25494 -
I'll be bouncing around all the severs on Friday to be with as many people as possible.
There are only 2 ATs in CoH - Scrappers, and Scrapper Support.
That looks more like a bugged textue/misnamed file path
But at the time NCsoft was less evil than it is today - CoH was being neglected by Cryptic, and NCsoft came along with a dumper tuck full of cash and asked the devs what they wanted to spend it on.
The concept "artist" for Boobs&Sleaze doesn't seem to have ever seen a real woman - which is probably why he was hired, as he shares that status with half the game's target audience.
Quote:We will hate them until the end of time, and beyond - because even when this universe is no more, the power of our hate will still remain, and become the spark that fires the next universe into existence - and then every atom of that new universe will be born of our hatred of NCsoft, and exist only because of that hatred, and be filled with it, so that all of existence is bathed in the eternal force of our undying hate for NCsoft.Lets put it this way, even if the SaveCOH people *do* get their wish, one or two of them have said that they will never stop attacking NCsoft.
Or we might just decide to avoid purchasing anymore of their products in the future, based on their poor record of MMO closures and the way they handle them. -
Quote:With only 1 good idea out of 6, I don't think you'd make a suitable developer for a Paragon gameTo take a cue from Aion and Blade & Souls character creators!
Take a cue from those games art styles!
Keep it superhero!
Add a bit of grind!
No soloing AVs unless one actually gears up for it (much like many had to do now anyways).
Don't put stupid things like the invention system, auction house, ect as part of in game lore. Leave it purely OOC!
Hire me! -
The campagin to get our game back will continue after December 1st.
The Titan Network and Facebook wil be the best places for keeping up with the situation as it develops after December 1st.