Grey Pilgrim

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  1. QR

    There were... hate posts because you posted about being the number one group? Yeesh, some people are a bit competitive. And I always play to win, too... I just don't get all angsty if I lose.
  2. SG message says 23, and it was 21/22 last week, so I do not think that was a typo on Hammy's part. Could be wrong, of course, since there are a fair amount of 24s in the SG now. Wouldn't be the first time this has happened, though.

    I know I'm at 24, but I'm working to be caught up to next week's target level, as I'm going to be gone this Wednesday- I'm out of town for my wife and I's anniversary!
  3. Yeah, I've got no issue with more events going on and more people having fun, I just think we have enough ways to communicate such events already. So, whatever all the Victory United folks want to do should use the established channels (not just talking about in-game channels) to make sure that they reach the broadest range of people, and in the easiest fashion possible.

    So, not a negative thing at all, just an idea about getting out the message as well as possible.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Am I the only one who does NOT want to see power customization EVER hit this game?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it's possible for them to do PC without changing how the effects look on the character. It probably is also going to depend on the powerset... I can't see them making Dark powers be tintable to anything other than Dark, you know? Hard to say, of course.

    Personally, I'm more in favor of them adding more animations to the game... I don't like seeing the same Footstomp animation ported to a bunch of different powers (even if they added some glitzy lights to the Kheld powers, for instance, they're still the footstomp animation). *sighs* Probably isn't going to happen, since that idea was shot down in the discussion section by all the "give me more powersets naow!" crowd. No matter that more proliferation means seeing more of the same animations throughout.
  5. Don't believe it if he pays it, Calash. The pie is a lie!
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    I play on Victory, so yeah...Low population. Or should I say an almost strictly farming server of noone lower than 40. lol

    I still may try MA. I was thinking of MA/WP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *buzzer sounds* Try again, please. Anecdotal evidence is so weak because, yeah, it's anecdotal. I have an MA/Regen that I recently got to 50 on Victory, and I have played with plenty of MA heroes on Victory, too. Oh, and I have plenty of heroes (and two villains) that are under level 40 on Victory, nor do I farm. At all.

    So who's right? No one, really. Unless you have the actual numbers of who plays MA on Victory server (and compare it to what they used to be), you can't say. I just have seen way too many of these "does anyone play X powerset anymore? I haven't seen many" threads, so sorry about getting angsty about it.

    Amyway, MA is a great, fun set. I'd say it's solid from the get-to and stays there all the way to 50... other sets may outperform it in some areas, but it's a Scrapper set, which means it's solid.
  7. What is the main purpose of a Fire/Fire Tanker? Well, you're a Tanker, so like any other Tanker, you can take a lot of punishment, be it solo or for your team. A Fire/Fire Tanker has the image/distinction of also being more offensive (I would say Fiery Aura and Shields are both more offensively oriented than other Tank sets, but it's important to note that they both can still TANK, and tank well).

    I would think just about any decent approach to Fire/Fire could handle a bunch of demons, no problem. For builds, your best bet is to download Mid's hero designer (can find it off the Paragon Wiki pretty easily) and see what you want to do. I will say if you're wanting an ST build for PvP, Fire/Fire is a bit weaker on ST damage until 35 and 38 when you get your big ST attacks. Before that, it's much more AOE oriented. After, it's great for AOE and ST damage.

    If you want a lot of AOE damage, going for the Pyre Mastery Epic set is the way to go for sure, but that doesn't open up until the 40s (but as I said before, Fire/Fire is already good for AOE before that). For IOs, you'll have to poke around the markets and that Mid's Builder as much as you can. Prices fluctuate, and some sets are cheaper than others. Your best bet is to make an overall plan (do you want more defense? recharge? damage? etc.) and stick to it well. Don't start buying sets until you know for sure what your overall plan is, to save money.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe I understand your position. However I see no reason to attempt to dissuade ANYone from helping others enjoy their time on our home server.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No one is trying to dissuade you from having fun on Victory (I think we all like our server and want other quality players to hang out with us). However, what everyone is saying is that what you are proposing already exists. If you have an event planned, post it on the forums. If it's a "Mega Event," work with PERC, the community mods, and the weekly newsletter to get the word out there.

    And if you're doing something impromptu, use Victory Badges, Victory Badges 2009, and the Victory Forum channel to get things going. The best thing to do with any event is to use already established forms of communication (only making new ones when there is nothing already in place), as this guarantees that the biggest audience will hear your message. By trying to create new channels of communication when ones already exist, you're setting the bar for your communication to get out to your audience too high.
  9. May try to make this if I can. We'll see, though.
  10. Meh.

    Seriously, people get too worked up about it. If your teammates are buffing pretty well and helping you, it's all good. No need to kick or be angsty because you didn't get your SB crack the second you wanted it. Withholding it is bad for a Kin, I suppose, but they can do a lot as well beyond SB.

    Seriously, it's about as bad as the whole "need a healer" thing. I love it when I get complimented for my heals as an Earth/Storm, like O2 Boost heals a lot or something. It's my buffs and debuffs that are really helping. So ease up, relax. Be polite. Makes things a lot easier in game and in the world.
  11. Grey Pilgrim

    all MM LGTF


    Penny is having way too much fun with Voo, lately. I could almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
  12. QR

    Ah, I just thought of Cobra Strike as well... you may want to consider taking that, as it can take a tough lieutenant or minion out of the fight for awhile as well. Quite useful when you need to heal or regen a lot.
  13. Grey Pilgrim

    Fear and RTTC

    Ah, I wasn't sure how the game "counted" the debuff component. That's good- I was looking forward to jumping into a mob and fearing most of them, hehe. It's already fun with just one opponent. "I see into your soul, $target, and see what you fear. I am much, much worse!"

    *added* I'm going for Presence Pool on top of Touch of Fear, Des. I wanted to be able to fear a boss or a group quickly (trying to look for an alternative to "get really tough and defensive," since that's what I do with my many Tanks). I will always use ToF first, though, as it's got that great to-hit debuff component.

    Thanks for your help, too!
  14. Grey Pilgrim

    Fear and RTTC

    I have a DM/WP Scrapper that I'm enjoying leveling up, and I was going to go for a "Scare my opponents" approach, and getting Intimidate, etc. from the Presence pool. Sounded fun, different, and in line with my hero's concept. However, how does RTTC interact with Fear powers? Since it has a - to-hit that affects enemies near me, will this cause them to occasionally shake off their fear and hit me back? Maybe not the end of the world for my "fear" plan, but it does make it seem a little less good than I thought it would be.

    I figured I would ask before I got out of the teens and made some wrong power picks.
  15. QR

    A lot of sets work well with MA. I have an MA/Regen myself that was great fun and very active.
  16. You probably should post your build so we can really see what you are doing (attacks matter as well!) with other power picks and slotting. My MA/Regen was on easy street until he started encountering some hard hitting mobs like the Warriors and Tuatha, so I picked up Tough to give me a bit more time to heal and Regen.

    For your Power Pool/Travel powers, I'd recommend either Leaping or Flight. Pick up Air Superiority or Jump Kick (I'd say Air Superiority is better, but Jump Kick can be fun), as both can help knock down your opposing mob and make them hit you less. I have Air Superiority on mine, and it was great for taking out a hard-hitting lieutenant for a bit (or for me to defeat him while he was down, heh). Combat Jumping can also be used to start you out with some defense (I eventually picked up Weave and a bunch of defense from IO sets, which make him quite robust), though I'd grab it after Air Superiority or Jump Kick.

    Also, learn to know when you are taking a lot of damage: for tough fights, you can use Dull Pain after the first hit to heal back some damage, or you can pop it before the fight to give you added survivability. There are other tricks, but those can help as well.
  17. Yeah, buffing can get old fast. I don't know if I'm ever going to go back to playing my Bots/FF MM, because I got sick of resetting the Shields all the time (and I usually didn't throw them on my pets, either... running a bunch of 8-man teams made me sick of it after awhile).

    For some reason, healing to me isn't as big of a chore, maybe because you feel like you're saving someone from faceplanting. Pain Domination has its share of buffs (I only cast Enforced Morale if someone asks for it, they're mezzed, or my pets are goign up against Scrapyarders ).

    So yeah, I can understand it when SB isn't kept up all the time. It is, however, a fairly important/useful power in the Kinetics set, though. So not handing it out is a little odd (though I can understand a backlash against those whining for it, too).
  18. There are players that don't want SB on them, actually. I think the best form of etiquette on this now is for the Kin to ask who wants SB and to act accordingly. But if they're not handing you a Speed Boost when you want it, why don't you ask? You can only really be annoyed if they won't do it after you ask (politely).
  19. How'd you miss out on the 100 enhancements we had laying around for everyone?

    I'll try to make some up... I still have to get my badge/memorization for the 25/30 damage and recharge enhancements, so I'll dump some of those off when I make them. I'll make some heal ones as well (ancient bone supply is low or else I might have memorized that one tonight).

    Boy, Thug minions sure are fragile. Most bosses can kill them in a blow (or if they just have a little off, etc.). Makes soloing a bit interesting, or a team when you run into about 6 Freak Tanks at once, heh. It'll be nice to get the Bruiser to run in and grab some aggro first.
  20. Yeah, is anyone missing out on anything currently? We can make what you need.
  21. Ha! I like the drive me closer one... I always thought it was funny how so many of the 40K guys had swords (it really on make sense for those close combat space marines).
  22. Yeah, my Fire/Fire Tanker that can run around solo clearing the walls in Cimerora and other things that are fairly "tough" to do has had trouble with some MA mobs. I remember one fairly not well done story arc (story was not good, mobs were annoyingly tough) that had tons of bosses, some with Fire, some with Dark, and some with Ice powers. They liked to rez, too, and the 8-man team I was on had its hands full with one mob, let alone the 2-3 mobs that were stacked in close and liked to join in.
  23. He's talking about those Warhammer tabletop strategy games (that Blizzard borrowed/stole from to make the Warcraft world). Warhammer 40K is set in the way future in space. So think WoW in space with that, I guess, as there are Orcs that like to blow things up, etc. As I said, I always liked the Space Marines .

    My brother had a couple friends that were in to Warhammer, and I always wanted to play too. If only the figurines didn't cost you an arm and a leg (I think in high school 12 years ago they cost $30 for one squad of Space Marines).

    Anyway, they brought out Warhammer as an MMO, too.
  24. Oh, I dunno. There are RPers on Victory as well, and some of us actually wouldn't mind doing it more, if I recall past posts correctly. I could probably make a costume for my AR/Energy blaster (Agent Janus) that could look like a Space Marine if enough people were interested in doing something like this (always liked those guys and some of the soldier units for the Empire, forget their name).