Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Water Blast launches on Tuesday. Going to roll one for the next run.
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    I don't know what to pair with it
    Bah, I'll have to wait to buy until my account gets a new month on the 15ish. Hopefully that will be easy enough, the rewards system is working a little better there (still no idea why they give reward tokens toward the END of your month of subscription).

    I'm pairing Water Blast with Psychic for a Blaster and coloring both silver. Haven't played Psy very far on a Blaster yet and I saved the name "Silverlode." Should be pretty fun, lot of fun mechanics in both sets that should work well.

    Energy was another obvious pairing, but I have way too many Blasters with that secondary.
  2. Happy belated birthday! Didn't notice this yesterday.
  3. I'm in with GP (fire/fire tanker). He still needs Green Stuff at least, despite more than a few attempts (including one hilariously silly one). Not sure about Loves a Challenge, but he at least needs the one.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    For some reason I didn't have that issue with Martin Sheen's performance beyond the first scene he showed up in.

    Overall though it was a fun movie. Different from the Toby Maguire film but for me it was just as entertaining.
    It could just be from seeing them via trailers, though I did see some more in depth bits with Sally Field when she was being interviewed on some morning "news" program. Martin Sheen I can usually roll with and he does seem to get into the role more, or at least enough that he feels a bit like his character. Sally Field is kind of like Tom Cruise in that she's playing herself in her roles. Sometimes that works, sometimes that doesn't, and it just feels weird to me with Aunt Mae.

    I may get over it and see it in a rental at some point, but I doubt I will in the movie theater. Even if an air-conditioned theater on a hot day sounds good.
  5. I dunno if I'll ever see this or not. I saw no need for it with how recent the other movies were, and I really like the first and second one. Sounds like they did an okay job with this one, but it's hard to be interested in it.

    Also feels weird to have Sally Field as Aunt Mae. Martin Sheen as well, even though I like him. I think the issue with them is they're so well known is that it's hard to see them as the character in the movie, rather than themselves.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    When I was in college, these would sometimes go on sale for like a buck:

    I am embarrassed to say I still occasionally crave them. And that I was in college back when these could be purchased for a buck.
    Totino's? No, my wife and I never, ever buy those anymore. Never, no sir.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
    Wow. If people did the same to you on the forums they'd either be moderated for it or banned. I wonder why... it couldn't be because it's... hateful? wrong? rude?

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Wait, you were serious?!
    Of course! Internet hate is srs bsns. I don't get it, but it is. I don't particularly care for Angelina Jolie, but you don't see me trolling the internet about it or making up conspiracy theories to support my dislike. WAY too much effort... I'd rather just ignore celebrities I don't care for.

    This hate is also more amusing (bemusing?) because Luli ends these statements with "love."
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Oh c'mon... obvious attempt at publicity/notoriety for the "journalist".
    Any publicity/traffic is usually good publicity/traffic.
    Looks like things may have gone bad for him, but who knows how it'll play out in the end.
    Not necessarily, but that often seems to be the excuse for a lot of the stupid, over the top things said by celebrities and journalists. Some other things are just plain stupid through and through.

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Based on my observations, these seem to be the prime requisites for any woman who wants to pursue a media career. (see: Fern Cotton)

    The person in question may be the exception - as I said, I have no idea who she is.
    Woo. Maintaining the stereotype...

    Not denying that it doesn't happen, but still...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Now that is a statement I agree with 150% (it was only 100% but then I used agreement enhancements)
    Pffft. I'm at 200%. Newb.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post

    I never liked her, ever. She's a glorified booth babe and doesn't even game.
    Well, at least you're out there with your over the top hate.

    You don't like her, you don't like her. Fine. Leave out statements that are basic equivalents to calling someone a trashy, brainless bimbo.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Likely because you've never BEEN a guest at a con.

    The various personalities invited to cons have handlers to escort them around, provide security, keep them on schedule, and get them out of various awkward situations.

    And I'm now sure, from the Lambo comment, that this is nothing more than the green monster.

    She was a geek and a gamer and made something out of her life in the entertainment industry and gained wider recognition.

    You... didn't.

    Not attractive at all man.

    But envy seldom is.
    Just to provide a reminder of why those handlers are around in cons... Wil Wheaton was surrounded by fans outside a restaurant during a con, and they would not let him through, because he OWED them autographs and his time, right at that moment. Felicia helped extricate him. He actually did the same for her some weeks before that incident.

    Handlers sounds hoity-toity, and they can be, but there are reasons for them, sadly.

    And even then, Felicia Day does not always have handlers. One of the main people for Child's Play was being interviewed by the recent Mario Marathon 5 crew, and she said that a woman on her own asked her for directions at a recent con. Only after did she realize it was Felicia Day. Funny.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I got crap for being who I am.
    As opposed to trying to pretend to be something I'm not (and make money off of it).

    If I had been trying to convince the jocks I was a football star in order to score with cheerleaders when I couldn't play for crap, then the situation would be comparable.
    So... what's the basis for you thinking she's not a gamer, other than not crossing some arbitrary commitment line to games? If you've seen any of her frequent talks or videos about games, she clearly plays them a lot and enjoys them. And I suppose you could call it all faked, but... wow, that's stretching it. Unless you're one of those that thinks actors are acting all the time...

    Man, my handlers never page me when I'm appearing as a guest at cons. Do yours when you do? If they did I'd probably just leave the phone in my Lamborghini.
    Kind of being elitist about elitists, aren't you? Somewhat funny...

    Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
    With people's over inflated sense of self, they tend to think that freedom of speech is freedom from repercussions. It does not work that way. All freedom of speech does is say that the government cannot take action against you (with exceptions) for what you say and that's it.

    We are not the government. The public can and will take action and if your job depends on public goodwill then you best bet will always be STFU and think about what you are about to do or say first.

    Heard from the Dixie Chicks lately? They learned first hand that they can literally talk themselves out of a career.
    In their defense, it's a pity that they couldn't have an opinion on current events without there being repercussions. That said, you're quite right in saying they didn't really think it through, especially given their audience base. It's kind of why I think celebrities should keep way away from politics in general if they want to keep focused on their original career.

    Anyway, to the topic in general, the response from some male gamers to Felicia Day and female gamers in general is mystifying. I don't know how any female likes playing any FPS game, since the reaction of far too many on a standard server is to be bombarded by joking and serious comments on their sex, how they can't believe she's a girl, and far worse. This isn't 100% the case (and I even played in a BF2 clan with a woman who was freaking deadly in a helicopter), but it's pretty common.

    And then there's stuff like male gamers attacking a woman raising money on kickstarter to research the relationship between games and women. She didn't even put up a clear cut theory or argument (as I understood it) and the misogynists came out of the woodwork, attacking her via every internet outlet possible.

    For Felicia Day, it utterly baffles me. If you don't like her personality or the shows she makes (or has been on), that's fair enough. But attacking her geek/gamer cred or even getting misogynistic about it is bizarre, as is making statements about her doing nothing for gaming or internet culture. You can dislike Led Zeppelin and Felicia Day, but trying to say they didn't have an impact on their prospective fields is being blind at best.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Placta View Post
    One that I didn't believe reading it in the credits after watching the movie: In Moulin Rouge!, Audrey, the writer who storms out rather than collaborate with Christian, is played by David Wenham, Faramir from The Lord of the Rings.
    You forget to add that he was dressed as a woman. That made Faramir kind of disturbing to me once I realized it was the same actor. *shudders*

    I'm still trying to wash my brain out after an image someone put up on this forum of Mr. Smith/Elrond/Hugo Weaving in drag for a movie role. Heh.

    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Time to pull out the Real Genius and Top Secret! DVDs.
    Or Top Gun. Or Heat. Or Tombstone. Or who knows how many more movies I'm not thinking of without looking at IMDB.

    Anyway. Bunch of people keep bringing up Mark Hamill as the Joker. I think the first time I figured it out was after seeing one of my favorite Batman cartoons for the second time, where the Joker is infecting people in Gotham with some kind of gas barge on the river. Has some awesome music, and then my brother or I noticed "Mark Hamill" by The Joker. Blew our minds about as much as The Usual Suspects a little later (we watched that one twice in a row).

    Which incidentally had Pete Postlethwaite in it, who played minor roles in all kinds of crazy and all over the place movies, like Inception, Romeo and Juliet, and even Dragonheart.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Considering I linked a picture from Major League, I'd say, yes, I know who he is. I didn't realize it was him in H&M due to the way he was dressed and that scruffy beard. It didn't look like him and didn't even know he was in the show till I saw the credits w/his name.
    Well hey, my students, who were all in the 19-22 range, didn't know who Val Kilmer was. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, after all!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    I didn't realize till tonight that Jim Vance in Hatfields & McCoys was the guy on the right:

    Please tell me you knew that was Tom Berenger and you're not like my college students this year who didn't know who Val Kilmer is.

    Most people have given out the ones that I knew (like Jack Black in X-Files). Vincent D'Onofrio as Thor blew my mind.

    Most of Liam Niesson's smaller parts have been noted, but I know I was surprised to see him in the role of a priest in The Mission (excellent movie if you haven't seen it) along Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    In a thread EXPLICITLY talking about a fictional work that purports to satirize fascism?

    Extra points for finding a facepalm pic with Nazis in it!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Robocop was Verhoeven's brilliantly satirical film. If Starship Troopers satirizes anything, its over the top goofy war movies.
    Getting to this virulent thread late, but this is the most apt description I've seen of the movie. I've been perplexed by the people that think it's a brilliant satire of government, society, and war (like the movie works on the same level as Wag the Dog or Dr. Strangelove). You nailed a good response.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't believe authors are allowed to change their minds about their intent after the fact. That is tantamount to lying. However, I do believe that story-telling is a form of communication. Like all communication, its the responsibility of the speaker to attempt to be as clear as possible about the ideas being communicated, and its the responsibility of the listener to make reasonable effort to understand the speaker's intent.

    The moment the listener says the intent of the speaker no longer matters, and his or her interpretation of the words is the only thing that matters and not the speaker's intent, as far as I'm concerned they've lost the right to act like a reasonable listener. They've opted out of the right to have their own words mean anything. I choose to interpret the words of Death of the Author advocates as claiming that they are insecure sociopaths that like eating ice cream in darkened rooms while giggling nervously to themselves. And because my interpretation of their words is the only thing that matters, they have no say in the matter.

    They could of course argue that it not fair to grossly alter the meaning of the words they use in that way and some objective standard exists to translate words to meaning, but I interpret that to mean they are sleepy and want a nap.

    Or to put it another way, Death of the Author can pucker up for me as well. My *only* exemption is if an author says his intent was X in writing something, and then years later claims his intent was something completely different, I believe the author that wrote it carries more weight than the author that is now reflecting on it.
    Death of the Author strikes me as a critics trying to get back at creators for the frequent quip "if you can't create, critique."

    CS Lewis had a good line on the issue, something to the effect of "if you read a poem without minding the author's intent, you're reading your own poem, not the author's. If you like making your own poem, all well and good, but don't confuse it with the author's poem, please."
  18. Water Blast has an amazing look and I'd love to run my planned Water/Psy Blast through, but I don't know that this will happen. I'm sure Water Blast will go Live before I24, though.

    We'll see how I do with this Arch/TA Corruptor at least. Can always switch to my Staff/Willpower Stalker if I need to.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Peregrine Island
    • Portal Corporation - Fixed an issue where Unai Kemen's missions were directing players into Dark Astoria.
    Hope they included other contacts that reference portals with this. I know Maria Jenkins sent me to one of these for a mission or so of hers.
  20. So... is there a new round starting tomorrow, or what's the story?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    LOL the money blaster. Why not just have a skill that lets you burn points for DPS ?
    I can haz pay 2 win?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The nasty catch to pencil cones is that they benefit stronger players. I wish both power bolt and power blast were pencil cones: I'd take a hit in damage but I would get to hit multiple targets with them. At the difficulty levels I play on, I can easily beat the AoE factor of 1.195. But the average player would probably have a more difficult time doing that with a blaster.
    Ohhh, I kind of like the idea of Power Blast being a pencil cone. Kind of thematic, to my mind. But I can also see why people wouldn't like that. I find hitting more than one target with Piercing Rounds trivial on teams and generally easy at x2 or x3 soloing, but most seem to complaining about it as well.

    Still, it seems like the extra work it takes to use Piercing Rounds an AOE should be accounted for better. I'm curious to see what adjustments Synapse made to the set.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    After stewing on the snipe changes, I think the current proposed snipes are TOO strong. Blast sets need improvement and snipes definitely need help, but this change focuses too much buff into one power/mechanic.

    I would propose that the fast snipe animation times all have 1 second added back in (but still no interrupt).

    Those that would have been 0.67, become 1.67 (1.848 arcanatime).
    1 second becomes 2 (2.244)
    1.33 seconds becomes 2.33 (2.508)
    1.67 seconds becomes 2.67 (2.904)

    This allows the animation to look nicer, still allows the snipes to have very solid DPA, while not focusing quite so much improvement into just one power (and the one to-hit mechanic).

    Other stuff should be done to help range sets as well, of course, but I think the snipes would be much more reasonably positioned at the animation times I listed.
    We might have to see what the animations look like to know. I believe Arbiter Hawk said some of the really short ones look weird as is and will be lengthened a bit.

    Other limiters could be recharge or just Aim and Build Up auto-triggering, or something like those things (dropping the To Hit requirement altogether). I also don't know how weird it might be for the standard snipes to increase their activation below the already lengthy interrupt. Can those two things be differentiated by the game?

    At this point I'm a big a worn out the subject and just want to see what we test first. I don't know which of these insta-snipe ideas is better than just keeping them as they work and upping their damage more to make them worth using that way.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    It seems one thing the sniper change is doing is reinvigorating the AoE is all that matters camp. Which I think is a good thing, because if there's going to be inaccurate nonsense on the forums, it might as well be balanced in both directions so most players assume its all noise.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    They require exactly one: Aim or TD. If the devs make reasonable changes to blaster tohit mechanics, probably BU as well. Everything else is min/maxing, and min/maxing is never required.
    My comments were/are based on what we have now and what we know of the changes. If Aim and Build Up become auto triggers for Blasters, I'll be more happy with the Snipe changes we can see so far (I think I noted that in another thread... hard to keep track of them all).

    And as for the min/maxing stuff, I quite agree, but... there are such things as encouraging certain build decisions. I see enough people figuring out what needs to be done for insta-snipes to be concerned, and can see why they are doing it as well. I also think there are better/easier ways to prevent insta-snipes than the to hit buff. Last, but not least, I prefer the mechanic/power to work consistently. People weight this differently, I guess, but I'd like staple attacks to be more consistent between sets.

    That's enough for me to want further work on the proposal, but I'm fairly sure that's going to happen.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I am not saying we shouldn't discuss it. Simply that we shouldn't lose our cool over it and scream "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!". When all is said and done, the devs just aren't going to hand us IWIN buttons and call it a day. If Hybrid's released form is any indication, most of us hoping for perma-fast snipe awesomsauce will probably be highly disappointed with the outcome of all this LOL! For all we know when snipes are fast they do half damage or some such. Just look at how assassin strike works.
    Well, there are some that are getting a bit bleak about how this is a lame improvement for Blasters and such, but that's not that many people. Maybe I'm reading the wrong threads, but I don't see any sky is falling from anyone other than the usual people that act that way.

    We'll see where it goes in beta, but Hybrid when it hit beta had at least some indications that the devs didn't want it up all the time. Snipes current proposal seems to be okay with it being perma if there is enough investment from the build (both from the numbers and Hawk's comments in the Blaster thread).

    Out of curiosity, what do you mean by Assassin's Strike? It works pretty well right now across powersets and is a great boost to my Stalkers' combat ability. I wish the Snip proposal worked as well.