Golden Girl

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  1. The petition is a useful rolling publicity item for our campaign, so we need to keep pushing it.
  2. This is what we've been saying for the past few weeks - the game isn't done yet.
  3. Golden Girl


    There's a big effort going on to try and save the game by getting NCSoft to sell it to another publisher.

    But if the worst does happen on Novemebr 30th, then there will also be a player-made and run attmept to create some kind of online sueprhero experience for the community as a spiritual successor to COH.
  4. Golden Girl

    AP33 Forever!!

    Like Penny Yin, AP33 is eternal.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Here you go:

    578 pages worth of cool costumes!
    That's not in the all-access area, so it might be better to have a thread here where everyone can post their costume.
  6. I like the way that he was still using the word "we".
  7. Negotiations are still going on, just in case anyone was interested.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    The only things I hate NCsoft for are not stepping in when it became obvious Paragon Studios wasn't growing the game, and shutting the game down completely instead of selling it.
    NCSoft already cancelled the CoH2 plans the studio were developing - it wasn't the devs who failed to grow the game.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Why would you want the people responsible for the games failure to oversee the successor ?
    We don't want NCSoft invovled at all.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    Yeah. Making a "worthy successor" isn't really up to us, is it? It requires a team of dozens of dedicated professionals working for years to put together a new game.
    Technology has moved on quite a bit since CoH was developed, and the gap between professionals and amatuers isn't so wide now.
  11. The game isn't over yet - and if the worst does happen, you'll eventually get to take to the skies again.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
    You keep mentioning that spiritual successor, but what is it? A flash game for iPhonies? A card game? A tabletop set? Champions Online? A whole new game in the early stages of development?

    If it's a secret spiritual successor, do we need some special invitation to access?
    The answers are no, no, no, never, yes, no.
  13. No matter what happens, you should still log on on November 30th - and if the worst does happen, then there will be a spiritual successor to CoH in the works.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Well it looks like CoH is done for.
    Not quite yet.
  15. At least half the studio were working on non-CoH Paragon studio projects before the closure announcement.
    For example, David Nakayama, Second Measure, Dark Watcher and Black Scorpion have all been off CoH for months now.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    That game just seems so....cheesy. I just couldn't shake CO's "B-movie" feeling in both graphics and game play whenever I tried it, versus CoH's "blockbuster" feeling. It's kind of surprising that any of the people who originally created CoH could even be remotely responsible for that thing too. I always thought to myself that the "good" ones must have stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. :P
    Well, that's pretty accurate, actually - when Cryptic started work on the Marvel MMO, and cut the CoH dev team down to just 15, those 15 were the msot committed to the game, and they formed the core of the expanded team after NCSoft took full control - and it's their passion and dedication that's kept CoH at the top of the superhero pile, while the newer titles of CO and DCUO crashed and burned.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    My brief tenure in Champion Online last night.

    LOTS of people bashing CoH players now coming into their game. God help me if I said anything positive. The developers may be welcoming us, but their community is just as snub nosed as I remember. For fifteen minutes I heard a conversation go on and on about us being attached to a sinking ship and its what we deserve, etc. etc. Not just by one player either, there were a slew jumping on the band wagon.

    As its stands, after thirty minutes of being berated and being called "Welcome aboard, good luck finding a group flunkie" (that was the most kind thing said to me) I have decided to stick to my intial reaction where this game and its community are concerned.

    For the Record, I am not a whiner, fair weather gamer, or a drowning rat. Thank you CO community for treating me like crap just because I said, "Oh, the costume generator is diffrent than CoH. Thank you for..." And then the very person that helped me slammed me with a tirade of how sucky I was for coming over now.

    Thank you Cryptic Devs for the invitiation, it was cordial and well intended. Your community, however, has a lot to learn about being civil to others. True, we stuck to CoH, but that is no reason to treat us like garbage.
    Trash attracts trash - CO has always been attractive to the dregs of the MMO world.
  18. Golden Girl


    Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
    I will miss this all so bad =(
    It's not over yet.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sinistar6000 View Post
    Please save us Naratu!

    Dear Masashi Kishimoto,

    A great game with the best MMO engine ever created is ceasing operations on November 30nd. NCSoft has decided to go in other directions and the IP of the game City of Heroes/Villians may be available for the right price. The market is ripe now for you to bring the Naratu saga to the MMO community and I can guarantee with some changes this product will dominate the market.

    The best part of this partnership between CoH and Naratu is how easy the port will be. All of the powers existing in CoH can be reclassified easily as powers in the Naratu Universe and I will go into that further later. IMO the biggest job will be changing the main map models to represent the main locations in the Naratu Universe. ( IE- Atlas Park as The Hidden Leaf) Also, we need to mold CoX/V story line and character abilities to fit the Naratu world. There are 3 major types of powers in the Naratuverse, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu. For Ninjutsu and Genjutsu activation time would have to include hand signs (which can be ported from the Ninja secondary for stalkers)

    Ninjutsu ( classification powers-
    As an example of how well CoX would port to Naratu Powers here is a list of some Nature Transformation powers (

    Lightning, Fire, Earth, Water are already existing CoH powersets and there are many wind elements in the Storm powerset! Also, when you look at the advanced types we have Wood (hello Plant control) Storm, Ice, Dark, and Magnet.

    The example of Advanced Types ( takes me to another change that would have to be made and that is opening up new paths for characters at different lvls (Jonin, chunin!!!). A young shinobi would not be able to master advanced techniques early (although they would have ninja run!) This template for character paths has already been established within Widow and Crab archtypes and to a lesser extent Patron and Epic power sets. My proposal is to open up the advanced jujitsu paths at later specific levels!

    Genjutsu ( - we already have mind control powers, illusion set, however I think there would have to be new visual effects and possibly faulty targeting system for ranged attacks, - range could also work. Some defensive powers will have a way to be immune (like unstoppable) and a pool power that could make it less ubski.

    Taijutsu ( martial arts, sstrength, street justice, energy mellee, and the new set no one has ever seen like psi melee, and that new thing for blasters and doms. Only the CoH community would know they were already in the works before you bought the IP so that = FREE DEVELOPMENT!!!

    Then there is the kicker- There is many ways you can take a character, how about patron powers for akatsuki or become one of the 7 swordsmen, or Jinjuriki!! Imagine having an animal “costume” when you go to sage mode that uses the existing animations to make the switch! This is gold in the Americas and Asia probably Europe too.

    Shadowclones- gang war that all look like the caster!!!!
    Teleport- different kinds phaseshift (like tobi) and target tp (like the golden flash).
    PvP rankings to become the Kage or the Hokage!!!!

    OMG I am a project manager for this!
    All I ask is for a lifelong subscription, I can even help with the 3d models!!!

    OK nuclear wall of text and fan boi jerk done.

    Please excuse editing, I will fine tune later just wanted to get this up for reaction.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
    Champions is lacking
    In every department.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    It may not be supporting CoH, but it is helpful for the devs that need jobs.
    Like the majority of CoH players, they probbaly have standards too.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Seriously, grow up and drop the insults.
    Suggesting CO as an alternative to CoH is an insult in itself.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I'm currently supporting COH by proposing that we encourage another studio to hire our dev's.
    That's not supporting CoH - it's trying to add some class to that 4th-rate Cryptic trash pile.