc.) you WILL get into the territory of ticking off people that like that part of the animation. Like me, for instance.

    And as the numbers earlier on this thread showed, Executioner's is not really that dramatically different in animation time from the other tier 3 heavy ST blasts. As with other things in the set, it's not the best, but on par... something that people always seem to ignore.

    At most, I'd agree that Swap Ammo could use more viability. The debuffs of cryo and toxic aren't enough to be worth it to a Blaster player, though it seems/sounds like they are closer for a Defender/Corr. Not sure if adding a DoT to them is the best solution, or upping the debuff amounts, or even making particular adjustments for each AT (if that's even possible). No matter what, I just want each ammo type to have a viable time to use it. Fire and lethal are about it for Blasters, which is kind of a shame.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    Zyphoid: No bow and shield, there just was not enough time allocated for them.
    I'd also note that the mace seen in that picture must have lost out, as we got a combo axe and mace model instead.

    It's a shame, because all three of these models look awesome and would look great in game. It would be really really really really be great if the time could be found somewhere for those, as I have characters that would love all of those. It's a shame that they somehow fell by the wayside.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    I also fail to see the logic in three seperate dates.
    What they said originally is that there aren't supposed to be three, and that they would like them to be the same day. But there was some kind of technical issue that was preventing it.

    Not sure if that's still the plan, or what. All in one day at the start of the month of purchase is what makes the most sense to me, but we're still not even close to that. What particularly bugs me about this is that there would not be such a long hold up if they had actual issues getting money from people. Since it's a reward, it doesn't seem to merit importance. Even if that's not the intent, that's the impression I've gotten from the start from the response to it.

    I find it particularly disturbing that the NCSoft customer support team and our community mods are so at odds over this in how things are supposed to work. Back in the fall when I was wondering what was happening with my points, CS told me at first that I wasn't supposed to get them until the end of the month of my purchase, even though that was at odds with what Zwill was telling us. I told them that, and then suddenly I was correct, but it took a few back and forth exchanges to find out what was going on.

    They really need to be clear on how this is currently working and what is intended and get the kinks out now. This isn't like a minor costume glitch or something in game.
  15. Grey Pilgrim

    Who Will Die?

    I guess I can see what people are saying, but I personally feel like our heroes are being made more important. It's been a trend with Apex and Tin Mage (and kind of the trials, though there, you're needing to work with so many people it's diluted a bit), but it really comes out strong here. You're the bulwark that is needed against something devastating. It's going to be a big showdown in mission 7, I would say.

    I'm also wondering where the story goes from here. Given this story arc, I can see it being a prelude to the Shadow Shard going co-op and being revamped (I haven't really played any of the new DA content so I can learn the story when it goes live, so maybe I can say more after that). They've also brought up the idea of Paragon getting "more" chaotic after Statesman's passing. They may play with that and try to continue upping the importance of our heroes, which would be nice. So would a better use of the Shadow Shard, to be honest.
  16. I bought a card for my nephew that had sound... I don't remember the card's setup, but it had a cow bungie-jumping, and it said "Cowabungie!" inside. The sound played was a loud "Moooo!" and the sound of the cow falling away. Apparently he opened the card a lot and said "Cowabungie!" a lot as well. We didn't have to hear any of the racket, though. It's good to be an uncle from afar.

    Gratz, Chad! Have fun with the kids and then have fun giving 'em back to their parents, while you get to relax at home!
  17. Staff Weapons pairs pretty nicely with SR. Been running it on test... Guarded Spin + CJ + your melee defense toggle will get you in the 30s to melee defense early on! Hehe. The auto power (forget the name) gets you up to the low 40s. The RNG can still hate you, but he's doing well so far.
  18. If you have Fiery Aura questions, feel free to always check out my guide, too. It's Fire/Fire, but it discusses Fiery Aura quite a bit and you can easily adapt to other secondaries. I kind of have more of a budget build approach in there, but my main is quite solid with that and Cardiac. He does great on the Trials and really only hates the uber mez stuff in them now. I prefer running him with Barrier, but he has Clarion as well to help with those annoying trial bits.

    Going to technically go more expensive with him and put that ATIO proc in Scorch, but you can pick it up for four hundred reward merits. All that resistance on top of Cardiac, your shields, and tough, should make that more than worth it... and that's a good bit more cheap than the PVP +3% resist enhancement.
  19. Grey Pilgrim

    New Contest

    Not sure when I'll ever be able to have the points for these. Been saving for the Valkyrie set and Staff Fighting when that goes live, and Cupid's Bow looks pretty good, too. That's probably all I can afford for the next couple months with my stipend, and I don't have the money that some *cough*crazymentalgiants*cough* seem to have for this stuff.
  20. Grey Pilgrim

    New Contest

    Think I got all the pieces in about five packs when I tested it on beta. Think I'd only want the robe option, anyway. Sorry about the spending spree, MG.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Take a number and get in line ... Pilgrim ...
    Hmmm, Kheldians should have a pretty low number, then, since I'm pretty sure a faster formshift has been requested since... they came out? I3ish?
  22. Welcome, Honey Badger! As someone who has had a few nicknames I did not entirely care for (though my favorite unintentional one is still "Big Fricking Swede"), I can feel for your plight.

    Let me put out a request for new FX/animation for the Kheldian shapeshift. Arbiter Hawk wanted to shorten this back in I21, but it looked weird when it was shortened. It was apparently put on the list of things to work on the future and still needs doing.

    Making this improvement would be a HUGE help in how well Kheldians perform, and Kheldian players all over would love it if you and Tunnel Rat or whoever could do this sooner rather than later. We've been wanting a faster form change for years, not just since I21! Seriously, I will make a thread dedicated to your awesomeness in the Kheldian forums if you can do this.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    Really, that's what they fix? Unbelievable.
    I'll take it. Makes those powers more worth taking and using. And alas, they are useful, even on fairly tough characters. My Claws/Invuln Scrapper was never defeated while solo, and had a bad string of luck on a MoM trial. Sure, part of it was because he was only +1, but he was dropped once when rezzing (and not from pink patches). If we're going to have a self rez power, it should be useful and much better than a break free.

    I would love to see even more fixes, but it's something. As I have noted more than once, Khelds have so many wonky things going on throughout their powers list, it's hard to keep track of what needs doing. I didn't even notice this issue, but I'm glad it was fixed.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I agree with that. But... how about both? Let Nova be a breakfree ish thing by letting you use the first two powers while mezzed too.
    Seconded... thirded? Nova really could use the help, and this would be a big part of it. And Light Form's mez protection doesn't apply to this argument, as the 6-38 stretch is a big one, not to mention Light Form's downtime for many builds. And Warshades not having anything until Clarion.
  25. I dunno... my Beam Blaster seems to be evening out for end use now that he has two thunderstrike sets and a Posi slotted, though he does have 2 end mods in Stamina and a Performance Shifter +end as well. He's still in the late 20s, though.

    Still, I would agree that it seems like a more end intensive blast set than others.

    I'd be up for one more run with this round of Isos. Wouldn't mind doing at least one of the incarnate TFs to get more shards and a component... wouldn't think Dr. K or ITF would be too hard to fit in, even if we waited a bit to start and only teamed up those that wanted to do it/had time.