1516 -
I was never even tempted to buy inspirations before but now I can definitely see buying them on impulse... like suddenly being "the" tank on a Statesman.
I was tempted to buy some IO sets but not at the price they were. These are much better.
I love seeing the super boosters back on sale in their old form. I already own them all but it's a good precedent. -
I am excited to see some solo/small team content for 50's and DA/Mot are perfect in my opinion. I'm hoping for some long meaty story contacts for both alignments and an awesome task force. No doubt it will all be very short because everything has been short lately (for the get-it-over-with-already crowd) but I can hope.
I'll miss the ghosts but them and the fog kind of went together I guess. I'm sure it'll still be a creepy place.
Thanks to DR for the recap on the zone remake itself! I for one definitely appreciate it. -
Quote:I see, so more of a communication issue... transmitting 6 codes (however long) instead of 3 for arms/shoulders/gloves times however many people are within view of you. I guess I can understand that. I don't like it but I can understand it.Those parts aren't graphics intensive - they're still just single costume parts with built-in-asymmetry - the graphics intensive part is giving player models all the extra textures to render that would come from having spearate left and right costume parts.
For example, right now the game only has to render one texture for your legs, because you can only have one type of leg part - but by letting players have separate left and right leg parts, the game then has to render twice as many textures for the legs. -
Quote:This is exactly what I mean. Arms are the classic - right heavily armored up to the shoulder to hold the sword and left lightly armored to hold the shield, true gladiator type armor. Blouses that hang on one shoulder would be another. I never understood why we couldn't have separate categories for left and right shoulders, arms, and gloves at the very least.I don't think different sized body parts are what most players mean when they talk about asymmetry - they mean being able to have different costume parts for the right and left sides of their body - like choosing to have your left leg be armored, but your right leg have normal pants - or a single shoulder pad instead of always havign to have 2.
It isn't like we have no asymmetry at all in the game. We have lopsided capes and the whole single-shoulder cape category. I think the male barbarian chest straps are asymmetrical as well. I'm mystified by this whole "graphics intensive" argument. It just doesn't ring true. -
A surprising number of my friends (rp and non-rpers alike) have or plan to purchase the dog so, at least for them, it wasn't too expensive. The rp'ers main complaint is that they can't use it with Walk and the dog isn't fast enough to keep up with high level characters running. If we could at least get the vanity pets back to being click powers instead of toggles, or speed up the dogs to match their owner's non-sprint run speed, it would make them very happy.
Personally, I won't be buying it even if it is very cool. I don't have enough points to get what I want now much less have 500 to spare for that. -
It is definitely still broken.
Quote:This did work! Thanks!Not sure if this will work or not, but if your second or third build is empty (i.e. you haven't used it), try switching to that one first before editing costume. Since it's technically 'level 1' as a result of never visiting trainers, it should mean Mace Mastery isn't selected and as such, you should be able to edit costume... maybe.
Once you're done, if the costume changes stick, just change your build back to your normal one.
I have no idea if this works or not, haha. -
Ever since issue 21 I can't get this program to recognize that I'm playing, which of course means I can't export my characters for Mids. I tried downloading the latest Mids (1.952) and Sentinel (0.94e) but it still doesn't work.
I don't see any installation instructions but I never had any problems running them in the past. Any ideas? -
Thank you.
ROFL - I had to Google that to know what you were talking about. I have to admit that someplace in my subconscious that image may have been banging on the bars trying to get out. -
I may actually give this a try now. Thanks for the quick guide.
Who gets the temp powers? Is it random like in Lambda? If so do you have trouble with people not using them... like in the Lambda?
Thanks and yes. I can definitely recommend Mark and intend to make use of his services again in the future.
Updated original post with the new piece. I'm very happy with it. I especially liked the moon he added.
Don't feel alone. I did too. But then I didn't even know there was a clue to be read. Guess I never looked prior to exiting the mission.
Quote:You are confusing Megan aka Ms Liberty and Alexis aka Miss Liberty (retired).As a former villain, as someone who hated Longbow passionately even before the Second Rikti War, I somehow expected the chance to kill, or stand by and watch somebody else kill, the CEO of Longbow to be more satisfying. Maybe it's because I knew that a Rulu-shin cultist was planning on benefiting from it; more likely it's because I was hoping that her death would have something to do with the fact that she runs an above-the-law mercenary company that uses flamethrowers to make arrests.
States/Marcus married Stephan Richter's sister Monica (all three had grown up together). Marcus and Monica had one child (we know of) whom they named Alexis after one of their friends (who happen to be one of the three Furies of antiquity). Alexis inherited Monica's Liberty Belt (given to her by said Furies) and was a heroine in her own right. Eventually she had Megan who was just a young child when Monica died of cancer but was already showing signs of great strength.
Megan grew up, inherited the belt when Alexis retired, and is now head of Longbow as Ms Liberty - Statesman's granddaughter. -
You get a dialog option to remind her who you are (and it offered both morality choices to choose from for some reason). Her response is "I thought I did that on my own" and then goes on to explain why she is mad "even if" but she obviously doesn't remember you, her formerly highly regarded BFF.
I understand that otherwise would have been two long dialog trees to write (one for resistance praetorians where she's slightly friendlier and one for betrayers and all others) but I was still disappointed. It doesn't help that I don't agree with her premise for being angry at me.
There have been a few other instances of brief recognition in that first half that were sort of cool but really, if that's the best it gets then it isn't worth it to me to stay a praetorian. I'll give those few brief smiles (or frowns) up in order to have sooner access to tips, signature arcs, supergroups, costume missions, etc.
YMMV obviously. -
Quote:She was a heroine, that attitude and bravery doesn't just drop off your personality the moment you put the cape in the closet and retire. We have several instances in the lore where retired heroes make one last brave stand despite age and slipping powers. Sure she should be nervous, but not cowed.I actually disagree with these points specifically. She WAS once a heroine. Not anymore. We don't have any idea how long she's been out of the hero-ing business, but long enough that she's gone back to being an otherwise ordinary civilian. There's reason enough there for her to be nervous in these situations.
Reminds me of a Batman/Superman comic where Supes is sick and weak. They are getting ready to descend into the big-bad's lair when Batman tells Clark that he can probably handle it without him. Superman asks "Should I only be brave when I'm completely invulnerable?" or something similar. Batman just nods and the two go down into the lair. -
Quote:These are really the only points I agree with. The contact goes on for multiple paragraphs setting up the scene. Everything about who Alexis is (Statesman's Daughter), why she's involved (trickery the US government falls for and she agrees to), what Blitz instends to accomplish (blackmail) are all spelled out. The rest comes out during the final mission when things get twisted around.- She spent the whole time being kidnapped and cowering. As she was a former superheroine in her own right, I would have expected to fight her (even if she were horribly underleveled to reflect her loss of the Liberty Belt) and defeat her to deliver her to Malaise and Wade. As an alternative, a scripted event where she escapes by some clever ruse and I have to chase her down would have been nice.
- She just gets shot and dies. No defiant last quip. No empty threat about angering Statesman, or hollow expression of faith that he would save her at the last minute. No special sad music. This is not how a former hero should go out. Not even in a villain-centric story.
But I do agree that Alexis should have been more heroic with a more fitting end than a bullet. We do have to remember that she was helpless at the end so it wasn't like she could get any last quips off - she got out her threats and hollow expressions during the kidnapping and that could have been handled better.
Overall though, I liked the story, both hero and villain with a slight edge to the villain story which was more satisfying because you know more and don't have to fight those annoying arachnoids. -
Quote:I did it last night and have to agree. It was perfect for my widow (pretending to go rogue then bam!). It is tightly interwoven with the hero arc but answers a lot more questions plus beating up on a certain npc supergroup was funThe villain contact is in St. Martial and the 3rd villain arc is one of the most fun villain arcs (for me) I have ever done since City of Villains launched.
They could also have the next contact(s) for heroes or villains be in the Rikti War Zone.
I am glad they gave me that final option during the grand meeting though. That would have been a little too villainous for me if I had to do the deed.
Of course, I liked the hero arc too - especially the final mission. -
It worked. I still have Magwa as a contact along with all the Talos Island contacts. Thanks!
Katie and her friends were there to send me off too. I'm glad they didn't erase that despite what I encountered from her in First Ward. -
I've gotten past Katie Douglas in the First Ward with my Praetorian and was sorely disappointed that she didn't recognize me. If there isn't going to be any real difference between how a Praetorian experiences the zone and how a Primal experiences it then I'm hard-pressed to think of a reason why I should not just come on over so I can have all the benefits of being Primal (costume/cape missions, primal teams, supergroups, etc).
My question is, has anyone "passed over" in the middle of running the First Ward arcs? Did you get to keep your place in line? If I go visit Sheridan and travel to Talos, will I be keeping Blind Magwa as my contact or will he go the way of all my other Praetorian contacts and leave me unable to finish the story?
I assume I'll loose only the city contacts and not the First Ward contacts but I'm kind of afraid to try it because I don't want to go through those first four again just to experience the last four (currently have no intention of running them again).